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Jeseth Cloak
Aug 27th, 2001, 10:10:12 PM
I seem to be coming under fire here. One of the Admins at this board, as well as at TSE's board (at least, last I heard he was an Admin there as well), is choosing to accuse me of infiltration because I recieved an anonymous email warning me about something OOCly - it had nothing to do with an IC discussion, and apparently it was confidential info from TSE (I didn't know this until I brought it up with them, though). I'm not forwarding the email and so I'm being threatened with possible banning from I understand the need to handle "infiltrations" issues but I'm pretty sure that I am under no obligation to submit to anyone a private email to me upon their demand, especially under threat of banning or "action" by the staff.
The above Admin is also refusing to make this an open thread, meaning I am incapable of speaking for myself and my words can be quoted without any consent from me. He declined to post it here in an open forum and has confined the discussion to a staff only area. This outrageous and blackmail, plain and simple. If this is to be dealt with it will be dealt with here. I refuse to be put on "trial" without the public and even my own eyes to bear witness.
Ogre Mal Pannis
Aug 27th, 2001, 10:14:06 PM
This is not the first time you have attempted to hide the fact that you have access to information within secured forums at other groups. You are not nearly as innocent as you attempt to make yourself out to be Jeseth.
Aug 27th, 2001, 10:14:12 PM
you're a lot of thing. An unfair player isnt one of them
Jeseth Cloak
Aug 27th, 2001, 10:18:27 PM
I've never attempted to "hide" the fact that I've been given information from your forums, but the keyword here is given I enver requested or demanded any such things. They were TOLD to me, and I can't control what people say say to me or what I hear. I'm never one to try to hide it either, because in every ocassion I've made it public knowledge. How is it my fault that people at TSE can't keep a secret?
Ogre Mal Pannis
Aug 27th, 2001, 10:20:53 PM
Your refusal to be forthcoming with how you recieved such information, makes you just as guilty as the party responsible for giving it.
Ryu Warusa
Aug 27th, 2001, 10:21:11 PM
I know Jeseth in RL. I've known him for at least 6 years. He may be a lot of things, such as lazy, arrogant, and a moocher. (Always mooching my food.) But he is not a liar or a cheater.
Lord Gue
Aug 27th, 2001, 10:24:16 PM
I know my word holds as much weight around here as a slug at a gumball factory, but I for one dont think J is that kind of person
Aug 27th, 2001, 10:28:53 PM
oh, wait. About a year ago, I got an e-mail about TSE stuff, some planned attack or something. I deleted the e-mail, and said nothing. I didnt post in the thread either, and noone knew. That infiltrating? I had inside info. That bannable?
Force Master Hunter
Aug 27th, 2001, 10:39:14 PM
I would ask people to refrain from comment on this further until I have spoken to some more people please.
Force Master Hunter
Aug 27th, 2001, 11:03:20 PM
Jeseth - get on AIM please.
Daemon Hyfe
Aug 27th, 2001, 11:33:10 PM
I like peanut butter milkshakes.
And good luck, Jeseth. I'm rooting for you!
Aug 27th, 2001, 11:40:33 PM
poor Jeseth
Force Master Hunter
Aug 27th, 2001, 11:50:20 PM
Lady DeVille
Aug 28th, 2001, 01:12:32 AM
Jedi Neo
Aug 28th, 2001, 02:27:29 AM
And DT if you want the complete scoop on the situation at TSE, I suggest talking to a few of the members of the Council we have there.
Gitane Blesse
Aug 28th, 2001, 07:32:27 AM
Okay, I know at some point, I'll end up getting yelled at for this, but you can't force people to silence their opinions and comments; Despite the fact you ARE an Admin, you do NOT have control over people.
Granted, I haven't known Jeseth very long, but he's still my friend. I hate all this crap that keeps going out against him. Okay, I know information has been recieved, but unless he uses it for something or another, there's nothing he could do to stop someone from sending him anything, whether he wants it or not. How does this become infiltration? I think it's sick that so many people, especially Admins, are so willing to leap on someone so quickly.
I don't care if I'm yelled at or complained to, but I'll tell you this. It's unfair for people to jump on anyone without letting all those involved to state their side and comments. A lot of things are pathetically reminding me of a running gag in the poorly made series, "A Pup Named Scooby Doo". (I've been forced to listen to too much TV, but that's beside the point) Every single episode, one character would immediately say the villian was a supposed school bully.
The only reason I made that last comment, pointless as it seems, is because I feel many people are behaving no better than a spoiled toddler. And when it doesn't go your way, you try to encourage and force your feelings onto others. That's not the way to participate, let alone run a board. So, everyone, grow up.
Force Master Hunter
Aug 28th, 2001, 08:46:30 AM
Oh for crying out LOUD.
All right, that's it. I've had enough. If that was even slightly directed at me, you better apologise for that real quick. I spend too much time solving this problem out to put up with a remark like that.
Gitane Blesse
Aug 28th, 2001, 09:55:17 AM
Okay, no, and sorry for it in the first place.
No, it wasn't directed to you. And I apologise for making it in the first place. I normally at least try to keep quiet, but once feelings and thoughts build up, I tend to go over board.
Yes, I did mean some of the things stated, but they truthfully weren't to most Admins of the SWFans board. As I said, I am sorry. The post was influenced by recent events that have been getting to me, occuring at the TSE Board. I won't go into that, though. Because this is not the place.
Finally, once again, sorry. I'll shush now.
Evil Hobgoblin
Aug 28th, 2001, 11:04:26 AM
Everybody, please.
Relax. Chill.
I'm certain this issue can be resolved peacefully, and no more hurt feelings or past grievances need to brought up in support of one point or another.
I think one thing people forget is that, by adding their personal feelings and opinions into a debate like this, they cloud the issue. Many times has a discussion gotten off track through posts like those in this thread.
To the admins, I wish you peace and good judgement.
To everybody else, I wish you some dental floss. Flossing is probably a better use of your time than venting anyway.
Jedah Lynch
Aug 28th, 2001, 11:15:58 AM
What Hob said agree with.
To add to that since do think an TSE council member needs to say something is that the matter is being resolved and the matter taken care of.
So no ones going to be banned, dangled from their toes or be forced to live with the gugans as punishment.
This was never about punishing anyone or causing hurt feelings, just the truth of the matter and that's being taken care of.
So everyone chill and go eat ice cream or something:)
Gitane Blesse
Aug 28th, 2001, 11:19:45 AM
:| --Would eat ice cream, but... Is left staring at an empty fridge so simply eats ice cubes--
Aug 28th, 2001, 01:01:41 PM
Reaperfett: You deleted the E-Mail and never acted on it, which is the right thing to do.
Jeseth: I seriously think it's in your best interest to either find out who this person is that's e-mailing you "anonymously" and give the name over to an admin here, or to forward the e-mail to an admin and let them take a look at it. Because, as it stands, you're in a no-win situation. This is not me speaking as a Moderator, but a friend. It would be the easiest way to resolve this matter.
Katya Glasc
Aug 28th, 2001, 01:59:03 PM
At risk of getting yelled at as well, I have read through this and feel the need to say something on Jeseth's behalf. I don't know him at all, and I've never rp'd with him, but I can say this:
Any email he receives that is OOC has nothing to do with roleplaying and its personal business what he does or doesnt do with it. An OOC email that may be talking about an IC matter at a roleplaying board is still OOC, and it's no one's business other than Jeseth's and the person(s) involved.
I don't know, nor do I care, exactly what this all involves, but I think it's just plain wrong for a character to get their name or IP banned over an OOC matter by other's who are not involved in the situation. Those whom are involved should do their best to work it out and move on. From what I read, Jeseth didn't act on this information he received, so what harm did he do?
Anyways, this may be last post here. I see that this board is no better than TC with its accusations, snobbiness, and actions.
Jeseth Cloak
Aug 28th, 2001, 02:03:03 PM
Well, they've only emailed me once, I already discussed the issue with an Admin and as I understand it, the situation has been resolved. Thanx for the concern and support for those of you that showed it. I appreciate that at least a few people (including Jedah) handled this with some level of respect, but for the record: please, before anyone tries to threaten or push me into a corner, try thinking things out and discussing first. I'm not unreasonable and despite ocassionally being curt, I'm not completely unsociable.
Ogre Mal Pannis
Aug 28th, 2001, 04:19:38 PM
I apologize if I came across to harshly to you in the IM chat last evening Jes. I only seemed harsh and demanding because it was a serious issue with serious consequences. I did not wish to have to bring up such charges, but someone walking around with direct, word for word, quotes of what is taking place within locked forums of other groups boards is a direct violation of the infiltration issues.
This is not the first time you have had access to such information, though the first time, I never saw any direct word for word quotes, so the issue wasn’t as serious as it was this time.
Sometimes the job of being an Admin here is not an easy one and it makes us do things we really would rather not do. Its all within the scope of treating people without biased and as an objective party. I had people showing me direct quotes, which you had shown them and asking for action to be taken.
I attempted to speak with you about it and stressed the severity of the issue and you decided to get offended. I apologize if my tone seemed disrespectful or whatever, but I was under stress and pressure. I am after all only human.
I do consider you a friend and even after this, still do. Please understand that what I did was only as one of my responsibilities here. The way I handled posting in regards to it in the Mods/Admins forum is standard procedure. It was not to disallow you from being able to defend yourself, it was to protect you from being in the public eye, if the situation could be resolved off the boards, on a personal level, which to some extent it was.
Thank you for your cooperation, and I am pleased to see that you now understand and have complied with the rules.
Jeseth Cloak
Aug 28th, 2001, 07:29:24 PM
No problem. Sorry for making such a big deal out of this, but I suppose I tend to get offended when things are demanded of me. Thanx for the apology at least, I also apologize for not cooperating. I'll try to be more flexible about this stuff in the future should any problems arise, though hopefully they won't.
Aug 28th, 2001, 11:16:10 PM
well at leats things are sorted, and jes, you aitn leaving even if ya woulda been banned. *glues him to SWfans wall for eternity*
There, now the admins cant ban him :)
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