View Full Version : Bandwagon jumping- character evals.
Evil Hobgoblin
Aug 27th, 2001, 05:50:01 PM
That's right- I'm borrowing Sanis' idea! Although I have an entire two characters (Pierce Tondry and Evil Hobgoblin) to evaluate. If people wouldn't mind telling me what they think of Pierce and Hob's recent activities, or their character styles, the way I play them, the way I fight with them, the concepts behind the characters... anything at all that might give me ideas. I'd like input, especially creative criticism!
Aug 27th, 2001, 06:04:03 PM
First, Ive been doing these for ages. AND I did the first one, which caused so many last time. So he ripped me off! :)
Hob I dont know anything about, but Pierce is one of my top five favourite characters round here. He does all the good sorts of RPs, from romance stuff to action stuff. Another one that sickens me as its done so well :)
Oh, and Tondry OOC gave me a great idea to do with Fett in the future, so has my eternal gratitude :)
Nichos Marr
Aug 27th, 2001, 06:40:51 PM
Pierce- Can't say much about this guy since I don't really know him. It seems he's played out good.
Hob- He gives the word "trickster" a new meaning. When I think of a Dark Jedi, Hob usually comes to mind. He's a very original and unique character and you play him well. His posts are always delightful to read, and some of his actions make me laugh. He is one of the best dark siders at SWFans (character-wise). Keep up the good work :)
Evil Hobgoblin
Aug 28th, 2001, 11:21:00 AM
*Hob yanks his beard in frustration while Pierce shoots a nearby speeder.* What, does half of SWFans read about Pierce while the other half reads Hob?
Gah! Gahaaaahaaaa! This is.... frusteratin'!
Okay, okay... I have an idea! :) I'll post links of their recent stuff! That way, if people don't keep up with a particular character, they can see what that character's been doing!
Pierce threads:
Fear's Womb: First Comes Love- (unfinished)
A romantic interlude with Pierce and Lilaena on Ithor ( ?topicID=3973.topic)
Cold Cigna Campaign: Confirmation at Fondor (finished!)
Infiltration of the Golt Defense Station on Fondor in search of information. (
Hob threads:
Seeking the Black Hand (on TBH board) (unfinished)
Hob fights with Taylor Millard for entry to Bast Castle ( c)
Hunt in Darkness (Hob) (finished)
Satine and Hob have another go at each other in their continuing rivalry. ( ?topicID=3934.topic)
I realized as an unfortunate consequence of RPing at TBH that some of Hob's best stuff is behind closed doors, out of necessity. :/
Liam Jinn
Aug 28th, 2001, 12:01:25 PM
Tondry- One of the best characters I've seen at SWFans. I remember when he used to lean on trees, lighting cigarra's with his trusty rifle close he's a big intelligence hot shot..*sniffle* He's all grown up..:) Anyway, You play him very, very well. dunno what else there is to say..
Hob- I liked the doppleganger thing at TBH, ooh, very well written. I think Hob's unique, but then again I'm probably missing someone like Hob in which cas he wouldn't be unique but oh well I'm just gonna say he's unique :) that's a good thing :)
Sanis Prent
Aug 28th, 2001, 03:01:24 PM
You're one of the few RPers who can not only pull off a character very well, but carry a definite style with you that sets you apart from others.
Both Tondry and Hob do this. Tondry, as a rugged-at-times, scientific-at-others crack keep the militaristic darwinism constantly flowing high, complete with all of the political intrigue.
Hob is enigmatic, and the use of riddles accentuates his ability to convey this aura of mystery with a morbid flight of fancy. Very interesting.
Sasseeri Reeouurra
Aug 29th, 2001, 02:53:46 AM
I'm too lazy to change accounts, would have rather posted this as LD, but...well, its still me. :)
Here is what sucks about you:
You're too good. You make me look bad.
Pierce is played well, and is very well rounded as well. Of course, part of that is because he has dabbled in romance as well as the military...showing that he IS a human, not an automaton. You've shown him rise from obscurity into an important postition in IMPintel. Your posts are always well written, and you always seem to know where your next post is going to lead you.
Hob is (for lack of better words) also played well! Your posts are always well written and thought out, and there is research and reasons for everything. I like Hob, he's fun and evil and cunning...if you've ever read The Song of Ice and Fire (I know DarthHERA has) by George Martin, I see him as Tyrion Lannister. Which is, incidentally, one of my favorite characters ever.
My evalution is complete. :) Hope it wasn't too depressing with all those faults I pointed out to you. ;)
Force Master Hunter
Aug 29th, 2001, 03:18:36 AM
Hobgoblin - Unsure. Not seen that much
Tondry - Excellent. A thinking character, who outwits opponents. I enjoy reading Tondry posts a lot
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