View Full Version : RE Operation Apocalypse
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 3rd, 2001, 12:17:07 PM
I wasn't on last night so have no idea what is going on.
here is the thread ( ?topicID=3947.topic)
First ... I want to know what happened, two ... from what I read at TSE ... it was approved by an admin to have those posts deleted, three ... let us try and keep this from becoming a flame thread since it was starting to degrade into one in the RP forum.
Jedah Lynch
Aug 3rd, 2001, 12:56:40 PM
Two of three individuals arrived and immediately infiltrated the place. How they could do that is a good guess, a person doesnt just waltz past defenses, security networks, fleets and get to a place ready to sabotage it that easy.
If that was the case it would be a frequent occurance with everything being destroyed constantly by anyone as if they were god.
All in all it was three maybe four seperate post back to back in the late hours of the night. In other words it was a nice piece of god moding. Especially since was informed they did it to "make a mark"
In other words its like a newbie coming in and taking out one of the bigs guns ships/planets etc to make themselves look good without knowing how things actually operate around here.
I posted in the thread and after talking with DT agreed it was out of line. The post were thus deleted and I edited my original post to state they had god moded and such things would not be tolerated as according to the rules.
Guardsman Kir Kanos
Aug 3rd, 2001, 01:26:07 PM
All of those variables - that is, how we successfully outmaneuvered your securities - were addressed in the posts, Jedah. Royal Guards are experts in covert infiltration (again, as stated before). But no matter. No harm no foul. We only meant to execute a in-and-out to let our presence be known, and possibly bring about possible future enterprises in role-playing between your organization and ours. I didn't actually see Jax's very last post, so I don't know what was said; something to the effect of 'we can either be your enemies or your allies; your choice'.
Our posts coming in succession was in the interest of coordination between our two characters. No one likes reading a ten-paragraphed post. We could have condensed them all into one post, but diffused them in hopes of not losing interest.
There was no interaction between your characters and ours until the last postings, which was where we expected reactions -- I hadn't seen that as God-moding, but you're entitled to your opinion.
If we've detracted from your RPG, you have our condolences.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 3rd, 2001, 01:38:01 PM
Learned a little more of what has happened besides these posts*
Well, one long post or posts in succession without having the other party given time to react isn't fair. The boards have rules and nothing happens on the minute every minute.
Infiltrating anyone's base does not happen that way.
Aug 3rd, 2001, 01:39:55 PM
A question. Do you either IC or OOC even know where the TSE HQ is located, not just the world it is on, but also where upon the world?
A point: Single posts that place you inside such a facility, whether someone new or vetran, do fall under the clasification of God-Mode. Thus breaking one of the three rules here at SWFans in my opinion, which seems to match that of the administrator, FMH, from last evening.
Guardsman Carnor Jax
Aug 3rd, 2001, 05:40:44 PM
[c]<font color=white size=2>[i]I planned to explain how we entered the building on our way out with brief flash-backs and exiting the same way from which we came. Thus, not using such a basic and standard form of story-telling, but rather reversing the order in which i wrote how it unfolded.
Force Master Hunter
Aug 3rd, 2001, 06:18:25 PM
Then, if you knew they would have been protests, why didnt you put how you got in first? Why not contact one of the Sith Lords and say something first? There are plenty of ways I can think of that would have allowed you to keep going.
How do we know what you said you planned was going to happen? If you had somethign like that planned, then the simple consideration of contacting some one and a explaination or a OOC note would have helped you a lot. Instead, what we see is someone appearing inside a facility that is supposed to be extremely heavily guarded (as noted in the thread) and then proceeding to "make your mark" as you put it. HOW are people supposed to react?
I dont see why a simple contact or a OOC note could not have been done to avoid problems like this, ESPECIALLY if you intended to write it as you described. Otherwise, simply appearing inside a well guarded facility without explaination is indeed God Moding.
Aug 3rd, 2001, 06:50:37 PM
I fail to see how it is possible for a character with no more than 5 posts here on SWFans could know the location of the TSE HQ on an IC basis. I have a feeling there is a personal motivation behind this, which has nothing to do with actual RP.
Ofcourse, before this could be accomplished, the `Mighty Sith Lords` of TSE turned to freak-out mode, and has the posts deleted.
Attempting to slander people and cover your own hide with excuses after the fact, really seems to point me that way. And in that slander you show how little you really do know of TSE or of the positions the individuals who brought forth concerns, are in.
Jedah Lynch
Aug 3rd, 2001, 06:54:47 PM
Actually I'm a Sith Master. So it would be mighty Sith Master. But thanks for noticing how great I'am:) Sure everyone else in TSE will be glad to know you think so highly of them too.
And as for us getting you stopped, the admins even called you godmoding. In other words you were going to be stopped one way or another at some point. Even if you had help the way you went about this was god moding. Thats the way it is. You dont have to like it but its the matter and your going to have to face that.
We cant do such post to the Jedi, the Jedi can not do such post to GMA and GMA can not do such post to the Via.
There are rules here and a sense of Role playing that is not at talk city. I would advise you to learn them. There are differences in how things are done here and there.
Overall though still havent seen you say you know what planet it is on or where the TSE is located. You say you had help. I could say I sneak into the Jedi place and had help, only way that could stand is if actually proved did have help and ID of the person who would need to show themselves. Otherwise no way in hell I could do that and I'm a Sith Master, that rank means I'm no push over, but there are limits to everything.
Doesnt matter if you were trained by the emperor himself. You could be Muhammad Imar Bruce Lee. Doesnt matter, a person isnt able to get into a groups base as you did it, you god moded. God moding isnt allowed. You can argue the point but overall it only makes yourself look worse.
I waited and gave time for reply and saw no such posts, so i continued.
That was posted in the thread. Exactly how long do you consider enough time to reply? Most of your post were half an hour to an hour apart if that. And even then late at night. Do you expect many to be around at that time? There are time zones and few can be around when others are. Unlike the chats where things are done quickly threads here can be worked on and RPed out for days, weeks or even months.
A person cant simply destroy a place or go about for a walk though its halls, especially when the post are made back to back as you people did. Even the ample time has to be given if you wish to blow anything up. Believe it is something like two or three days. And thats a rule so people dont god mode or unfairly go mad on any group no matter who they are.
If you did want to do a RP with us at TSE then as FMH said it would have been little trouble to contact us. State what you wanted and how you wanted to proceed. If accepted it could have been done. The same goes for just about anyone.
The Jedi even destroyed TSE's HQ once which led to a new one. So TSE dont always win. Back then when they attacked to us I even said in SO about it we were screwed which we were. *LOL* Wasnt much we could do to stop them and didnt whine about it because we knew it was fair. They did a good RP and did it well. How could complain about it?
TSE is in a good position for several reasons. One it is one of the oldest groups here so its been able to build itself up and get a reputation for good or ill, two it has had some very damn good capable people who thought out for the future and planned when many didnt. Everything TSE has gotten it has earned and many worked like hell to get it where the group is. Maybe TSE has had some good luck. Who can say. But luck does run out and its had its problems at that like any group.
TSE isnt invincible and no doubt it will have losses. That is inevitable. It might be a big group but the bigger they are....well you know how it goes.
If nothing else this has inspired me to try and work more with the Jedi in planning out things together instead of against each other that has been done in the past. Maybe then we'll be able to have some good quality RPs going again and they'll be fun without people getting completely screwed over as what you tried to do.
Guardsman Carnor Jax
Aug 4th, 2001, 11:13:50 AM
[c]<font color=white size=2>[i]Yes, you've caught me. Kanos and I were attacking TSE because of OOC motivations.
Grand Adm Thrawn
Aug 4th, 2001, 12:04:28 PM
Well, one long post or posts in succession without having the other party given time to react isn't fair. The boards have rules and nothing happens on the minute every minute.
Infiltrating anyone's base does not happen that way.
That was posted in the thread. Exactly how long do you consider enough time to reply? Most of your post were half an hour to an hour apart if that. And even then late at night. Do you expect many to be around at that time? There are time zones and few can be around when others are. Unlike the chats where things are done quickly threads here can be worked on and RPed out for days, weeks or even months.
*cough* ( 1.topic)
Hypocrites, powerful indeed...
I fail to see how it is possible for a character with no more than 5 posts here on SWFans could know the location of the TSE HQ on an IC basis. I have a feeling there is a personal motivation behind this, which has nothing to do with actual RP.
Well, just because a character account has only been in operation for a few days does not mean it has no background, Jax and Kanos were the elite of elite Imperial Guards and as such would of have access to a expanding data bank of knowledge, Since the Imperials have had many dealings with TSE one of which was an Alliance known as AXIS it is safe to say Jax and Kanos could easly of known the location of TSE HQ.
I do not see why this thread was deleted out side of Kanos and Jax are new...
Jedah Lynch
Aug 4th, 2001, 01:24:07 PM
Still bitter over the Death Star I see.
But that has nothing to do with this and the rules and regulations have since been changed/altered since those days.
To the real subject at hand and not an old grudge, exactly what group of Imperials do they belong too? They are they are Imperials ok....exactly what imperials? If your talking about your old group thrawn you were part of TSE once yes, but that was on the old base do believe. Not the current one.
Even if they want to be Imperials the claim does not mean they get what the imperials did have in the SW universe ie: books, movies etc. People dont get off that easy. If someone wants to start a group they start from the ground up. The Jedi did it, the Sith groups did it. We all did. We didnt just have various planets/info just because the people we RP as did in another SW form.
Again....where is the HQ? The current one? Where is it located? Is it in the sky? Underground? A moutainside? Inside a Starbucks? Under the sea? Where?
They are the elite of the the chats. This is not the chats. What happens there does not have any basis here. If a person made a fleet on other Ezboards and then came here those ships dont even count.
So basically we are to take they are the elite of the elite because you say so? what doesnt even say they are the elite of the elite of the Sith? Elite of the elite of the Jedi? Be a Master! Be a Lord! Be whatever you wish!
Doesnt work that way Thrawn. Not here.
Being an Imperial does not magically mean you know everything. Being in Axis didnt mean you got to know everything, it was just an alliance to ward off threats back in the day, didnt mean we walked around each others place with complete freedom.
Its funny your saying how they could have known, seeing how they were not here before now or at least used new characters seems to be a nice little cope out or desperte ploy to use such an excuse.
It was deleted because they godmoded.
The people who watch over this board even said as such. Being new is not an excuse for being an fool and trying to start @#%$ just to give their little egos a big boost.
Guardsman Carnor Jax
Aug 4th, 2001, 03:32:48 PM
[c]<font color=white size=4><blackface>Quote
Aug 4th, 2001, 03:33:51 PM
Your posts sure are hard on the eyes. I'll say that much for them.
Brant Phallen
Aug 4th, 2001, 09:12:50 PM
Imperial Royal Guards are indeed the elite. Carnor Jax had moderate force abilities and Kir Kanos was a master of melee combat.
Still, when you have so many Sith and soldiers in the same high security complex, you'll run into problems.
Lady Razielle
Aug 5th, 2001, 12:16:02 AM
Enough okay?
The testosterone in this one OOC thread is enough to make me have a furious desire to castrate the lot of you....
Jax and Thrawn... You know OOC I love you both to pieces but for my sake <font size="20">
For the record, it is my humble opinion that yes, the attack on the TSE was uncalled for, stupid and an act of male hormones allowed to rampage.
And if my presence was the cause of it, I am greatly sorry and would sooner disappear RPG wise then be the cause of further dispute. I am here to have fun with my friends NOT to cause trouble.
*Pops Jax in the back of the head*
This problem could have been very simply solved, without all of this OOC dispute... By TSE...
Instead of having a tizzy by the way someone posts and flipping out on them, Here's an idea... Tactfully work your way into what they are doing RPG wise, and out smart them?
Brilliant Idea
#1) Have them detained?
#2) Shoot them?
#3) Rewire the thermal detonator to sing "The Sound of Music"?
This would have been a lot less ugly if you had dealt with it in character but what do I know, I am just a dumb girl right?
Gormul Hyfe
Aug 5th, 2001, 12:21:43 AM
You're excused.
Aug 5th, 2001, 02:02:36 AM
Gormul Hyfe
Aug 5th, 2001, 02:11:14 AM
I disagree.
Force Master Hunter
Aug 5th, 2001, 02:56:25 AM
It should have been up to the Guards to work themselves in. Why should TSE just accept drop ins and a spoiler that just turns up, no explaination or credible way to be in there?
I think all this is getting off the point - the point BEING that RP'ers just turned up in the middle of a heavily guarded base, without a hint of explaination HOW they knew where it was and HOW they got in there! Now why should TSE accept that?!?!
Jeseth Cloak
Aug 5th, 2001, 03:25:03 AM
For the record, it is my humble opinion that yes, the attack on the TSE was uncalled for, stupid and an act of male hormones allowed to rampage.Why would you attribute such things as stupidity to male hormones?
Lady DeVille
Aug 5th, 2001, 04:20:58 AM
I think stupidity can be attributed to female hormones as well. And, I didn't know where TSE was located, even OOC until a few days ago. :lol:
Pierce Tondry
Aug 5th, 2001, 10:01:58 AM
I've known where it is almost since I started here. OOC, I mean. IC, I think I learned about it a while back. Don't remember.
Lady Razielle
Aug 5th, 2001, 11:46:36 AM
I am not saying that TSE should just have been happy about accepting an unexplained attack, but I am saying none of us would be here waisting our collective breaths bitching about it if they had.
Oh and the hormone thing is entirely due to something that unless you were directly involved in the thread or know me and Jax personally you would have no clue about, so don't be presumptuous...
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 5th, 2001, 02:01:12 PM
I think that we don't need to keep beating a dead horse ...
Sanis Prent
Aug 5th, 2001, 02:11:27 PM
:( YOU KILLED MR. ED :( !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 5th, 2001, 02:12:12 PM
Hello Wilbur :p
Lady Razielle
Aug 5th, 2001, 06:53:05 PM
Okay Sanis & Dale, that was the first time in 3 days I have laughed.. Thanks. :)
Miryan no Trunks
Aug 5th, 2001, 07:45:48 PM
Ok. I have one thing to say about this. Something that struck me as the babblings of someone who's never RP'd before.
"Are you aware of who, exactly, the Royal Guard were? For starters, Jedah Lynch, i'll write circles around you, so i do not believe you are one to judge whether or not I, as Carnor Jax, am the Elite. I don't care how long you've been posting here. Any of my posts will put yours to utter shame so i don't see your logic in telling me Carnor Jax is not of the Elite. If you judge this on months spent at, maybe you have a point.
If you judge this on ability, i would say Carnor Jax would snap Jedah Lynch's neck like a wet twig
Who cares how well you write? It IS how long you've been in the SWfans RP with the character, and what you've done with them, that makes your character strong.
If Stephen King started up a character, he'd be no more powerful than a basic Padawan or Disciple.
Rama Sha
Aug 6th, 2001, 05:34:59 PM
I say let them come........even the elite of the elite are no match for the Sith. They get in cause a little dmage and then procced to get their asses handed to them. Then we find this "contact" or whatever you said you had and slit their throats. Im bored'd been fun to hand some humilty to some Imperials.
Guardsman Kylx Mirran
Aug 7th, 2001, 01:16:11 AM
[c]<font color=white size=2>[i]I imagine this is what Lord Vader, Dark Lord of the Sith believed, right before my character, Kylx Mirran, beat him within an inch of his life on Yinchorr with Emperor Palpatine's blessing.
Rama Sha
Aug 7th, 2001, 02:38:51 AM
Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk Talk.....
No more Talky.
Don't sing it, bring it.
Jedah Lynch
Aug 7th, 2001, 08:00:53 AM
The guy never shuts up.
I know he likes to think he is Mr. high and mighty as the red power ranger but come on.
You speak of humility when you have no clue of it.
Can someone take his batteries out and give him them back to him with the hello kitty vibrator because for a male he is going through some serious PMS.
Lord Fire Blade
Aug 7th, 2001, 08:21:17 AM
say something. I have played a Royal Guard for nearly two years. Yes, a Guard is a good character, but a powerful character is not made from some, quite frankly completely dubious EU non canon cartoon. When I began as this name, I disregarded the comics and the books, for I believe they are mainly nonsense, and what you quoted is the height of said nonsense.
The simple fact here is, even if I an rarely appearing, I am not regarded as someone to respect because I say so. I went out and proved it. I have defeated Jedi, I managed to breach the Temples defences, I have fought Sith and won.
In short, I have proven that I am worth paying attention to. Is it not the case here that someone who walks in saying they are the best without proof gets derided and rightly so?
I will wait and see the Guards prove themselves. But until they do, remember that there are people here who would not pause as they trample you. I would wish you luck and ask you remember my words, else dont wonder why you get a hostile reaction next time you proclaim how good you think you. It means zero unless you can back it up.
Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 7th, 2001, 10:28:26 AM
If you Red Imps want to fight somebody....I am always here :)
If you last a minute, I will give you a cookie :) .
Guardsman Kylx Mirran
Aug 7th, 2001, 11:49:52 AM
[c]<font color=white size=2>[i]Jedah Lynch, no offense, but you're rather annoying.
Emperor Shimi
Aug 7th, 2001, 11:59:14 AM
That was cold, uncalled for, and quite small-minded of you.
If you have that much of a difficulty separating IC from OOC, and feel the need to become such an absolute dictatorial control-freak...I will be the first to say that this RP is not for you.
You are beginning to remind me of a Marzullo :x
Guardsman Kylx Mirran
Aug 7th, 2001, 12:12:29 PM
[c]<font color=white size=2>[i]This is an OOC Forum. An Out of character forum, so i believe i am seperating I-C and OOC just fine. When i see Jedah Lynch insult me on this board, i take it as OOC, as it should be taken.
Aug 7th, 2001, 12:44:16 PM
Holy cow....
Wow, lets have an argument!!
The Red Imperial Guards (Whatever their specific name for their character type, I can't remember it right now) were the Emperior's personal guard untill one of them betrayed him. Since then the Imperial guard are an unknown force, I can accept that you all found TSE HQ, but I can't accept you blowing it up, due to it being god mode.
Now how would you like it if I went into the chats and started tearing stuff up. I don't think that people would like that at where you used to RP. And I assure you that we do not like that here, meaning someone waltz in from somewhere and start blowing up bases. It's not fair to those who have built it, and others who may want to destroy it.
Athena Lady Darknss
Aug 7th, 2001, 02:00:20 PM
Firebird because i know the Guards and where they RPG. in chats it would be rather fun if someone came to do that. because unlike the boards the chats move very fast and day to day. if you have the time to take on two rather large groups of Sith / Guards you may come. And if you really want to please join us in our chat.
Not to EVER take sides. BUT they have a point on the fact of the training and abilities of the guards. TSE could kick there ass, but it sure as hell would take a lot of ass kicking.
I have rped with both TSE and the Guards.
Aug 7th, 2001, 02:04:11 PM
Yes, these threads don't move fast, I know I'm trying to speed one up now. :D
But They can't waltz in here and destroy a base, this isn't the chats, and plus did anyone from TSE have a chance to post a defence or defend the base?
Jedah Lynch
Aug 7th, 2001, 02:21:19 PM
You complain about insults when you've tossed around insults yourself. Tell me...what are you trying to defend so? What is it that seems to drive you in this matter?
Actually when you first started the thread and started to do what you did had no idea who you were, just seemed to be someone trying to take out a piece of TSE and make a name for themselves.
That in itself was not out of the ordinary, people come here all the time to do that to various groups and so due to the fact you godmoded......and its pretty much established you did and agreed by all on that fact, didnt really think much else beyond it at the time.
Now you want to know the reason why I do come down hard on you here? Mostly because your acting like a total jerk. As soon as yo got here you were promoting yourself as elite, and able to seemingly beat anyone. You simply came off as arrogant on a level that hasnt been seen since the Marzullos who were thankfully kicked out once and for all due to their disruptive behaviour.
If you had stated your reasons logically and in a civillized manner would have taken the time to listen to you without chewing you out. However one thing I abhor is the type of person who can not see beyond the view point of his own hand and fights against a judgement that has been declared.
You acted in a way that was unbecoming of any RPer and thus treated you as such. I do not pretend to hold any tolerance to those who act as you have acted unless such a person had made an arguement that consisted of sound reasoning. You may have hated the fact you were stopped but deal with it.
Although dont pretend to agree with all the decisions here myself I do follow them, without order and guide lines there would be nothing. It can be a bitter pill to swallow at times when you are stopped but overall usually it is for the right reasons. If I can deal with that fact then so can you.
Now. Know this post has come down hard on you. In all honesty it could be much worse. So remember before you start to cry wolf there are those who know and can say more then they do but hold back.
If you actually did come here to RP for the fun then RP for the fun and stop acting like a complete child. When you start acting like a grown up you will be treated as an grown up. You might even get some respect from those around here.
You have a long ways to go but its certainly possible, start acting more mature and you will find those around here are far more responsive and understanding.
On a personal stance if you start acting more rational then I would treat you as such. At least thats me. Take some responsibility for your actions, you made a mistake. Accept it and move on or if you want this can keep going until an mod or admin closes it due to it being nothing more then a flame war. The choice is yours.
Guardsman Kylx Mirran
Aug 7th, 2001, 02:51:56 PM
[c]<font color=silver size=3><blackface>[i]Quotes
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 7th, 2001, 03:51:24 PM
first stop the flame now or this thread is closed! I said right up front no flaming this is to be a discussion and I am sick of reading crap from both sides of this.
I don't care what character you are .. when a character first starts a swfans ... think of it like a table top game. You start a level 1 and work your way up. Luke and Leia are around here and did the same thing. Being the Emperor's guardsmen is fine and well but you have to play your character and put some time and effort under your belt like everyone has done here.
Lastly, the boards are slow. This isn't the chats ... I was once in the chats myself and enjoy this medium so much better because you can take your time in what you are writing. This calls for respect to whom you are posting and give them time to respond back.
(unless of course they are a lazy bum :p )
It was ruled because of the rather quick destruction of the Death Star that you can do things like that anymore, especially since there was no one there that really replied to the thread ... so having you guys show up is fine ... blowing up anything is god-mode in one post plain and simple.
Now from this point on .. keep it civil or this thread is closed....
Miryan no Trunks
Aug 7th, 2001, 03:59:01 PM
If you're such a good RP'er, what gives you the right to say that just because you're using a certain name from the SW universe, we should accept you as being as powerful as the character was? I don't personally care how good you made your character out to be in any chats, here in SWfans, it's the time and effort you put into your character on this collection of forums, that decides how powerful you are. If you want a character to be Royal Guard, well then you'd better start up a new one for here, and work him/her until they get to that skill level.
You insult Jedah's Maturity, by taking quotes of what he said and using them against him. What's the point of that? We know what Jedah's like, He's been around the RP for a long time. If you think quoting him to try to make us think You're more mature is going to work, obviously you haven't got much of a clue on what maturity is.
In the thread Kanos and i entered, we infiltrated, we penetrated, we reached our destination. Nobody posted. I left the thermal detonator in my last post with a five minute timer, and waited for someone to reply. No one did
Here on SWfans, we play by Our rules. And Our rules state posting consecutively without giving others the chance to post, constitutes God-moding. Especially when the posts consist of such unlikely actions. Just because no-one posted between when you did, does not mean they weren't Going to. It means no-one who Would, was around to. You ignored that, and decided to display childish impatience, by just posting over and over, without giving TSE chance to defend.
And you can't say you Did give ample time, because no-one from TSE posted, now Did they?
Finally, I fully suggest you give up this little power-war you have going on with Jedah, because not many here, if Any, are going to side with You on it.
He Does has power over you, it's called the favor of the admins.
Guardsman Kylx Mirran
Aug 7th, 2001, 04:22:36 PM
[c]<font color=white size=2>[i]This isn't Jerry Springer and i'm not looking for an applause from SWFans. Nor was i trying to show anyone anything concerning Jedah. I was speaking to Jedah directly. Not you, nor was i putting on a show for you or anyone else.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 7th, 2001, 04:25:20 PM
and swfans is not the place for you and Jedah to have words.... take it to email. The people at swfans do not want to read this. Only why a ruling was called.
Athena Lady Darknss
Aug 7th, 2001, 06:14:07 PM
Mirran shoowe away now, Lynch same to you..get!
NOW both of you stop it. and if you dont do as dale said and move it to EMAIL or i shall tell you both what i think. AND you both know me, and know you really dont want that. NOW GO!
you both act as fith grade boys. go now depart from this and let it be done.
Lady Razielle
Aug 7th, 2001, 09:14:13 PM
Athena, lets kick all there asses, you game girl?
*Sighs and joins a Sith Convent because men are starting to be as entertaining as mosquito's.*
Darth Turbogeek
Aug 7th, 2001, 09:29:37 PM
Good lord....
Some people in this thread deserve a damn good panning. I really cant decide who gets it first.
:: Updates TO BE PANNED list::
Lady DeVille
Aug 8th, 2001, 03:45:32 AM
*turns to Tondry* You KNEW where it was, and you didn't tell me?! Now we have secrets from each other?! What's next? Huh?
*people start chanting JERRY JERRY JERRY JERRY JERRY*
I've got news for you! I'm pregnant! And with YOUR child!
Darth Varlon
Aug 8th, 2001, 08:19:10 AM
Guardsmen, I'd like to first point out that there is a 36 hour reply rule enforced here on That means that you have to give whomever your posting to thirty-six full hours time before you can validly post again without reply. Another thing is that you're relatively new and are already trying to pass yourself off as god, which is widely unaccepted. Sure, you can be good and all, but NO ONE whom is new would have the ability to bust into a fortress like the ones where the planning of Operation Apocalypse is taking place at. Hell, even people whom have been here for ages wouldn't be able to.
On top of that, it is more than doubtful your "contact" has the high-level security access codes required to get that deep into the Empire's headquarters. TSE has security that would rival the Imperial Palace on Coruscant a few times over, and I believe the security codes are changed every day to keep someone from getting in. The Sith Empire is one hell of a tough cookie to crack, and regardless of how much whining and insulting you do, you'll have to do it the old fashioned way.
Don't like that fact? Then go find another RPG that allows new members to act as if they'd been there for ages.
Pierce Tondry
Aug 8th, 2001, 09:47:26 AM
To Varlon:
Hell, even people whom have been here for ages wouldn't be able to.
Not that I have current intentions of making the attempt, but I believe that I could if given enough manpower of the right type. Don't sell creative people short, Varlon, because they'll surprise you- much like Tempistopps has surprised me by how well he's done in his fight against Evil Hobgoblin on the BG.
I believe the security codes are changed every day to keep someone from getting in.
Whoa! That's a damn lot of codes! I wonder how TSE thinks them all up...
*Imagines a room full of slaves inside TSE HQ. Jedah Lynch enters the room, dressed in a leisure suit that is definitely crooked and has lipstick on the collar. Jedah is holding a drink that looks like it came from a wild party three floors up.*
Jedah: (straightens his leisure suit) "Okay, you know the drill. You all have fifteen minutes to make up five new codes. The best ones will be allowed a crust of moldy bread and some mud to drink. The other ones will get nothing until tomorrow, when new codes are due. Oh, and codes like Jedah-is-supreme are perfectly acceptable. Now, get cracking!"
*The slaves get started, but some of them are too weak to even lift a pencil. Jedah walks over to one of them.*
Jedah: "Hey! I said get cracking!"
*The slave in question looks up at Jedah, delirious and mumbling. He then falls over dead on Jedah's Italian loafers and drool starts coming from his mouth.*
Jedah: "Oh, hell, not again. I just had these cleaned- guard! Guard! Get this bag of pus off my loafers!"
I think I like the idea. I'm also gonna call Jedah Leisure-Suit Lynch from now on. :)
To De'Ville:
I'm pregnant! And with YOUR child!
I'm gonna be a daddy! :D *Gives Lily a big hug.*
To Guardsman Kylx Mirrax:
For one, you would have to have some position of power over me, and two, for you to come down hard on me i would have to take you seriously, which i'm having trouble doing.
Let me ask you this: who here do you take seriously?
Do you take me seriously? Because if you do, I have a few things to say OOC that you're probably not going to like, but that I think ought to be said. If, on the other hand, you don't take me seriously, I may as well save myself some time and effort.
Vio Con Dios.
Isn't that Vaya Con Dios? Eh- doesn't matter. I await your response.
Guardsman Kylx Mirran
Aug 8th, 2001, 11:04:22 AM
It's fairly obvious SWFans would rather the Guardsmen found a new place to post. Since we arrived, i've been nothing but flamed. Some of which were flames over very trivial matters, so i'm certain anything you have to offer at this point won't be anything i haven't grown used to in the past few days.
Pierce Tondry
Aug 8th, 2001, 12:49:53 PM
I don't intend to flame or insult you as you seem to be expecting. I would rather see if we can't work some of this stuff out.
After all, arguing takes time away from RPing, no?
First off, I find the fact that you, Kylx Mirran, were willing to insult people who are supposed to be fellow RPers bad. I think it would be far better if you made no reply to posts that you might view as worthy of insult, whether you view them as insults and attempts to egg you on or not. I think that shows a lack of maturity on your part, and believe things would be far better if you stepped into SWFans respecting the people whom you choose to RP among.
Many of us aren't half bad if you don't step on our toes. Respect us, who were here before you, and we in turn shall respect you, who will be here after some of us are gone.
Now, I personally think this thread has gone on long enough. This argument has gone on long enough. Let's move forward. I have some advice that I hope will help the situation.
Item 1: The Rules FAQ
If you have not already, read the SWFans RolePlaying FAQ. It's a collection of rules and suggestions put down by people with an intent to make things a bit more fair, as well as give some basic guidelines for interactions between players.
Item 2: Work with the system.
If you have any questions or doubts or would like to follow through on a particularly sensitive and possibly trouble-causing plan of action, ask somebody here for advice on how to go about it through the system in place. If you conform to the system we ourselves have had to work through, you will probably understand how it came into being and why. We didn't just invent these things at the drop of a hat to exclude or include certain people. We spent hours and hours and hours (and hours) of debate on how we wanted to be treated and what process certain things should go through in order to be considered legitimate. Disregarding that is not only a mistake because it annoys other people, it's unhelpful.
Item 3: Be the bigger RPer
If there's a problem, apologize, don't criticize. I admit that some other RPers could probably stand to take this advice- I know I can at times. But every so often, someone will open a major can of worms that goes from IC to OOC and hurts everyone involved. If these problems are not worked out, they linger and cause friction. A certain amount of problems is inevitable, but that doesn't mean we shouldn't try to solve things in a rational and civil manner. Arguments are no fun for anyone, and like I said earlier, they take time away from RPing.
Item 4: Never join a Fleet rules discussion.
This is self-explanatory, and mostly a joke (but not all the way :lol: ). There are various trouble spots in SWFans RPing, like Fleet rules. We can't really ever decide EXACTLY what's fair regarding the building of ships, just as no one can decide EXACTLY what's fair regarding the In Character infiltration of a particular base. There are, however, things we know we all DON'T want. We don't want people ignoring our own hard work, and we don't want people invalidating our moves that protect us. We don't want our personal characters killed or maimed without our permission, and we don't want people doing things that we don't believe they would be able to get away with doing, especially if we were at the helm of the defense. We want to RP them out (however boring they may be) to give us a chance to fulfill our objective-of-the-moment.
Item 5: General stuff.
Be willing to compromise, and you'll get a better reaction than you've been getting. Also, recognize that your entry and methods have ruffled feathers and that if your intention was not to cause a disruption, you need to apologize for the problems you created by your actions regardless of how right or wrong you think you are. I guarantee that one day, you'll be in our position, and then you might see things a little differently than you do now. Relax, and chill once in a while. Don't forget to floss.
I can't think of anything else at the moment, and my little brother wants on the computer, so I have to be going. If you've got any questions on what I've said, ask. If you have comments, say them. Just keep it clean and reasonable, and I think your party and mine can get along j
Guardsman Kylx Mirran
Aug 8th, 2001, 02:35:14 PM
Very Well.
Aug 8th, 2001, 02:44:49 PM
And, nice post in the return to Yinchorr thread, but for future reference, intercepting a message from the Guards isn't very feasible. It's like intercepting one between Vader and Emperor Palpatine.And Tondry is currently the head of Imperial Intelligence. Quite frankly, he's one of the most likely people in the whole Galaxy to intercept said message.
Might I add that a young lad by the name of Ghent sliced the code used to send the plans for the Death Star back and forth, all by himself, in a matter of months? Nothing is impossible.
Guardsman Kylx Mirran
Aug 8th, 2001, 02:56:06 PM
If he is Head of Imperial Intelligence, than you are correct, he would be the most likely individual to intercept hat transmission -- If he was looking for it.
Lady DeVille
Aug 8th, 2001, 06:52:04 PM
:) I hope this kid gets your peacemaking/negotiation skills, Tondry. Because if he takes after De'Ville, I'm going to have problems disciplining him... :lol:
Rama Sha
Aug 8th, 2001, 07:37:33 PM
Im still waiting for you guys to prove how elite you are.
I mean you want a fight......just you and me, then post a closed Challenge in Story Telling. And if you want to bring your freinds thats cool in IN SWRP.......Me And Anbira there have no love loss for one another..........but I think we could put aside our past arguemnts for one day for beat down.
Pierce Tondry
Aug 8th, 2001, 11:48:39 PM
To Kylx:
If he is Head of Imperial Intelligence, than you are correct, he would be the most likely individual to intercept hat transmission -- If he was looking for it.
In the era of the Galactic Empire, when Palpatine was alive and well, even Imperial Intelligence came short of the Imperial Guard, and most likely wouldn't have been able to intercept such a transmission. I doubt even the Bothans would be capable. However, in the timeline of SWFans, that era is long gone, i know.
I just didn't think he chances of someone `stumbling` upon a secret frequency that most likely hadn't been used in years and years, is that possible.
Actually, things are slightly more convoluted than that. Rather than write a third lengthy explanation of the day (which is quite tiring on my fingers) I'll just say that there are parts of Pierce's background during which he worked for, with, around, or as a Royal Guardsman. Though he was never inducted into their ranks, Pierce personally would know of the frequency in question. His work as head of Intel prompts him to keep an eye out for all possible Imperial contacts from the former Empire, including Guardsmen.
If you don't think this is sufficient information and would like more, that can be arranged. I would prefer you trust me, however, because writing out any kind of background for Pierce Tondry is such a huge-ass task that it would take forever and I can be one lazy S.O.B. at times. :lol:
To Lily De'Villy:
I'll take that as a complement, and don't worry- if necessary I can run negotiating rings around the kid so bad, he'll be getting ME dessert instead of the other way around. :)
Lady DeVille
Aug 9th, 2001, 03:58:28 AM
I'll take that as a complement It was meant as one. :)
Now, Kylx, just believe him, okay? I need him to post in a IC thread...stop hogging him! :p
Guardsman Kylx Mirran
Aug 9th, 2001, 01:51:10 PM
I take your word for it.
Aug 9th, 2001, 02:52:05 PM
A note: Royal Guards never held sway over Grand Moffs and Grand Admirals- not even Dark Side Adepts or Byss Mages. Hell, an Emperors Hand, Lumiya, was sanctioned Imperial Guards to protect her - Imperial Guards she commanded, one of them being Carnor Jax. So mull over that a while.
Guardsman Kylx Mirran
Aug 9th, 2001, 04:31:10 PM
In the absense of the Emperor, a Sovereign Protector often assumed the throne. The superior rank involving Grand Moff and Grand Admirals versus Imperial Royal Guards is a little more complex than both of us lead on in our posts.
Pierce Tondry
Aug 10th, 2001, 07:10:03 PM
They could step in and veto a high ranking officer if they felt it best for the Empire, at any time, but rarely had to since the Empire had capable military tacticians who knew what they were doing.
The reason I find this statement ironic is because of all the stormtroopers we saw bite it in the movies.
Also, I have a feeling that certain highly capable, highly experienced Grand Moffs, Grand Admirals, Generals, or Dark Lords of the Sith might've been able to override the orders of a Guardsman.
Darth Varlon
Aug 10th, 2001, 09:07:46 PM
The only time I could see the Guardsmen able to veto decisions from the upper ranks of the Empire (Moff and up) are when the Emperor is in presence or one of the Emperor's Proxies (Vader, Mara Jade, etc.)
Guardsman Kylx Mirran
Aug 10th, 2001, 09:51:12 PM
The reason I find this statement ironic is because of all the stormtroopers we saw bite it in the movies.Also, I have a feeling that certain highly capable, highly experienced Grand Moffs, Grand Admirals, Generals, or Dark Lords of the Sith might've been able to override the orders of a Guardsman. Darth Varlo.That means nothing, since the movies were Rebel Propaganda.The reason Palpatine gave his Imperial Royal Guards and Imperial Sovereign Protectors so much power in the chain of command, though indirectly, was because of their loyalty, which was undying. A Grand Admiral might be well adept in naval strategy, but his ambition or what not might some day lead him to do something not in the Empire's favor. And thus, the Guard were blessed with immense stroke. The Emperor knew if a Guard made the decision to involve himself in the affiars of Grand Moffs or Admirals or whoever else, there would be a justified reason for it.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 10th, 2001, 10:11:52 PM
The movies are rebel proproganda O_o
I kinda see what you mean by that but the movies hold water just like any of the comics and books if the individual person chooses too. Hell I choose to ignore KJA
:: ducks thrown objects by Fett :: :p
Aug 10th, 2001, 10:35:42 PM
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 10th, 2001, 10:36:24 PM
:lol: :rollin: :lol:
Rama Sha
Aug 11th, 2001, 03:14:31 AM
::tends to ingnore all EU since it can can turn into cannon fodder with one mighty stroke of Lucas's hand :: :|
Said it before......I'll say it again. If everyone would stick to the movies then it would be a much happier RP. ^_^
Aug 11th, 2001, 07:13:11 AM
and then we couldnt use half of the stuff we do. It would be dull
Rama Sha
Aug 12th, 2001, 05:16:54 AM
Well then use your imagination. :lol:
Besides we get in fights over half the stuff we use now.
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