View Full Version : Everyone needs to see this.

Morgan Evanar
Sep 13th, 2001, 07:54:53 PM
arstechnica.infopop.net/OpenTopic/page?q=Y&a=tpc&s=50009562&f=34709834&m=4640913172&p=1 (http://arstechnica.infopop.net/OpenTopic/page?q=Y&a=tpc&s=50009562&f=34709834&m=4640913172&p=1)

www.coldleaf.org/thankyou.htm (http://www.coldleaf.org/thankyou.htm) These images are easier to find.

Sep 13th, 2001, 07:57:58 PM
really shows how all this has hit the world's population

Sergeant Tyle
Sep 13th, 2001, 07:59:47 PM
I'm crying again...

Morgan Evanar
Sep 13th, 2001, 08:04:21 PM
Me too. *wipes tear from eyes*

But they aren't the same kind. *smiles*

Sep 13th, 2001, 08:05:44 PM
That's really beautiful. It's quite amazing to see such a show of support from around the world.

Dyne Darkforce
Sep 13th, 2001, 08:08:15 PM
Nods his head slightly.

Now thats what im talking about. Sign of respect and support, means a lot.

Sergeant Tyle
Sep 13th, 2001, 08:20:54 PM
I guess we just never knew exactly how much the rest of the world cared about us. All it seems is that we get bad publicity when trying to do the right thing in the world...and that can be disheartening...alot.

Thank you to everyone abroad for your sympathies, your support, and your prayers. We are all in this together.

I can safely say that everybody is an American today.

Sep 13th, 2001, 08:28:38 PM
I want to cry... but I can't, Not until it's over.

Sep 13th, 2001, 08:28:55 PM
The US has been nothing but great friends and allies for many countries. You've always been there when help was needed.

Just thought I'd show this also, the front cover from one of our national newspapers


Dyne Darkforce
Sep 13th, 2001, 08:32:13 PM
You go Fett. Much respect to the people who made that paper and the country.

Sep 13th, 2001, 08:39:00 PM
Okay.. I can't help it.. tears are going down my cheeks. Firefighters and rescue workers are the greatest heros of their time.

Sep 13th, 2001, 08:40:21 PM
*sniff sniff*

Lady Mindy
Sep 13th, 2001, 08:54:09 PM

Those photos, and the image of the cover.... all I can say is they brought fresh tears to my eyes. There's a slight bit of relief felt deep inside, at knowing we aren't the only nation grieving and mourning over this....

Race, sex, religion....looking at these images I see the barriers or boundaries, (not sure if I am even making sense please forgive me), are invisible during this time of need. Too bad things are not like that every day...So, let's not take this moment for granted.

I don't see it as we are all americans at this moment...

We are human. We are United. We are One Nation Under God....

Sep 13th, 2001, 09:20:50 PM
Or Buddah, or their Hindu God of choice, or Allah..

Morgan Evanar
Sep 13th, 2001, 09:27:04 PM
In my eyes, its always been the same thing.

Aye Chance.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Sep 13th, 2001, 10:13:28 PM
I love that picture Morg ... they will be rebuilt one day ...

and ... I'm crying again :(

Morgan Evanar
Sep 13th, 2001, 10:44:20 PM
But they aren't the same kind of tears. *hugs*

Dyne Darkforce
Sep 14th, 2001, 01:38:36 PM