View Full Version : A wish to learn....

Valk Twilight
Aug 20th, 2001, 04:16:21 PM
Hapan Martial Arts, Echani Martial Arts, Jala'ishi Martial Arts, K'tara Martial Arts, K'thri Martial Arts, Dajitte Martial ArtsIf anyone could help me learn, i would be very appreciative....

Teka Kenobi
Aug 20th, 2001, 05:57:27 PM
What - OOC? 0_o.

Aug 20th, 2001, 06:27:35 PM
I almost know how to learn Tae Kwan Do.

Valk Twilight
Aug 21st, 2001, 10:17:02 AM
No, I want to learn it IC but I just cant go anywhere IC and ask, I dont know where to ask, lol. And as I said before, I get the largest aduiance here

Vega Van Derveld
Aug 21st, 2001, 12:25:33 PM
I would teach you, but you're not a Sith so blah :p

Teka Kenobi
Aug 21st, 2001, 12:59:14 PM
Come join the Jedi and I'll teach you..well perahps not me personally..they wont let me :( hehe

Aug 21st, 2001, 03:24:10 PM
Piett knows Echani and a few other arts, including Teras Kasi, or whatever. Unfortunately, I'll be busy with some other plans.

Valk Twilight
Aug 21st, 2001, 03:47:55 PM
You see, thats what I mean. I dont want to be tied down to any named groups like that. If I join the sith, to join a martial arts style im immediatly branded evil, same with the jedi except opposite roles. And another thing, my character has no force powers anyway, ergo no reason to join a force using group....

Vega Van Derveld
Aug 21st, 2001, 03:50:03 PM
I didn't create Vega with the ability to use the force, either. Never stopped me though :p

Valk Twilight
Aug 21st, 2001, 04:00:13 PM
Well, if the need were actually ever there I could pump myself with mediclorins (or however ya spell it) but I dont want to have force powers actually

Aug 21st, 2001, 09:48:21 PM
Lei knows K'tara and parts of Hapan fighting styles. If you ever see Lei kill an incompatent officer, it's with K'tara.