View Full Version : I need as much information as possible...

Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Jul 18th, 2001, 04:38:10 PM
...regarding Guri.

If it fits, I have an "interesting" idea in the works.

Gurney Devries
Jul 18th, 2001, 04:51:47 PM


Darth Varlon
Jul 18th, 2001, 04:56:03 PM
Xizor's bitch assistant from Shadows of the Empire if I remember right. (I'm sure I got the right novel, however).

IG 90
Jul 18th, 2001, 04:56:03 PM
Guri is a 6 million credit female assassin droid. She was Xizor's bodyguard until she was destroyed in his castle's explosion. She has superhuman strength and speed. Will that suffice?

Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Jul 18th, 2001, 04:57:07 PM
She was destroyed? I thought she survived

Jyanis Scorpion
Jul 18th, 2001, 04:57:34 PM
Well, I just knew that Luke beat her. All I know is that she was created unnaturally but had real human tissue at least. From what I remember from SOTE Leia (supposedly) got an eerie sense from her, which is probably credit to a highly advanced droid interior.

IG 90
Jul 18th, 2001, 04:58:22 PM
I believe she did. Unless she appeared in some other book taking place Shadows of the Empire.

Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Jul 18th, 2001, 05:05:37 PM
I'd heard that she did...or at least a comic or something.

Jul 18th, 2001, 05:49:02 PM
Guri survived the events during Shadows of the Empire, and later on returned in Shadows of the Empire: Evolution, where she is trying to find her Maker. She wants to get some chip taken out that would mean she won't remember what she was built for - meaning she doesn't want to be programmed to be a ruthless killer anymore. She bumps into Han, Leia and Luke, and they don't kill her and let her go, seeing that the entire chip-removal thing has worked.

Sanis Prent
Jul 18th, 2001, 05:56:27 PM
Oh very excellent indeed :-D

Jul 18th, 2001, 06:01:11 PM
this human-replica droid was a blond-haired, blue-eyed female who served Prince Xizor. Guri was beautiful by any human standard, and she was also a highly-skilled assassin. Xizor had paid nine million credits to purchase her, and was the only one of her kind. Xizor made sure of that by exterminating her creator. She was Xizor's right arm, enforcing the crimelord's wishes and maintaining the day-to-day continuity of his enterprises. She was disptached by Xizor to assist Durga the Hutt's assassination of Jiliac, and was also responsible for bringing the traitorous leaders of Orono Shipping under control. When Xizor was killed over Coruscant when the Alliance destroyed his skyhook, it was believed that she perished in the explosion. However, Guri fled the planet and traveled alone for some time. During her private time, she decided to locate Massad Thrumble, hoping that the Imperial researcher could remove the programming that made her an assassin. Thrumble's work succeeded, but not before the Falleen Savan tried to recover Guri. Savan attempted to use a secret codephrase which Xizor had implanted in Guri's brain. Thrumble's reprogramming gave Guri enough information to recognize the phrase, but her new programming ignored it. Guri immobilized Savan and helped turn the Falleen over to the fledgling New Republic. Guri herself, no longer an assassin, fled Hurd's Moon and eventually met up with Dash Rendar. (SE, RD, SEE)

(from the Unofficial Encyclopedia)

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 18th, 2001, 10:50:36 PM
:D :D :D

Eluna Thals
Jul 19th, 2001, 11:52:21 AM