View Full Version : New Fleets

Jul 19th, 2001, 09:27:13 PM
(This is strictly ooc and I was just wondering)

If someone wanted to create a new fleet, but completely independent, how would that one go about it with the existing rules now? I mean, build a construction yard then a shipyard, then ships? I mean, starters just don't have that kind of resources unless they take a planet which they can't anyway because they have no forces. So, how would one go about that?

Reysa Sashara
Jul 19th, 2001, 10:34:46 PM
you need to find a race that already has a planet, then build the ship yards (40 days)...then after that the contruction of there ships...are buy the ships from a customer ship yard and go raid a planet...the Via already had a planet to start of on...


Guri HRD
Jul 19th, 2001, 10:47:08 PM
You can always sign an exclusive trade agreement with the Cizerack. I'm sure they'd help you out...but then again, they aren't free :evil:

Reysa Sashara
Jul 19th, 2001, 10:49:59 PM
the Via Customer ship yards are open...feel free to buy ship sup to 1500 meters long there, other than that i cant help you man...sorry...


Force Master Hunter
Jul 19th, 2001, 11:30:26 PM
Become an official group with five members. You then have a single planet allowance, and the ability to create a yard.

Ryu Warusa
Jul 20th, 2001, 08:24:03 PM
how do we officially become a group, we have 5 members.

The Vagrant Order (http://pub84.ezboard.com/bthevagrantorder)

Oh, don't bother asking for our location on the galactic map, we aren't going to give it away. Sorry. Oh yes, before I forget, we also aren't on a planet.

Reysa Sashara
Jul 21st, 2001, 02:25:40 AM
stop stop stop, dood, you have five mebers i see, BUT it takes 40 days to build a ship yard, you can't just magic one out of the blue...plus to the fact...if you havent got a planet...were is the shipyard based...dose it just float about with you?? O_o


Force Master Hunter
Jul 21st, 2001, 02:41:56 AM
I seem to remember that argument before....

No, Reysa is correct. All shiyards MUST be bound to a planet and you dont just "have" the shipyard because you become an recognised group. The planet yes your free to place that where you want and invent what it's like, but fleets and yards, you build from scratch.

You must have your memebers post in the Recognised groups thread to be recognised.

Just one pointer on your comment about not giving the position away. If you dont want to, that is fine. But, if you OOC say where it is, that can not be used IC. Only information found IC ever counts

Ryu Warusa
Jul 21st, 2001, 09:33:20 AM
Yeah well, we were setting up the board in a hurry. If you must know its on a large asteroid, and the shipyards were built by the previous owner of the asteroid. Who wishes to remain anonymous for now. He will be stating who it is very shortly in an RP.

Jeseth Cloak
Jul 21st, 2001, 04:36:49 PM
I', part of TVO with my other character, Jerred Rez. The building of the shipyard will be RPed, so don't worry about it. We just made all of the forums quickly so it could be over and done with.

Reysa Sashara
Jul 22nd, 2001, 12:10:21 AM
i would have to serggest a number of things to you, since i have just got a team of the ground...

• Dont rush it dude, you rush it..you mess up, beleve me
• Plan Ahead, build your ship yard yes, but them plan ahead for further developments
• Start with a fleet...please if your going to syart a fleet team, get a good well organized fleet up and running and if you need ship serggestions...ask Viscera...
• And again i stress dont rush, play it cool, but do get some plimanary defences up..
• If you going to research please for god sake make it sane lol...im sure you know all this, im just warning you

i run a team at the moe were under attack by the biggest fleet based team around and its like 81 120-125 ships V 500 so for god sake, get a goos well organzied fleet up if you wish to start a fleet based team....

few pointers there...follow them and your be on ya way...


Daemon Hyfe
Jul 22nd, 2001, 01:43:17 AM
Take advantage of "spell checker", Reysa.

Force Master Hunter
Jul 22nd, 2001, 01:54:43 AM

I don gve a dan abot th spll chcker. If he maes a gof pont, who crew abot sleling?

Daemon Hyfe
Jul 22nd, 2001, 01:56:29 AM