View Full Version : I like your President

Force Master Hunter
Sep 17th, 2001, 10:16:17 PM
www.nationalreview.com/im...te9-17.gif (http://www.nationalreview.com/images2/sec_quote9-17.gif)


Admiral Lebron
Sep 17th, 2001, 10:18:03 PM

Sanis Prent
Sep 17th, 2001, 10:38:34 PM
LOL!!!!!! When did he say that? Thats awesome!

Dark Lord Dyzm
Sep 18th, 2001, 01:01:16 AM
LOL! Thats Freaking Hilarious

Lady Vader
Sep 18th, 2001, 01:54:24 AM
I believe he said that last Sunday when asked if he was going to make any immediate strikes. Or something to that effect.

He's turning out to be a decent and awsome Prez.

Sasseeri Reeouurra
Sep 18th, 2001, 02:52:21 AM
:lol: I like him too. Heck I voted for him! Now, everyone thank me. ;)

Sep 18th, 2001, 04:03:37 PM
ROTFLMAO!!!!!! That's damned funny!!!

Sep 18th, 2001, 04:11:09 PM
I think he's done a bad job, except for the current issues, where he's borderline for me

Nichos Marr
Sep 18th, 2001, 04:13:23 PM
He's doing a hell of a lot better then Gore would've done, I'll tell you that much :)

Sep 18th, 2001, 04:14:41 PM
no you cant. You can never do whatifs. Had Gore got in, things would be different. Things would have happened, others wouldnt

Nichos Marr
Sep 18th, 2001, 04:19:31 PM
Sorry, I forgot the "In my opinion". And it still stands.

Sep 18th, 2001, 04:28:20 PM
I think it is very unfair to attempt to blame Bush for any recent events: He had absolutely no control over them.

Gitane Blesse
Sep 18th, 2001, 05:26:17 PM
I never liked either of the choices, but.. I would have chosen Bush had I been able to vote. At least he didn't act like a big baby when he was losing. :|

Darth Rane
Sep 18th, 2001, 05:27:49 PM
Everyone should have voted for Nader. :D

Sep 18th, 2001, 05:29:39 PM
I demand a recount! I DEMAND A RECOUNT!!!

Remember that? lol

What is so funny is that after the election was over and Bush won, they recounted, and Gore still lost! :lol: :lol: :lol:

Gitane Blesse
Sep 18th, 2001, 05:31:29 PM
The reccounting never stopped.. @_@

--Wonders if anyone saw the 'Green Eggs and Ham' parody about it--

Sanis Prent
Sep 18th, 2001, 05:55:56 PM
My statistics professor did three classes on the presidential recounts, explaining why they were complete and utter BS. It was funny.

Sep 18th, 2001, 06:13:57 PM
Three? Let me guess, he wanted to recount attendance :)

Sep 18th, 2001, 08:20:33 PM
*Saw the Green Eggs and Ham parody, thought it was great*

Lady DeVille
Sep 19th, 2001, 01:25:53 AM
Okay, I just have one thing to say.

These attacks were planned at least two years in advance. I mean, thats when the planning started.

Where does that put us? OH! Smack dab in the middle of Clinton's presidency. Not Bush.

And Al Gore...no, I already said my one thing. *zips lip*

Morgan Evanar
Sep 19th, 2001, 03:03:53 AM
More like 5 years or so Holly. They were in flight school in FL for quite some time. Could have happend under anyone's watch.

Sanis Prent
Sep 19th, 2001, 03:15:37 AM
I'm just gonna arbitrarily blame N'Sync...

...can we shoot them, too?

Lady DeVille
Sep 19th, 2001, 03:26:56 AM
More like 5 years or so Just want to point out that that is still under Clinton.

I just want to say that I hate that I've heard people blame Bush for this. Like, he's only been in office for 8 freakin' months people! Its NOT his fault this happened. And you are correct. This could have happened on ANYONE'S watch.

*checks her watch* luckily its not happening on mine. :p

Morgan Evanar
Sep 19th, 2001, 04:47:33 AM
Yes, I want to hear more of thins N'suck offing, less stupid politician bashing.

Sep 19th, 2001, 07:38:35 AM
It isnt Bush's fault. CIA and FBI check things like this, and I'd hardly say it is their fault either

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Sep 19th, 2001, 11:56:08 AM
one ... no president would be held accountable for this.

two ... it is the FBI's and CIA's job to look for stuff like this. Somewhere our spies frelled up and the terrorists took advantage of our domestic airlines security being laxed.

It is a combination of well funding and things that we could have done to avoided this. Hell, the air force was going to go in and take out the planes but were too far away once they did learn of the hijacking.

We need to know where we went wrong and fix those measures and then find out who did this and stop the flow of money. With help from around the world and going at this at an economical point of view first, we can at least push back or maybe stop some terrorist attacks. no money, no equipment. Then when we know where cells are go in and get them.

This situation is so frelled up to begin with it is going to take time and pointing fingers right now is counter productive.

Sanis Prent
Sep 19th, 2001, 01:16:28 PM
Also, keep in mind...for every one successful terrorist operation, our intelligence and law enforcement foil about a thousand.

Its no solace after such a horrible tragedy, but we need to remember that their batting average is pretty good already...we just ask for perfection, thats all.

Sep 19th, 2001, 03:17:55 PM
Yeah... Down with N'Suck!

Darth Midian
Sep 19th, 2001, 03:32:13 PM
I think the Backsteet (backside) Boys had a hand in this thing too.............

Hart Kenobi
Sep 19th, 2001, 10:05:21 PM
Naturally, Bush could not be blamed for this, but he is definitely the reason for the magnified "USA-hatred" by the Palestinians and rogue nations. All of those terrorist organizations along with their governments are fumed that Bush had pulled US negotiators out of the talks Clinton had set up between Isreal and its neighbors and how he has made it common to pull US diplomats from such important talks as the racism convention, simply because the US wanted to fully support Isreal and would not let others criticize Isreal's moves. Why? Because Bush didn't think we needed to waste as many of our resources and troops in that area. He had cut off relations completely with North Korea for a time early in his administration, and repeatedly reversed the advances Powell makes by nullifying all his promises, embarrassing probably the best guy in his cabinet. You can tell by his missile defense program and his environmental plan of his willingness to scrap past treaties and pacts for domestic popularity. When the argument arose, "hey, why aren't you more concerned with all those nations whom you're giving the cold shoulder," the common answer was basically, "We're the US, we're the only superpower, we can do whatever we want simply because we can get away with it."
And he was wrong. You can't get away with ignoring the pleas of humanity for long.

Miryan no Trunks
Sep 20th, 2001, 02:21:48 AM
Definately. I'm Sure I heard on the news that N'Sync, Backstreet Boys, and 98', were all involved in it, with direct funding from Britney Spears, and Christina Aguilera.

Lets get some precise decisive military strikes on them. Hell, I'll even volunteer to work as a sniper in the attacks :)

Anbiraa Hicchoru
Sep 20th, 2001, 02:24:02 AM
Well...thats why we have to repeal Ford's executive order...so we can kill pop bands!

Lady DeVille
Sep 20th, 2001, 03:36:02 AM
I feel I must make one thing clear.

I was not trying to point fingers at any one person, president or no, and say that they were accountable for this.

I do not believe any one person is.

I was merely trying to point out (to people, maybe it wasn't even here, but people in general) that it wasn't Bush's fault, since it had been planned for years.

*leaves thread*

Sep 20th, 2001, 10:28:39 PM
It doesn't matter who was in cahrge of the US someone hated America enough to plan this for a long time and it's really no one's fault it's a lot of people. People giving other's the cold shoulder that's been pointed out already yes I know. People stepping all over other countires just cause they believe their stronger and more powerful. I think it's a bunch of BS with all this stuff and hope that it's over and doen with before it develops into a World War Three, where i hate to say this a hell of a lot more countries will be attacking America than aiding it.

Lady Vader
Sep 21st, 2001, 01:25:53 AM
I will say this before I go on my lil disappointed rant.

I am quite proud on how Bush has been doing, and I'm DAMN happy he's in the command seat rather than that joke-of-a-man Gore (and thank the maker Clinton couldn't run again... if he had and won, I woulda shot myself so as not to go through another four @#%$ years with him as Prez).

Bush is doing a DAMN good job right now in light of what's happening, and frankly, he's at the same time cleaning up quite a few messes the previous Prez left behind. With all that pressure, it's admirable to see him still standing. (I'd like to see how some of you would like to be in the hot seat, ridiculed for even breathing.)

Personally, I don't think I like the way this discussion has turned, in serveral accounts. A lot of things in here have offended me, and frankly, I feel a lot of it was uncalled for.

I also feel a lot of growing up needs to be done from within this thread. Good day.

Dalethria Mal Pannis
Sep 21st, 2001, 12:54:30 PM
I meant the pointing of fingers in general and wasn't relating to anyone's post here. I have heard too much that it was this person's fault and that person's fault and all the what if's.

There isn't time for what if's now ... there is only time to rebuild and make our country stronger.

I hope that clears things up on my end.

Live Wire
Sep 21st, 2001, 04:56:09 PM
Im offended by the boy band bashing :D

Lady DeVille
Sep 22nd, 2001, 03:40:33 AM
LW! :lol:

Just like to DITTO LV's post.