View Full Version : Discussion on Style
Sanis Prent
Aug 28th, 2001, 07:38:48 PM
Something that I've noticed. There are several variables that add up to somebody's ability to make it as a great RPer here. One is the ability to write eloquently. One is the ability to interact in a RP environment. Both have been stressed, so I don't think I have to say anything on those.
But one I don't think many people get is "Style". When I refer to this, I am talking about a player finding a unique way of presenting things in a certain manner. Not necessarily writing style, not necessarily RP actions, but sort of a meshing of both that lead to memorable characters and stories.
Off the top of my head, Sorsha Kasajian would be the best example. She's got a kind of curt method of bringing wildly unexpected action into whatever she does. She revels in unorthodox actions, and doesnt make bedfellows with associations, agreements, or any kind of honor among thieves. She plays evil, but evil in a style that is distinctly hers.
Tondry is another one who can claim such distinct style. While many can try, nobody can fluidly pull off a true techno-thriller character, because they want to be everywhere at once. Tondry keeps to his style, and still manages to control as many variables as possible in his RPs, without being demanding of other participants. He works in premeditation and trickery, but without causing OOC distrust. That is not an easy thing to do.
Its not easy to pull convincing style out of a character, and not many can. But its at least something to work toward. Advice I can give people is to STAY AWAY from creating "Just another Jedi or Sith". I'm not saying not to create a Jedi or Sith, but these characters by definition STIFLE avenues to explore. There's only so much you can do in a unique manner in this approach, and with so many people in these groups, a fat chance somebody else has done it better. As a thread at GJO pointed out...too many people are guilty of following these similar parallels with their characters. If you want to make an impact, try a fresh approach, even if you have to brainstorm for a while.
Aug 28th, 2001, 07:48:08 PM
I don't know if this post was influenced any by my comments on First Person Writing, but I think I'll defend my point regardless.
Although I'm ragging on (ie, pestering) you about it, I don't expect you to change on my behalf. And I know that you wouldn't even consider it. I simply meant that I don't favor that writing style myself. Off the top of my head, I can only think of one single book that was written in First Person and that I found enjoyable to read. That book, by the way, in the Omnibus collection of the first couple Eternal Champion books by Michael Moorcock. And, to be frank, Moorcock is not the best writer in the world: It's his great imagination and imagery which carry the tales. I'm not suggesting that you can't equal his accomplishment; In fact, the only reason I was being critical at all wasn't because of your choice, but the motivations for it.
Aug 28th, 2001, 07:49:57 PM
my style is styless. I created a character, and started badly. As I did some patching up, I made it worse. Now, Fett is a truly awful character,a mish-mash of good ideas, duct taped up with bad writing. Most people would retire off he character, butIm a one main character man. Hence, Im stuck in the rut
Sanis Prent
Aug 28th, 2001, 07:55:16 PM
Heh :p this wasn't in response to that.
I've always liked Noir. Fight Club is one of my favorite movies. I started Sanis' character speaking in noir to begin with. Remember the old Lucious Lawson story from last year? I wrote that in Noir, cause its almost a throwback to shakesperian use of alliteration, simile, and other descriptors in prose writing. Max Payne got me hooked like a fish, so I decided to switch back to that style. No biggie. I'm no innovator by any means...its just a thing I like to do.
Warren Azalin
Aug 28th, 2001, 07:55:42 PM
I think your being just a little too hard on yourself Fett, your not that bad.
Monique Crystalle
Aug 28th, 2001, 08:01:19 PM
I'm my case I have no style, maybe that's why I could never stay with one character, I was (and still am) trying to find my style. Oh sure, I have characters that I like, and then there are characters that I have played and I have ended up hating them....
I'm pretty much saying is that I have no style at the moment, I'm still looking, it's taken me over a year and I still haven't found it. So maybe there are other RPers out there who are still looking for their style, so don't shun them or ignore them because of that, but try to help them....
Gwad...I sound like a self-help book....:|
Aug 28th, 2001, 08:03:56 PM
oh arent I? Lets see:
Fett started off as being a great saber fighter. Then, I wanted guns. So, in came the 1911s. Then, I decided for a Star Wars feel, hed have two Blastech DL-44s. Later, I wanted more high-tech slugthrowers. Enter the MK-23s. That means that Fett has 8 weapons, although not at the same time.
Fett started off normal. Then I decided to give some quirks. Now, he basically has nothing.
Lets be truthful, he isnt anything like he should be
Gav Mortis
Aug 28th, 2001, 08:08:40 PM
I think that is a very interesting yet true point you have raised there Sanis.
The writing style of a roleplayer is important to me; first of all each roleplayer has a different layout for their posts, however I prefer to read posts that don't have the old * or :: on either side of an action. Then it is a matter of what is trying to be achieved in the post that influences how it is written; for example, for Gav I use an omniscient narrative style because it is something I feel comfortable with and allows me to describe settings much better. However, I have one thread in which I am attempting first person and I think it is an excellent way to enter the mind of a character and obtain a fuller understanding of him/her. Therefore I think it all depends on what you are trying to achieve with a character that influences how you write your posts.
I think the abilities to interact with other characters in a roleplaying environment and have a particular character style are the most important qualities of a character and I think they go hand in hand with each other. The roleplayers who are able to interact well with other characters whilst maintaining the trademark style of their character are truely gifted and it is always a treat to read their work.
I think Sanis also has an authentic trademark style in his character, one which is constant and one which I enjoy reading. It all adds to the authenticity of a character. The way he responds to situations always has a laid-back attitude in it which I like and there is a definate contrast in how he responds to different circumstances and characters.
Style is very important in character presentation and I am unsure whether it is a natural gift to be able to pull it off or one which is develloped over time because with Gav I feel the same way Fett does; like his character is a juxtaposition of good ideas with poor presentation - not that that is what I think of Fett's character! Just my own! :)
Aug 28th, 2001, 08:12:47 PM
Actually, I think that's how almost all of our original characters started out: a Mish-Mash of ideas we liked. My main character (if he can be called that) started off with elements from all of my favorite fictional characters, including Richard Cypher (Sword of Truth), Garrett (Thief: the Dark Project), Roland Deschain (The Dark Tower), as well as concepts taken liberally from some of the "Great" Philosophers: Aristotle, Plato, Socrates, Sartre, etc. Later, I added some qualities from Luke to give him more of a Jedi "feel". Now, finally think he's something at least somewhat distinctive; However, I think people stopped paying attention a while ago.
Sanis: If you want to adapt some Noir-style techniques into your writing style, then I say go for it: If there is any one person here than can pull it off, you're it. I can say unabashedly that I think you're the best writer at SWFans. I may not like the style specifically, but that doesn't mean I won't like your writing as a whole.
The writing style of a roleplayer is important to me; first of all each roleplayer has a different layout for their posts, however I prefer to read posts that don't have the old * or :: on either side of an actionActually, so do I: I started to take a more novel-esque approach to my writing with one of the RP's I did about a year ago. I still sometimes use variations of that, however, for short, one-line actions with some characters. Because I just thinks it looks a bit silly to put(for example)
"Don't you think so?"
He smiled,
"Yes, I agree"In the above example, the "He smiled" part would have likely been seperated in some way. And, as I said, I would only do so with certain characters. One of the major reasons I roleplay isn't any attempt to entertain everyone else, but to improve my writing ability with the hopes of one day publishing a novel, so I try to break away from the normal trappings of RPing.
Ryu Warusa
Aug 28th, 2001, 08:15:30 PM
My style for 2 of my characters is first person. But the style is similar to Interview with a Vampire. As for Ryu, I like to think of him as a character from an anime. An anime charatcer which I can control. The only reason I don't write in first person with Ryu, is because I started out in 3rd person.
Aug 28th, 2001, 08:55:35 PM
Monique, that is exactly how I feel. I think I have found my style with Hwoarang though. Well, not really found it, but I am getting there. Like I am trying out 1st person RPing.
Reaper, you wouldnt be a Jedi Master with a character that sucked. You could whip almost everybody here easily.
Aug 28th, 2001, 08:58:32 PM
HA HA HA HA HA!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, thats funny. I havent ever clearly won a fight, nor done anything more than play subpart in a RP. Hardly good credentials, eh?
Nichos Marr
Aug 28th, 2001, 09:42:36 PM
I like to think Seth has style due to his insanity and unpredictableness. You can never tell what he'll do or how he'll react to a situation. In cases I do give him borders and guidelines to follow, but he usually surprises people, and I like him that way.
Nichos is a typical Jedi although I'm trying to give him a bit of an NJO Kyp-ish attitude as his Roleplays progress. Right now he is my main character and I think it's safe to say he's my favorite character. I tend to have a lot of ideas to do with Nichos. He is a muse, even though he doesn't look all that special on the outside.
Vekaar has a sort of Sanis Prent style to him, with a bit more mystery and a lot more weight. He's a not so silent bob, basically portrayed as he is in Mallrats, save the silence. He has a lot of high tech stuff and has to be in the know. He is the most intelligent of my characters.
IG-90 I'd like to think is quite unique along with Jedi Order Holocron and Oosa Feddra. They're all original (I hope) and they each have quirks. For example IG-90 considers himself superior to all sentients, and underestimates them highly.
Seth, Nichos and Vekaar all represent a part of the real me. Despite some of their names being taken from Star Wars (Nichos Marr) I'd like to think of my characters' styles as at least semi-original and interesting.
Miryan no Trunks
Aug 28th, 2001, 09:53:58 PM
Hmm.. Style.. I can't say that MnT started off as a mish-mash of Anything really. He was straight out of the DBZ universe, but with a laid-back attitude about things.
Now look at him.. Has this anime samurai/slash/martial artist monk/slash/romantic poet thing going on. As for style..
Hmm.. I don't think I even Have a style >_<
Vega Van Derveld
Aug 29th, 2001, 02:37:57 AM
*just another text book Sith with no originality*
Lady DeVille
Aug 29th, 2001, 03:19:41 AM
My style is classy yet sexy. Oh wait, are we not talking about clothes?
Force Master Hunter
Aug 29th, 2001, 03:56:00 AM
Well.... the marker of me is humour and a warped sense of what can be done. The thing is, I genuinely havent roleplayed as much as others for some time, so what I tend to do is not really as known.
I have a tendancy to take the absurd and make it half believeable. Like Panning people. I tend to set traps and post deceptions constantly. I love setting things up three or four posts in adavance, lure players into a trap and then close it. I also like to get into emotions.
However.... for a very different style and feel, its Lord Fire Blade. First person, which IMO is executed well.
Arya Ravenwing
Aug 29th, 2001, 04:29:44 AM
...its possible. LFB executes a lot of people.
I don't think I have a style. Do I?
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