View Full Version : Unwritten Laws of Light and Dark- Discussion
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 23rd, 2001, 01:46:07 PM
Videl ... anything you are not clear on as I have stated in your thread please ask me here. Also, another admin, mod, or even player :p can help as well. ( ?topicID=4014.topic)
Rama Sha
Aug 24th, 2001, 11:16:25 AM
I doubt she'll post.
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 24th, 2001, 12:17:40 PM
Well, this is where it needs to be discussed not in that thread ... oh well. <img src= ALT=":\">
The attempt was made.
Aug 24th, 2001, 12:27:25 PM
If it's open, it's open. Rama and whoever can post in the same way I can come in with my Dancing Troupe of Jawas
Jedah Lynch
Aug 24th, 2001, 12:48:14 PM
Fett has a point.
Although the dancing Jawas is a tad disturbing.
Much like the thought of a capable gungan.
Aug 24th, 2001, 04:55:54 PM
I really wish this had been done earlier. All those damn OOC.... <img src= ALT=":\">
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 25th, 2001, 03:23:01 PM
That was my fault Nuri ... I thought be explaining it once, I thought Videl would understand the difference between the RP and ST forum. I could always remove the OOC posts whenever you wish it .. or another admin/mod.
Rama Sha
Aug 25th, 2001, 11:00:02 PM
Cleaning it up might be a good idea. But she might not post it would make it moot.
Aug 26th, 2001, 12:23:46 AM
moot! moot!
Daemon Hyfe
Aug 26th, 2001, 12:37:58 AM
Aug 26th, 2001, 12:50:36 AM
and what good does it do me to argue this into the ground? I stated my final thoughts on this in my thread and it was deleted.....just because my thread was open does not mean I want ppl doing whatever the **** they feel like in my thread....yes it does say open but it also says challenge as well...honestly what good will it do for me to keep arguing the fact when it's obvious that you guys insist on doing whatever you want? like I had said in my post that was deleted, I had said all I was going to, anything else I will take up on AIM with those who were involved....
Ryu Warusa
Aug 26th, 2001, 01:12:41 AM
What you are talking about means that the thread was partially closed, which means that it belongs in the storytelling forum. You should state your intentions in the thread or post your guidlines for the RP here. It may have said Challenge but it also said open. Which means that people can and will go into the rp and are justified to do what they wish. If you wish to discuss the differences between open and closed rp's, please speak with an admin.
Aug 26th, 2001, 01:20:47 AM
I'm getting really tired of being talk to like I haven't been here for a long time......I'm not going to argue over this anymore, understood? and I'm not going to talk to any mods either....I'm not getting anywhere by continuing to argue so I see no point in continue to discuss it like I had said before.....
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 26th, 2001, 02:26:58 AM
1. All OOC discussion are for the OOC forum. Funny OOC or any disputes in any RP threads.
2. RP (Role-Playing) forum is used for all open threads in which anyone can post to if they so desire.
ST (Story-Telling) forum is for closed anything. Even challenges.
3. State your intentions in the beginning of your first post with an OOC flag to avoid confusion.
4. Not only was this to discuss things with you videl but to clear up any confusion to what the forums are for, OOC, RP, and ST.
5. ... nothing to add, just wanted to end on a good note ^_^
Liam Jinn
Aug 26th, 2001, 02:31:37 AM
Sick Cycle is in the RP...not anyone can post if they desire to. If DT tells them no, they don't get to post..sorry, just had to mention does have an OOC comment in the begining of that though.
Marcus QDunn
Aug 26th, 2001, 02:35:09 AM
No, it's open, you just need to speak to DT first. Which isnt too much to ask for :)
Liam Jinn
Aug 26th, 2001, 02:36:51 AM
*cough* unless he's always busy with no time on his hands */cough*
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Aug 26th, 2001, 01:36:40 PM
DT did use on OOC tag in his initial post like I stated, and it is Open.
I will remove the OOC posts to the RP thread. I am not sure what videl wants since she never answered the question but OOC posts are unecessary and she now refuses to speak to a mod.
So OOC posts go buebye :p
edit~ I have deleted only entire OOC posts. Up to you guys to remove any OOC posts in your thread that was mixed with IC actions.
Don't like editing people's posts to remove OOC content.
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