View Full Version : Imperial Galactic Nexus.
Director Xavier
Aug 6th, 2001, 12:31:29 PM
We are a new group and are advertising for members. We are located at <a href=>Imperial Galactic Nexus</a>. We are just starting out in TGC Galaxy. I ask that if you have alittle knowledge toward fleets or RPing then please join.
Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 6th, 2001, 12:34:14 PM
We already got one :p
Daemon Hyfe
Aug 6th, 2001, 01:22:12 PM
Why are all these groups joining at both RPing locations? You guys do know that you can't combine the two seperate galaxies don't you? All members from the different RP galaxies would have to be seperate. Besides, the fleet rules at SWFans and TGC differ, so it would be impossible to abide by fleet rules.
Intek has also just joined at TGC, much to my dismay.
Anbira Hicchoru
Aug 6th, 2001, 01:28:11 PM
:: quickly sells Intek stock ::
Gah...this is worse than the dotcom crash! :x
Darth Snack
Aug 6th, 2001, 01:36:20 PM
I dunno.. I found it easy enough to RP in both Galaxies. :)
Daemon Hyfe
Aug 6th, 2001, 01:52:41 PM
While the leader of a highly fleet-based Imerial group? No.
The conflicting rules would make it impossible unless you had two different boards. It's just a struggle to get the most members he possibly can.
Besides, if you want to join a TGC Imp group, make it the New Order ( We blow the competition out of the water. :p
And no, that was not intended to be a perverse comment, it's simply an expression. ;)
Valk Twilight
Aug 6th, 2001, 02:33:10 PM
For one thing the imperial nexus was already played out in this universe. And another thing, cross universe groups arnt a bad thing, it boosts morale to have more ppl to cross ideas with, not to mention that its good for business.
Daemon Hyfe
Aug 6th, 2001, 03:01:43 PM
This is a different Imperial Nexus dude. The old one consisted of Intel, GMA, and whoever else. This new one is not played out at all in SWFans yet, so I don't know what you're talking about.
Aug 6th, 2001, 05:54:47 PM
Look at this.....on SWFans some planets have been blown up and some have been taken over, while on TGC people still roam free on the planet.....
Gormul Hyfe
Aug 6th, 2001, 06:32:16 PM
Yet another reason RPing as a major group at both galaxies is impossible.
The situations are completely different, yet you are expecting the same group to roam both galaxies.
It would be impossible to have the same fleet in both places, because construction rules are different, among various other things that make this completely rediculous.
Aug 7th, 2001, 02:11:49 PM
Uhh...Like crossing universes is a bad idea..
For example you can't have a base on Naboo here, the Sith have that already and unless you ask real, real nice you might bite off more then you can chew.
Valk Twilight
Aug 8th, 2001, 08:50:42 AM
It is quite obvious about the different universes being different, its all just a matter of keeping track and doing things simple to be able to keep track easier.
Ron Thrawn
Aug 8th, 2001, 10:53:37 PM
its not hard to lead in both galaxies from 1 board.
just have separate forums for each galaxy
Aug 8th, 2001, 11:07:24 PM
Oh lord, another Imperial Nexus? Burn it! Burn it now, and spread the ashes!
Daemon Hyfe
Aug 9th, 2001, 01:16:32 AM
Actually, it's not really like the Imperial Nexus. What it is is a group which has copied the board setup almost entirely fromt he concepts at Maras old Intel board.
Plus, they AREN'T using two seperate boards, which is the real beef I have with the situation.
Grand Moff Trasi
Aug 9th, 2001, 11:21:39 AM
Hyfe, butt out. Let us deal with it. It's not as difficult as you're making it out to be.
Daemon Hyfe
Aug 13th, 2001, 01:52:29 AM
Eat me.
*looks around to make sure Jeseth isn't in the immediate vacinity*
Aug 13th, 2001, 02:10:57 AM
He's only a poor imitation of me.
:: strangles Hyfe and devours him whole. ::
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