View Full Version : About the Garqi thread: RE Telan's personal fleet

Dara Shadowtide
Jul 19th, 2001, 05:50:33 PM
In the <a href=http://pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstitanicstarwarsroleplayingarchive.showMessage ?topicID=3877.topic>Garqi Planet Takeover thread</a> Admiral Telan Desaria has entered and is about to open fire on the fleet of TSE with an assortment of personal vessels he claims in his own fleet:

Super Star Destroyer - Nemesis
Imperial II Star Destroyer - Interrogator
Dreadnaught - Thrasher
3 Corellian Gunships - Thrasher, Vehemance, and Termagant

I private messaged him about links to the construction threads for this personal fleet and he said that they exist in a parallel universe in his other rpg site at <a href=http://www.ssdnemesis.cjb.net/>The New Imperial Federation Roleplaying Network</a> where he roleplays as Admiral Matt.

I guess my question is whether this fleet of his is valid here at swfans.net or not.

Reysa Sashara
Jul 19th, 2001, 05:57:41 PM
my guess is if he did not build them under SW.fans rules they dont exist, if he did but put them under a diffrent RPG network...again my guess is they dont exist ether...

Force Master Hunter
Jul 19th, 2001, 07:15:08 PM
It is NOT valid if it was not built at SWfans under the required rules.

Darth Varlon
Jul 19th, 2001, 07:15:47 PM
I would say that a fleet of such wouldn't exist at SWFans.net unless built. Perhaps a small cruiser, but nothing more than that. Or else we would see new members bringing in full sector fleets every other day, meaning that scaling down wouldn't matter. My vote is that he doesn't have the fleet unless he can show he built it here on SWFans.

Force Master Hunter
Jul 19th, 2001, 07:23:49 PM
No vote required. If it isnt built at SWFans by a recognised group, it does not exist and can not be used.

An "illegal" fleet can be used in a story (which des ont affect the over all situation) or a RP if all parties agree to it in the first place, but what Dara has highlighted is clearly not allowed unless it can be proven to have been legally built.

Guri HRD
Jul 19th, 2001, 08:19:27 PM
I concur. It would not be allowed.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Jul 19th, 2001, 08:28:17 PM
Yep ... cannot use any ships at all unless they are build under the current rules at swfans. Period.