View Full Version : A day of hope.

Pierce Tondry
Sep 16th, 2001, 10:08:31 PM
The next post in this thread will be a post of passion, emotion, and feeling. If you do not wish to read anything further regarding feelings of the terrorist attacks, please go no further than this post.

Thank you.

Pierce Tondry
Sep 16th, 2001, 10:52:59 PM
There are days that give one hope for the future.

Today, for me, was one of them.

I regard patriotism highly. I make no secret of that, but choose not to shout it from the rooftops. The backseat of my car currently has a flag draped over it. For the next week, whenever I drive I have a very special passenger- patriotism.

Patriotism has brought the world together in the last week. We felt each other's pain and expressed our sorrow together.

It has brought out the best in so many.

Osama Bin Laden, you are the worst that can be. I loathe you. Imagine that- I despise you, having never met you. Everything you've done, and everything you stand for is wretched, manipulative, and disgusting. I would not mind if you died tonight.

No, I do not hate you. You probably had a righteous cause once. But now, that cause has included the harming of innocents, and it is a cause to spit on and burn. And if I had to look you in the eyes and shoot you dead, I would do it because you have the blood of thousands on your hands.

You are an utter fool if you thought you could win. You won't ever defeat a kindness, courage, and nobility supported by the entire world. Your plan to unite the Islamic nations in a counterattack effort will not work. I promise that I will do anything and everything I possibly can to bridge the gap between continents and make that happen. This includes fighting, killing, and the sacrifice of my own life if need be. Too many people have suffered because of a foolish notion your psychotic mind dreamed up for me to declare otherwise.

Today, I picked New York strip steak for lunch. Today, I'm a New Yorker. And a D.C.-ite. And a Richmonder.

America, I'm sorry. I feel for you, my homeland, for you are more than just earth beneath my feet you are an ideal based on liberty and justice. Like a lover, you have soothed the pains and small sadnesses of my life to date with the bounties of your freedom. Today, my emotion for you causes me to unite with you under our flag. America, you are beautiful.

Never have I seen so many Americans together. I hope this new blessing of fellowship and trust is not a fleeting one, because so many have been at their best since them. The neighbors of the United States, Mexico and Canada, have been steadfast in their support. I consider it a compliment to live on North American soil this week. And I consider everyone who has stood side by side, nation by nation in support of Tuesday's victims and in condemnation of their perpetrators to be Americans. For America, as I mentioned, is not just a continent, but an ideal.

For those who've read this, I thank you for letting me express my feelings to you. I have vowed to try and be a better person from now on- to not take for granted the people I know and love or the freedoms I enjoy. I don't want to let this great unity the world has fall apart on my watch.

Tonight, I too, will take my turn saluting the flag and those heroes who have worked long and hard for our nation's recovery.

My friends. My comrades. My fellow Americans. I am glad you are with me tonight. Thank you for your love.

Admiral Taylor Millard
Sep 17th, 2001, 11:49:21 AM
Tondry, that's one of the best posts I've read in this situation. It ranks up there with Sean Hannity and William F. Buckley Jr.

(Guess my politics are showing...oh well)

Sep 17th, 2001, 01:44:32 PM
Pierce Tondry,

I dont think it could have been said much better.

Truer Words have probably never been spoken since the days of MLK or JFK or even the Roosevelt era.

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Sep 18th, 2001, 02:55:49 AM
:) Great words, and great sentiment and feeling behind it as well, I know. *hugs* Did you know I'm glad I know you?