Lance Casey
Nov 12th, 2000, 11:51:28 AM
Casey has been riding all night in search of his son, following<
any lead's he could get to his where about's. The story going<
around the order is that he went off the deep end and left.
Casey has arrived in some deadbeat bar. This place
is full
of the helpless and hapless. The kind of place that
a Casey would
hang out. Lance walk's up to the bar and talk'
s to the bartender.
"What can I get ya?"
"I'll have a scotch.
The bartender
pour's the drink and hand's it to Lance.
What bring's you out here son?"
"I'm looking<
for someone."
My son."
"Got a name? Maybe I know him.
James Casey."
"Casey! That sob blew a hole in the
side of my bar.
He was fighting some guy with a LS and they put
a hole in
my wall. I don't want any of you Casey's in here. Get
Casey walk's out of the bar and get's onto his<
motorcycle. He does not sense his son on Dagobah. He must
on to the next closest planet in hope's that he will
be there.
any lead's he could get to his where about's. The story going<
around the order is that he went off the deep end and left.
Casey has arrived in some deadbeat bar. This place
is full
of the helpless and hapless. The kind of place that
a Casey would
hang out. Lance walk's up to the bar and talk'
s to the bartender.
"What can I get ya?"
"I'll have a scotch.
The bartender
pour's the drink and hand's it to Lance.
What bring's you out here son?"
"I'm looking<
for someone."
My son."
"Got a name? Maybe I know him.
James Casey."
"Casey! That sob blew a hole in the
side of my bar.
He was fighting some guy with a LS and they put
a hole in
my wall. I don't want any of you Casey's in here. Get
Casey walk's out of the bar and get's onto his<
motorcycle. He does not sense his son on Dagobah. He must
on to the next closest planet in hope's that he will
be there.