View Full Version : An unexpected detour
Drin Kizael
Sep 6th, 2000, 11:18:56 PM
:: Kizael walked across the tarmac of the spaceport where his ship awaited. The repairs took longer than expected, but finally he was on his way. After working out the bill with the port's rather disagreeable service droid, his Nova-Drive EX-31 Cruiser raced for the stars ... leaving the Trianii alone with his thoughts once again.
:: Too much had changed in the galaxy. If the scattered rumors that reached CSA space were to be believed, the Jedi were back in stronger numbers than he would have thought possible. Yet the reactions of the tapcafe patrons were not what a Jedi would expect to receive. He never had a chance to settle the matter peacefully, but still ...
:: Kizael looked at his navcomputer thoughtfully. He was almost at the jump point, but something tugged at the fringes of his mind. He keyed in a recalculation.
:: He considered the new coordinates with a curious eye. The Force was guiding him, that much he knew. Though why to such a desolate place, he did not even hazzard to guess.
:: Kizael slid the lever to activate the hyperdrive motivator ... and with a burst of pseudomotion he was en route to Tatooine.
Drin Kizael
Sep 7th, 2000, 03:33:19 AM
OOC: It is honestly a complete coincidence that my story was going to take me to Tatooine. It just so happens that with so many other Jedi there right now, fighting no less, that the disturbance in the Force would be noticeable.
So this thread is open in a way. If anyone wanted to be there when I showed up in Mos Eisley spaceport. If not I still have my own thing I wanted to do anyway. Be considerate of my sporadic online time, though. I'll probably post this evening from work as usual.
Drin Kizael
Sep 7th, 2000, 06:39:04 PM
:: Kizael stared at the comlink in disbelief, then out the viewport of the Jitarn's Redemption at the monocolor, barren rock in front of him.
"What do you mean there's no more room?"
"Just what I said ... all landing bays are full. Some kind of convention or something."
"Hey, there's a big desert with plenty of room. Help yourself to a spot. Taashi station out."
:: The Trianii frowned at the comlink, grunting back in answer to the squelch when the signal cut off. He had hoped the Force wasn't guiding him to the decidedly seedier of the planet's spaceports, but that was his answer.
:: After the ugly scene on Elrood, he decided it was best to avoid advertising that he was a Jedi until he learned just how deeply seeded people's fear was. But trouble was too easy to find in a smuggler's den, which would make that decision difficult to stand by.
:: Kizael closed his eyes and stretched out with the Force ... there was definitely something going on down there. The ripple in the Force was too strong to ignore.
:: With a deep breath, he guided his ship down toward Mos Eisley.
Bounty Hunter Dreyas
Sep 7th, 2000, 07:03:46 PM
geesh, don't create titles like that people. I thought someone was gonna blow up my ship again!
Drin Kizael
Sep 8th, 2000, 02:18:47 PM
The Nova-Drive Explorer-class cruiser gently touched down in Mos Eisley spaceport. The 20-meter ship seemed tiny in the landing bay normally suited for freighters.
Kizael's eyes studied the area as he stepped off the ramp. He reached out with his senses ... There it was again. Somewhere to the east, there was a disturbance in the Force with a ripple effect that suggested a great battle. Twenty years ago, he'd have raced off to see what he could do, but times were too different. It was unclear where the lines were drawn anymore.
He wondered if his misgivings about the son of Anakin Skywalker taking such a large part in the Rebellion were correct. The reason he did not return to the fight sooner seemed vindicated in the rumors both confirmed and wild ... and the very real fear he sensed in his travels. The Jedi may be back, but they were not what they once were.
He buried his musings and drifted into the spaceport traffic.
Drin Kizael
Sep 8th, 2000, 07:38:20 PM
:: The sign on the front door was so big that at first Kizael thought the name of the place was No Droids. The almost overwhelming variety of aliens inside would have made that appropriate, since the cantina boasted just about every race EXCEPT droids.
:: The ripples of the Force from that far-off battle kept playing against the edge of his awareness, a constant reminder of the chaos the galaxy had fallen into. But until he learned more, he kept his mind focused on the here and now.
:: Memories of his old friend stirred at those words, but were drowned out by commotion from a table near the center of the bar.
A voice came through the cacaphony made between the band and patrons: "Put me down!"
:: Kizael couldn't help but chuckle. He was right where he expected him to be ... and in exactly the state he expected to find him.
Drin Kizael
Sep 8th, 2000, 10:15:45 PM
A half-angry, half-pleading voice growled over the growing crowd of the cantina: "No blasters! No blasters!"
:: In the middle of the ring of bystanders, a burly Aqualish held a hapless Bimm almost a meter off the ground. Clustered around him stood a Weequay and a Deveronian gloating at the half-sized Bimm dangling at eye level. Kizael stepped through the crowd and frowned at the scene
Kizael: "What seems to the be the problem?"
:: The Bimm ceased his useless kicking and flailing at the sound of the new voice, looking over casually.
Bimm: "Oh hey, Drin. When'd you get out...? Dr-DRIN! You're OUT! Let me introduce you to my friends. This is Assface-- WHUUFF!"
:: The meter-tall alien swung like a pinata in the Aqualish's grip from the blow to his chest. The Deveronian turned toward him, pointing his bony finger in Kizael's chest.
Deveronian: "This is none of your concern. Get out while you can still walk upright, @#%$cat."
:: Kizael drew himself to his full 2 and a tenth meters. Sometimes it was good to be a Trianii, especially one as tall and muscular as any female of his race. The Jedi narrowed his eyes and returned the glare. The bold Deveronian's stare turned quickly into nervous twitching.
Drin Kizael
Sep 9th, 2000, 02:00:04 AM
The Bimm coughed. "Yeah, Drin?"
Kizael sniffed and eyed the Deveronian down for good measure. "What's this all about?"
Roker coughed again. "Well see it's like this--"
"The little breeskha was paid to slice us access codes and divert security," the Weequay spat in horrid Basic, cutting the Bimm off mid-sentence. "Instead he leads us straight into an Imperial trap."
At that Roker piped up again suddenly, "Hey it's not my fault your spice-addict copilot-- WHUUF!"
"That will be quite enough of that," Kizael growled, adding the Force behind his words as he turned his attention to the Aqualish. With his mind opened, he focused outward. Among the throng of cantina patrons, six minds stood out to his probe. Backup.
The Trianii slowly turned his gaze back to the Deveronian, the leader as far as he could read. "You don't need the little one," he said in a softer tone. The gang leader seemed to consider that quizzically then nodded. "In fact you're lucky. Without his help you wouldn't have gotten out at all. You should just cut your losses and walk away."
Kizael then turned to the Aqualish again as his boss gave a disgruntled, but resigned sigh. "Now put him down."
Roker just looked around in confusion, still squirming despite himself as he was lowered none too gently to the ground. Confident that the others in the crowd would agree with their leader's decision, Kizael turned and helped the little Bimm to his feet. "Come along now Roker. We've taken up enough of their time."
Roker blinked. "But--"
"Come along now, Roker," Kizael said with a pointed look as he led the way toward the door unhindered.
Sep 9th, 2000, 03:03:35 AM
OOC: I'm going to bed now, but ... uhm ... is anybody even reading this? I know the numbers for Views aren't -entirely- reliable, but as I look at that column with everyone having clone madness, I feel like the poor indie film director whose movie bombs because it was released the same time as the huge blockbuster and gets ignored. :/
Does anyone mind that I'm writing such a big solo story to establish my character? I -do- plan on RPing and not just fanfic writing here. And if you're enjoying it, there is still more for Drin Kizael ahead.
Can Of WTF
Nov 2nd, 2000, 06:56:11 PM
Post more or see me often.
Nov 2nd, 2000, 08:01:45 PM
This was one of my original threads when nobody knew me back like 2 months ago. Ignore that last comment. :)
Now Yeah, but it's a dry heat was the conclusion to this thread and had a lot more on Drin's and Roker's friendship. Too bad that was eaten by the cyber-monster.
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