Nov 13th, 2000, 03:12:17 PM
(Just decided to write a short story to further my character. Here goes nothing...)

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##### LOCATION : Klatu Moon #################################
##### TIME : 22.47 ######################################
##### RECORDING DATE &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp : 2 Months after ReaperFett attained Knighthood #####
##### THOUGHT FOR THE DAY : A Man's best weapon is his mind #################
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Sweep team Black walked through the Generator complex. The Complex is essential for the running of Klatu. If it were ever to be disabled, the entire fortress would be powerless. Because of this, sweep teams were regularly used to check for trespassers. No one lived on this moon except for the Redhand pirates, so any that trespassed were considered saboteurs, and shot on the spot. Rarely did anything get found.

ST Black consisted of ten pirates. There was a mix of Humans, Rodians and Twi'leks, as well as a particularly nasty looking Gammorean. All of the team are armed with Blaster rifles. As they approach a door, the leader, a human called Kray, held up his arm to stop the squad. He turned to face the team.

"OK team, here is the main generator. Switch your torches on"

As he spoke, nine torches turned on. Kray turns to look at the man with the failing torch.

"I said torches on!" Kray screamed
"It isn't working!" The man replied

Kray grabs the end of the torch, and looks down it

"Hey, this isn’t a t..."

Kray was cut off, as the lightsaber's purple blade went straight through his skull, sending his body limp to the floor. The man then spun his saber round, cutting a Rodian in half, and sending the top half of his body flying into a human, who screamed out.

&nbsp &nbsp &nbsp &nbsp The attacker turned round to see a Twi'lek charge at him, Blaster held like a club. The man cut the Blaster in half, before eviscerating his assailant. Sensing something, the man spun round, and saw the others begin to open fire. With amazing reflexes, the man deflects the shots, sending lasers in to two more of the team as he does so. The man then flicks his hand, and a barrel comes flying at another man, crushing his skull. The man then leaps in to the air, landing in the middle of the squad. With one sidewards cut, he kills two more, blood spurting on the mans clothing. He then makes a stabbing movement at the remaining man, who dodges it easily. He then converts it into an upward slash, cutting the man from neck to armpit. The man then twists the end of his saber, doubling the length of the blade, and turning its colour bright orange. The blade lances through the Gamorrean's stomach. The man then lifts the blade upwards, and deignites the blade. The Gammorean stands motionless for a short while, before falling in two places on the ground.

"My mistake, it is working"

The man pulls off the rags he was wearing, to reveal a bloodless black T-shirt, bloodless jeans and bloodless jacket. The man then goes to his belt, and pulls off a thermal charge. Setting the timer to five minutes, he places on the generator. He the looks upwards, and throws his saber upwards to makes a hole in a vent. Leaping far higher than a normal man, the man gets into the vent. Slowly, he begins to crawl through the vent.

“Okay ramblers, lets get rambling”

Fett's mission has begun. A mission that should never had needed to take place...

Just two months ago, Fett had completed his trials of Knighthood. I had been a gruelling time for Fett but he had somehow managed to complete the trials. It was the proudest day of Fett's life. People from all through Fett's life had been there. Nikit, Nacho the droid, Tyler, Seth, Ritchie, Buck, the lot. Some he hadn't seen since before Borucia had found him, before this journey had even began. It was only that it had hit Fett- he had made it. After all the training, trials and questions, he had made it.

The next day, Fett was assigned his first mission. Upon reading it, the mission sounded pretty simple. A New Republic diplomat called Kate Turner had just helped in the negotiations for a contract between the NR and InterShip, a company that makes spacecraft and weaponry. This had apparently angered a group of pirates called the Redhands, as they had been getting their equipment from this company. As they were now linked with the NR, InterShip would cease all trading with pirates. The danger had also been increased by the rumour that the pirates had found out that Turner knew the location of the InterShip blueprints. If the Redhands found out about their location, they would be able to Ransom them to InterShip for a huge sum. Because of this, it was decided that a Jedi would be assigned bodyguard duty for her until the group was eliminated. Fett had been chosen.

For nearly two months, there had been no problems. Apparently the New Republic had found the location of he Redhand's headquarters, and was preparing to mount an assault. Fett had had little to do in this time. Follow her to meetings, sweep her room, scan people before meetings. Nothing had been found in all this time. This was to change one night...

They had been staying in the New Republic senate building on Coruscant. It had been late, and Kate was asleep. Being as there were plenty of guards patrolling, Fett allowed himself to doze off.

Fett woke up with a start, as he heard a smash. Leaping to his feet and grabbing his saber, Fett ran into Kate's bedroom. It was empty. There were signs of a scuffle, and the window had been smashed open. Fett ran to the window, in time to see a small craft speed off. Fett had failed. Fett had allowed Kate to get captured. Now Fett was going to get Kate back.

Fett hacked into the New Republic main computer that night, and found the location of the Redhand HQ. 'Borrowing' an A-wing reconnaissance craft, chosen for speed and an extra seat, Fett left for Klatu Moon...

As Fett dropped out of the vent, an explosion could be heard in the distance. The generator had been blown.


Fett dived into a small alcove, just as a group of men ran by. The flickers flickered on dimly, as the back-up system turned on. Checking that the coast is clear, Fett begins to run down the corridor. Spotting a computer, Fett jogs to it and begins to type. ENTER PASSWORD appears on the screen. Fett goes to his belt, and pulls off a small electrical device. Placing it on the computer, the screen flickers, and flashes PASSWORD VALID, before entering the main program. Fett scans through a series of menus, before clicking on a button called PRISONERS. The screen fills up.

CELL 4: -----EMPTY-----

Fett slams is fist against the keypad.


Fett knows what that means. They are trying to find out the blueprint location. That will means that she will be heavily guarded. Never an easy job, is there Fett thought to himself, as he pulled off the device, and started to jog towards the cell area. As he went, he began to think. What if they kill her? If she doesn't talk, and they decide that she is worthless? I will have failed. I WONT fail! Fett speeds up as he reaches the entrance.

Fett peers round the corner, and sees that there are two guards. Reaching out with the force, he reaches within the minds of the two guards. Both men turn in the opposite direction. The trick worked. Slowly, Fett begins to sneak towards the door. Suddenly, there is a CLUNK noise. Fett looks down to see that he has kicked over one of the guards blaster rifles, which had been propped up the wall. Fett looks up to see that the guards have seen this too. Fett quickly ignites his saber, and deflects the shots from the guards. Fett runs at one of the guards, and impales him on his saber. Fett then spins round at the other guard, and slices him arm off. Fett then does a backward stab, gutting him. Fett turns towards the door into the interrogation room. At that moment, a blast door slams in front of Fett. Must of heard me Fett thought. Fett looks at the door, then glances at his saber, then back at the door.


The centre of the door drops to the floor, a pile of molten slag. Fett deignites his saber, and dives through the hole. Fett looks up, and sees Kate. She is tied to a chair, her shirt ripped. Her face is bruised, barely hidden by her short Auburn hair. Fett gets up, and goes to untie her.

“We meet at last ReaperFett!”

Fett turns round to see a man walking down a set of stairs. He looked a bit older than Fett, his short hair holding neatly on his head. Dressed in all black, he looks like the shadows follow him.

“Who are you?” Fett asks.
“I’m a f***ing bohemian” The man replies.
“How do you know me?”
“Your reputation follows you, you are indeed a powerful fighter. If you were to join me on the dark side, we together could control the universe”
“You’re a Sith?”
“Yes, I am a Sith, and my name is Darth Veart”
“Doesn’t matter, I ain’t joining you”
“Then you shall die!”

Veart ignites a red saber, and charges Fett. He lands several powerful blows on Fett’s saber, knocking him backwards. Veart then sends another flurry of blows at Fett, all of which are just parried. Fett quickly does a spinkick, knocking Veart backwards. Veart quickly recovers, and kicks Fett, sending him flying. He hits the floor, and skids into a wall. Veart smiles, and turns to Kate.

“You are no use to us anymore. You would not reveal the location of the blueprints, and now you will die”

Slowly, Veart raises his saber.


Fett jumps to his feet, and slams into Veart, knocking him stumbling. Fett begins to rain blow after blow on Veart, knocking him to the floor. Fett continues hitting him, until Veart’s saber goes flying out of his hand. Fett begins to shake slightly, and Veart laughs.

“You can feel the dark side flowing through you.Let it go through, let it go through your body. Let it take you over”

Fett stands over Veart, barely holding his composure. He knew the dark side was in him, if he killed him he would be consumed. Fett looks at his hand, and sees how it is shaking. Fett begins to panic, as he realises what could happen. Fett looks round, and sees what apepars to be a trapdoor of some sort. Fett begins to breathe deeply. And deignites his saber.

“ I wont do it”
“Then you shall die!” Veart cries

As he starts to get up, Fett uses the force to push Veart away. Fett then throws a switch with the force, causing the door to open, sending Veart down it. As the door shut, Fett slumps to the floor, breathing heavily. Slowly, he gets up, and unties Kate.

“You OK?” Fett asks
“As well as I can be” Kate says

As she gets up, he realises her leg is broken. Supporting her leg, he slowly walks to the door. As he walks to the corridor, he sees that there is a way outside a bit further down. Fett goes to it, and opens the door. Looking round, Fett sees a speeder. He puts Kate in the passenge seat, and starts the engine. Fett then heads off for his ship.

As the location of the ship came into view. Fett felt something through the force. He survived Fett thought. Stopping the speeder, Fett pulled the cover off the A-Wing. Picking up Kate, he slowly put her in the second seat. Fett hopped in the front. And begins to leave the atmosphere.Turning on the navi-computer, Fett selected their destination- Correlia. The planet was New Republic held, and was a safe place to go. As the stars turned into lines, Kate spoke

“Where are we going?”
“Correlia” Fett replied
“What’s in Correila?”

The A-Wing then heading into Hyperspace.

Ryla Relvinian
Nov 15th, 2000, 09:01:29 PM
I slowly wipe tears from my eyes..

"That was....beautiful!" :]

Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Nov 16th, 2000, 01:04:56 PM
OOC Fett: Nice job! I really enjoyed reading this and I am
looking forward to seeing some more. Apparently I can't join
you in this. This is when you became a knight..before my time!
Anyways..keep up the great work! =]

The Lounge Lizard
Nov 27th, 2000, 09:53:57 PM
LOL...I like it. Just the right amount of RF humor in it, too.

Nov 27th, 2000, 09:57:17 PM
“Where are we going?” “Correlia” Fett replied “What’s in Correila?” “Correlians”:lol:

Darth Turbogeek
Nov 30th, 2000, 09:39:01 PM
So, when do we ge to read more?

The Lounge Lizard
Dec 1st, 2000, 03:10:34 AM
There was a second installment made. Its either on this page or the previous one