View Full Version : General Info [Species' Stats]

Jeseth Cloak
Sep 8th, 2001, 10:28:44 PM
This was going to originally be about my own species, but I thought it would be a good idea if I made this open so anyone can post info about their race (just follow the format I set up, and add categories where needed). If you have any questions just ask.

Race: Ambrielian (Am-brey-lien)

Language: Dialect of basic. Most differences are merely in pronunciations, not spelling.

Home World: Ambriel (Am-bree-el)

Life Expectancy: 250-300 Standard Years.

Physical Attributes: Ambrielians can be identified visually by a number of factors. Skin tones are usually very light or completely absent, wing-spans that range from 12 to 25 meters, and eyes that are uniformly one color (most commonly brown, black, gray, or white). Other differences which are not always visible are unusually sharp incisors, low density and high flexibility of bones, and sensitive digestive system. Ambrielians cannot eat most plant life and are strictly carnivorous (So yes, if they are in a bad mood, they may decide to turn you into a snack).

Psychological Attributes: Release of hormones such as adrenaline are extremely high, meaning that the average Ambrielian has a very short temper and is by nature competitive and paranoid. This also means that those who happen to be Force sensitive are very susceptible to Dark Side influences, regardless of how pure their intentions may be.

Historical Overview: Ambrielians' recorded history can be traced back to a time when they lived in a feudal society, most of them using primitive weapons which resembled force pikes and speeder-type ground vehicles for transporting of large shipments of food and goods. The Force played a small role in their development. A small but influential cult of "wizards" held the planet's governments in their grasp for almost a century before they were all deposed in an uprising known as the Battle Of Winds. An entire continent of Ambriel lay in ashes following the uprising and was abandoned in favor of more fertile land. Centuries later Ambrielians would attempt to colonize the land again and fail, despite the improvements in technology and acquisitions of more advanced cleansing devices from conquered worlds.

The government of Ambriel developed into a Semi-Democratic Empire, almost always controlled by one of the more powerful houses (most notable of which were the Houses of Cloak, Eaven, and Azalin). War was a constant within the society, and came second only to politics, which was every Ambrielians interest during the final age. The Ambrielian Empire held several small systems by the time the Galactic Empire deemed that there could be but one Emperor and began a hostile conquest. While the planet had previously been protected only through Black Sun ties, Prince Xizor's betrayal of the Galactic Empire sealed the world's fate; The Ambrielian Empire fell by the end of a year's time. Ambriel itself was decimated by several Imperial battle ships, sending a public message to all surrounding systems which had once considered the "Ambrielian Empire" one of the most powerful and stable political centers in the galaxy.

Keerrourri Sarrtarroa
Sep 8th, 2001, 11:21:38 PM
Race: Cizerack (Sih-ZUR-ak)

Language: Cizerric (A harmonic, flowing language punctuated by mewls, growls, and keens. Also, Cizerack can speak Basic, but usually with a thick and pronounced accent that makes its understanding difficult at times.)

Home World: Carshoulis Prime (Car-SHOH-lis Priym)

Life Expectancy: 120-150 Standard Years.

Physical Attributes: Cizerack range in height anywhere from 1.7 to 2.2 meters, given gender and other reasonings. Though not usually overtly large, the felinoids are renound for having an impeccable physique, which generally never exceeds 15% bodyfat. This is due to a heightened metabolic system designed to maximize energy burned from food consumption. This cornucopia of energy allows Cizerack to attain amazing physical prowess. Most can sustain foot speed of 60 mph for medium distances, and the average Cizerack is approximately 3-4 times as strong as a human. The felinoids differ from generic humanoids, as they possess a prehensile tail, which sometimes expresses their mood. They have long, tufted ears which can move, allowing for excellent hearing. Their keen eyes are always a shade of blue, and in dark areas, can give off faint illumination. Their sense of smell is also on par with their other senses. As they are a carnivorous race, Cizerack teeth are suited for eating flesh. Their teeth are pointed, especially the canines, which are long and pronounced. Their fingers and toes have retracting claws, which can be quite effective weapons, or simply an improved means of climbing. Skin tones range widely, usually in a shade of brown, but some ethnicities are known for grey, white, orange, or black skin tones. One common trait is that Cizerack have pronounced and noticable stripes that cover their entire bodies, minus the palms of their hands and soles of their feet. Hair color is generally a whitish-platinum, but brunette hair is also common.

Psychological Attributes: Cizerack are capable of wild mood swings, from overflowing affection, to vicious rage. The felinoids are generally selfish-minded, with the females displaying the "lion's share" of these qualities. Males, while sharing the same general psychological profiles, are much more subdued and reserved about their feelings.

Historical Overview: Cizerack culture is a curiosity. It is fanatically racist and matriarchal. Around a thousand years ago, Carshoulis was struck with a terrible famine that wiped out a sizeable portion of consumable wildlife. A Cizerack female named Sharrourra Anceeaarru rallied the strongest Cizerack nation at the time, and put into motion a method to conserve food supply, and prevent starvation. However, tasting the reigns of power, Anceeaarru refused to relent...tightening her reigns over the entire planet. She set into motion the standard practice of male submissiveness, and elevated her status to that of a near Demigoddess. Living to a ripe old age of 160, by the time she had passed, the concept of female rule was set fully in stone, and she was followed by a long line of female progeny to continue her social experiment. In the following dynasties, the Cizerack Pride would expand beyond Carshoulis Prime, and dominate the entire 13 planet Carshoulis cluster

Having enough food to survive has always plagued Cizerack history, and the race learned to become extremely materialistic, understanding that dealing with other inferior sentient races of Forrda could not simply be dealt with violence, as some were quite technologically advanced. The Cizerack became masters of trade, ensuring that their affluence and influence would sustain them when their agriculture could not. Mothers taught their daughters the virtues of selfishness, as it often meant survival. As time went on, they even began to fear that the larger males might somehow blunder and destroy their utopia. Cizerack laws catered to this fear, stripping men of the right to vote, own property, and the like. The levels of extreme racism and sexism have created a caste hierarchy on Carshoulis...with full-blood females being the elite, while half-breeds form a middle class. Alien species living within the system are a distant lower class, and are often viewed with mixture of emotions, from curiosity, to disdain, to outright hatred. Violence against other species, whether in the name of passion, or simply for consumption, is generally overlooked by law enforcement, with maybe a slap on the wrist given to offenders. Cizerack females are quite gregarious, and an average female often owns a harem of five or more manservants. There is little practice or ceremony to how Cizerack are joined in union. When a Cizerack female reaches sexual maturity (Kree-rrou), she simply finds the first male she deems "suitable", and takes him into her home. The male has little or no choice in the matter. In fact, sex is a rather casual affair to Cizerack, akin to what shaking hands might be to another species. This outlook on reproduction results in a Cizerack population that explodes off the scale. The Cizerack Pride's population numbers 388 billion. The downside is that often, the interests of individual members of society can often go unheard, leading to rather atrocious humanoid rights.

Force Master Hunter
Sep 9th, 2001, 12:12:41 AM
This will be amusing :)

Race : OcckaAustralias (Real Residents)

Language : Commonly called Lingo, mix of local phrases and Galatic Basic, which is quite accented and can be puzzling to listen to

Home World : TerraAustralias (Place of Residence), there are 6 other planets the Occkas live on in the area.

Life Expectancy : 450 years standard

Physical / Planentary Attributes : Can be mistaken for humans, except for usually stocky build. TerraAustralias is a high gravity planet, rated at 2.1 G, which has lead to a development of added bone and muscle density to adapt to the punishing gravity. The other 6 planets are much lesser, but still above 1 G. The Occka have also adapted to the ferocious heat of their home. TerraAustralias is comprised of desert towards the tropics and oceans to the poles. It's a very harsh place to live and no one tries to build on the surface. All buildings are underground and there is even a city on one of the manyislands, built entirely out of a cave system. The planet is notably flat, with few mountains. Some agriclture exists, mainly with irrigation. Repulsor lift technology doesnt work well, thence the major conveyances are genuine ground vechicles.

The sector is well in the Unknown Regions. Very few Occkas have travelled into the main galaxy, finding normal places uncomfortably cold. Being able to put up with the gravity of Terra is a badge of honour, so any travelling Occka will almost compulsively find ways to turn up grav plates. The average Occka is much stronger than human, up to 3 times, altho the average is double. A highly practical race, they dont believe in the Force, instead relying on a facination with inventions to survive. They do trade with nearby systems, but tend to stay to themselves.

Their iventive streak has lead to some highly unusual machines that also reflect their lack of tolerance for niceities. There is no real "culture", performers and artists are viewed with deep suspicion. They tend to like guns of any sort.

The average Occka is very friendly, easy going and helpful. However, when they do get angry, they tend to hold grudges and if they do go to war, they are superb fighters who dont know what surrender is. Impervious to alcohol, except for a particularly lethal concoction called Fosters. As transport is a big thing for Occkas, they have developed unusually good fighters and transports, nothing larger however.

In the main, they are farmers.

There is little to no government and not much need. There was a king once, but no one really remembers who that was. Literature is not something a normal Occka will have a bar of, though must can read and write well. Quite at home with technology if they see a need for it.

Ron Thrawn
Sep 9th, 2001, 12:26:35 PM
These stats may change soon, because the concept is still evolving, but I'll just edit it if it does:

Species: Imortals (A combination of many races.)

Homeworld: Darone

Language: Whatever they happen to speak before Imortality.

Life Expectansy: 50-Infinity Standard Years (They often knock each other off.)

Physical Attributes: Always carry a Lightsaber, even if they are not Jedi or Sith.

Psycological Attributes: An extreme scence of Honour makes Imortals adhear to a strit code of conduct. They tend to try and kill other Imortals.

History: The Imortals came from an Ancient world called Darone, in the Kessel System. They were highly evolved, and had such complete power over the Force that they could extend their lifespan indefinatly. They invented the lightsaber, and put World Engines in the worlds of the Corielian System. They helped life along on 100 different worlds. A Cold War began between planetary factions just as a group of warriors went to seed more planets with life. When they returned, they found a Black Hole Cluster and a message canister. They opened the canister to find that the War had turned hot, and when the first battle had happened, the black holes came out of nowhere and destroyed the planet.
Small factions errupted in the warriors, all trying to take the legacy of thier race. They found that they could turn a recently dead body into an Imortal if It died a violent death, so small roups continued to vie for control of the legacy, made up of many different species.
To avoid repeating the destruction of thier planet, they created a strict code of conduct, that has them only using lightsabers to fight eachother, not fighting on areas strong in the Force, which they call Holy Ground, and only fighting one on one.
It is not known what the Legacy is, because the original Imortals are long dead at the hands of other imortals, but it is known it will become known when there is only one. . .

Vega Van Derveld
Sep 9th, 2001, 02:41:13 PM
(I'll probably edit this some... I'm not thinking right at the mo :x )

Race: Lupine (Loo-peen) / Werewolf

Human form – whatever the being has learnt to speak,

Lupine form – use of growls and movement of body parts, i.e. tail to signify current mood, after many years force using Lupines can expect to gain the ability to communicate via the mind.

Home World: Figaro Favoura VII (Fee-gah-roe Fah-voor-ah seven)

Life Expectancy:
Males – 75-80,
Females – 80-90

Physical Attributes:
Human form – Very few distinguishing features can be found upon a Lupine whilst in their human status. The only visible difference is the elongation of the canine teeth, extending them to, at full size, an inch long (Lupine offspring are born with canines just under the size of 2cm.) All other variables and sizes are specific to the human body, thus allowing the Lupine to have a normal appearance.
If not born as a member of the species, on becoming one physical changes will take place, altering the host’s body to appear more like that of their sire. For example, if a young boy with blue eyes and blonde hair was sired by a dark, swarthy Lupine, it is likely he would take on the murky appearance.

Lupine form – This form of the being changes as they develop through their life. As a child, the appearance of a young canine/wolf will be taken, the colour of fur being determined by the human’s hair colour, or parent’s genes.

Psychological Attributes:
Full bred Lupines experience dire pains as they grow up. The ability to change from a human being into a ‘Lupe’ is not a natural talent, and must be practiced at – with much cost. Side affects to changing are present through-out the lifespan, leaving the host at a disadvantage after long periods in one form – for example, too much time spent in human form would leave the Lupine form confused as to how to use it’s body, and vice versa.
Easily visible changes become present immediately in a newly sired Lupine. These include inability to concentrate, mood swings and general unsure ness of themselves. Violent outbursts are often caused due to surges in neural pathways, triggered by the Lupine seeing it’s canines (although this fades in due time).

Historical Overview:
The Lupine gene is one found very rarely, and originated upon the planet Karfeddion, although it is generally assumed to have been ‘born’ upon Figaro Favoura VII.

When the virus was heard off, and proof of it’s existence was seen, tests were run upon the whole planet to try and clean it of the filth that the mutants brought, spawning the theory that the DNA code was found in only one family.

The Van-Dervelds. A family of 4 consisting of 3 brothers, Ziek Marco and Caracci, and Caracci’s wife, Laktani. The group were expelled from Karfeddion, even though it was suspected the female of the family was pregnant, and the space travel could affect her maternal state.
Repelled by civilization after civilization, the group eventually took their home upon a deserted asteroid in the Figaro Favoura system, a small cluster of galactic bodies in the Outer Rim. Upon this planet they grew to live with their condition, and eventually began to revel in it, and reap it’s benefits at every chance given.
Taking it upon them to create a virtual cult of the species, a clan of Elders of the family, consisting of the first generation members, turned their family into a sect.
As time went on children were born, and the trait was passed down to many more, allowing the Lupine species to remain alive. Sadly, for some, it is now thought that the race is extinct, excluding only a few who still remain in scattered corners of the universe – namely two Van-Dervelds, Vega and Marco.

Xanatos Etanial
Sep 9th, 2001, 03:21:14 PM
Race: Mythosian (mith-Oh-see-an)

Language: Basic

Home World: Mythos (Mith-Oh-s)

Life Expectancy: Uncharted; varies generation to generation. 100-300 Standard Years estimated.

Physical Attributes: Mythosian's share the same physical attributes as humans, height ranging from 5 to 7 feet or more. Varied builds, though usually well developed. Only real distinction between humans and Mythosians are Mythosian's odd hair and eye color. Though they can be "normal" many Mythosian's have icey blue, neon green, or even blood red eyes. And hair colors that are bright and colorful; blue, purple, green etc.

Psychological Attributes: Mythosian's are underdeveloped in technology and science, allowing their culture to be based on the mystical. As a result, many Mythosians view science as a foreign concept and something to be warry or fearful of. Mythosians for the most part are Xenophobic, fearing outsiders or anything alien, this causes them to be paranoid and delusional.

Historical Overview: Mythosians are in truth a Hybrid race, partially human and paartially the native race of Mythos, a reptillian like species known as Krem 'Tar (Cree-am-Tare). When humans colonized Mythos they started a war between themselves and the Krem 'Tar, the war lasted 25 years and resulted in many casualties. Eventually a treaty between the 2 races was formed, and Krem 'Tar and human began to work and function side by side. Overtime, as naturally occurs, a human and a Krem 'Tar fell in love. Having physioligy that was compatable, they became life mates. The result was what could be referred to as the first true Mythosian.

Centuries passed, and the line between human and Krem 'Tar blurred to the point that neither exsisted anymore. A new race had been born, the Mythosians. Possessing the Physical appearance of the human race, but with the life expectancy of the Krem 'Tar, along with their odd and hair coloration. Though the latest generation of Mythosians are the most human-like yet, their are still reminders of where they came, as older generations still possess many of the physical attributes of the Krem 'Tar.

Xanatos's father, Dexarian, is one such example.

<img src=http://mphage.homestead.com/files/ChameleonStand.gif>That isn't a mask he's wearing.

Satine Capashen
Sep 9th, 2001, 05:06:50 PM
Alright, here goes.

Race: Tolarian

Language: Dialect of Basic.

Life expectancy: up to 600 years

Physical Attributes: much like humans, including the ranges of skin color. Only difference is as they age. They seem to stay around the 30 year old look until about 600 then they rapdily age.

Psyche Attributes: Most imbued with powers to manipulate different things, referred to as "Wizardry" or "Sorcery" on tolaria, some have control over the Force also. They have a very short temper and hold grudges often. This leads to quite a few small wars, but there's no way of getting around that.

History: Tolarians are a part of the star cluster called Dominia. There have been wars throughout the ages. Technology wise, Tolaria--and the rest of the cluster--have only just begun to play with interstellar travel using hyperdrives. They have normally been interested in artifice, and had made "Interplanar Portals" for travel among the different worlds of Dominia, which was called the "Multiverse". Tolaria itself was settled to give people with the abilities of manipulation of various things a place to study, and learn. It was decimated in the Invasion Wars that almost destroyed Dominaria, but was rebuilt. About that time, interstellar travel was invented, and soon Tolaria had major space ports along all of its major continents.