View Full Version : Finding Yourself

Boaz Karno
Nov 26th, 2000, 05:49:12 AM
OOC: This is a story that takes place in the past. The story is about Boaz, mainly his past and the events that lead him to the doorstep of GJO. He'll continue to recollect things from his past, this first was one of the incidents where he used the Force. I'll continue to reveal things about Boaz' past, and his family and all that kind of stuff. Feel free to post your comments or questions.
I stood there for a moment on the balcony of my apartment. The skyscraper not much taller than the others that lined this sector of Corellia but I had a direct view of the sunset which I always enjoyed watching whenever I had a chance. I stood there leaning forward with my right leg propped up on the edge of the balcony and my left hand propping my head up on the rail as I pondered not only the Galaxy but the Universe as well. I looked out amongst the bustling sky lanes and the beautiful sunset which laid out before me, a snapshot in time. I gazed out into the sky as my mined whirled with thoughts of past and present but most of all I focused on my future. Ever since that freighter crashed in the Broadway Sector. I slumped over on the rail now resting both of my arms on the rail as my eyes wandered forward thinking about the day which changed my life.
About 6 months previous in the Broadway Sector
I stood there in the line of some quick food stand, thinking back I don't even remember what kind of food it was. There were more than a couple of people ahead of me in line and I was getting a little restless. I kept looking down at my chronometer and tapped my foot impatiently as my stomach growled. I half scanned the block looking for Milic. Where was he? I thought to myself, his lazy ass should have been with me in line but I guess he had to go into the back to withdrawal a couple of creds, wish I would have known that then 'cause I could have told him not to go in. The line was getting shorter, slowly but surely but I was still pretty peeved, I was hungry and I wanted to eat, seemed like I'd been in line for over 10 minutes. I kept looking around behind me looking for Milic but he was nowhere to be seen. It continued like this for a couple of minutes, me looking around and him not being there. I finally got up to the front of the line when the man asked me what I was having.

"Well let's see I'll have.." was all that escaped from my mouth before I heard a deafening crash and several screams following immediately. Instinctively I ducked and turned to see what was going on. A freighter (which I recognized as a Barloz) had crashed into the base of CorelliBank, a fairly large building located on the corner of the block I was standing on. The freighter took out a huge chunk of the building and no doubt anyone who was in the direct vicinity was dead. I got on my comm quickly and got through to dispatch.
"We got a Freighter crash in the Broadway Sector, a Barloz Class has crashed into CorelliBank on the corner, casulaties look to be in the tens if not higher, we're gonna need medical assistance quick, alert the local ERs that they're about to get flooded over."
CorSec Dispatcher>"Already on it Bo, thanks for the line over."
I ran over to the mess quickly, people running in every direction screaming, crying, you name it, people don't really know how to act in this kind of situation, guess that's why people like me were around. I kept asking myself, where the hell is Milic? He should be here, something was wrong and I knew it I just didn't know what. By the time I got to the building the freighter was on fire and the building was starting to catch when the sprinklers came on spraying down the building and dousing the flames thoroughly. I sprinted towards the ship as fast as humanly possible looking for survivors, for someone who I could help. No matter how fast I ran I felt like I wasn't getting there quick enough. I finally got close enough to the ship that I could see Milic lying in the indirect vicinity of the building with a substantial amount of debris covering his legs and lower torso. An audible gasp escaped my throat as I saw my best friend lying beaten and bloody under the massive debris which was the product of the crash. I ran over to him and he was out cold, I began grabbing the smaller chunks of rock off him but it was no use, a Wookiee couldn't budge some of these stones. The adrenaline ran through my body like a spice runner from Imperials, I didn't know what to do, if I didn't get rid of the debris he was going to be crushed. Something was raging through me and I didn't know what, come to know now it was the Force, mind you I'm not a Jedi and I can't do this sort of thing on command, but in my state of panic I was actually able to move the debris which covered Milic. Somehow I was able to toss all of the debris away from Milic before I fell to the ground unconscious. Next thing I knew I was in the infirmary with minor cuts and scrapes being tended to by a 2-1B. I quickly shot up out of the bed and asked if Milic was OK and the droid informed me that he was being seen for a couple of minor injuries and that he'd be OK. I asked the droid if he could speed it up so I could get out of there, the infirmary was no place for me. I walked out probably prematurely but I hated those places. I found Milic's room with the help of one of the infirmary residents. I walked in, there were a few others in the room, a couple of our friends from CorSec and Milic's wife. I walked into the room and felt kind of awkward, I was passed out just the same as Milic and to be honest I had no clue of the events that transpired between the crash and my awakening. I walked over towards the bed and saw that he was asleep or still passed out I wasn't sure. Milic's wife greeted me with a firm hug, firmer than I would have preferred, you know... the kind you get when you see a relative you haven't seen in a long time. I didn't know if she was ever gonna let go and she did, and then all she could do was thank me, over and over again. I finally got her to stop, telling her that it was my job. She didn't take this as a reason to stop and continued with her praise. The guys were asking me what happened, how did I lift the debris and why was I passed out? I told them what happened and to this day I'm not sure if they believe me. I guess if I go off to Coruscant and become a Jedi Knight they'll believe me won't they? I was just happy to know that Milic was OK, I even got awarded second level Corellian blood stripes for saving him, apparently I'd removed debris from other people that I couldn't even see and they'd been saved as well. The thought of me performing a task like this pretty much blew my mind.
I sat there on the balcony of my apartment wondering what I would do from here. Where would I go? Should I join the Jedi? No how could I do that? How could I train my DH-17 for a Lightsaber? Well I sat there pondering the inner-workings of the Galaxy my brother Sane was off touring the Galaxy. I wasn't sure if I'd ever see Sane again and the thought made me pretty sad which is hard for a grown man to admit but it's true. He was my big brother, he was the one I looked up to when I was growing up. I couldn't think of a thing that Sane wasn't good at, it kind of made me angry, kind of like I could never measure up. Maybe that's why I joined CorSec, to prove to mom, and dad, and even Taron that I could be good at something, as good or even as slim a chance as it seemed, better than Sane. While Sane travelled the Galaxy, I travelled the streets of Corellia, fighting crime and filling the void inside of me. I was 26 and I had no idea where my life was going, my brother at the age of 18 had already had his heart set on being a pilot. Sane approaching 30, well I didn't even know what Sane was doing but whatever it was it was keeing him away from Corellia because he sure didn't bother trying to get ahold of us. I sat there as I let out a deep sigh not of relief but of indecision. I sat out there for hours, thinking, staring out into the sunset, by now the sun had already receded into the recesses of space and I still sat there... staring. I knew I had to do something, I just didn't know quite what it was.