View Full Version : Official complaint

Jul 29th, 2001, 05:21:22 PM
SiekenKasstra: again...i serggest you leave my group
SiekenKasstra: goodbye
Tev Loneglade: again, I dont want to leave
SiekenKasstra: well its to late
SiekenKasstra: im letting you go
Tev Loneglade: I didnt know your guys were supposed to be the Predators of SWFans
SiekenKasstra: well we are
SiekenKasstra: but under the armour we are Viashino
Tev Loneglade: I think youre being rash not even listening to my side of the story, because I DINT GET THE IDEA
Tev Loneglade: FROM YOU
Tev Loneglade: we arent even gonna become a visible group for a long LONG time, you guys dont even have to encounter us ever
SiekenKasstra: you have the same armour as us...we can see you we destroy you
Tev Loneglade: just as a point, have you noticed how many Sith groups there are? Unknown alien groups? renegades? corporations? What does it matter if its just another gorpu, for Gods sake our groups could be freidns if were that similar
SiekenKasstra: nah
SiekenKasstra: you will be domanized and destroyed
Tev Loneglade: you dont know we even exist IC
SiekenKasstra: so?
SiekenKasstra: ill send probs
Tev Loneglade: youd have to take down TDD to
SiekenKasstra: then sobe it
Tev Loneglade: anyways, you cant do it, you dont have the resources
Tev Loneglade: big war with GMA
Tev Loneglade: you guys would most likely be destroyed
Tev Loneglade: by GMA
SiekenKasstra: nah
SiekenKasstra: now your out the group i have more room to expand
SiekenKasstra: when we re-build
SiekenKasstra: yopu will be demolized
Tev Loneglade: can we talk about this?
SiekenKasstra: no
Tev Loneglade: how come?
SiekenKasstra: again
SiekenKasstra: goodbye and goodluck with your team

He kicked me out with his idea that I copied hios ideas, I didnt.
Its not fair.
BTW, I'm...was....Zirilan of the Claw

Jul 29th, 2001, 05:26:36 PM
Can you elaborate on what the problem is? Are you saying that you were kicked out of a group because of a disagreement?

Jul 29th, 2001, 05:32:08 PM
He claimed that because they were the unofficial and, to me, unknown Predators of the SWFans universe, and that they used the Predator armour, that my whole board was copied from them./

I got the idea and I realized from my own experiences that hed be rash about it, I just think that kicking someone out because they didnt follow some unknown to tto the second party ideal.
I created my Yautja(Predator) board 'cus I wanted to.
Plainly and simply.
And he kicked me out because of it.

Jul 29th, 2001, 05:32:56 PM
Besides, hes been threatening to throw me out because he didnt like my style of RPing at a board.

Jul 29th, 2001, 05:36:04 PM
Quite frankly, I don't see how there's anything I or any of the other SWFans Moderators/Admins can do. If he weilds such absolute power of the group that he can discharge members on a whim, then that's his prerogative.

Bazaar Jawa
Jul 29th, 2001, 05:39:54 PM
I dont want him to take me back., I just want to say its not fair and that its not right.

Force Master Hunter
Jul 29th, 2001, 06:53:25 PM
I understand your complaint, but what happens on other boards and internally in groups is not for SWFans Mods or admins. We only have juristiction what happens right here.

Zirilan of the Claw
Jul 29th, 2001, 07:16:28 PM
forget it.

Reysa Sashara
Jul 29th, 2001, 07:25:27 PM
clearly not telling you everything here, he has mislaid the areas of more importance such as constent use of laungage to fellow team mates and higher ranked Via..BUT his aplogie was accepted and we are now fine

Ogre Mal Pannis
Jul 29th, 2001, 10:11:18 PM
Frankly, anything that was said in AIM is none of our concern unless there is evidence or admission of infiltration, and even then AIM conversations alone are not evidence enough. We are the Mods and Admins of what occurs at these forums, not the AIM police.

You aren't getting along with someone in AIM, its your prerogative to block, ignore, or work it out with them, no business of ours, and unnecessary to bring it to the attention of everyone here.

Valk Twilight
Jul 30th, 2001, 02:43:43 PM
Tev...Tev....Tev...Thats not that annoying kid that kept bothering me in TGE and TMF is it?