View Full Version : Star Wars Galaxies

Gormul Hyfe
Aug 5th, 2001, 02:13:35 AM

Check out the site and read the FAQ.

This is the coolest crap since... me.

Sanis Prent
Aug 5th, 2001, 02:17:54 AM
Not exactly the early bird, are ya Hyfey? :p

Gormul Hyfe
Aug 5th, 2001, 02:23:03 AM
Bah! I just realized what time it is. I've been reading all kinds of crazy ramblings by my mentor. Course, he doesn't know he's my mentor. He hates me.

But trust me Sanis, if you think I'm a bastard, you'd love this guy.

Deli knows Soothfast. :p

Aug 5th, 2001, 02:27:17 AM

He's awesome. I like Harold, too. He's a wacko.

Gormul Hyfe
Aug 5th, 2001, 02:34:29 AM
Ah, you frequent the Dark Tower (or whatever it's called now)? I haven't posted there in well-over a year. Mara introduced me to those forums some time ago. It was a bit over my head at the time. I may fit in better now, but I've never got the time to stop in there.

But I remember Harold also... the beersausage, the lawnknome, etc. And there was someone like... mjb? Was that his name? That might be it. He's a pretty strange guy as well.

Ah, great place though.

Aug 5th, 2001, 05:49:13 AM
I'm losing intrest in this. First they put in Zabrack, which means hundreds of Darth Maul wannabes, and then they put Yacvin IV in as a planet

Sanis Prent
Aug 5th, 2001, 12:42:00 PM
Oh trust me....I know soothfast, harold, and all the folks. I used to frequent there quite often.

Aug 5th, 2001, 01:16:11 PM
*remembers she needs to visit the Dark Tower again*

Aug 7th, 2001, 09:04:49 PM
Holy crap. I forgot about the Dark Tower :-p

Daemon Hyfe
Aug 7th, 2001, 11:55:31 PM
I didn't know that many people went there. I only posted there like a dozen times about a year and a half ago, but I used to read all the threads there.

Some really funny/crazy people were there back then: Sauron (soothfast), mj, Fred (friendly), uh... yeah, nevermind. They were hillarious though.

Aug 8th, 2001, 02:45:15 AM
:: goes off to read the Dark Tower series ::

Daemon Hyfe
Aug 8th, 2001, 12:42:11 PM