View Full Version : A bind broken; An inner turmiol at rest

Darth Snack
Dec 4th, 2000, 12:04:54 AM
*Darth Snack lay in his dorm in the Underwater City of the Gungans. His master, Jedi Binks, had given him some time off from their training. To utilize this moment of rest, DS spent most of the day meditating, and resting.

Uneased by his recent dream, DS sets himself up on his bed and scans the room for an old worn out journal. He didn't like the computerized data-pads; he felt it more fitting to his personality to write out things, his feelings, past events, old friends long gone. And this dream made DS realize that he hasn't written anything for a while. His recent past hasn't been properly recorded, and it was as clear as crystalline water on clear sunny day, like all of the major events of his life happened the other day. *

"Ah, there it is!" *DS said aloud to himself in his successful search for his lost memories. He got up from the bed and walked over to his journal. He picked it up and made his way to his desk and sat at his chair. He places the journal on his desk and opens it to the first page. He reads what is written:

Why?? Why did they take them from me?? Again I have no family... the pain, the hurt... it's eating me up inside!! My insides feel all funny... why??? I'm alone again... [The rest is blurred by what seems to be the place where DS had once lowered his head on the paper and cry his heart out]

-Age 6

I met someone very old and mysterious today. He held with him an aura of a powerful being, an intimidating force. I told him about my recent loss, and he said that he admires me, and that I reminded him of his younger self. He told me that he would take me in. He said the reason was because he felt a special bond with me already. I wonder what he means... maybe nothing.. He looked like a strange old hermit, with his black flowing robes and all his gadgets. But I think that I will go with him. He might be my last hope at any type of family at all. What came to me as a shock though.. is that he said he has been watching me since I was very young.... Why didn't he help me then!!

-Age 6

*Darth Snack closes his eyes, as he is taken back to his childhood, when all this took place. A tear almost came to his eye, but before it could fall on his journal, his eyes darted open. A face appeared in front of his darkness... a clouded face, yet it was clear. DS shakes that vision out of his head, and continues reading, despite the pain that this is bringing him:

It has been almost four years now that I have been with "Father". I call him that now, since he is like my father figure to me. He has taught me so much, and he cares for me too. He has taught me to use his power. I am still learning, but I know a lot so far. I am trying to fine-tune my lessons to the best of my abilities, to make Father happy. He cares a lot for me, and I could not live with myself if I let him down. My time for writing has become very short. I don't think I will be able to get in anymore passages for a while... Father does not like these much. Much do I need to learn, and much time it takes. I see myself growing more and more impatient as the weeks go by. More things seem to aggravate me... I don't know why.. I guess growing older is getting to me...

-Age 10.

It has been a while since I have written in this, and by looking at my last passages, I see that I was a weak soul, with no goal. I have now come to realize the truth. Father, the only one who has understood me, the only one to truly know the real me, has told me. He has shown me the light. He has taught me the full extent of his powers, his powers of the "Sith". He has told me that my training is now complete. According to Father, I am a true Dark Lord of the Sith. Anger Fear, Hate, they are my will, my want, I use them to my desire, as I do the Force. I will not let down my Father now. I must use my full power to its fullest to fulfill what Father desires. I must obey my Father.

-Age 16.

Father died the other day. I was there with him, when his killer slew him, and nearly slew me. I barley escaped with my life. And to think, it has only been one standard week since I have become a Sith. My only true family is now gone, once again. I am left to myself. Father was going to train two other young gullible children, one male, and one female. I will take it upon myself to train them.

-Age 16.

The boy, whom I gave the name, Darth Horus, was very strong in the force, and I knew his training would not take a long time. Him and I grew a bond. A sort of friendship. The girl, whom didn't show that much strength in the Force, or not really understanding it, I have stopped training. Horus on the other hand, him and I do missions together, I trust him
as he does me. He is very smart and knowledgeable in the Dark Side of the Force. By this time next month, I will grant Horus Dark Lord of the Sith, and assign Malamar to be his apprentice. Horus is only 12 years old.

-Age 20.

I am leaving this hellhole. I am have given my Friend, Horus, full lordship over our land. I am to leave this place. There is no more for me to do here. Past angers of this land have built up inside me, and I am on a personal vendetta to score revenge for those who have killed my past. I am discontinuing contact with Horus and Malamar. As well as this petty book I am writing. The only satisfaction that I will ever have is the death of my Father's murderer, and the murderer of my long parents, whom I have all but forgotten. [There is a dagger slice that is shown in the pages of DS's journal, probably where, in his past, DS got filled up with overwhelming anger, then packed up his things and left for good. There is blood on the page.]

-Age 21.

*The passages stop there. Reading them have brought Darth Snack much anger and fear from his past events. His eyes well up with tears and he closes them. Rage overcomes him, but he quickly uses a Jedi Calming exercise to calm himself, but the watered eyes still remain. His eyes closed, the vision of the murky face comes back. Then the same feeling hit him, as clarity. For the first time in many years, Darth Snack will get a piece of his past back.*

*Darth Snack gets up from his chair, and exits his quarters. The readings of his past brought a heavy, once forgotten burden back on his shoulders. DS walked through the Gungans living in Otah Gunga, though; he really did not notice any of them. His mind was clouded; he was thinking about how his life was being a Sith, how twisted and evil he once was. And now, he was just the opposite. A Jedi; calm, collective, at ease - peace with his inner self. The only thing that seemed to be the same was his die-hard attitude for doing the best of his capabilities. He never wanted to let anyone down. He thought he let his once parents down, and his "Father", and that was his reasoning on their deaths. He didn't want anyone else to die whom he had held dear... so he strived to do his best, to protect others. His reasoning....

DS looked up startled from his path. He was walking around, his head hiding under neither his dark Jedi robes, looking down. But now, his face was shown, and it was a look of shock. His hood was taken back from his head, and lays down his back. He looked around at all of the Gungans and other species that were there, and noticed a few staring at him. He just smiled, nodded, and kept on walking, thinking to himself, Why did I become a Jedi? Was it to protect others? Or my dying oath that best serves my friends, those who took me in? He never really had family, so those who were kind enough to take him in he wanted to serve and help them in any way possible. But I could have stayed Sith and still have helped their cause. In fact, I did do that for a while. The people, who got to know me here... General Ceel, Organa Solo, Jedi Rebel, Ganster, others even.. they all wanted me to turn my ways from the Sith and go Jedi.

DS entered the High Council Throne room, and took his place in one of the thrones. The day's procedures were carried through, but DS really wasn't in the mind frame to contribute much. The others on the High Council, he could sense, knew that something was bothering DS, but they also knew that it would be for the best to not to ask me what was wrong. To let me just figure it all out on his lonesome. He asked to be excused from the Council Room, and without much questioning, and the air of understanding from General Ceel, he agreed to let DS go.

After leaving, he walked unobservant around the city. He still had a lot on his mind, and he knew that it would take some time to clear his mind. He also knew that if he used a Jedi exercise to help clear his mind, he would just be pushing back his feelings and emotions, and when brought out at a later time, they would more than likely have a stronger impact on him, and if that happened, he might be more of a threat to the Gungans than he would be a help. He walked back into his room, and sat back down at his desk. He took a pen, and opened his journal, to write down what has happened since his last entry. Even though he did not remember everything that has happened, reading his past did a lot of good for him, internally. He did not want to forget his past. It was too important to him, and it was the key to his whole being. *

---4 Days Later---

*DS didn't get a chance to write anything when he returned to his quarters that night. He fell instantly asleep, and when awoken, was confronted many mishaps that kept his weekend busy. He concerned himself with the uneventful happenings that almost tore apart the Council of the Gungans, and saw his former master be booted from the High Council. From this, DS acquired a new master, who kept him very busy. DS was going through a rough time. The past weekend's events almost tore apart what he held dear, while his recent training exercise, the Dark Cave trip, left DS mentally and emotionally worn. He really could have done with out the extra burden of this, especially since only a couple days before, when he began his journey for the truth of his past.

Hell, he didn't even know what exactly he was looking for. But he knew the answer lays within his grasp, within his past. DS takes his pen, and begins to write.

It's been awhile. A lot has happened since the last entry. I am surprised that I even found this. It seems that I never wrote about my past with Slob... who is now known as Jedi Binks. Heh, him and I ... well, we have had our differences. When I was Sith... we were the bitterest of enemies. As were Organa Solo and myself. Along with Darth Horus, we plotted to exterminate OS and Slob. I have never actually fought OS, but I have faced Slob a number of times. He destroyed my old saber, which is why I have built the one I have now. As I remember it... Slob even joined me. He became Sith and asked for me to be allies with him. I agreed, but I soon came to learn his truth. He became one with the dark side to gain my trust, then only to shatter it by stabbing me in my back. Very Jedi like. Ever since then, I haven't really trusted that character. When I joined the Gungan Council, and found out he was a high-ranking member of it, I was sorta shocked. He surprised me when he greeted me... "It's gonna be different fighting along side you, instead of against you, but it will be good for us both." Maybe not in those exact words, but the way he said it, it was like he was glade that I joined the Gungans.
What came as an even greater shocker was when I found out that he was my half brother. That just brings more questions... where my parents my true parents? I know I don't remember much from that young, but wouldn't I still have a notion that someone raised me other than my own blood? [a long pause] I was too young to help protect them...

*DS stops his writing, and takes a sip of his drink. This was all too much for him. Even though he has aged a few since his last entry, he noticed a dramatic change. Once Sith, now Jedi. "Why was I Sith", he thought. "Was it for revenge? Or because it was the only way for me to survive?"
He didn't know. He knew that remembering forgotten childhood pasts could take down even the strongest of all Jedi.

He decided that should be enough for now, and after his newly entered passage, he put his age:

-Age 25*

-------One week Later--------

Once Sith, now a Jedi Padawan. No longer does Darth Snack weep about his past. He has written his most important memories into his journal, and they have helped him see the light. His life as Sith, his turning to the light; all made sense to him now. He had his friends at the Gungan Council to thank for this. He owed them a lot. They were the ones who believed in him, who brought the good out in him. So in part, DS thought them responsible for making peace with his past. DS now knows why he was once a Sith, and why he turned Jedi. He lost his parents very young. When he met his first master after the fact on his home world, he was young, manipulatable, and very afraid. He was fearful that who ever took the lives of his parents would come back to take his life. So he would do anything to help protect himself. His fear was the path to the darkside. He knows that he could not have saved his parents even if he tried, hell, he was only an infant them. He doesn't blame himself for not protecting them. He joined the darkside to get strong, and to avenge his parents' deaths, not to protect himself or others from death. That is why he turned to the light. DS knew deep inside of himself that he was here to protect. He wanted to protect his parents, his former master. But he couldn't. He was too young, and he was Sith. As a Jedi Padawan now, hopefully soon, DS thought, a Jedi Knight, he will be able to make amends, and to protect those who need it. To help those in danger. He has seen the light, and Darth Snack is now at an internal rest.

*Calmer than ever before, and with more confidence, DS leaves his quarters. He walks, head held up, in search of General Ceel. DS reaches Ceel's room, and knocks on the door.

"General Ceel, this is Snack. I wish to ask a favor."

Ceel opens the door, and his baby crawls up to DS's leg. Snack picks him up and holds him.

Ceel says. "What do yousa want?"

"I would like to barrow a ship. [to baby Ceel in a serious, yet playful voice] Unckie Snacky is going on a vacation.[baby Ceel giggles]. [to Ceel, with determination in his eyes] It is time. I wish to go back to my home world. I have unfinished business there."

Ceel nods. "Yesa. Mesa glad that yousa in peace. We, the Googans wish yousa the best of luck. Your ship will be ready tomorrow. May the Force be with yousen."

DS hands General Ceel his baby, and nods. "Thank you General. I will be back."

Darth Snack then turns around, and heads back for his quarters. *

*Snack's ship lands on his home planet of Cayss. He steps out, and searches through the force. Many memories are brought back, but he knew he found the right place. He turns his face slightly, and stares straight ahead. This is the place.

DS walks to this one spot, closes his eyes with tears welling up, and kneels. He reopens his eyes and kisses the ground where he is at. *

"My past has been torn ever since that horrid day. But now, I am at peace. I hope you can forgive me for what I became. *closes his eyes and continues* But I can feel that you have forgiven me. Your souls are at rest, with mine finally. I just wish I could have told you this before, but I was unable. I love you, and I always will. And I am sorry."

*Tears roll down DS's face, as he gets up and walks away from his parents' grave. He truly now is at inner peace. He reaches his ship, but senses something else... something that he hasn't sensed in a while. Through the force, he sees a settlement, and that mysterious person's face. Grabbing his lightsaber, DS heads of in search of this settlement. *

*After some traveling, he reaches the town. DS enters, yet doesn't see many people out and about. He notices some buildings, mines, and one huge building under construction. He looks around*

*From a distance, a figure makes himself seen and heard* That is you, isn't it Snack? *walks closer, cape flowing. It is good to see you again.

Snack: Ah, Horus. Long time no see.

*Horus takes Snack back to his house. They are greeted by Malamar. The three of them spend the night just talking, catching up on so many things. But since it was quite late, they couldn't catch up on anything. Horus showed Snack to his old house. It was still furnished, and empty. *

*In the morning, Horus meets up with Snack, and walk to Malamar's house, where she cooks breakfast for them. After being served, Malamar takes a seat and joins them. *

Malamar asks: So Snack, what brought you back here?

*DS looks at Malamar* Well, for the past few months, I have been wanting to become a Jedi. I have stricken my ways of Sith, and have turned to the Light Side. Ever since then, I have been happier, yet troubled. The vision of my parents, and how I thought I let them down took a great toll on me... but I have looked over my past, and now realized the truth. So to calm my soul, and my parents' soul, I decided to come back to my home, here, and visit my parent's grave sight. Meeting you here as well was an added bonus.. but I fear that my duties at the Gungan Council are calling me... and my Jedi training.. I am sorry to cut my stay here short. I hope to see both of you at Naboo in the future. May the Force be with you all.

*DS shakes hands with Horus and hugs Malamar and sets off for his ship*


*Snack's ship lands outside of the swamp area. HE gets out and walks off into the swamps, and makes his way back to Otah Gunga. He enters the city, and walks to the throne room. HE walks with a newer sense of pride and love, stronger and more confident. Walking in to the council room, Ceel and the others look at Snack with shocked and questioned looks*

Ceel, smiling* Welcome back.

*Snack smiles and nods, then takes his seat as one of the council members*