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Khasha DarNei
Sep 12th, 2001, 09:05:01 PM
Wednesday September 12 2:37 PM ET
Afghan Taliban Warns U.S. Strikes Would Sow Hatred

KABUL (Reuters) - Afghanistan (news - web sites)'s ruling Taliban movement said on Wednesday any U.S. strikes against the country in retaliation for Tuesday's terror attacks would succeed only in sowing hatred in the region.

Ok and committing all these acts of terrorism, hasn't made us feel hatred!??? Is this guy for real???? Uh, correct me if I am wrong, but, don't they hate the US already???

Taliban spokesman Abdul Hai Mutmaen told Reuters from the southern Afghan town of Kandahar that U.S. strikes could lead to further suicide attacks.

SUICIDE ATTACKS???????? OMG, their terrorists highjack OUR planes and proceed to do who knows what to the passengers and crew, send the planes into the Twin Towers of the World Trade Center and its called a suicide attack??? How f**ked up is that?? (Sorry for the language)

``If innocent and sinless people suffer, then it is certain that on the level of the region, hatred will further increase, the result of which will be similar to the suicide incidents,'' he said.

I don't think the hatred and pain over OUR innocent and sinless people's NEEDLESS deaths can get any deeper. Someone shoot this moron! PLEASE!

Mutmaen repeated the Taliban position that the attacks, which saw two hijacked commercial jets plough into New York's World Trade Centre and another into the Pentagon (news - web sites), were a humanitarian tragedy and that Saudi terror suspect Osama bin Laden (news - web sites) was not involved.

Yeah, and I am Sister Theresa.... keep talkin' dude, cuz you just keep sinking deeper in your own sh*t

``Once again we want to say that the present incident in America is a humanitarian tragedy and we are sad about it. We condemn it strongly and oppose terrorism,'' he said.
"Present Incident".... Funny, I thought it was a heinous act of cowardice that resulted in the deaths of thousands. OOPS! Stupid me, thats exactly what it was....Its called War, Murder, Terrorism. Do NOT make it sound as if it is anything less

Concerned over a repeat of U.S. reprisals on Afghanistan that followed deadly 1998 attacks on U.S. embassies in Africa, the Taliban issued hasty denials that bin Laden, who they describe as their guest, was capable of mounting such a vast coordinated conspiracy.
Keep harboring that "Guest" ya got there, I am sure the US won't mind a bit when we mosey on over there and kick all yer butts!

Mutmaen called for patience as the investigation sought to catch those behind the deadly attacks and said -- as had been the case for around two years -- that bin Laden had no outside communication links.

``The ban which we had imposed on him is in place, he doesn't have access to fax, to phone, or any other means of communication,'' Mutmaen said.
Really...I find this quite interesting....and also quite unbelievable. If this ban has in fact been imposed on Laden, then why do you call him your 'guest'? Caught ya in a mess up on yer own words...You are harboring him, cuz thats exactly what it sounds like to me....

He added the United States should be patient in its investigation and not jump to conclusions.
Shoot first, ask questions later. Simple really.

``In America, the circumstances of such an incident... should not be attributed with covered eyes and with illogical reasoning to somebody and neither its revenge be taken on an innocent nation,'' Mutmaen said.
Innocent nation??? Ok, then just turn your "Guest" over to us to face US war crimes, not to mention what charges NATO will get him for....Maybe all of the victims families would really like a piece of the action too?? Oh wait, why would you even consider their feelings??? Kill the Bastards!

The Taliban said earlier on Wednesday that it was premature to talk about extraditing bin Laden.
Simple, clear answer to this: Extradite or we come to his door and pick up his sorry ass.

``It is premature,'' Taliban ambassador to neighboring Pakistan Mullah Abdul Salam Zaeef said. ``If any evidence is presented to us, we will study it.''
Study it? For what? To see where you made any mistakes and try to improve for another attempt???? This tragedy is NOT an experiment like you'd do in school to study under a microscope with a fine tooth comb....

Mutmaen added that the Taliban and bin Laden should not be blamed for the terror attacks, but if there was a U.S. strike against Afghanistan it would fail as there were no worthy industrial targets in the poverty-stricken country.
Uh, *slaps Mutmaen upside the head* Moron, pay attention. We dont want your poverty stricken country or any worthy or unworthy industrial targets. WE WANT Laden! And all those who are responsible, and harboring the jackass!

A newspaper in Pakistan said it had received a message from Osama bin Laden that he was not involved.
I repeat: Uh huh, and I am Sister Theresa

Pierce Tondry
Sep 12th, 2001, 09:19:50 PM
Shoot first, ask questions later. Simple really.

Don't say that. You don't know what it means.

Imagine someone walks into a grocery store and pulls out a gun to rob the place. Imagine someone else then opening up semi-automatic fire that kills not only the robber, but also everybody on the front end of the store.

You may be mad, and feel hurt, but can you not also see how destructive that path can be? Is speedy revenge in place of true justice worth losing one's own humanity?

Khasha DarNei
Sep 12th, 2001, 09:46:29 PM
I do know EXACTLY what that means since my aunt was shot in the head by her own husband a few years ago with no warnings whatsoever, then he proceeded to attempt to shoot his own 16 year son in the head as well...

Pierce Tondry
Sep 12th, 2001, 09:57:24 PM
If you really know what it means, you should know that such an unmitigated tragedy should never be perpetuated on a global scale.

Nothing is worth that.

Sanis Prent
Sep 12th, 2001, 10:04:51 PM
Don't say that.....and yes, I know EXACTLY what kind of pain you have been through with a loss like that.

We have to be the bigger men (women) about this...and see them to final retribution...but in a manner which represents our great and noble country. We accomplish nothing with angry mobs and pogroms.

Khasha DarNei
Sep 12th, 2001, 10:05:15 PM
You know, you are right and I do know that. Reading that angered me terribly. I'll apologize for the shoot first ask questions later comment but for anything else I said in that post, I will not apologize for.

Pierce Tondry
Sep 12th, 2001, 10:09:37 PM
I'm glad you feel enough to apologize for that remark. Coincidentally, I didn't have a problem with anything else you said. :)

As for the report itself, I will say this: there is more than enough bull being thrown in the way of justice at the moment. If you don't believe that statement, take it from someone whose own initials are B. S. that I can recognize it when I smell it.

Khasha DarNei
Sep 13th, 2001, 12:31:56 AM
You're last line brought a smile to my face, which I needed badly. For that I thank you.

There was something shown on the news about an hour ago that brought tears to my eyes, only these were good tears. I don't know if you had seen this but a large crowd had gathered before the white house with candles lit in a silent vigil, letting the President and the Country know they were there and supporting him. Also honoring those who lost their lives.

I think every house, apartment, whatever one lives in, should keep a light shining in atleast one window of their home until this whole situation is resolved and proper memorials are given to those this nation has lost...

In fact, I think I will do just that....Flag set in place on the garage, and a candle in my window...

Sergeant Tyle
Sep 13th, 2001, 12:33:59 AM
(Switches on Lava Lamp)

Khasha DarNei
Sep 13th, 2001, 12:43:25 AM
I just went around the subdivision that I live in. I was amazed as I saw every house sporting an American Flag proudly on their porches or off their garages and they had a small light or candle in a window or two as well... :)