View Full Version : Guardsmen...

Sanis Prent
Aug 8th, 2001, 12:49:40 AM
...I will be gracious, and take this to the OOC forum.

Now, your turn to be gracious, and not pay your departure from Coruscant mere lip service. That isn't how we do things here...and if you want to RP at SWFans...you have to go to point B if you want to travel from A to C.

Guardsman Kylx Mirran
Aug 8th, 2001, 01:09:51 AM
[c]<font color=white size=2>[i]The first post was past-tense. It ended with the Guards vanishing without a trace after killing someone whom was completely made up.

Sanis Prent
Aug 8th, 2001, 01:11:54 AM
I am very much involved in that thread. Assume nothing.

And yes, if you want to have a little romp through Coruscant and naively expect no such intervention, maybe closed topics are just your speed.

Guardsman Kylx Mirran
Aug 8th, 2001, 02:03:49 AM
[c]<font color=white size=2>[i]This thread was based on a 2nd historic gathering of the Imperial Royal Guard -- It's survivors, anyway, -- on Yinchorr, following the 1st, which was the betrayal of Carnor Jax.

Morgan Evanar
Aug 8th, 2001, 02:22:46 AM
Please, if you are going to post in out of character, quit using italics unless its for specific word emphasis. It makes it decidedly more difficult to read.

Aug 8th, 2001, 02:43:27 AM
And Bold Text. That's even harder on the eyes.

Force Master Hunter
Aug 8th, 2001, 02:47:21 AM
And centering all text. That sends me crosseyed

Aug 8th, 2001, 06:09:19 AM
If you chose to RP here, I would suggest you go and read the Roleplaying FAQ, and then abide by the rules we have. Otherwise there is always the option everyone has of simply ignoring you.

Guardsman Kylx Mirran
Aug 8th, 2001, 11:14:54 AM
If you would be so kind, please c/p what rule of SWFans was broken in the Guardsman thread..

Director Ysanne Isard
Aug 8th, 2001, 11:16:19 AM
[i][b]<blockquote><font color="C3CDA6">
Normally, I make it a point to not post at swfans, I do however read some of the threads being posted here by friends of mine, and enjoy the stories they tell in those threads.

Pierce Tondry
Aug 8th, 2001, 11:59:52 AM
Perhaps you should mind your own threads and leave the others alone, especially since they haven't done anything wrong, against any rules, or against anyone else here.

The problem is that SWFans was minding its' own threads, in particular one Operation Apocalypse: Building of Monsters. Though I was not online at the time and was unable to see the posts in question, it is my understanding that the Guardsmen did break rules by abruptly infiltrating TSE's HQ. When the Guardsmen were called to carpet on it, one of them (Kir Kanos) apologized and calmed down. Kylx Mirran did not, and used language that can easily be described as abrasive and inflammatory regarding the situation.

Although I do not know the nature of the problem this thread regards, I'm fairly sure I'll learn soon enough. I will not prejudge and say that I'm certain the Guardsmen caused it with their lack of experience, but I will say that Sanis Prent is well-regarded here at SWFans, and it has been my experience that he does not usually harass, attack, or even get negatively involved with people he does not personally have a problem with. Therefore, my opinion is that his complaint at the beginning of this thread has some kind of validity.

Jeseth Cloak
Aug 8th, 2001, 12:00:50 PM
I don't like the centered text, italics, or bold font when it's used constantly... however, it's their choice to write however they wish. I would think that what Morgan, Nupraptor, and FMH were meaning to communicate is that it generally makes it easier (and more enjoyable) for others to read things if you take their suggestions into consideration. I've read some of what the guardsmen have been posting and to be honest I did enjoy some of it, I just wish it weren't such a head ache to actually make it through a post written with their unique and rather eye-jabbing style. -_-

Aug 8th, 2001, 02:12:51 PM
which by the way, obviously didn't involve you or include youPresumptuous little lass, aren't you? You're attempting to dictate to the other posters here what does and doesn't concern them? The thread in question is in the Roleplaying forum, which means that it's open to anyone. And if someone decides that it concerns them, then it does.
You have no right to force your own ways onto others simply because you don't like the way someone posts.I wasn't dictating, I was asking. Had I felt so inclined, I could have edited the post and removed said effects. But I didn't, because I have no right to.

Morgan Evanar
Aug 8th, 2001, 03:11:19 PM
Those Royal Guards that you have so 'graciously' found a way to harass with OOC bs happen to be among the best rp'ers I've seen in the past 3 years of being on the internet, not only at the boards, but also in the rpg rooms found on the TalkCity server.

Whether you think they are good RPers or not is completely irrelevant. What matters is that they are not playing by the rules HERE. And I doubt, had they responded with "Oh. Thats how you do it here?" Sanis would have jumped on him.

This isn't TalkCity. This is SWFans. Play by our rules, and we won't give you flak. Keep it up and mess with things people have been planning for quite a while, and we'll collectively find a way to make your lives miserable.

And my eyeballs are still mighty mad at your odd text formatting.

Director Ysanne Isard
Aug 8th, 2001, 03:39:43 PM
[i][b]<font color="C3CDA6"><blockquote>
First of all, I didn't say this was TC, I also stated that they were among the best rper's at the boards. Don't mix my words. Second of all, since Kylx Mirrian had stated something along of the lines of their rp not including the one originally complaining, I obviously didn't need to assume anything. It has been my experience over the past 3 years of posting at the boards, that when a thread is open to all, it is stated either in the first post in the ((OOC)) brackets or in the title of the thread; same holds true for threads that are closed. Out of common courtesy, unless a thread is posted as OPEN TO ALL, I will simply read it, I will not post in it. If while reading it, I see an opening where I might like to join in, I will contact those involved in the thread and ask if I may participate as well. So, please...don't jump down my throat for stating the fact that their thread obviously didn't include you or concern you. Third, did you ever stop to think that Kanos and Kylx were simply having fun with an rp that more than likely could have involved many with their attack on the TSE HQ, or whatever it is they are accused of attacking. Oh, and by the way, please don't address me as a 'little lass'. I haven't addressed anyone here by any name that hasn't been their character name, so please don't address me as anything other than my character name. Thank you.

Guardsman Kylx Mirran
Aug 8th, 2001, 03:45:38 PM
Again, to avoid further conflict, will someone c/p where, from the Gathering of the Guards thread, the rules of SWFans were broken?

Gav Mortis
Aug 8th, 2001, 04:08:16 PM
Although I'm unsure on this - I think what you are being accused of is not acknowledging a fellow roleplayers actions in an open roleplay(ie. it was posted in the Roleplay forum).

If I were to guess, I'd say you failed to acknowledge this rule:

* Give roleplayers a chance to respond.

To an extent, as Fena, in his post had doubled patrol numbers and had established a fleet over the planet to control the traffic in hope of discovering who were the Prince's killers. However, in one simple sentance, a certain Gaurdsman Donavin Styx had left the planet in his ship and entered hyperspace, on his way home.

The Guardsman remembers his training, and sets his course to join his brothers once again upon Yinchorr. His course laid in, he sets off, a new legend certain to begin....

This completely ignores the fact that the patrols throughout the planet had been doubled and the fleet in orbit of Coruscant. Why it was ignored is uncertain. And thus, the sin of the following has been committed:

a) 'God Moding' - this involves doing something in character which is impossible, or that gives you an unfair advantage. For instance throwing a mountain at someone, destroying their Imperial Star Destroyer in one post, or wiping out a planet by clicking some fingers. These sorts of things are not appreciated.

I may be wrong but I think that is what this whole fiasco is over.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 8th, 2001, 04:12:08 PM
From what I can see, you ignored the post made by Sanis. So ... there is your rule. Role playing forum is open to all and to not react to another post is a form of moding.

If you wanted no one to be in that thread or not be a part of it, that is what the Storytelling is for. It is written clearly in the FAQ and forum descriptions.

So ... anyone can become very much indeed part of ANY thread in RP forum.

Guardsman Kylx Mirran
Aug 8th, 2001, 04:44:09 PM
I cannot speak for Styx, but i stated clear as day Kylx Mirran had vanished without a trace the very first post in that thread.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 8th, 2001, 06:01:52 PM
Fena is Sanis. That clears up that and sorry about that confusion. I wasn't clear :)

Movies are one thing ... Roleplaying is another. There is no way to compare the two since they are different art forms. If someone wanted to insert them in your RP as Sanis/Fena did ... then you need to acknowledge that. Yes it stinks but I've had threads ruined by people coming into them .. RPed out or not. -_- You just have to go with the flow unless you want certain people in the thread, then make it closed. Otherwise RP forum is fair game for anything that is within the rules

Guardsman Kylx Mirran
Aug 8th, 2001, 06:41:56 PM
I have absolutely no problem with him entering the thread.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 8th, 2001, 06:49:26 PM
well .. you have no problem with it yet you say this?

Further more, you aren't involved in that thread in the slightest, so what is your problem?

for that reason alone I am in this thread. If you really mean you have no problem with him in that thread, there was no reason to say that.

The idea is working together and you set the tone in this thread with that answer. I was stating the rules that is all. Making sure people are clear. Now .. this is between you and Sanis/Fena ... unless you all start boxing each other.

Guardsman Kylx Mirran
Aug 8th, 2001, 07:03:51 PM
Keep in mind, i didn't know Saris and Fena were one in the same at that time.

Aug 8th, 2001, 07:06:02 PM
Be aware that Sanis/Fena posted this yesterday morning:

pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstit...=882.topic (http://pub2.ezboard.com/fswvstitanicfrm15.showMessage?topicID=882.topic)

Force Master Hunter
Aug 8th, 2001, 08:13:39 PM
This is beginning to make me crosseyed.

Hello new people, I am one of the admins here as well as one of the longer standing players here. You are quite welcome, but I would draw your attention to what has gotten everyone here hackled up.

a) Dont expect to come here proclaiming how good you are and expect us to accept it. we have seen it all before and for the main, such people have been trouble makers. The really good players slip in and become regarded as good over time by what they do. Thence, we tend to smack down proclaimers very fast. I see you are not the normal newbies, so I would recommend you take this to heart. Show us how good you are. We respect talent, so show off how good you are

b) This, as stated, is not Talkcity or any other board. This is SWFans and we do thing our way, with our own quirks and odd ways. We have few rules and we like it that way. Thence, we insist if you are here, it's done by our rules. I think, if you stick around you will see the common sense in what we do and why we do things in the manner we do. We have had problems in the pat with people who ran contrary and deliberatly stirred trouble until banned. Please read the Roleplay FAQ and I personally dont think you have to really change much to be accepted for what you do

I would recommend you read a post Pierce Tondry made elsewhere in the forum. It places forward something I think you would do well to read and understand.

Thank you for your attention.

Reysa Sashara
Aug 8th, 2001, 08:31:40 PM
Im sorry but i feel i need to interveine here...Reysa Sasahra Viashino Grand General..Mr Gaurdsmen..Sanis is a friend, and i read nearly all of his RPs weather they concern me or not or even if i dont even join in...Pardon the expresson he is one of the Best RPers on this baord and your a new guy here..about 5 ppl have told you how we play here at SW.fans all were asking is that you play by them and get along with us rather than argue..if you are new here and many older plays such as FMH and Sanis, and Morgan are trying to ADVICE you so you can play more fairly...take that advice into hand and work on the RP with that advice rather and sit here argueing with older players who have more exprrernce here and who are only trying to help..THUS solving the complete problem...


Force Master Hunter
Aug 8th, 2001, 09:48:11 PM
Ummm... we didnt need another me too post dude. It only inflames things.

Aug 8th, 2001, 11:01:32 PM
Yeah. I think we all know both sides of the story by now.

And I don't think a thread like this can be closed. If a call goes out to all Royal Guards, it can be intercepted. I am, or was, a Royal Guard once. That would qualify me to join the thread, even though I wouldn't have been invited. Besides, I've seen a good deal of Carnor Jax' and Kir Kanos' in my day, any of whom could feel free to join in.

Oh, and by the way, Yinchorr used to be the site of an Imperial Stormtrooper training facility, and I suspect it still is. Might want to factor that in.

Varen Windu
Aug 9th, 2001, 12:20:50 AM
Speaking for myself...

Yes, I'm/we're new, and trying to learn the ropes. I realize I'm far from the best -- which I've never actually even claimed, this being my second OOC post, discounting the brief corrections regarding Sanis' queries -- and haven't intentionally caused any disarray. I also realize that if I want to go anywhere in these forums I can't be pissing everyone off.

'Course we're going to screw up at first. I've had very little exposure to EZBoard and these rules are completely foreign. We're still adjusting, and welcome correction to our missteps, but in a productive manner -- unlike what I've seen, having branded us wanna-be badasses and God-moders, etc.

Anyway, I'm taking this opportunity, out-of-character, to apologize and 'straighten up my act'; I'm not out to make enemies after being here only a few days.

And Piett, Yinchorr was where the training facilities of the Imperial Royal Guard was located, not Imperial Stormtroopers. That was, if memory serves, Caridia, or something... can't remember the name, but the one Kyp Durron blew up.

Guardsman Kir Kanos
Aug 9th, 2001, 12:25:08 AM
I wasn't aware I was under my other character nick. Just goes to show how novice I really am.

It's no secret; I reported both character names before applying for membership at the GJO... so you all know.

Hart Kenobi
Aug 9th, 2001, 12:51:44 AM
Well, this wasn't the nicest way to welcome someone here :) Welcome.

Anyway, not mentioning which side I would've taken, this discussion probably should've been argued out by just the two of them (they both are intelligent enough to have handled it eventually) and not a huge gang-up on one person.

Falleen Prince Xizor
Aug 9th, 2001, 05:05:53 PM
First of all, let me just take the proper time to have a chuckle to myself.........

Ok....now that that is out of the way. Gav Mortis, where in Guardsman Donavin Styx's post did it say he was on Coruscant? From what I can tell his location was not given at all. Just the fact that he was standing amidst rubble, finished dealing with Imperial Traitors. Now, if you had abandoned your post in the Empire, do you believe you would have hidden on Coruscant? I highly doubt that.

Second, I see nothing wrong with that. It's mystery adds to the story. No actual RPers where attacked or damaged so I say....More power to ya bro!

edited out over 30k sig

Aug 10th, 2001, 11:55:21 AM
Varen, I know that. I've been playing a Royal Guard for well over a year. The Stormtrooper facility was put up in the SWfans galaxy. A long while after Jax betrayed the order.

Guardsman Kir Kanos
Aug 10th, 2001, 01:31:31 PM
Then that makes a bit more sense.

And, yes, Piett, I know recognize the name. I, too, am a long-time Guard. I served in the DLRG under DeathGuard ages ago, and have since played Kanos/Kil at TC.

Guardsman Kir Kanos
Aug 10th, 2001, 01:33:48 PM
And Hart, thank you.

You are Hart Kenobi as well as Hart4357 (some number) in the GJO, yes?