View Full Version : General Announcment

Jeseth Cloak
Aug 2nd, 2001, 08:03:10 PM
Since I've been away a lot lately I just wanted to let everyone know that if I've failed to respond to a thread in which I am involved in, please notify me here since it may have slipped my mind. I'm trying to track them all down but I can't recall every single one off the top of my head. This goes for any characters I'm RPing right now, including Jerred, Zorin, Saflon, Luuke, Jeseth, and even Mordrid or Aaron Grimm if I somehow forgot about something I started with either of them.

If I have forgotten anything, sorry for the hold up, but I'll try my best to get everything caught up with soon. :)

Lady DeVille
Aug 3rd, 2001, 02:52:05 AM
FOR SHAME! Being away...what were you THINKING!? ;)

Jeseth Cloak
Aug 3rd, 2001, 10:54:48 AM
:p Not really my choice. I've had work and practice (Drumline) this week back to back... :)

Jerred Rez
Aug 15th, 2001, 12:00:40 AM
Ok, update. I will be replying to quite a few things tomorrow, here is my list of to-do. If I left something off please let me know:

Adarlon RP as Jerred,

Making Admin request for Bespin Thread

Finishing up Renwel RP?

Finalizing another post to the Belkadan Conflict Thread (Zorin Hexes)

Other Imperial Business (Zorin)

Posting to several RPs at the Candelabra of Malice (Jeseth)

IG-90 visit at TSO (jeseth)

I think that's all of it... o_O If I forgot anything that someone here needs to remind me of, please do. I'll be on in the morning for a bit, the returning in the afternoon to finish up some more stuff. :)