View Full Version : Thank you, Ace Roscoe

Lady Mindy
Sep 14th, 2001, 10:28:39 AM
I read this post at a friends board, he resides in Sweden and is a wonderful person ....

For every day that passes by since the disaster I feel the pain and anger of my American friends more and more. I am fortunate enough to know several good people in the USA.

On the 11th of September 2001, terrorist attacks against the World Trade Center and the Pentagon killed thousands of innocent people like you and me.

The lives taken in this unholy act of villainy are casualties in the ever-lasting war for freedom. That price has always been paid, but none have been more willing to pay it then the Americans.

The responsible parties will be found and justice will be exacted, but nothing can ever truly avenge what happened unless we sink as low as our enemies, which we cannot allow ourselves to do.

What we can do is to give the little share of help we can, even if it is so little as to go on with our lives, in defiance of the few that wish to spread chaos and fear. We will not give in to them, not now, not ever. And we will remember lost heroes as we continue to struggle.

Let us, the free peoples of the world forget our daily bickering among ourselves and unite in this battle until the day that evil is no more.

Ace Roscoe
Sep 19th, 2001, 05:17:25 AM
*At a loss for words, for once. But not for long.*

Thank you, Mindy.

I may sound like a preacher in all that above, but it's because I worded my declaration carefully. I didn't want to go over the top and scream for blood, nor diminish the significance of the tragic events. I just want to convey that we're in this together, and that we, no matter how little, can make a difference.

And for you, well, you will always be welcome..


(Real name known to real people)