View Full Version : Good vs. Evil

Kitty McQuade
Sep 13th, 2001, 01:10:22 PM
You know, I'm one of the people around here that play a Sith. One of the "Bad Guys" in the SW Universe. After what's happened in the real world, I've been crying my eyes out over the horror of it all.

Sorsha Kasajian is a villain that thrives on chaos, terror and death. Pure evil in every sense of the word.

I know this is only an RP, but right now I'm not sure if I can go back to playing her again. Not after all of this. :(

Jedah Lynch
Sep 13th, 2001, 02:31:13 PM
I've said this before and I'll say it again.

No one is expected to be doing any RPing right now, it really doesnt matter if your a Sith, Jedi, bounty hunter, droid, gungan or sock puppet.

Some may RP because it helps them keep their mind off what has happened, they may need the boards to help joke around or be in some RP plots for fun, that is one thing many need right now.

What has happened was very tragic and it was very much something none of us have ever saw in our lives, those of us from the very young to some somewhat old<img src=http://shadowfacility.clanpages.com/smilies/sweat.gif> Even for those of us who have seen some of the worse humanity has to offer this is something on such a scale its just something few can comprehend or really get over in any shape or way.

But we will overcome this.

Remember, this is the board, an escape from reality. It is NOT reality. The people who we play are seldom a reflection of who we are. None of us would commit or dare to think of doing/acting the way we act here.

This is one thing many people do need to realize more. To seperate reality from the boards just as some need to realize the violence on TV is not real but some fail to realize that for some reason.

The whole incident is still fresh, it ony happened two days ago. The feelings, emotions, rage, sorrow have not even really begun to be felt yet. Nothing will be back to the way it is so soon.

For most its just a good idea to take it easy and do what they can when they feel up to it. No need to force themselves to post or be worried about the boards. They need to deal with real life first and then when they are ready for the escape again to come back to the boards. If nothing else the boards right now are a place where many comforting each other, thats what really counts right now.

Hart Kenobi
Sep 13th, 2001, 02:45:06 PM
I hope you feel better soon. No one here suspects anyone on this board feels anything less than grief.

Cirrsseeto Raurrssatta
Sep 13th, 2001, 03:11:09 PM
This is why I steered away from RPing Anbira as a Sith, as his character is so incredibly built around a person who is so traumatized beyond the point of no return from horrible acts he's witnessed, that he's become obsessed with revenge.

Unfortunately, I modeled Anbira EXACTLY after myself, because I'd experienced such acts of evil and terrible loss. If you didn't know...I had a good friend of mine murdered in cold blood in our church, just down the road from my house. I still can't forgive, can't forget, and can't shake away the need to avenge. Its the one fault in my personality that I can't wipe away. I can forgive almost anybody and almost anything, but when something like this is done...I can never forgive. Last year, the murderer copped a plea for a reduced sentence, and it took a buddy of mine in the Marines to talk me out of driving to the courthouse with my gun. You can tell me thats a horrible way to feel, and I won't argue that. But its the way I feel, and five years of trying to change that stain on my soul have given no results. Apparently, my unconcious vengeance factor was a primary motivator in Anbira's character, so thats why I had him wipe his memory out. I can't bear that feeling...its poison.

Unconciously, I abhor all forms of evil...and even the "bad guys" I've played have never really been evil. Guess its just something in me that can't imagine how to truly be that depraved.

Kitty, you're really the only character capable of doing that....and while its remarkable to read, I do feel the pain in your heart. Its not something anybody wants to think about, hindsight withstanding.

As many told me of Anbira, I hope you don't get rid of Sorsha...but in the end, it has to sit well with your feelings and your soul. If it doesn't...nobody will blame you for letting her go.

I will be your staunchest supporter.

Ron Thrawn
Sep 13th, 2001, 04:39:51 PM
Ya, you have to remember that you probably put bad emotions, like hatred, into your character, and that is certainly
what I do.
When I talk to my Real-World friends about SWFans.net, I say to them that my message board character is the exact opposite of me, and they look fearful, and say things like oh my god, because they can see from thinking of the exact opposite of me, this character must be horrid.
Without my Character, I would most likely not be very nice, but with him, That is where I stash bad emotions, like hatred and jealousy.
Immagine what you would be like if those emotions stayed in you, instead of becoming part of Sorsha.

Dyne Darkforce
Sep 13th, 2001, 06:01:24 PM
I think it is just mentally tough to play an evil character after all this that has happened. I cant do it myself either so I agree with Kitty.

Pierce Tondry
Sep 14th, 2001, 11:10:13 AM
Guys and gals, and especially Kitty.

Don't forget that this is just an RP. You may play downright nasty characters, but you mean nothing by them. I cannot envision any of you getting off the Internet one day and saying to yourselves "Hm, I'm bored- guess I'll just hijack a plane and run it into- oh, say- the World Trade Center."

There is a difference between Roleplaying, which is a form of acting, and real life. That distinction gets blurred from time to time, especially when feelings are hurt, but remember that it is there and that it is that distinction that makes you who you are- human beings as opposed to terrorist monsters.

Kitty McQuade
Sep 14th, 2001, 02:28:57 PM
Today I cried, and prayed, and sang. I'm also going to sing again at church this Sunday. I'm still praying hard for all the people still missing and their friends and families. But I don't feel horror anymore. I feel peace instead. Love is stronger than hate.

Thanks for the support, guys. It means alot and I love you all so much. =^_^=

Sep 14th, 2001, 03:22:35 PM
it's good to hear you are feeling better

Kitty McQuade
Sep 14th, 2001, 03:44:27 PM
Thanks Fett

:: hugs you too ::

Dyne Darkforce
Sep 14th, 2001, 07:45:36 PM
Its what I preached in one of the OOC threads and im just following my word.

Gitane Blesse
Sep 14th, 2001, 11:18:04 PM
It's weird... I could get up the will to start a new character in a TGC group, but I can't bring myself to post in any existing characters... Evil or not.. @_@

Pierce Tondry
Sep 15th, 2001, 11:19:12 PM
I love you too, Kitty.

To feel so bad, and to want to be able to take it all upon yourself so that others don't have to feel the same- this must be how Christ felt.

Some days, I feel two-thousand and one years old.

And then I remember, and refuse to give up.

*Returns to keeping silent vigil over the flag.*