View Full Version : Listen, Newbloods.
Morgan Evanar
Aug 11th, 2001, 01:59:56 AM
I don't give two beans how established elsewhere you are.
THIS IS SWFANS Roleplaying. That is not a debateable issue. We have a good number of established roleplayers who do certain things certain ways. If it happens to be a name from any starwars backround, he who posted first wins. If you have a problem with that, contact the person who plays that character.
I'm really tired of you people touting how established you are, when you have barely posted here. What you did elsewhere means very little here. And if you feel like you are being attacked, you are. It's my counter-strike to the crap you people have been pulling for the past two weeks. If you don't like how we do things, leave.
Play by our rules, an we'll pretty much let you go about your bussiness. But if you continue to attack our methods, ways, and especially our roleplayers, I'm going to make it my personal mission to make you miserable until you straighten yourselves out or leave.
Lady DeVille
Aug 11th, 2001, 03:02:26 AM
*hands him a plate with cheesecake on it* here, its finally done. ;)
Rama Sha
Aug 11th, 2001, 03:09:43 AM
* Feels a "Status at other roleplaying boards not associted with SWFANS are non-transferable" Rule coming. *
Jeseth Cloak
Aug 11th, 2001, 03:34:16 AM
That would be nice... except how do you decide what is not associated? I mean sometimes it can be clear cut, but I've seen a lot of related boards which allow cross over from non RPs, meaning that those places would be strange to rule on, right?
Live Wire
Aug 11th, 2001, 03:43:38 AM
preach on brother!
Darth Turbogeek
Aug 11th, 2001, 03:53:51 AM
SWfans is the Galaxy of the RP. Anyone NOT in that Galaxy doesnt count one iota. Things done by acknowledged groups on related boards are counted, because they are done IN THE SWFANS GALAXY, even if not done right here.
Say if someone got killed at GJO - that would count here, because GJO is part of the SWFans Galaxy.
BUT... nothing at TCG or TalkCity counts. You do have a good point tho, cause the SWFans Galaxy extends out to so many forums and groups, it's bloody hard to keep track of it all.
Aug 11th, 2001, 03:58:19 AM
Del and I....mostly Del try to keep the SWFans galaxy somewhat organized and linked to at the RPG Network Database: (
Jeseth Cloak
Aug 11th, 2001, 05:34:43 AM
I only brought it up because I've seen some GJO and TSO threads which include people crossing over from TGC onto those boards... and it's allowed or at the very least acknowledged by enough people to make it problematic when considering those boards to be part of's galaxy.
Aug 11th, 2001, 06:10:54 AM
Yes, well, that's where I see the complication - there are quite a few people around who cross-over between TGC and SWfans. And as much as most here don't seem to count TGC in, it would be highly unfair to those that do RP there as well as here, if their work there was not counted.
But it's like that with any other board. Anyone could come, much like the Guards, or DYI, and say they have established themselves on another board and therefore wish to be taken seriously here; there will always be people around who will accept that for what it is, simply because it's always been that way. I've come across a few around here who have characters whose development was based on boards that came before SWfans, and no one seems all too bothered if they simply go on playing what they are.
But not a long time ago, I believe it was made a kind of unwritten rule that this is a type of Godmoding. There are a lot of people here who have worked long and hard to make their characters what they are now - they've spent long months going through training, trials, they've established a history for themselves; only to be pushed aside by those who think the rules do not apply to them.
We've got a few examples for that running around - characters that can't explain their background, or where they get their power from. And this means Admins of SWfans AND the groups that are associated with it (as established in <a href=>SWFans recognized groups</a>) should keep a closer eye on members, to see that situations like these are prevented. But it won't always be possible to do.
And for that - yes, I think we should put it down in black and white in the FAQ that the history and background of characters on SWfans has precedence over any others. This is not a hostile move towards any other SW RPG Communities, or a decision based on the thought that we would be better than any other community out there, but a way to preserve what we have here, and keep the peace. Apart from being common sense that people who have established their character and who have reached a certain amount of credibility with it, will not react very well if they feel themselves threatened by someone else of the same character - I don't think SWfans is the only community that would think so; another community wouldn't like for anyone here to come and declare themselves powerful enough to walk in and destroy one of their own established characters/base/group/ etc. over there, either. It's just not good taste to do that, no matter how righteous they might think they are in their claim that they are an established character. As Morgan said - it has to be one established in the SWfans Galaxy, not one somewhere else.
If the people posting at both TGC and here fall short of that, then that's a problem - but not one that can't be overcome if these problems are discussed.
Director Ysanne Isard
Aug 11th, 2001, 01:22:42 PM
This is for Del only, so I would appreciate no comments or yet more attacks in response to this post.
Del, I publicly apologize for the statement I made against your rp skills/posts, whatever you want to call it. I was quite upset with being accused of being a clone of your character and then reading a post stating that 'clones' should be killed off and the 'originals' left to live, and I know you didn't say anything against my character, but others here have. I took that as a direct attack on my character. I also didn't appreciate being accused of claiming to be the Director of Imperial Intelligence for THIS board; a claim I never once made. I had stated my intentions clearly in the two posts I had made at a friends thread and if anyone had bothered to actually read them instead of skimming them over, they would have seen that as well.
Aug 11th, 2001, 01:33:41 PM
in that case, I should apologise to you for going off on one
Aug 11th, 2001, 03:23:26 PM
I believe enough has been said about this entire matter. I can see your point of view, but I didn't exactly appreciate you coming after me and saying that I didn't know how to RP that character, just because some of the comments here made by others riled you. If you have a problem with the way I play a character, tell me so myself. I remember seeing you post on RSO a while ago, and I don't remember anything good there either from your statements about Isard, or me. Forgive me if I remember it incorrectly, however - it is a long time ago, and a lot of things have passed and I didn't think it important enough to remember back then.
I'm not getting any more into this, because it does not serve any purpose. One thing I've got to say however is this: for the past 5 or 6 months, I've been trying to find ways to help this community interact better with one another, because the way I see it there are too many people around here with multiple characters born simply out of the need for certain characters to help them in an RP. The RPG Database has a forum for just one purpose: to help people find the characters they're looking for - characters that already exist and are played by someone around here.
How complicated would it have been for any of the people involved in the RP to maybe ask around if there isn't one Isard here already - or, if they knew - to ask me if I would have minded if you'd joined them as Isard in that RP? My e-mail is in the profile, or someone could have left a message for me either here or on the Intel board. If more people would be a little more forthcoming and open around here, this entire situation might have been avoided. I wouldn't have minded if I had known, but this felt a lot like someone was trying to push me - and Intel - into a corner; if you had contacted me before, I could have told you some things that might have turned this entire problem around.
But That doesn't matter anymore now. I accept your apology - and I hope that in the future it won't happen again.
Director Ysanne Isard
Aug 11th, 2001, 04:40:30 PM
Fine, done and over. Just one thing. They probably didn't ask you because they don't know you. And two, maybe they didn't know there was a forum on some other board where they could look for someone to help them out. And, it was a last minute request by this person that I come post a few times in their thread. Had anyone actually bothered to read the two posts I did make for that friend, they would have clearly seen exactly how I portrayed Isard and in no way did it threaten your portrayal of the same character here.
The thread "An Isard Question" certainly could have been posed in another way, instead of posting it in a way that was easily misunderstood as a form of attack. Now, I had apologized and admitted my wrong, and to be honest I don't see why the other thread still continues to drag on, especially since I have clearly stated repeatedly what my char's intentions were, rp'd it out properly in the thread, and left until some starting attack the Isard that I play. In that same thread, I have also been asking if they were all done with their nitpicking yet and still they continue, leaving me in the position to still defend myself.
I harbor no ill-feelings towards anyone here, and have been trying to let this char leave, but those who keep putting her on the defending end won't let it drop.
I bid you all a good day, enjoy your rp'ing here....
Guardsman Kir Kanos
Aug 11th, 2001, 05:24:43 PM
Evaner, I would ask why you chose to bring the subject -- already thoroughly discussed and resolved in multiple threads -- in such a belligerent, contentious manner, but, frankly, I don't care.
These matters have already been entertained. We need not another heated, endless debate about us 'newbies' unworth. Let's just RPG, shall we? Those who are staying -- that not being Isard -- have already agreed to adhere to any rules and regulations... and when have I flaunted my exploits in another RPG (rhetorical)?
Jedi Order Holocron
Aug 11th, 2001, 06:49:00 PM
I believe he created this thread to warn EVERY SINGLE new roleplayer and not just yourself. Do not assume it was fully directed at you.
Varen Windu
Aug 11th, 2001, 07:30:48 PM
I believe he was addressing Isard, myself and my fellow Guardsmen. But, perhaps I'm mistaken. He named an awful lot of mishaps our little troop has been accused of, so figured...
Varen Windu
Aug 11th, 2001, 07:39:38 PM
Again, I've screwed up and posted in the OOC forum with the wrong ID. Consider the above to be posted by Guardsman Kir Kanos, not Varen Windu. Thank you.
slayn rainyer
Aug 12th, 2001, 03:16:03 AM
Kir you should remember some people might not read every thread...I'm absolutely sure Morgan was making sure his message got across to everyone;Myself and outer new bloods included...
Further more why hold a grudge.Let it go rp and have fun:)
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