View Full Version : Behold!

Mama Mashpatatoes
Aug 27th, 2001, 09:20:30 PM
The power of Mama Mashpatatoes!

Force Master Hunter
Aug 27th, 2001, 09:23:58 PM
I feel the sanity level of this place dropping by the second today

Mama Mashpatatoes
Aug 27th, 2001, 09:25:22 PM
Aaaaaah! ::Thwaks FMH with Force Rolling Pin::

Force Master Hunter
Aug 27th, 2001, 09:29:17 PM
:: Ducks::

Sorry, Rolling pin been tried before :P

When your writing about twacking people with rolling pins or Frying Pans... you need Style

Dont just Thwack someone. Describe the situation. Write the sneak up. Extoll the the skill in sneakage. Do the move. Add sound effects, pictures. Having a grossly overdone finish and wrapup.

Mama Mashpatatoes
Aug 27th, 2001, 09:31:58 PM
Nah I'll just run up and repeatedly thwak you. ::Runs up and repeatedly thwaks FMH while screaming::

DaeTana Jinn
Aug 27th, 2001, 09:32:04 PM
Listen to FMH, as he is the master of thwacking people....:lol:

Force Master Hunter
Aug 27th, 2001, 09:49:19 PM
:: Ducks and backs away::

What you need is a lesson in thwacking someone.

Now, the best idea is for something new. So for this, we need a FORCE ACME LABS. From there, we can dig our hand into a portable hole

:: Rummaging sounds are heard::


AHA! Mama Mashpotatoes is a Farmers wife!! MWAHAHAHHA! PERFECT!!!

:: The Bounty Hunter covers his latest invention with a cloak::

Behold as I unveil the power of...


:: Three blind mice without tails, loaded up with rocket launchers, machine guns, bazookas and mortar cannon begin to blitz the area! Mama Squeals, which is the wrong thing to do - they may be blind, but they CAN HEAR!!

Mouse ONE : There she is! I hear her there!
Mouse TWO : Load Catapult!
Mouse THREE : Loaded
One :Aim!
Two : FIRE!!


A ton of moldy dough flies through the air a Mach1


:: Mama Mashpotaotes is squashed to a pancake by the dough, which the mice grab and shove through a donut maker::


Reysa Sashara
Aug 27th, 2001, 10:03:04 PM
strolls out behinde Mama with a leg of lamp. creeps up un-heard...SMACK..the leg of lamb smacks mama round the cheek bone and kncoks him flat..reys runs of screaming

Ryu Warusa
Aug 27th, 2001, 10:11:35 PM
Don't pick on the old woman! ::Moonstone Cannon! Fire!:: The super energy beam envelopes FMH and blows up a nearby floating Island. Lucky for us it was the evil island of the evil fish people. Thus proving once again that Lady Luck will always favor the Mega-Playboy pirate.

Aug 28th, 2001, 04:51:13 PM
I wanna learn the Titanic Theme thingy!!!

Aug 28th, 2001, 06:18:32 PM
Behold, the Power of CHEESE!

Gitane Blesse
Aug 29th, 2001, 06:17:01 AM
Ryu... o_O I just noticed that, on your sig... There's a large spot that's darker than the rest of that shaded in..

Aug 29th, 2001, 12:32:38 PM
Yeah, FMH. You sure have the style part down.

Seerrasseei Tsseerra
Aug 29th, 2001, 01:52:58 PM
hehe...this one somewhat reminds me of Big Momma from BM.....

Aug 29th, 2001, 03:02:20 PM
burn fools, burn for the glory of the Queen! A-HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! *pulls out flamethrowers and rocket launchers and fires them*

Ryu Warusa
Aug 29th, 2001, 04:50:49 PM
Hmm... you're right, but I'm not going to take the time to redo it now... maybe one day...

Resanul Kurtz
Aug 29th, 2001, 05:01:51 PM
Walks in singing out loud * …Fall into your hands…I command my spirit, fall into your hands. Why have you forsaken me, in your eyes forsaken me, in your thoughts forsaken me, in your heart forsaken…me? Trust in my self-righteous suicide, I cry when angels disserve to die in my self-righteous suicide…* looks up and laughs at all thats going on.

Resanul Kurtz
Aug 29th, 2001, 05:22:42 PM
Unfortunately Resanul walked in to close to Vchoun’s flamethrower and his cloak burst into flames. He falls to the floor and rolls about “It tastes Burning…”

Gitane Blesse
Aug 29th, 2001, 05:30:36 PM
:lol: I could fix it for ya, Ryu. It's not that hard. :)

Ryu Warusa
Aug 29th, 2001, 05:44:22 PM

Liam Jinn
Aug 29th, 2001, 05:46:01 PM
Wait, you mean he DIDN'T mean to do that? Damn...I thought he just had a shadow covering his face..

Ryu Warusa
Aug 29th, 2001, 05:53:00 PM
Its a different shade of black....