View Full Version : What becomes of the Broken Hearted?
Master Yoghurt
Sep 28th, 2000, 01:39:02 AM
A thunder made the ground tremble as the rain fell in ever increasing strength. A grey mist of moisture and fumes from gnarl tree roots drifted slowly through the swamps. Like a thick blanket, it covered the liquid surface of the swamps. It was chilly. A giant swamp slug used it's underwater hide and cover technique as it slided across the mud, hitting the water with a splash. A howl was heard and bubbles rised to the surface. It was quiet. Eerily quiet.
The Dark Side was strong tonight - almost to the point of a disturbance in the Force. There was also something else. Something or someone missing....
Inside the Mud Hut, not far from Temple Avalon, a group of Jedi had gathered for a memorial of somone very close. Master Yoghurt, fatigued after the recent dramatic Mara's loss ( 7.topic>events</a>), had little desire to talk after what had happened. The pain was unbearable. He would give anything to have Mara back. Anything. Standing on a tree stub, which functioned as a provisional podium, he spoke to his fellow Jedi about his fondest memories of this remarkable woman that was Mara. The group of fellow Jedi that surrounded him; Boricua, JK Leia Solo, Luke, Nupraptor, ReaperFett and Obiwan2 listened to Yog's words with attention, yet sorrow.
"She had beauty not only of appearance, but in her spirit as well. To the very end she was conciderate of others.. and one of the most honest persons I ever had the pleasure to know. So kind, so.."
Suddenly, there was a distant noise of machinery.. not particulary loud, but certainly noticable for the group of Jedi.
"Would you excuse me for a second?"
The old Jedi Master walked toward a tiny staircase which led to a wooden hatch, closed with a lid. He opened the hatch revealing an oddly shaped opening at the top of the hut, which was just large enough for a small man like Yog to peer out. The rain poured in, allmost as there was a waterfall directly above the little cottage. The warm yellow light from inside escaped to fight the gloom, iluminating the grounds outside.
Yog glanced at the surroundings of the hut with a worrried look on his face, trying to make out unusual shapes or movement. The visibility was very poor. No one or nothing out of the ordinary could be seen. Only water streaming in a twirling chaos. Perhaps it was just his imagination? Then, it stroke Yog..
Where is Turbogeek?
With a sudden, the roar of a space ship engine could be heard..
Yog could not see the source of the sound, but he knew too well where it came from. Only the trimmed engines of Turbogeek's ship the Razorblade could make such a rumbling noise combined with a high pitched frequency sound. He had left without a notice? Why would he do such a thing? Yog closed the hatch and turned toward the others with a puzzled look on his face. The returned looks were not influented by less of a surprise. What was going on?
OOC: This is a closed thread for invited only. Please add further OOC comments in separate thread.
Darth Turbogeek
Sep 28th, 2000, 04:16:43 AM
The powerful motors of the Razor hummed to life as the Jedi shook the wet cloak off his shoulders, thumbing power switches and adjusting controls
The words on the data pad were still blazing across his mind, shock and surprise still going through his mind. No doubt he felt that the pad was correct, but still… it was still too close to the death of Lady Mara for his mind to accept fully the impact of the datapad.
In fact, he really thought he should calm down and think about this whole situation, plan and consider what should be done. He had been on such an emotional rollercoaster for days that he really wasn’t sure what to think, what to do and that was not right, not for a Jedi of the power and ability he was. Well, for once in his life he could be excused if he felt as if he was in a vacuum. He had lost one of his best friends, ne of the very few friends he ever had and it had hurt terribly, especially as it revealed emotions that he had long tried to hide. A past he tried to deny ever happened. Well, not anymore. That past had come at him, ambushed him and it now could never be buried again.
Time for him to face the demons of his past.
The motors whined as the ship began it’s final pre-flight sequence, lights flashed as the Jedi sat into the control seat, keying the last sequence for flight. The note on the motors changed tone, from a whine to a snarling roar as the ship lifted, blasting mud a water away as it began to gain height. The ship was held steady for a second, then ascended straight until about 100 meters, turned to port and with a boom, the forward trusters came on, slowly accelerating the ship. The repulsorlifts powered down as the craft gained enough momentum to stop it falling, built speed and altitude relentlessly until 500 meters and was levelled out. Unlike most spacecraft, the Razor could attain Hyersonic speeds in atmosphere, Supersonic at low altitude. The Jedi waited a sec to make sure the path was clear on the sensors, then pushed the throttle of the atmosphereic engines full on. With a roar of power, the ship sprang forward, accelerating at 5G, in a few seconds going through the sound barrier, the boom exploding outwards, echoing off the ground. The motors, with flames leaping from the exhausts continued to shove the craft forward, reaching Mach 3 before the Jedi pulled back on the control stick, arrowing the ship straight up. The acceleration compensators struggled to cope as he switched power to the sub light space drive, the Razor now like a missile, clearing the atmosphere in seconds and driving with all it’s acceleration straight for orbit. The acceleration was so fierce the Jedi actually blacked out for a few seconds before the compensators caught up.
A few minutes later, The Razor had enough pace to break orbit, moving in an arc away from Dagobah and driving hard for deep space. The nav computer had already worked out the course to where the Jedi wanted to go, only waiting for the ship to clear the gravity well of the planet before the hyper drive could be activated.
A light came on and a tone from the dash sounded. The Jedi menatally relaxed as he grasped the hyperspace controls, getting ready for the jump.
He pulled back on the levers, the hyper drive screeching to life, the glowing sub light exhausts getting brighter and brighter, until with a small bang and a flicker of motion, the ship ripped into hyperspace. Inside, Turbogeek watched the star lines extend and then flash into the swirl of hyperspace. A quick look around the control systems and he secured the ship for it’s two day flight back to the planet he had made his home base, the former Sith Empire base, the place Lady Mara was killed and her ashes were scattered over.
He realised just then, he hadn’t bought the data pad with him. Damn! It would have been good to have that pad, to consider it and maybe even see if there were further secrets in it he could use.
Still, he had memorised the words of the pad well enough. Two secrets it contained, both puzzling to the extreme. Why Lady Mara had chosen to hide these secrets until her death was puzzling, but they were now passed onto him to deal with.
And deal with them he would. But first, be would get a change of clothes and them go into a Jedi Meditation for a while, to ponder this sudden change in events.
Sep 28th, 2000, 07:58:04 PM
::My face had been a statue of impassiveness as Master Yoghurt spoke. It's not that I didn't feel any emotions: after what had happened, it would be inhuman to feel no sorrow. But I locked it away: kept it from the prying eyes of others.
I listened intently to the Jedi master as he spoke, becoming transfixed as the words began to beat into a rhythm in my mind. So mesmerized, I jumped with shock when the roar of the ship sounded through the air. It was like a clap of continuous thunder, somehow mixed with a high-pitched whine. My body shook with the force of it, the vibration ringing through my chest. With a quick it roar, it faded, leaving me more than a bit uneasy. There was no question as to whose ship that was::
"Master Yoghurt! That was..." My voice trails off
Yog: "Indeed, it was. Turbogeek's ship."
::I fall silent, contemplating the implications of that. After a minute of silence between the two of us, I speak up, in a soft tone so that only he can hear me::
"I don't think any of us truly realized just how much she meant to him. This is a terrible tragedy: a travesty that cannot be righted. I cannot fathom what's going through his head right now."
::Yoghurt nods, solemnly::
"I should... try to follow him."
::Gathering my things, and pulling my hood down tight, I walk towards the door of the Mud House. Pulling it open, I grimace at the ever-increasing torrent of rain. Great time to go for a joy ride, DT I think to myself. Stepping outside, I close the door behind me.
I had an X-Wing on loan to me that I could use to follow him. It was a highly modified ship: almost past the point of recognition. It should be able to at least somewhat keep up with him, if I hurried. As I take the first few steps in the direction of my ship, I stop in my tracks, my mechanical eye focusing on a figure in the distance.
I squint a bit (although that doesn't help), to get a better view. My eye magnifies the image, applying various filters to help me see through the rain. I can barely make out a man-sized shape, clad entirely in red. But it's difficult to discern much more. It's as if he didn't want to be seen. Or, perhaps, did want to be seen... but just barely. Weighing my options, I decided that it was best to investigate this, first. I started off after the man in red::
Lord Fire Blade
Sep 29th, 2000, 12:46:43 AM
The rain is pouring, but inside my armour, I find it matters not. The humidity is oppressive, but it nothing compared to what I have faced in the past. They bred the Imperial Royal Guards to be the toughest humans in existance and I would not be bothered by something so minor as humidity.
I sat, watching from my vantage point at the actions of the Jedi know as Turbogeek. Once we had faced off and I got out of that fight in one piece, which is more than could be said for most. I have claimed Sith Emperors and warriors of all types in those I counted as defeated. I have been a bane to the Jedi for a long time, but now I have returned after long absence, dealing with a small problem, that now I have come here to Dagobah, to begin to observe my Jedi foes, to assess their strength and to decide the best way to attack.
I sat and watched the Jedi place two roses into the water that passed his feet. In my investigations, I had heard Lady Mara Jade, who I had suspected was more than a bit close to this Jedi had been killed in a battle and the Jedi mourned. The roses drifted away and I saw the Jedi take out a datapad, read it. I watched as he threw the pad away and began to walk off. Strangely, he changed his mind and returned to pick up the datapad, to read it again for quite some time. The Jedi looked up out over the swamp and seem to come to a decision. He ran off, dropping the datapad as he did.
Honestly perplexed, I mved through the undergrowth to where the datapad lay. Picking it up, I wiped a bit of mud off it and then with some interest read the contents of the message
To my Turbogeek
Amusing. Maybe rumours of a relationship were not off course.
If anything should happen to me, there is soemthing you should know
This was almost cliched. I continue to read and then with some puzzlement kneel on my feet to think. Not what I was expecting. I was expecting some sort of final lovers note, but not this. Three things the datapad said, one that didnt really surprise me as I had always known. The other two.... they needed to be dealt with. And fast.
I moved back into the swamp, past the general direction the mud hut the Jedi lived in. I ignored the sounds of the ship taking off, indeed, moving towards my own, a modified TIE Advanced II. The rain dripped off the ship as I unsealed the hatch, entering quickly I pressed for motor ignition sequence, stapped in and go ready to take off.
Sep 29th, 2000, 01:28:40 AM
::Unconsciously, I strafed to my left, concealing myself in the nearby shade. It was a habit that had stuck with me for years. Back when I was a bounty hunter, I had learned many valuable lessons, one of which was "If it's not absolutely neccesary to be seen: Don't be." It was a rule I lived by.
I started making my way, invisible, to the stranger. To me, it was child's play: Traversing shadows had become second nature to me, as simple as walking down a level road. When I was but a few yards away, I froze in my tracks. I could feel the weight of the raindrops on my shoulders and head, pounding down on me with surprising wieght. The man that stood before me was one of the Royal Gaurd: there could be no doubt about it.
So shocked at his presence, I almost spoke up, demanding that he tell me who he was. I shook my head: "When was the last time I saw one of his kind?", I pondered. I was close to ignoring him, simply trying to remember my last encounter with a Royal Guard. But this definitely was not the time... I pushed it aside in my head, and silently watched him. In his hand was a small datapad, which he was reading rather intently. He seemed interested in it, and somewhat disgusted by it at the same time. When he threw it on the ground, I almost made a move to fetch it... but he retrieved it himself. Perhaps he didn't want anyone else reading it's contents.
Wordlessly, he headed off towards a ship in the distance. I didn't really have a choice: I headed for my modified X-Wing, ready to follow him::
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Sep 29th, 2000, 02:04:52 AM
**Sitting amongst her peers in the Mud Hut..Leia watched on as total turmoil broke out** What was going on** The roar of the infamous Turbogeek's Razor roared by! With the disruption...Nupraptor went to investigate the goings on. Leia had turned to her fellow Jedi, all were sitting there with looks of total confusion on their faces. Each one looked on at the other, searching the other's faces for answers. **
**Suddenly...another roar can be heard. Yet another ship's engine can be heard being fired up.**
**Leia turned to Master Yoghurt**
Leia: Master Yoghurt..what in the heavens is going on? First Master Turbogeek is heard leaving the vicinity. unknown second ship engine can be heard. Something is terribly wrong here.
Master Yoghurt: Yes it is!
** This somber moment has now become one of upheaval and total disarray **
Sith Lord Rahl
Sep 29th, 2000, 06:12:53 PM
::Standing alone under the pounding of the rain, a man looks in through a window set in the side of the mud house. Running his fingers through his thick hair, now soaked from the downpour, he sighed inwardly.
The man was dressed in an elaborate suit, consisting of a black and gold tunic, and matching pants. Adorning his back was an extravagant looking cape, apparently woven from gold. Thick, heavy-set bracelets rested on each one of his wrists, emblazoned with cryptic runes. In the dark light, they stood out greatly, shining like, well... like gold.
Adorning his waist, was a magnificent sword: one that most people would keep only for display. But this particular sword was a far cry from it. Around it's handle, gold wire was woven to form the word "Truth" on it. It's hilt was lined with gold and silver, creating an absolutely stunning effect in the pale light. Unconsciously, he lifted the sword a few inches and dropped it back down, making sure that it was clear in it's scabbard.
"The Jedi were in a confusion. Interesting", He thought to himself. "Now, I wonder what could have caused this? Perhaps I should stick around for a while longer..."
Richard Rahl was once a Seeker of Truth. A man who was a law unto himself: the final arbiter of Justice. He still carried the sword that was the mark of his postion, but he was now only a Seeker in title. He had sold his soul for power, and the corruption was absolute.
He had been told, on more than one occasion in the past, that he wielded the Dark Side of the Force. Rubbish. He knew nothing of this 'Force': What he used was Dark Magic. He found the idea somewhat absurd that people devouted their entire lives to mastering the ridiculous notion of the Force, for he knew where true power lay. His soul was promised to his Dark Master, and he planned to make good use of his time alive. For right now, that meant studying these 'Jedi'::
JediMaster Skywalker
Sep 30th, 2000, 12:11:18 AM
Luke looks around as he watches Turbo's ship take off.
"what is going on?"
Luke walks up to where Leia is standing.
"Where is Turbo going?"
Luke stands next to leia as the rain pours down soaking him, decked out all in black with the silver handle of his lightsaber hanging at his belt and his blaster straped to his right hip....
Drin Kizael
Oct 3rd, 2000, 09:21:56 PM
:: Drin Kizael straightened in the pilot's seat as the navcomp counted down to arrival. He stared outside at the swirling wall of hyperspace, wondering why DT had told him to come here of all places in the galaxy. He could not help but smile at the irony that despite the fact that distance in space was a very relative concept, his travels kept sending him back in the general direction of his home so often.
:: He pulled back the levers at the prompting of his console, melting the outside view into a sea of open stars. Hanging almost stoicly in the void ahead of him was a gray-green planet that looked none too inviting, but had an almost tangible feeling of importance.
:: Kizael's attention was not on the rather unremarkable planet, however. Off to starboard, the light of the system's star glinted off a ship. Almost as soon as he saw it however, its drives flashed, catapulting out of sight with a flicker of pseudoacceleration.
:: The Trianii raised a bushy eyebrow. That was a lot more traffic than he expected to find all the way out here. Mentally logging the odd coincidence for later review, he zeroed his Nova-Drive toward the planet ahead.
:: His scanners reported a turbulant atmosphere, but did not even come close to doing it justice. He stretched out to the Force -- which he sensed was very strong here -- and brought his ship on a more stable approach as best he could.
:: He quickly saw why the Force was so strong on this world. It positively teemed with life. It was ironically for the same reasons that Roker wasn't with him. As soon as the Bimm read what kind of climate dominated the entire planet, he quickly found something else to do. Kizael not only understood, part of him wanted to join his friend. A chill ran through his fur at the prospect of the day ranging from hot and balmy to cold and clammy.
:: As seen through the Force, his destination was a shining beacon. Several Jedi, at least one a Master, were gathered in one spot on the otherwise completely uninhabited planet ... devoid of anything resembling civilization at least.
:: The sensors hilighting starships in that area helped, too.
OOC: Well no one told me what my role in this was supposed to be. I'm just winging it since this thread hasn't moved in several days. It's not getting dropped is it?
OOC: Assuming it's not, I need to know what this base looks like before I continue. Is this the GJO base or something else? I assume it's more than just the mud hut from Empire because EVERYONE is in there! That thing could barely fit Luke (who was on the short side for a human to boot).
Oct 4th, 2000, 08:18:42 AM
I stand on a platform, watching as the builders of the RSO's new base crawl about, like ants, seemingly without purpose. It is night, the scence is lit by powerful floodlights. I am not usually about at this time, but I am instead deep in thought and I required time to sort out the various ideas and schemes in my mind. Also, I ponder recent events, wondering how to turn them to my advantage.
Much so far the RSO has achieved in it's short life, but much more I want to do. I may not want to rule the Galaxy like some of the megomaniacs that are at present building their machines of war and pointing them at each other. I had managed to keep RSO out of the more pointless conflicts, desite the petitions that had been made to us. I would not waste time and resources, not yet. I want to build the powerbase more, building strength on strength, ready to strike at our time and at our choosing, never before.
A footstep and I turn slightly. On the platform I stand comes Darth Havok, second in command of the RSO and as good a second in command as I could have hoped to have. He was the Fleet commander, the organiser, a teacher. He often sifted ones who sought to join us, rejected those not worthy, accepting the few who did.
"My Lord" he said
Turning, the sensors in the helmet I use to disguise my face analye the Sith. My mind senses the darkness on him. Indeed a Sith to be reckoned with. "I hope your journey to Coruscant went well"
"It could have been better" I see he is carrying injuries
"Run in with someone Lord Havok? Who was it?"
His face twists in anger. "Turbogeek"
Nothing else really needs to be said. I myself had faced this Jedi not long ago, the day Lady Mara Jade died at my hand. Unlike most Jedi, a Jedi we of the RSO marked as a true danger to our plans. "Very well. We will deal with him soon enough. Now, what brings you here? I was under the impression no-one else but me knew how to get here"
Havok shook his head. "I do my Lord, as is obvious. I wished to speak to you"
"I would listen, but first I would speak my mind as well. I see we are really building some great Havok, but I do not believe we have set our future directions well. We are strong, but its a strength we are not using to the fullest"
"Do you have something in mind Lord Venom?"
"Several things. The Gungans and the present Imperial infighting are two. The third is the Jedi. The Gungans is simply the pleasure of putting those fat frogs in their place. The Imperials wish for me to take sides, which I will not do. Thrawn is on the backfoot and Gue is trying to use Dark Axis for his own power hunger. He has also refused to withdraw from near Lord Scorpion's research assets and I find myself pressured to do something about that. The Brotherhood" here I allow a degree of satisfaction to creep into my voice "are being destroyed by our forces and will continue to be so, no matter who they are aligned with. Also, this director Isard and her group that have turned up. They need investigating"
"The Imperials certainly pose some interesting problems" admitted Havok
"Indeed. We will need to plan this out with the others. Politically, we must be extra careful. We may be powerful, but we must keep focused on our true enemies the Jedi and not get caught up in any squabbles"
"My Lord my thiught's exactly. And in that vein" Havok drew out a datapad "A transmission from a friend"
"A friend? Who would that be?"
"Have you ever heard of Lord Fire Blade?"
Puzzled, I shake my head
"A wonder. Ex-Royal Guard. Brutal and devious. Defeated Itala Marzullo in single combat, destroyed the Jedi temple, one of the best hand to hand fighters I know of and also dedicated 100% to bringing back the Empire."
A memory stirs of a figure in flowing red robes - and with a Force Pike, my own favored weapon. "I think I know now. Yes, I agree, one of note. Does he want something"
"Not exactly. He wants to give us something"
Interested, I took the datapad and read. "Well. Can we believe this?"
"Yes. Lord Fire Blade never gives false information"
"I suggest we need to take advantage of this and we need a specialist in this area. Arrange a shuttle, we will go speak to someone I have in mind"
With that we left the platform, leaving the builders, scurrying like ants behind
Lord Fire Blade
Oct 5th, 2000, 03:29:01 AM
The transmission sent, I power up the TIE, allowing the reactors to build power. The rain continues to fall as I begin to lift, then turn and power away from this misreble hole. I never understod why the Jedi would pick such a place for the main base and I guess I would not ask.
For myself, I know it is time to plan again. The TIe begins to clear the clouds as I begin to think, hand moving automatically over controls as I made my way away from Dagobah. The datapad I had picked up had several items of interest, two wihch I believed could be turned to my adavantage and to anyone I chose to tell. The Rogue Sith Order now knew one and when the time was right, they would know the second. But first, I needed to go and see someone else, a person I believed would prove able to use the information I would give them, intead of squandering it as others would.
The present Imperial groups were wasting time fighting each other, but there was a new group, lead by a Director Isard I could see. The name Isard was familiar to me, in fact I was with the Emperor when he had met her once. After the emperor's demise, she had ruled the Empire, but I had not approached her with an offer of my service, I did not believe the time was right. But, now it could well be.
Certainly, I did not think it was the right time for the Empire to come again, but a hard blow agains the New Republic could be made.
I paused. Decision made to contact Isard, I knew I was uncertain where she was. However, another that I knew of would know. I set my course and rocketed into hyperspace.
Darth Ogre
Oct 5th, 2000, 04:31:21 AM
JOMARK the only inhabitable planet of the Jomark system
:: The day on Jomark was typical of most, upon this mostly oceanic world. The sky was clear as was the water of the ocean, at the northern beachfront edge of the continent of Kalish. Many antiquated looking boats filled the bay, the fishermen onboard doing what they do day in and day out to survive upon the planet. Making the days catch as large as possible so that demand by Jomark’s occupants could be meet. The smell of the many crops farmed on the island continent mixed with the salty sea air, creating a pleasant and most inviting aroma.
There was something unusual about this day though. For on a semi secluded beach, not often traveled by the world’s inhabitants sat a Beta Class ETR-3 Transport. An unusual thing for this, long forgotten by the New Republic, planet, which had fallen away from its originally technically advanced beginnings and strayed to a more primitive, superstitious culture, after all their power cells had failed and technological knowledge slipped away as time progressed.
A short distance from the transport, there was a rather elaborate set up on the beach. A couple of small droids were seen to be scurrying around a large, metallic looking, umbrella type shade, a portable bar, and two rather simple beach chairs. On the chairs sat two people who had just recently been married. They were taking some time off in their shared mission of bringing chaos to the galaxy and plaguing the Jedi with their random acts of violence, corruption, and world domination. They had come to this planet to celebrate their recent nuptials, a Sith honeymoon.
They both knew that the inhabitants of this world would be easy to deal with if their presence came to be known. There were no New Republic officials present here and all the inhabitants were simple humans, unaware of Force users, except in the tales that were told to them as children before they went to sleep at night.
A slight breeze blew across the white sands of the beach, as the large green Sith raised a glass of champagne in the direction of his companion, a petite young woman, who’s beauty was only rivaled by her cruelty to her enemies. The green Sith began to speak. ::
“A toast to our successful union of matrimony, and to a future filled with the evil deeds which we shall carry out together.”
:: Just as the woman raised her glass and was about to say something. A loud beeping noise could be heard coming from the transport, attracting the attention of the pair and causing them to both look in it’s direction. Ogre shook his head, set down his drink and looked at Dalethria, as he began to rise form his chair. ::
“I told them not to bother us for seven days. This had better be very important.”
:: After he stood he leaned forward and bent down, placing a kiss upon Dalethria’s forhead. Excusing himself and telling her that he would get this matter cleared up and return shortly. He walked over to the transport and stepped inside, heading for the communication console in the front of the craft. Ore activates the device and reads the incoming data transmission. ::
<font color= red>Encrypted Transmission:URGENT: Your presence is requested by Venom, prepare to leave immediately. Further instructions to follow.</font>
:: Ogre read the brief, message and his brow furrowed and wrinkled in anger and disgust. He slammed a clenched fist into a nearby bulkhead. ::
“How dare he interrupt my Honeymoon!
:: Ogre took a few deep breaths and began to consider the possible implications. ::
“Though if Venom is making this request it must be important and of a serious nature.”
Darth Havok
Oct 5th, 2000, 05:27:10 AM
Trust determination and perseverance is what makes a man whole, without that, what kind of man could he be?
Havok’s past up to now, the past he could remember that is. Has had its highlights, one being the most precious of choices he ever made. Choosing his master; he hid in shadows, watching, observing with great detail, his heart told him that this choice was correct, and true. His master had been there for him when needed, and always stood by his lone apprentice in rough times or not. They have had many enjoyable times in the past, in Rama’s Corner when they were both apart of the Sith Empire. And have stood together on battlefields in many instances. The respect he had for the man now called Jedah Lynch, was unwavering, none could ever change the way he felt for his master, the man had changed his life, for the better, and helped him to attain the goals in which he has always reached for.
United against a common enemy and death, the changes in your life and the differences between people may not seem so large…
As time progressed in the Empire, a strange feeling of emptiness overcame Havok. A calling of the Dark side constantly haunted him, it spoke of things in which he had never dreamed, or even heard of. It spoke of his past. Though he did not know what the call was, he felt he had to take it in stride, but his ever growing <a href= ?topicID=1270.topic>Battle within</a> tormented his soul. And all he wished was release from its seemingly unforgiving grasp. So he left the Sith Empire, in hopes of broadening his horizon, finding the truth, seeking answers…
People aren’t always, as they seem.
He had found what he had thought to be, his perfect soul mate, Darth Eve. A long story of what was believed as love at first sight, was only blinding his truth path, his true destiny. They were happy, as joyous as a Sith could be, once, but in the end disaster struck, emotions were torn, feelings lost. But to Havok, love was a test of time and as he sees it now, that love was never truly meant to be.
The path to one's destiny is guided by the heart..
He had silently felt something from a person, for a person, for he whom he had just met. It seemed to stir within him, extraordinary feelings in which gave him a sense of something that felt to be the key to unlocking his past. He was unsure how to proceed, and has yet to take any real form of action to further his ever-growing curiosity.
Havok had his personal shuttle Black Diamond, prepared and readies a few things on the planet before his departure with the Emperor. He had a brief talk with Nivek Felth, and he ensured Lord Havok that he’d keep an eye on things, and make sure everything was kept on his tight schedule he had worked out.
A short time later, he arrived in the new hanger that had just been recently constructed, and boarded the craft to make all the preflight checks before departure. After running diagnostics on all the systems, and them all passing with flying colors, he sat in the co-pilot seat; his wingman and personal pilot Drake at the helm. As he leaned back in his chair to gather his thoughts of the pressing situation, trying to anticipate what was to come, and strategizing with himself the accomplishments that must be made, no matter what the sacrifice.
As he sat and awaited the arrival of his Emperor.
Oct 5th, 2000, 07:47:07 AM
I go to a terminal, punching in a code I was given some time ago. It was the code of a person I was told I might find useful, one who specialised in underhand operations.
It was the code of an Imperial, known only as Jekaan. I had heard he had resources and manpower I could hire if needed. For what I had in mind, hiring would be fine.
The terminal relayed that Jekaan was not availible. Cursing, I left a message for him to contact me on a specific comm code, urgently. Others I could think of to do this if he was not availible, but he had interfered with an assasination Lord Havok had done and I was uncertain how Havok would react to this name. Before I left the terminal, I called Darth Ogre. I did this reluctantly, knowing that he would not want to be disturbed. However, I felt that the situation could well call for this. The comm unit informs me he too is not availble. I left a message as well
"Darth Ogre, Greetings. Venom bids you to make all haste to RSO base on Debrilion, where I willl need to speak to you of matters that have come to my attention. Bring your wife as well.
Make all haste as events could move quickly and we wont have much time. I apologise for doing this, but I would not if it was necessary. Lord Venom out"
He's not going to be happy with this. I have to admit, I dont like asking. But, at least I will meet his wife. I have heard much of her.
I finish with the console and I move towards where the shuttle will be. As I enter the craft I call out to Havok.
"RSO base, Debrilion. Ogre will meet us there and as well others I have called. Lord Havok, also alett Dara and have her go there too. Once we have dicussed events, I want the Rogues all to be briefed and made ready. Now, let's go"
The shuttle lifts as Havok calls Dara Shadowtide.
Sniper Tondry
Oct 5th, 2000, 11:14:51 AM
Snipers are a patient breed, because patience is required in sniping. If a sniper has a target pinned down at a certain location, that sniper must be willing to wait hours, days, even weeks for the target to try to escape and step into the targeting field by doing so.
Hours, days, weeks, and minutes too.
At 0915 on a Coruscant morning, the sun had already dawned and was currently struggling up to its' noonday position in the sky. Atop one of the buildings in Coruscant's commercial district, Pierce Tondry has three weapons with him. The first is his usual sniper rifle. The second is a grenade launcher. The third is something normally reserved for deep space combat: a personal proton torpedo launcher standing on a tripod.
But for him to use any of them required that his target actually be there, and at 9:15 Imperial City standard, his target was late for work.
The mission is simple, but simple for Intel means complicated for the rest of the galaxy. This is yet another venture to buy support for Intel's rather small power base. If the target in question is killed, a certain investigation into the activities of his subordinates stops. One particular subordinate has confessed to harboring a great deal of gratitude for anyone willing to stop the investigation, and since Intel already has a plant in this particular organization who could take the vacancy Tondry is about to create, Intel will be guaranteed one of the three things it so desperately needs: money.
Several more patient minutes pass before the target comes into view. Tondry recognizes the vehicle as a highly manueverable one with a certain amount of extra shielding and armor as well. It gently puts down on the public landing pad. The exit hatch opens and out climbs his target.
Tondry takes aim with his torpedo launcher and fires. It takes less than five seconds for the vehicle to explode into flames and shrapnel. The entire landing pad is engulfed, and his target is tossed off the side of the landing pad in an amusingly slow fashion.
The sniper nods, glad that he didn't have to resort to the backup grenade launcher. He carefully takes the unconscious security guard next to him and presses his ungloved hand against the connection points for the tripod. With someone to take the blame, Tondry returns the glove to its owner's hand and departs using the turbolift.
His next move is to contact Isard with a "mission accomplished" message. After that, he'll be reassigned.
Given his increasing level of importance within Intel, the next assignment should be an interesting one.
Oct 5th, 2000, 09:10:13 PM
::Punching in a few commands, Nupraptor's ship lifted off the swampy surface of Dagobah, relatively silent for a ship of it's class. Keeping a careful eye on Lord Fireblade, he waited until his quarry was a safe distance away, yet still able to be traced, before he gave pursuit: It would do him no good if this mysterious man saw him following. Nup needed to find out where he was going. Someone apparently spying on the Jedi could be up to no good... and most of all, his curiosity was eating away at him to find out what was on that blasted datapad.
The X-Wing's engines gave a silent roar as they came to life, lifting the ship into the planet's outer atmosphere and setting off after him. From the looks of things, he was in a rush to get somewhere. Pressing a few more keys, Nupraptor made a few calculations. He let out a grunt as the readout told him that the most probable course of the other ship was Coruscant. "It's been a long time since I've had a vacation there", Nupraptor mused.
But this could hardly be considered a vacation. All the recent events were spinning through his head, creating a dizzying effect. He shook his head to clear it all away, and concentrated on the task at hand. Hopefully, this wouldn't prove to be a wild goose chase::
Dara Shadowtide
Oct 6th, 2000, 03:37:19 AM
:: Dara walks barefoot along the grassy clearing near TSE Headquarters on the planet Munto Codru, where the wedding of Darth Ogre and Dalethria took place. The soft cool blades thick and lush as a carpet sift through her toes and caress her feet. She stops at an ancient tree with white bark and reddish orange leaves, the wind gently rustling the branches as they sway to and fro. She sits down at the base of the trunk and closes her eyes, leaning her head back against the coarse bark.
Dara channels the dark side and reaches out through the force to let her apprentices, Rain13 and Daikun Fenix, know that she will be along shortly to continue their sessions at the Training Grounds. This is the first moment she has taken to relax after her trip to Bakura, Coruscant and Mandalore with Lord Havok and she was going to enjoy it. She smiles reflecting on the many adventures along the way on their extended journey, and can’t seem to get him off her mind. She sighs and takes a deep breath, opening her eyes to look around the beautiful mountains in the distance, the moons on the rise just above them as the warm glow of the setting sun casts a reddish hue on the ancient castles in the rock walls. The time has escaped her and she realizes it is starting to get late. She rises to her feet and begins to walk back towards Headquarters when her communicator beeps. She opens the channel and receives the transmission ::
Dara: “This is Dara, go ahead.”
K-3PO: “Mistress Dara. You have an urgent encrypted transmission here on your ship from Lord Havok. He says he must speak to you right away. Shall I tell him you will be here soon?”
Dara: “Yes, inform Lord Havok that I will be there shortly. Dara out.”
:: A smile comes to her face wondering what Lord Havok would want as she turns off the communicator. She hurries to her ship, a CR-90 named the Resilience. Her droids C2-R4, R2-Q2 and K-3PO, meet her at the base of the ramp and she quickly boards her ship. She takes a seat at the comms station and flips on the switch to open the channel ::
Dara: “Hello Lord Havok, Dara Shadowtide here, over.”
Havok: “Hello Lady Shadowtide. Our Emperor wanted me to inform you that you must travel to the RSO home base on Debrillion immediately. There is an urgent matter we must attend to and your presence is required. I will send you the coordinates and look for your arrival. Safe journey to you, Lady Shadowtide. See you soon. Lord Havok out.”
:: Dara turns to the droids as they already know what is coming ::
Dara:” C2-R4, R2-Q2, and K3-PO, prepare the ship for immediate take off and set the course for Debrillion. We have no time to waste in getting there.”
:: The droids move quickly into place as the ramp raises. Dara sits in the commander’s seat as the main engines roar. The ship lifts into the sky and hits the atmosphere. She checks the controls and sees that all systems are online and normal before making the jump to hyperspeed. Stars turn into white streaks of light as the ship moves into hyperspeed toward Debrillion for the rendezvous with Lord Havok ::
Drin Kizael
Oct 6th, 2000, 07:45:39 PM
:: The Jitarn's Redemption touched down on the landing pad carved out of the swamp. Inside, Drin Kizael squinted across the tarmac through the torrent of rain with a fair amount of confusion. He just stared for a long time at the large mud and thatch construct that must have been the Jedi Order's base.
:: Adding to the mystery of why in all space the Jedi had made their home on this desloate mudhole ... and of the ship that had left the system almost on cue with his arrival ... on his approach, two more ships left the planet, one from the middle of nowhere, some distance into the dense jungle.
:: Kizael powered down the ship and rose from the pilot's seat, gathering up his top robe on the way out. He was starting to get the feeling that he was entering events well beyond what he was expecting from this trip ... despite even what he had seen already. Checking the lightsaber clipped to his belt as an afterthought, he lowered the ramp and left the ship.
:: The Trianii pulled his robes tight against the chilling rain the moment he set foot outside. That chill rippled through his fur again and he clung to the hope that there was good reason to be here. Reaching the front door as quickly as possible, he knocked loudly.
OOC: With so many characters moving around in so many different settings, I'd like to suggest using a tag line at the top of your post giving the location of your character whenever you are somewhere else than the post above yours. Should help make things a little clearer.
Tdahn Kreael
Oct 7th, 2000, 04:18:02 PM
*I rush into the small area just in time to see the ships leave. I watch the ships scream into the atmosphere, and the afterburners send my wet hair flitting about as a trace the ships routes. When I cannot see them any more, I continue into Mast Yoghurts dwelling place.* MASTER YOGHURT! I heard that Mitress Mara Jade was killed! This Can't be true!
Sith Lord Rahl
Oct 7th, 2000, 04:43:06 PM
::Having not noticed Nupraptor leave earlier, Richard Rahl is quite startled at the sounds of the ships leaving. He jumps back a bit, falling down into the wet underbrush. Grabbing onto a branch, he manages to steady himself so that he doesn't hit the ground and become covered in mud. He quietly curses to himself at his incompetence, standing back up. He hoped that that hadn't attracted any undue attention.
In the past, he had observed that Jedi seemed to be able to sense other's presences. He knew of no way to safeguard against this, so instead, he simply counted on them writing him off. His hand fell to the sword at his side, lifting it a few inches and dropping it back into it's scabbard. It was a nervous habit of his, to make sure that it was unobstructed.
He was quite confused about the situation at hand. The mood of this meeting had gone from somber to anxious in no time flat. What was going on?::
Drin Kizael
Oct 7th, 2000, 05:34:29 PM
:: Getting no response and feeling his patience being eroded in the downpour, Kizael pounded on the front door of the mud hut again. Perhaps they simply did not hear him, but there was something else nagging at him that demanded urgency.
:: Suddenly from under the hood, the Trianii's head snapped to the side, his feline ears twitching at a muffled sound amid the whipping rain. He distinctly heard a branch rustle, easily dismissed in the winds of the storm if not for the sloshing mud and stifled grunt. In this weather, the sound never would have even reached most humanoid ears. Probably just an animal somehow caught outside its den, but ...
:: Kizael reached out through the Force. Suddenly there was no rain, no wind ... only silence and the energy field that connected all life. Drin narrowed his eyes as he scanned the human trying too hard to stay unnoticed. A spy!
Darth Turbogeek
Oct 8th, 2000, 05:15:15 PM
What Becomes….
It had been a 2 day flight to _________, the former Sith Empire planet, the place Turbogeek made his base, the place Lady Mara had come to train…. And just 10 days ago died in battle. The place was still strong in memories of her, but the Jedi Master paid them no attention now. As the last whining of the ship silenced and the gangplank extended, Turbogeek’s face was as hard as it always had been, some would say almost cruel in expression, certainly not the image most had of a Jedi, kind and soft. Definantly not Turbogeek. He was known as a harsh and strict man, giving no quarter, sparing nothing if he thought that is what he had to do. The Jedi Padawans, even some of the Knights, certainly most of the Sith and other enemies of the Jedi were outright fearful of this man who almost defined what a Jedi warrior was.
But there was something else. Something he never wanted to acknowledge, something that he always strove to bury. There was hurt. There was pain and a shadow of loss. It didn’t pay to stop and think of it, lest it overwhelmed him and sucked him into a vortex of his past. Still….. on the first night of the flight, he had seen a holoview of Lady Mara, along with a group of Jedi that Turbogeek had kept. Just the sight of her was enough. Waves of grief for her and other friends, his own wife had hit and he had lost control for a few hours, given over to mourning for their loss.
In some way, the bottled up feelings finally overflowing outwards had been healing. Still, it had hurt. Still tried to hurt. Acknowledging a love for someone, even after they were dead was almost impossible and he still wasn’t able to do it. He still didn’t want to face it. Love wasn’t something he could have, not now, not ever again. It clouded your thinking, making you react too slow. Put your priorities in the wrong place. His life was full of fighting and one mis-step, one incorrectly detected move, one momentarily lapse into relaxing could see you dead. Turbogeek had stepped out of battles were only the superior few had survived, maybe injured, maybe too battered to move, but alive. The way he intended to stay.
Once again however, all the emotions were put aside and he was icy calm again. There was things to do.
In the distance, the remains of the Sith base could be seen as well as the battlefield where Mara….. he wrenched his thoughts off that track.
To the left was the Cave he had found here, a cave that somehow was strong in the light side. In there he had reforged the Athona, his Archaic Jedi sabre and also a place where some hidden tomes of knowledge he had found. To the right was the Treehouse, a place he had setup to live and not far from that, the mud hut, by a freak of nature always being rained on when he went there. In fact, it had started to rain right now. Shaking his head, he ran for the hut.
Diving inside, the place was cold and dark, though a few moments and a small fire was started and the place began to fill with warmth. Pulling off his cloak and throwing it into a corner, he sat down at the state of the art computer terminal,, combined with hyperspace transmitter for realtime communications. As always, the best defence against his emotions was action and now was certainly time for it. He hit the on button, quickly logging in and initiating a hyperspace link back to the central Coruscant databases. He could have used his own codes, being cleared all the way to Inner Council, but it wasn’t half as good as the slicer codes he used. He had often found, hacking in was a much faster way to get the information he needed, got around red tape and data pushers.
Digging back into his memory, using a Jedi trick to enhance short term memory to bring up the items on the datapad. Three wasn’t there….?
Yes, three it was. Three in total. One related to him that he still didn’t know quite to make of. Maybe if there wasn’t the other two items, he would go and find out the truth in that one. Maybe soon. But first….
Item two on the data pad was more concerning. Now what was the precise wording….?
Turbogeek, I know you will treat this with all the urgency it needs. On Ithor, there is a secret store of Jedi and Sith lore. Where exactly I don’t know, but considering all we have lost in the past, with Palpatine’s destruction of any known information stores, this could be critical to helping the Jedi relearn what has been lost. On the other hand, if the Sith were to get hold of it, it could build their power. I found reference to it in a datapad I foun in Imperial archives once, which I promptly erased to protect the secret. I can tell you that the knowledge base exists as I found an artifact….. an ancient sword. A real sword with the power to repel lightsabres and if used in the right hands, can be exactly the same as a lightsabre, except it cant be disabled. I know you would use the archive well, so please find it and make the Jedi stronger.
Turbogeek finished typing, re-read what he had written and nodded. Yes that was it. Now for the next, the last section of the datapad…
Lastly my dear, I have a secret to tell you, not even Jedah Lynch knows and I never could dare tell him anyway. I have…...
Turbogeek had to stop for a moment to contemplate that one. How in the name of the Force that could of happened was beyond his understanding.
He finished typing and then contemplated the words again. Thinking.
Finally he came to a decision, about something he had beeen contemplating for a long while, something that would be perfect for a situation like this. He moved to the comm. station and put a call through to the Jedi Mud Hut on Dagobah
Master Yoghurt
Oct 8th, 2000, 10:20:08 PM
Yog mirrored Tdahn Kreal's worried expression with a sad look on his face.
"Yes, I am afraid that is the case. Mara left us by the hands of Venom. The evil thyrant that rules the Rogue Sith Order and threatens the peace and justice of the Galaxy. And now Turbogeek have left without further notice as well. Not sure where he went, but I am allmost certain he must have had a good reason. Must have been important. It is unlike Turbogeek to dissappear, but when he does it usually means trouble."
Suddenly, a bleeping sound from the intergalactic communicator was heard. The complex mathematical algorithms run silently on the little laptop computer, decrypting the data.
<font color=lime>
Incomming transmission from Turbogeek.
Accept? y/n
Decrypting wave frequency..
Establishing connection...
Yog was just about to open up transmission, when suddenly..
There was a knock at the door. Yog raised his eyebrows slightly, wondering who it could be at this time of the hour. He decided to ignore it. After all, this appeared to be an important message comming through from Turbogeek. And little had more priority than that right now. The guest, whoever that might be, had to wait for a minute or two. The knock repeated, and noises are heard from the outside of the hut.
What is it now?
Yog's rolls his eyes skyward as he is disturbed again, and decides to let the connection stay on hold for a while, and walks toward the door. The little green Jedi reaches the tiny wooden doorknob, and pulls open the door, letting rainwater shower over the floor. The silouette of a furred character is seen against the chaotic dark background of water and mist. Small lamps at the entrance castings light at this figure standing on the grounds outside. Yog is surprised to see that it is actually Drin Kizzael, a Drijanii Ranger and Jedi he had the pleasure of first meeting at Coruscant. He has a startled and excited expression in his eyes. Yog could imediately sense something was wrong. Terribly wrong.
[Edit: Did not turn out quite what I had in mind, so I rewrote some of it]
Drin Kizael
Oct 9th, 2000, 12:54:24 AM
:: Without further warning, Kizael roared and sprang into the foliage with a single leap. He landed in the brush and mud with a loud slosh, barely missing the human in a tackle. He was good, but noticeably surprised and off balance. His sword really was unobstructed as he was hoping, but the Trianii batted the weapon aside before it completely cleared the sheath.
:: The human ducked low and fought back, bringing an aggravated snarl to Kizael's face. The two scuffled in the rain, but the end was in little doubt. Drin muscled the smaller man down, wrenching his arm behind his back and driving him hard to the ground. Kizael leaned down...
Kizael: "That was for making me come out here in the rain."
:: The Jedi hefted the human up, pushing him uncerimoniously forward. He looked back, spotting the ancient sword lying in the mud. With a look of disgust, he curled his tail out from under his robes and picked up the hilt with it. Suddenly Kizael was filled with the urge to rip the human's arm off. This bastard had the smell of Sith magic all over him ... plus he got him wet! He hated getting wet!
:: Drin shook his head. What was he...? He looked down at the sword, growling. The human in his grip struggled when he sensed his concentration break, but was pushed back down with a lot more strength than he intended. The Jedi took a deep breath, realizing what was happening. Cursed Sith!
:: Kizael withdrew into himself, tapping the Force, working through relaxation techniques and building a mind block. After a few more seconds and the prompting of another attempted struggle, he rose to his feet and pulled the human into the clearing ... where Yoghurt was still waiting at the front door of the hut.
Kizael: "Greetings, Master. Once again, I come bearing gifts."
Sith Lord Rahl
Oct 9th, 2000, 01:05:51 AM
::Rahl struggled in his grasp for but a minute, before realizing the advantages of the situation he was in. Drin's furry grip on him was a bit stifling, but he could endure it. However, he desired to have his weapon back. Without that, he had no claim to his title as a Seeker. But, now was not the time.
He allowed himself to be carried over to the entrance of the mud home, kicking a little bit so as not to seem to obvious. After all, if one wished to study a pack of Lions, what better way than from a safe spot inside their own den?
Rahl almost laughed as the Jedi picked up his weapon. He had seen countless others do the same, and each time they got the same look in their eyes: a glazed look, like they were gazing into another place. It was the swords magic. While he might have an idea of what happened, he couldn't have known how the sword worked, and anything Rahl knew that he didn't was to his advantage.
Rahl turned his head down to the diminutive Jedi Master, smiling just a bit::
"Seems... you caught me."
Jekaan Oludh
Oct 9th, 2000, 03:53:10 PM
Jekaan was attending one of the worst plays he had ever seen, a private production of the famous "For the Want of an Empire", when suddenly his comm-link went off with an annoyingly loud beep.
Muttering half-hearted apologies, he squeezed his portly frame past a row of drunken young officers, who seemed to have nothing better to do than sneer at him while he was busy stepping on their feet. 'It's no fraggin wonder there isn't much of the Empire left, if they have that drokkin crowd of fools running it! What do they feed them - nerf milk? They'd never make it into Intel - none of them!' Just then, one of those louts poked him in the butt, and it took all the restraint he had learned from working under Isard to keep himself from murdering the bastard.
Finally, he had extricated himself and rapidly made his way back up to the small foyer, where he halted, breathing heavily, and drew out his comm-link. With his breath coming out in big wheezes after the exertion of climbing the stairs, he swore and promised to himself that he would start a diet soon. He listened to the message from Intel CommCenter for a few seconds, then hastily grabbed his overcoat from the grumbling attendant droid, and exited the small theatre. 'Whatever that fraggin call is about, I should probably thank the one responsible for it - that play was a drokkin waste of time anyway.'
An hour later, back in his own small office inside the Intel HQ, Jekaan tossed his coat into a corner and sat down on his favorite chair. Punching in a code he had kept for special occasions, and given out to only a rare few, he activated a remote network almost no one had ever heard about. Years earlier, while still working for a major communications company on Bothawui as their official code cracker, he had come across this little gem, and kept it secreted away for his own uses. These days, whenever someone tried to contact him via that network, a code tapping into the system's lines relayed the info and scrambled it into something more trivial. Jekaan guessed that the guys over in the Comm Center who received those messages and had to pass them on, got a great kick out of watching the newest holo-porn of the magnificently shaped and 8-breasted Marinda Savage - who was nothing but an elaborate holo-fakery. This last one had been a particular mind-teaser.
For a second, Jekaan was tempted to call up the holo-fake himself, and admire his own work, but then the importance of it being there in the first place struck him again, and instead, he found himself reading the message stamped as urgent and left to him by Lord Venom from the Rogue Sith Order. 'Funny that he hasn't thought of contacting Isard about this... oh well, I'm due to report to her anyway. Might as well tell her myself.'
Sometimes he wished he was still leading a quiet life on Bothawui, hidden inside his little cabin, with nothing more to worry about than some snooping kids trying to hack into the holonet for fun. Life had been so much easier back then, when no one had bothered him about his work, and there had been nobody but an indifferent boss around to report to. But then those damned Isards had got him into their grasp - and he had only his own diligence to blame for that. Having caught one of the more notorious code hackers, his boss had shown a surprising amount of ruthlessness and reported the find as his own achievement. Which had called down a team of Imp Intel on him, who had recruited him on the spot, only to find out during their next mission that they had gotten the wrong man. And then they had come looking for Jekaan instead - after getting that pretentious fool out of the way first.
So all of a sudden, Jekaan had found himself head of the Crypt Dept. of Intel, and in the middle of a private war waged between father and daughter: Armand Isard, the then head of Intel, who had kept sending his daughter out into traps to get her out of the way, and Ysanne Isard, who had done her best to get her father out of his office. Jekaan wouldn't have minded as much, if Armand hadn't thought it necessary to send him tagging after Ysanne, and into danger. How he had survived it, Jekaan still wasn't sure about, but he had developed a hatred for Armand that almost matched that of his daughter. When Ysanne had finally managed to implicate her own father with claims of betrayal, Jekaan had watched secretly, over a hidden spy-cam, how she had shot her own father in the head. He still had the tape somewhere in storage. It had been him who had dealt with the removal of the body, and good old Armand Isard had been nothing but hawkbat-fodder after that, somewhere in a rotten hole down in the deepest layers of Imperial City. That had also been fun to watch, and preserved on holo-tape.
'Enough idling about and self-pitying. I better report to her before she calls for me.' He thought, and copied the message from Venom onto his private datapad. Then he left his office.
Oct 9th, 2000, 10:41:00 PM
On course to Debrilion
Dalethria leaned back in the co-pilot's chair of the Beta Class ETR-3 Transport as it sailed throughout Hyperspace, propping her feet on the console. The ship was set on course to meet up with the rest of the Rogue Sith Order on Debrilion. She was in a foul mood and luckily her husband, Darth Ogre, wasn't in the c0ckpit at this time to see her expression. Her eyes remained narrow ever since he left, looking at the streaks of light passing through the canopy and her one foot started tapping as her restlessness took hold completely.
The reason that she was so on edge is that Lord Venom cut her Honeymoon short. He sent an encrypted transmission requesting that Darth Ogre meet him as quickly as he could, but wouldn't state the reasons why. Deep down she understood that this had to be extremely important, but she could not help but fume with how angry she was to this whole situation.
A snarl formed on her face as she remembered being on Jomark as Ogre told her that he had to leave. Ogre did his best to calm Dalethria, but she swore that all the inhabitants of this pathetic world would die if she didn't go with him. Either way, she was going to be with her husband, on her Honeymoon, and if she had to kill someone to get that point across, then so be it. Of course, Venom's second communiqué cemented that she was going to be coming with him since he requested that Ogre bring his wife along.
Her snarl gave way to the low rumbling in the back of her throat as she growled, her foot rising, "Damnit it all to Hell!"
Before she slammed her foot down on the console, a beeping noise sounded to alert the passengers that the Transport was exiting Hyperspace soon. Dalethria made a face and swung her feet to the floor and flipped a switch to open the comm system of the ship, "Ogre, we're leaving Hyperspace soon, you better get back up in here." She tried, tried so hard, but she couldn't let her voice hide her displeasure of this whole situation.
Ogre Mal Pannis
Oct 10th, 2000, 01:30:09 AM
enroute to Debrilion
:: In the back of the shuttle, Ogre checks the cargo straps with a snap of the kevlar. His expression is still one of disdain as the last thing he wanted was for this trip to be interrupted. The strap cracks upon the metal case and holds taught and firm. ::
“This looks good enough, in case we run into any trouble.”
:: The comm comes to life and he hears the words of his wife. He feels the anger in her voice, and he understands it completely, as his own match them, as they so often do. He walks over to the comm unit, on the wall of the cargo hold, and activates it, answering quickly, tying to sound as if he is calm, when in fact his blood feels almost as if it is boiling in his veins. ::
“On my way.”
:: He turns to exit the cargo bay and spies a small droid exiting, just having finished securing the last of the supplies. They had left abruptly and had to stow the gear in flight, since Venom made it sound like it was an urgent matter. As he sees the droid finishing up, he swings a heavy boot at it, knocking it from its wheels into the side of the doorway with a loud clang. He then exits the bay, heading for the @#%$pit, breathing hard from the build up of rage within him.
He arrives in the c0cokpit and looks at Dale with a faked smile, sitting in the command chair. He begins to make the final approach calculations, as the planet before them gets larger and larger through the canopy.
The shuttle shudders slightly as it enters the atmosphere, because Ogre did not slow their approach quite enough, but it quickly settles down and Ogre communicates with RSO flight control, making sure they know that this vessel is friendly to their cause, so that the defense systems will not shot them from the sky.
The shuttle lands and Dale and Ogre both walk down the ramp-way, heading for the main facility, so that they may make their way to the command center, and meet Emperor Venom and whomever else has gathered here. Ogre looks to Dale as they walk across the tarmac, approaching the entrance to the facility. ::
“This is your first time here isn’t it? You haven’t even meet Venom before have you?”
:: He doesn’t give her time to respond before he continues, because he already knows the answer. ::
“I’ll warn you of this much, Venom is large and slightly intimidating being, his sheer size rivals my own stature, but I know that his presence will not bother you. He is an excellent leader and a Sith to be feared by his enemies, that is for sure.”
:: They arrive at the door, enter and make their way to the conference room in the command center, seeing Havok already present. Ogre introduces Dale to Havok, and looks around the room, impatiently. ::
Dara Shadowtide
Oct 10th, 2000, 04:53:01 AM
In the RSO Conference room:
:: Havok nods to Dalethria and Ogre and then receives a communication that Dara Shadowtide has arrived. He excuses himself from the room and goes to escort her to the meeting as he said he would ::
On the Resilience:
:: Dara's trip to Debrillion was rather routine and she encountered nothing out of the ordinary. Lord Havok's coordinates were accurate as she was able to navigate her ship just outside the compound. RSO had been expecting her and granted her the necessary flight clearance to land. She instructs her droids, C2-R4, R2-Q2 and K-3PO to stand guard over the ship as she lowers the ramp to make her way to the main compound. She disembarks the ship to be met by Lord Havok.
Havok: "Greetings Lady Shadowtide. I trust your journey was a smooth one?"
Dara: "Yes it was Lord Havok. Thank you for the assistance in my arrival here. Has the meeting started yet?"
Havok: "Not yet, you are just in time. It is scheduled to get underway shortly. Now if you'll follow me, I will take you to the Conference room where the others are already gathered."
:: Dara nods and follows Lord Havok down the path to the main Building. He leads her down a long hallway and then opens a door for her. She steps inside to see Darth Ogre, and Dalethria and nods to them both ::
Jekaan Oludh
Oct 10th, 2000, 05:06:18 PM
Intel HQ, Coruscant
Standing outside Isard's door, Jekaan paused in his steps. He hadn't actually heard from her for almost two days, and he hoped that she wasn't in too bad or too good a mood - those were fairly lethal.
Funny, really, he thought, as he considered his feelings towards Isard. Once, she had been something like his best friend in the galaxy - when the two of them had still plotted together against her father. But once she had managed to get old Armand out of the way, things had changed rapidly - now his own life was at stake at every turn of her moods. And he had become mightily scared of her - sometimes she almost seemed to be a little insane to him. And not just because of her almost fanatical love for the Emperor...
'Things sure do change around here,' he thought, and then plucked up his courage and entered her office.
It was dark inside. Dark and stuffy. Not a sound could be heard except for the usual light swishing of the air-conditioning. The place smelled of the expensive cigarillos Isard loved to smoke, and of alcohol.
'Oh no! She's been drinking again!' That was something else she had started after her father's death - drinking. He had never before seen Isard with a single drink, but it was almost like she was trying to drown her emotions in drink since then. Jekaan didn't want to imagine what was going on in her head - guilt? remorse? what else was there? Ever since replacing her father, her ruthlessness had increased like it was rubbing off from the seat she sat on. That was what scared him most about her.
"Madame Director?" he asked into the seemingly empty room. There was no reply.
A rustling noise came from the partition that separated the office from her private chambers.
Jekaan coughed noisily and lingeringly, to spare himself the embarrassment of hearing her stumble out of her bed and into her clothes.
When she finally appeared from her chambers, she was a fright to look at. Her hair hung wild over her shoulders, the white strands falling over her pale face making her look older than she was. The usually so spotless uniform was crumpled as if she had slept in or on them for the past two days, and her mismatched eyes roamed her surroundings wiht an almost vacant stare. 'What in drokkin space has she been up to?' Jekaan wondered.
Her voice came out in a hoarse croak. "Ah.... Jekaan! What do you want?"
Wordlessly, he held out his hand and put the datapad with the message from Venom into her trembling hands. The he stood back as she leaned back onto her desk to support herself, and read the message:
Director Isard
Oct 11th, 2000, 05:17:53 PM
Intel HQ, Coruscant
Her head throbbing dully, Isard looked at the datapad for a minute or two before she realized that it was still encrypted. With trembling fingers she punched in the command to decrypt. Closing her eyes and hoping that the pain she felt would go away, she leaned heavily against her desk. But when she opened her eyes again, after a few minutes, the pain was still there - and so was Jekaan.
She remembered the message she was holding. As quickly as her tired mind allowed it, she scanned through it. Come to the end of it, she again closed her eyes and considered the information disclosed on it.
'This is good news. We need those credits the RSO is willing to pay - we need them badly. I just wish...' She just wished things were different - easier. In recent days, one bad message had followed another, and that was partly to blame for the state she was in just then. Feeling helpless wasn't a feeling she liked to admit to herself, but there were times when she couldn't get around the fact that she was very much alone out there, now that Thrawn had turned traitor and TIE had disbanded. A new alliance had been made with another Imperial Military group, but it was still to be seen what that would mean for the future. The GMA leader, Darth Viscera, had proven to be an irascible, short-tempered man, and negotiations had been similar to walking the edge of a very sharp, serrated knife.
It seemed the only thing these days that she got up for was to listen to endless squabbling between her officers, to keep an eye on Jekaan and see that all the paperwork got done. Was that what she had dreamed of when she wanted her father's position for herself? It now seemed so long ago - endless days spent planning and scheming and plotting; what had it all got her? A comfortable chair to sit on? A secret base no one could access? a bunch of officers who were probably scheming and plotting behind her back and against her?
Sometimes she wondered what might have been if things had gone different. No, of course she never regretted what she had done to her own father - after all, he had been trying to do the same; it had simply been a matter of survival of the fittest. But would things have gone differently if she hadn't been so ambitious? 'Of course they wouldn't - don't be ridiculous. You are you - there's nothing that would eventually have stopped you from doing what had to be done. This is no time to ponder over might-have-been's. Get back to the matter at hand.'
Wearily, Isard thought of the one positive thing to have come out of the past week - the alliance with the Rogue Sith Order. There was a mutual respect between Intel and the RSO that was growing every day, and this message confirmed that respect.
Lord Venom wanted one of Intel's agents for a mission - against a good payment. This was what Intel was good at, what it had been set up for (amongst other things), and now finally things were going the right way.
Straightening up her hunched-over figure, she looked at Jekaan.
"Where's the Sniper? There's a job we need him to do, and he had better be willing."
Jekaan bowed his head a little to the side, thinking. Finally, he replied that Tondry had to be somewhere on Coruscant, and would best be contacted via comm-link.
"Well, go off and do that then! Do you want me to do everything around here myself? Either bring him here, or raise him on the comm and put it through to my office."
With that, Isard pushed him out of the room, and closed the door into his face. Feeling a little better now, she crossed the floor back into her private still-darkened chamber, and threw the scared and half-comatose Junior CommOfficer that had been sharing her bed for the past few days, out of her rooms, too.
Director Isard
Oct 13th, 2000, 05:10:35 PM
Intel HQ, Coruscant
By the time Isard had gotten rid of the Tech, and had managed to change into a uniform that was less crumpled, her mood had improved slightly. Walking back into her office, she poured herself a soda and then, after a second's hesitation, added a few drops of whiskey. 'Might as well get rid of the hangover that way.'
The comm-alarm on her desk started to blink just as she sat down at her desk. She punched a button, and sat back to talk to the Sniper in comfort.
"Isard, this is Pierce Tondry. Jekaan informs me you wish to discuss a mission with me?"
Isard managed to keep her temper in check at hearing the sniper's insolent tone of voice. No one would ever dare to address her without her title - no one but Tondry, who was apparently still confident that he could get away with it. For the moment, she let it stand. There were more important things at hand.
"Indeed, Tondry, there is something I wish to discuss. I would prefer to talk with you in private, but since you seem to consider it too much to ask for you to come down here, I suppose we can handle this over the comm-link."
She paused, to punch in a command on her datapad.
"You have just received a message from Lord Venom from the RSO that was sent to us earlier today. As you can see, he asks for our assistance in a somewhat delicate matter, and he asks for you in particular. If---"
Tondry cut her off in mid-sentence.
"Do you have any idea what this is all about other than the little information given?"
Isard bit back a curse, and decided that from this point onward, the Sniper would be off the list of people to talk to at times like these.
"No, I don't, and no, I also do not want to find out for now. If the RSO are willing to trust us at this moment, then it will be enough if I know what this matter is about when you report back to me. I do have my suspicions, but they do not need to be voiced at this point in time. Have I made myself understood? Good. Then we can maybe resume this briefing. You will accept this mission, no matter what the obligations are. The RSO is showing to us, and to your own person, a great amount of respect in including us at all, so you would do well to show that not only Intel, but also you yourself can be trusted to carry out whatever it is that needs to be done. IS THAT CLEAR?"
Somewhat overcome by her own bad temper, Isard was racked by a series of coughs. Out of the open comm-link, an amused Sniper commented at that.
"Bit under the weather, are we? Or just too much to drink?"
Isard took a deep breath, trying to keep her somewhat short temper in check before she'd do something she would later on regret. Whatever else he was, Tondry was still a valuable asset to Intel - one she would be very reluctant to lose.
"That is none of your business, Sniper. Maybe you need another lesson in obedience? Anyway, as I was saying, you will accept this mission, and be there when Lord Venom contacts you personally to discuss the further plans. You will not say anything that will put Intel into any kind of diplomatic mess between groups, and YOU WILL MIND YOUR MANNERS!"
An icy cold edge crept into her tone of voice as she wrapped up this briefing.
"I do not wish to have a political situation at my hands just because one of my agents was unable to follow a simple command - And I do not care what your objections might be; you can voice them when you're on your own, but whatever they are, that will not stop you from carrying out a direct order. Is that clear?"
Tondry's voice came somewhat subdued out of the speakers of the comm-system.
"Yes, Madame Director. I will be there when Lord Venom contacts me. There's no need to fear anything for Intel because of one of my mistakes. Tondry out."
It was good that Tondry had not been in the same room as Isard, for he would not have kept his head in that case. Not able to hold back her temper any longer, at hearing the Sniper's comment about mistakes being made, Isard grabbed the small statue of the Emperor standing on her desk, and threw it with a shout of outrage against the wall. It rolled to the ground and came to lie, in a strange symbolical way, directly in the center of the design etched into the floor: the Imperial signet.
Followed by another angry shout, the half-full glass of whiskey came flying after the statue, and smashed into tiny fragments that came to lie all over the ground. Isard finally collapsed wearily onto her chair, and sank her head down onto her arms.
Five minutes later, she was blissfully sleeping the sleep of the just.
Oct 16th, 2000, 10:09:23 PM
I had requested a few hours to be by myself before I chose to meet with the other Rogues, hence I was in my room, cross legged and sitting on a mat, the only furnishings in the stark and cold room. Dressed in only fighting pants, the cold does not bother me as I sat in meditation. The room is a plain steel box, 5 meters by 5 meters wtih harsh lights and a solitary closet door. My position would normally allow me much more lavish quarters, even opulance like I have seen in other places. To me they only serve as distractions to what I am and are a thing to despise. The Sith have grown fat from the spoils of war, something that drives my anger, my passion, my hate. Even the Jedi grow lazy. Is there not ones who see things as I do? Are there ones out there that only have eyes for the greater goals?
I destested the necessary for the Throne Room, where the RSO made others cower in displays of obvious power, where I chose to meet the supplicants and bootlickers. How I wanted instead to slam a boot into their heads, to make them bleed, to crush their misreble lives out. I did not like the necessity of fleets as I always knew the only worthwihle mark of a person is in single combat and as some of the Jedi well knoew, I excelled at that. It fed my dark anger to think of Lady Mara's death, to know to see the look in her eyes as the pike had pierced her heart. The pain. Now that was something to be pleased of. To see one's hated enemies to crumble under your fist, to defy them and to defeat them. One day I hoped to stand on the ruins of the Jedi Temple and proclaim the end of the Jedi, forever as I executed the last of them. That time was not now, but I knew I could make that happen. None of the Jedi could hope to stand against me and I would prove it on their slain bodies.
A low buzzer sounded. The pre arranged time call that I had set, telling me my time in my meditation cell was over. Slowly I got to my feet and stretched, feeling the pain of muscles loosening. I begin to come into a tai-chi rythym, to perform the beautiful and graceful moves, slowly moving from position to position, yet this was one of the most deadly martial arts.
When I had felt refreshed, I came into a reversed stance and breathed out, to allow the tension to flow out. A moment more and I felt ready. To the closest I walked, ducking slightly as I opened the door. Not many places were built to accomodate a frame as tall and as huge as I am. First I drew out the armoured leggings and wore them. Thigh armour then calf armour was next, followed by the boots. The vest and then the chest plate, with abdomen and kidney reinforcements. The arm guards and strappings, the joint guards and the belt. The gloves, malleable pastiflex composites, harder than steel, able to withstand a blaster bolt yet thin and flexible. The cape. I stepped back for a moment to regard myself in the reflection of the steel wall, seeing the blacness of the full armour and the face above it. A face I did not reveal to anyone and hardly even saw myself. I knew however, in the final battle the Jedi would see that face, stare into the eyes and know their doom had come.
But for them and for everyone else, they would not see my face just yet. Much yet still had to be done before that time of victory came. I stepped back to the closest and picked up the helmet, ink black with dark visor. The helmet I place d on my head and clipped into the armour's power pack. Instantly, the HUD came to life and with a small voice command I put it iont standby mode.
The lightsabre I clipped to my belt.
And finally.... I picked up the Force Pike. not a weapon most would expect one like me to have, but I had turned it into a weapon of great usefulnes and with the occasional bit of Sith knowledge, a weapon of true fear. The weapon twirls and I holstered the Pike on my back.
I am now ready.
I leave the rom and the two guards move into position behind me as I move to the room I knew the Rogues would be waiting.
A few minutes and I arrive and without fanfare open the door. The Rogues look up as I walk in. Lord Havok I see as well as Lord Lynch, Guard Piett Dara Shadowtide and Lord Ogre. There is someone here I do not recognise sitting next to him, a woman. She is at present staring in astonishment and well she might. Not many were bigger than Ogre, especially not humans. Only Jedi Boricua neared my size. Physical intimidation was so easy when you were 250 cms tall and 215 kilos and sometimes was most satisfying to see other cower in fear. As always I remind myself that it is not size that matters, but power in the Force. Something I had as well. I crossed over to Ogre and eecuted a quick bow.
"Lord Ogre, again I apologise for the interruption. As I will shortly tell however, this interruption was most necessary"
He nodded, but I can see the anger on his sense. I dont blame him, I would likely be fuuming too, even if I dont understand concepts like love and marriges. They just seem foreign to me. I turn to the woman. "I am Lord Venom. You are...?"
"Dalethria Mal Pannis"
A name I had heard before. "A pleasure to meet you. Let it be known I shall make up this inconvenience in any way possible after this matter has been settled"
Her eyes become flat with anger. "Oh? How so?"
"You doubt my word?" I say. The words are calm and quiet but the intent and real meaning is clear. I keep my promises and I dont appreciate being doubted. She looks to speak again but Ogre makes eye contact and she just nods instead.
Moving to the front of the room I begin. "I have called you here for two reasons. A inforant has given us two important pieces of intelligence. One, being of the location of a learning centre, hidden for years that contains Jedi and Sith writings and artifacts. The Jedi also know about this as well. I would say the first to lay claim would gain much from such a centre and we will discuss what is in there shortly. The second..." I glance at Lord Lynch "Is what really i want to focus on". The words Lord Fire Blade come back to me and I relay them on to the Rogues. I note the attitude of surprise and a few "whoas!" sound out. As expected, Jedah Lynch is the one most interested.
"Is this true?" He asked
"I have hired an operative from IIHQ to find out. I believe however this was the words of Lady Mara Jade herself and I guess she would be best to know"
"She never told us!!" exclaimed Lord Ogre. "She kept this a secret, even from those loyal to her!"
"Would you not have as well?" I reply
"Well...." Ogre looked at Dalethria. "Maybe I would."
"Well, for now the question is out of our hands until IIHQ respond. For now, we will discuss the hidden learning centre..."
The talks go for an hour, but I can tell that even though this is important, their minds are on something else. It's not everyday you find your former Sith Lordess, powerful and strong held back a secret like this. Maybe she was right to, but still...
We of the RSO had no quick way to confirm. I hoped Sniper Tondry could do so quickly so as to move to part two of my request to IIHQ. And if it was true...? I could use this to our advantage. The Jedi must react and I think one particualr one especially so.
Sniper Tondry
Oct 17th, 2000, 05:35:48 PM
Pierce Tondry cut the commlink swearing. Not at Isard, as a casual bystander might think from having witnessed their conversation. No, Tondry would not have been nearly as impolite but for the fact that the mission involved Jedi.
Also, the fact that a ranking Sith found him interesting enough to ask for by name had him worried. Not an easy task.
Pierce stared at his reflection in the vid-screen. 'So, they finally spotted me,' he thought to himself. 'Well, even us spies can't stay invisible forever.'
He did another scan of the datapad. The info there was very sketchy. The sum of money the RSO was offering would not have made sense except for one detail. They wanted an infiltration done on something bound to be lethal.
Anyway, this was a mission and he had to get to it. Tondry placed the datapad in his ysalamiri backpack and went to rummage through his weapons locker for several pieces of standard issue. When he was done, he planned a short itinerary. Start with a light snack for some energy. Throw in a quick stop by a store where he pick up a few pieces of general merchandise, a data terminal where he could pick up a few maps of the area, and one other little stop, and he'd be on his way.
Then even the Sith who'd taken an interest in him would see how good he was.
Lord Fire Blade
Oct 18th, 2000, 04:36:52 AM
The TIE Advanced I fly exits Hyperspace and I am finally over the planet that is the capital of the New Repulic, the much cursed successor to the Empire I had served for long and with great honour. Pathetic. How could the greatness of the Empire be replaced by .... this rabble? However it had happened was not to be thought about, ony the ways to get rid of it. The controller who demands my identification would have died in the reign of Palpatine if he had used that tone of voice on me. I would bide my time and find that scum and slowly cut his throat. One day.
I supply the fake id that said I was Pac'man Doteata, a private citizen and collector of Imperial devices. The alternative id worked well and even explained why I had myriads of Imperial equipment a normal person would not have. The armour I habitually wore in honour of Palpatine, the Force Pike all explained away to a dull populace that would not know one like me from a desk driver. The controller gives me a vector to approach a hole in the planetary shields, his snide tone makes me wish I had more Force power than I did. I would throttle the barstard with my rage. Palpatine chose ones like me well, exceptional training and abilities, even some of us Force sensitive, but never enough to ever be a threat to Palpatine himself. Wisdom in that I thiough, but sometimes I wished I had more power. It would make things much easier
An hour later, the engines cycle down after I land at the private landing pad owned by a Imperial Commander, also under cover as a businessman who sold plastics. A good income he made, enough to supply and support myself and some other former operatives still seeking to bring down the New Republic. A good man. He meets me at the endge of the platform.
"Lord Fire Blade. A message came through from a person codenamed Snakebite. You want to bother with it?"
"I do"
He gives me a datapad. Behind my helmet, my eyebrows are raised. Well..... Venom had gotten Pierce Tondry involved? A good choice! This was most appropriate. I knew I had not given Venom the exact location and Venom had given me an approximate ETA for the Sniper to arrive at the quadrant AA23. Good.
"I will need a change of clothing and some rapid transport. Can you arrange?" The Imperial Commander nodded and in twelve minutes I was speeding my way to the required sector.
Details I needed to give to Tondry memorised, I got into a flying lane and placed the speeder on autopilot for a few minutes as I looked over the tools the Commander had provided. Maybe Tondry was the one to do the actual job, but Venom had made it clear I was to be his backup. It puzzled me why he had not asked me to do the job in the first place, but then again maybe it was right as I could match a Jedi in a fight and it was my resposibility to stop a Jedi if they came to prevent Tondry doing his job.
It didnt really matter. My task was allocated and I woud see it completed
Oct 18th, 2000, 03:53:30 PM
::Touching down rather silently on the planet's surface, Nupraptor calmly exited his borrowed ship and looked around. Several yards away, Lord Fire Blade's ship was parked, it's owner nowhere to be found. He dashed over to the empty vessel, placing his hand upon the engine exhaust, only to pull it away quickly: It was still piping hot.
He turned his head around, and saw the security force that was rushing towards him, blasters drawn. Cooly, he drew his robes a bit tighter around himself, concealing his lightsabre from view. When they reached him, the first guard drew his weapon, barking orders::
Guard: "You do not have permission to land here! Please return to your ship and depart immediately!"
Nupraptor: "But I have clearance. I sent it to you days ago."
Guard: "Yes, I remember now. You have clearance Mister... ?"
Nup: "Kane. Mr Kane will do fine."
Guard: "Yes, Mister Kane. I will see to it personally that your ship is taken care of."
Nup: "Good. I will be going now."
::Mentally cursing, Nupraptor looked around him. The landing area was fairly open-aired, with a gigantic doorway that lead out to what seemed to be a market area, of some sort. This delay had been unexpected, and had given his quarry some time to make himself lost in the crowd. He caught just a glimpse of a figure in red armor pushing it's way through the masses of people, but it was gone before he could even think about how to reach it. Frowning, Nup contemplated what to do. There was no way that he could find him, at least for the time being. Hopefully, this trip would not turn out to be in vain.
Walking at a slow pace, Nup strode out towards the nearby exit, surveying the various merchants and their wares. It was quite a noisy gathering, with shouts of slashed prices and calls of special sales: The perfect place for someone to make themselves lost. With a sigh, Nupraptor resigned himself to waiting until the next day to seek out the mysterious man. For now, however, he would need a place to stay while he bided his time.
As he walked off into the swarm of people, melting into the crowd, a someone bumped into him, nearly knocking him off of his feet. Frowning, he turned to see... a familiar face. The frown waxed into a grin as he spoke up::
"Tomahawk, you old dog! What in the bloody blue blazes are you doing here?"
Jedi Knight Leia Solo
Oct 19th, 2000, 10:52:15 PM
**Drin Kizael paid no mind to the sith as he pushed him into a chair before Master Yoghurt. Leia saw the scuffle and excused herself from her fellow jedi. She walked over to Drin and Master Yoghurt to see what the ruckus was all about** Recognizing Drin...
Leia: Nice to see you again Drin. I see you have brought us a gift.
Drin: Nice to see you too Leia. I wish it was under better circumstances. A gift?! More like a spy!
Master Yoghurt: Yes...a spy. I sense much darkness flows in him.
Leia: What is your name and who sent you?
Rahl: My name is Richard Rahl and no one sent me.
Curiosity sent me here.
Yoghurt: Curiosity?! I see. What is it you are curious about?
**Leia and Drin looked on at Rahl and Master Yoghurt**
**Choosing not to answer the question...Rahl just stares at the a half grin.**
Drin: are not talking. Then tell me this!
**Drin picks up Rahl's sword again and proceeds to twirl it as he looks over it with curiosity**
Drin: I have been across this whole galaxy and have never seen such a unique sword as this. Tell us more about this, it appears to be more than a mere every day sword.
**Rahl stares again blankly. His face begins to tense up for a moment,then relaxes. The sith realizes he shouldn't show concern over the sword, or the jedi will never give it back to him. They must not know the power it wields**
Rahl: There is nothing special about that sword. It is just a weapon of defense.
Leia **staring at the sith**: Hmmm..that is not true Rahl.
Yoghurt: See thru you we do.
**Rahl continued to talk in circles to the jedi. Trying desperately not to reveal too much about himself. This went on for several hours. The interrogation seemed the rest of the jedi joined in to ask Rahl questions**
**Not before long...the light of day was seen again. A new day had dawn among the mist of Dagobah**
**The jedi seemed restless. They were dealing with what seemed to be a spy and still have not heard from DT or Nup.**
Luke: This is pointless. We come together to have an important meeting and NO Darth Turbogeek.
Fett: Yes we sit with this spy here and we still have not heard from DT and Nup.
Obiwan2: I agree guys. What is keeping them so long?
JB: I am sure DT had a good reason for leaving in a hurry. I know DT too well...he would never leave like that unless it was important.
Obiwan2: Any luck with the Commlink with DT?
Yoghurt: None as of yet!
Luke: Something is terribly wrong, I fear.
**Leia turned to the group, as they continued to wait**
Leia: Why do I have a bad feeling about this?
Captain Tohmahawk
Oct 21st, 2000, 06:26:33 AM
It had been a bad day for the solider so far. The Senate had been giving him a grilling on the latest activites of the Imperials and he did not feel up to listening to some damn creep politician pester him with meaningless questions. Why the ehll could the not the reports his ffice had produced, the analyss, the prjections? Dman it, why did he have to deal with such bloody fools? Even worsem he had to bite his tongue and not give them the ear bashing they desereved, Thence, he had stood there while they had said their dribble and he had finally escaped... only to be ambushed by the ween Captain from Admin who would wheedle and squeak about some stupid acquisiton or something he really didnt care bout. Finally, he had signed the paper and the geek had gone away happy. Then there was the Transdorsian who then loudly complained for an hour about the lax New Republic security, when in fact the complainer had deliberatly ordered the security detachement away while he went and had some jaunt and hence mugged. Who's *(^%*&! fault was that?
Idiots! All of them! He wished that he had never been promoted to Major General, that he was still at his barracks at Fondor with the rest of the boys of Special Forces, the New Republic elite.
Instead, he did his job too well and now he drove a bloody desk. Where was the justice in having your best locked in offices in this dump? He did take solice form the fact Admiral Ackbar felt the same....
He had wandered around, his temper simmering, almost looking for a fight. His uniform however usually meant others quite clearly saw he was imprtant and stepped well away.
At a private landing field he walked past, he noted with some interest an TIE Advanced land. Interesting... when did I last see one of those here on Coruscant?
He paused to watch... and then saw the red clad figure get out and the known Imperial sympathiser come out to meet it. Suddenly all the stress dissappeared andhe was toatally alert. He had his macrobinoculaors on the two in a flash and watched as they walked off. Another ship landed. Tohmahawk watched as ... a Jedi?!!? got out and seemed to walk by unhindered.
Right, this needed investigating.
A few minutes later and he was in the crowds, looking for a familiar face when he came across Nupraptor, who greeted the soldier.
"What were you doing landing there? That guy is the biggest Imperial sympathiser on this planet"
Nupraptor gave the soldier a quick run down of the events from Dagobah and the sodlier blanched.
"Young Jedi, you dont know the trouble you could have walked into. Do you know who the Imperial Guard was?"
A shaken head
"Lord Fire Blade! Now you understand if I clip your ears for being so reckless?"
The Jedi was suitibly crestfallen. "Right Nupraptor, you see which way Fire Blade went?"
A shaken head and he cursed loudly. "Bloody damn idiot Jedi." he muttered under his breath, just loud enough for Nupraptor to hear. A red flush rewarded Tohmahawk's rudeness.
"Wait here, I'll fix this" said ohmahawk. He unclipped a comm unit and spkoe into it "FireBlade. Position about a mnute from me."
Five minutes later a relpy came back "Fire Blade headign to sector AA23. Disguise as follows..." Nupraptor could only be admiring at the ruthless efficency of the voice at the other end.
Tohmahawk signed off and put the communit back to his belt.
"Wow. How did you happen to get Foire Blade spotted so fast if he was in disguise?" said the Jedi in admiration.
Tohmahawk griined . "Backup . Never leave home without it" The soldier turned Nupraptor attention in afew directions and he quickly realised what Tohmahawk meant. There were Special Force's agent everywhere!!
"Learned long ago Jedi. Always have a few friends on hand in case of sudden parties. Shall we go?"
The Jedi could only nod in stunned amazement.
Drin Kizael
Oct 21st, 2000, 03:45:23 PM
:: The interrogation of Rahl was definitely an exercise in Jedi patience enhancement. Even the Rangers would have been hard pressed to get anything out of him through conventional means. His resistance to direct mind probes was impressive as well. Whoever he was, he definitely tapped the dark side of the Force, and his aura reeked of Sith sorcery ... from the sword especially.
:: Drin Kizael walked over to the sword, wrapped in Rahl's own cloak on a table of the hut, frowing down at the cursed thing. He could not discern what -exactly- it was or how it worked, but the effects he felt before were all too obvious.
Kizael: "We should secure this weapon, far from Rahl's grasp. But only handle it telekinetically. It has a strong effect on the mind when held."
OOC: Please be aware of the subject line of the post. It might change to suit the scene.
JediMaster Skywalker
Oct 23rd, 2000, 11:51:16 PM
Luke walks around the swamp near the mudhut, his jedi senses on full alert trying to sense anyother possible intruders, sensing no others around at the moment he returns to the hut and watches intently as the others try to get some useable information from this Rahl
A Nameless New Republic Tech
Oct 25th, 2000, 11:15:01 PM
A lone woman sat, sitting uright on a suspendor chair. Her eys, blue, stared intently at the holoviewer, watching a documentary. Her eyes never leave that of one of the faces onscreen, a face she knows. A knife in her hands is gripped fiercely and she lets out a small snarl. A small holopicture she had and she looked at it. A dark haired man was on it, carefree smile.
The knife was thrown through the holoviewer, smashing it. The holopicture was tucked into the pocket. It was time
Sniper Tondry
Oct 26th, 2000, 10:19:01 AM
The man in civilian clothing stopped and looked back and forth before crossing the street to where his speeder had been parked.
Pierce Tondry, four floors up on the between-building crossway and wearing a human facemask for disguise, saw him and was instantly alert. He had seen and worked with enough Royal Guardsmen to know one when he saw them. Even in casual wear like that Tondry was himself dressed in.
There weren't many reasons a Guardsman could be on New Republic-held Coruscant. However, this particular man seemed to be waiting for someone.
There had been an addendum to his mission profile data that the information provided had originated from a Royal Guardsman. That person's designation was Lord Fire Blade. No holo had been provided, no description detailed, but there was something about the man down there that couldn't be ignored, something that couldn't be erased or hidden.
'You will know one of my Guardsmen whether you see them triumphant and victorious, or failed and dying,' Palpatine had once said.
If this person was the elusive Fire Blade, then he was here for the same reason Tondry was, and the prospect of help alone meant this was a situation worth investigating.
Turning to go and meet with Fire Blade, something else caught Tondry's eye. A man speaking into a commlink.
As Pierce watched, the man shut down the commlink, turned, and left. Suddenly interested in this new development, Tondry remained where he was, casually watching the corner where the man had been. In a few moments, someone else took his place, this one sitting on a nearby bench to eat a sandwich. This man had a commlink, too, but he didn't use it.
Something didn't feel quite right about that. Pierce ran down the list all the ways a Royal Guardsman could sneak onto Coruscant unnoticed.
It was a short list.
The likelihood that Fire Blade was being tailed was high. There were tricks, though, that could get one through any detection net.
The doors at the end of the walkway parted for Pierce as he approached. He went through them and took a turbolift down to the ground floor. Before meeting Fire Blade, however, he made a pit stop by the refresher. When he left the refresher, a thermal detonator was tucked neatly into one of the multispecies waste removal-apparatus.
He walked out the doors and turned towards Fire Blade. After taking several steps in the right direction, he pressed a button.
Behind him, the building's doors blew out in a rush of flame and transparisteel.
EDIT: *Cough, damn HTML, cough.*
Lord Fire Blade
Nov 4th, 2000, 08:26:17 AM
I watch with some amusement as the explosion rocks the area. In the distraction, I have thrown off my disguise and once again I have decided to wear the full armour of theRoyal Guard. The weapon of choice, the Force Pike is in my hand as I come up behind Tondry.
"You seem to have noticed I was followed"
He looks at me. Level gaze. "Yes"
Preventing further words, I raise a hand "Take this data pad. Your target is detailed. I will divert attention further, the escape route is a chute my allies here have already got ready. A speeder is waiting at the chute's exit. Go to the indicated warehouse and wait for me there. Go"
He nods and leaves fast. Professional. I like that. Now, with lightsabre in one hand, and Force Pike in the other hand, I see the first New Republic troops appear and I stand there, flames behind me, debris at my feet. Now, they will find out why the Royal Guard are feared. I know they must suspect I am but a diversion, but how are they to know what I am diverting attention for. I suspect they would never guess. That right now does not matter, my job is to make sure they dont find out.
My mind prepares for the fight ahead. It must seem authentic, but I will make sure it does not last long. It doesnt need to linger. Tondry would only need a few minutes maximum and I will lead the troops away from him.
But for now, these New Republic scum are going to suffer.
Sniper Tondry
Nov 23rd, 2000, 12:39:34 AM
From the anonymity of a Coruscant side alley, Pierce casually removed the datapad from inside his jacket and glanced at it, scanning the information and committing it to memory. He put the datapad away and considered the situation for a moment.
He came to the conclusion that this was one important piece of hard merchandise for it to be so well protected.
Which meant that he had to get moving.
Tondry stopped and gazed up at the building in front of him. It was pretty tall.
In fact, through good preparation, Tondry had actually been inside it several days ago, ostensibly just to use the refresher. He knew it was heavily guarded on the ground floor, but he also knew a few things about the shift work schedules, as well.
And now, it was time for some direct action.
Wandering around the back of the building, he spotted a large loading dock and the back door for the employees. And just now, a large hauler was coupled next to the docks for unloading. Carefully working his way around to the back of the transport to remain unseen, Tondry slipped up through an open side hatch and peeked into the cargo area to get a look.
There were six people in there. It was a good thing Tondry was prepared. He pulled a subsonic grenade out, activated it, and tossed it down. A few heads turned, but in vain. Even the heavy mufflers the dock workers were wearing couldn't prevent them from going unconscious when the grenade went off.
Tondry left his dampening ear plugs right where they were and entered the cargo hold. He bent down by one of them and plucked an employee access card from their shirt, then headed into the building to find the employee elevators.
Dec 1st, 2000, 04:12:33 AM
The young woman looked up from the console before her, the course she had to take programmed in. it was a rare esperiance for her, actually going solo on a flight rather than hopping a transport. But many things about this were differnt.
She was no longer planet hopping simply to sate her own curiosity, this leap through hyperspace was one that was to open and entirely new vista for her, the force. it was neither fear or excitement that held sway over her emotions at this time, burning curiosity did. The force, so much spoken of, but barely understood by the ones around her. Well, the ones around her usually.
Yogurt had provided her with the co-ordanates that she had now set, ones that she might use to seek out Darth Turbogeek.
She confidently flid the lever forward, the stars streaking and seeming to explode as the ship slid from real to hyperspace.
TUJK closed her eyes, brushing her hair back absently. It would not be exaclly a short journy, she hopped to stay off her boredom and not let worry creep into her thoughts
Sniper Tondry
Dec 1st, 2000, 05:57:20 PM
The employee turbolift stopped about two and a half minutes into transport, and Pierce stepped out after the doors had opened. He hadn't taken the time to notice what floor he was on, but he was sure it was high up.
Which meant he was in the executive section of the building, with all of its intense watchdog systems. The higher-paid did like to feel safe.
Pierce casually strode down the hallway past carefully working people while projecting a practiced image of belonging. The civ suit he was dressed in should support that image, and the precise timing should have allowed him to slip through the security net. The Intelligence profile on the building's security camera overseer had been exact in the timing of his glitterstim pickups. The droid brain that also monitored the system had to be shut down during those illegal transactions for ten minutes, five of which Tondry had just spent getting to the correct floor.
There were five left to get into the correct room. And speaking of correct rooms...
Coming to a stop and fixing his tie, Pierce knocked on the door.
It was opened after a few minutes by a rather attractive young woman. "How may I help you, sir?" she asked.
"I'm here to see Mr. Cabraht," Pierce replied.
"I'm sorry, sir, but there's no one here other than myself," she replied.
Pierce frowned and pulled a small device out of his pocket, thumbing it on to consult it. "Gotal, thirty-six standard years old," he asked. "Has a limp?"
The woman shook her head in answer. "Are you sure? Because this building list says that he's here," Pierce said, handing the device to her.
The woman accepted the device and gazed at it. Then, her body froze. "Please come in," she said stiffly.
Pierce stepped inside and shut the door, quickly taking everything in. The room was a like that of a typical office assistant's, with a security door leading to a large rear area. "Open the security door, then disable the outgoing comm lines," he ordered.
The woman- human replica droid, Pierce corrected himself- stepped up to the door and pushed a button with her free hand. A beam lit up from atop the door, and it ran up and down the droid's form.
The heavy security door opened, and Tondry stepped past the frozen droid into the room.
It was complete, and finely furnished. A kitchenette stood along the left wall, and the room was softly lit with several lamps. Along the right wall was a bed with a powersocket inset into the headboard- probably to give people the impression the droid was really a human. A panoramic window decorated the far wall, and on the center table was a metal carrier with a handle.
Pierce grinned and started towards the object of his search, when he was suddenly brought crashing to the floor by a heavy weight. "That was not very nice, sir," the HRD's proper voice stated in his ear. "I shall have to call security now."
"Don't count on it," he replied. Shifting one hand beneath him, Pierce pushed himself off the floor into a sideways roll. He used a foot to bring himself to a stop facing upwards, so that the droid was laying on the ground beneath him. He then unwrapped the droid's arms from around his body and slid off.
Pierce got to his feet, scrambling towards the carrier with the droid following suit behind him. Quickly stopping short, the droid crashed into him again, but this time Pierce was ready and he spun out of the droid's lunge. He stomped on the droid's face, driving it sideways into the lush carpet, and then stepped over it to reach his goal.
He lifted the carrier up, gauging its' weight and opened the top. He nodded satisfactorily after glancing around inside it, then turned around and took several steps backwards towards the window. "I know your Mistress wouldn't want this damaged," he grinned at the rising droid. "You might as well get out of my way."
"You have no hope of escape through this building's security if I am able to call it," the droid countered. "And I am fully capable of terminating you if you attempt to flee. It is in your best interests to surrender quietly."
Unfortunately, the droid was correct enough that Pierce knew he couldn't leave it behind him, especially not with the heavy armor he'd felt beneath the droid's synthflesh skin. Besides which, he hadn't brought any weapons with him other than the grenade he'd used earlier, for fear of activating the dormant security systems. "All right then droid," he replied, setting the carrier down to one side. "You want a fight? You got one."
What followed as an attack so fast Tondry barely had time to respond. The droid leapt onto the table the carrier had been sitting on and lashed out in a fierce dropkick. Pierce ducked and grabbed the leg, diving for the floor. The droid's leg got caught on the table and Pierce could feel it twist beneath his hands. He leaned on it, attempting to twist it further.
The droid's other leg responded by kicking him sharply in the back. Tondry winced in pain and fended off two martial-arts type punches. A third punch connected with his shoulder, and Tondry was forced to let go and roll away. The two of them got back up ready for further battle: the droid using it's martial arts style fighting, powerful arms, and lack of pain to compensate for its' decreased mobility, and Tondry attempting to defend against those punishing attacks while working on the droid's joints to limit it's movement enough so he could disable it.
The mistake, when it came, was so slight and subtle it could barely be called a mistake. The droid had forced Tondry to one knee with a kick and was chopping at his neck, but it was just a split second too slow, or perhaps the joint wasn't working properly due to Pierce's attacks, or perhaps it wasn't even a fault of the droid, but skill on the part of the Imperial.
Whatever the case, Pierce moved faster than the droid could react and locked his hands around the droid's forearm. Using his body weight as leverage, Pierce hurled the droid over himself and into the window.
The transparisteel shattered under the pressure of the droid's under armor, and it plummeted thirty stories to the ground below, exploding upon impact.
Tondry was already out of the room with the carrier by that time. He retrieved his lost restraining device and sped down the hallway to the stairs.
EDIT: Spelling and TTT.
Sniper Tondry
Dec 10th, 2000, 01:17:38 AM
Pierce ran down the hallway, loosening his suit jacket as he did so with his free hand. He reached the turbolifts and hit the call buttons for both of them.
Then he headed for the stairs.
Once he was in the stairwell, he started down the steps. Ten floors down, he paused and listened.
Thirty floors below, he could hear the clatter of hard-soled shoes on the steps.
If worst came to worst, Pierce could always take off his suit and blend in, but the carrier would undoubtedly be a dead giveaway. The security cams had to have caught him coming out of the apartment with the carrier, and whatever guards were heading up the steps would be informed about it. Thirty floors to go, and no way out without being recognized.
Pierce hurried down several more floors before determining that the footstep echoes coming from below were close enough for the guards to catch him. He yanked open the door to the floor he was on- 32, he noted- and stepped inside.
He immediately turned and faced the wall, finding himself staring at a large box panel. Pulling a multitool from his pocket and setting the carrier down, Pierce stuck it into the box panel’s lock mechanism and pressed a button. The lock clicked open and Pierce found himself staring at a tangle of switches.
Using the multitool as a crowbar, Pierce pulled the panel off to reveal the wires beneath. He grabbed hold of them all and tore them loose with the strength he'd developed in stormtrooper training on Carida. The ends of the wires sparked and jerked dangerously, but they did have the desired effect of cutting off the hallway's lighting.
And if the hallway lights were down, the power was cut, so the security cams wouldn’t be functioning either. Nor would the lift tubes be going above this level.
Pierce then shook his suit jacket off and hung it loosely on the open panel door. He picked up the carrier and slammed the panel shut.
Knowing both stairwells would be covered now, Pierce headed for the turbolifts. He reached them and saw that his trick had worked- both lifts were now on this floor. He stepped into one of them and pressed the button for floor ten.
The lift accelerated, shooting down the tube. Pierce turned and stabbed the elevator’s observation holocam with his multitool. Let them catch that on tape.
As the lift continued downwards, Pierce worked, ignoring the noise now coming from the carrier.
On floor ten, the tube stopped and the doors opened. A waiting pair of guards, blasters already drawn, cautiously stepped inside. The sudden fall of the holocam from its perch drew their attention, allowing Pierce to take them both down at once with a hard tackle from his crouch beside the door. ‘ Idiots must watch too many action holos where the hero drops from the ceiling,’ he snorted to himself.
Pierce stripped one guard of his uniform and dressed himself with it, using his own clothes to replace the guard’s and being sure to leave his commlink. It would most likely have a homing device, and getting out of the building would be a problem with one of those. He then carefully slid off his facemask and put it onto the decoy, arranging both bodies to give the impression of a fight. He picked up the broken holocam and hit both of them several times for good measure, then retrieved the carrier once again.
He quickly stepped out of the tube and hit the button for the top floor, heading to the stairs and exaggerating the injuries he’d taken in his fight against the HRD.
On the way down, he ran into a pair of guards. “Hey,” he called, leaning onto a guardrail for support. “Our intruder’s heading to the top of the building. My partner got stuck in the elevator with him, but I got this away from him.”
“We know,” one of the guards replied. “But he can’t get to the top. There’s a fire on floor thirty-two, which means we’ve got to evacuate everybody.”
“I’m not gonna be much help,” Pierce hissed in sudden pain. That damn droid had probably bruised some important organs. “I’m injured. I better get out of here. And hey- look at what the guy was trying to steal.”
He held up the carrier and showed it to the guards. The guard who’d spoken shook his head. “I’ll be damned. Whaddya suppose he wanted with that?”
“Dunno,” Pierce shrugged.
“Come on,” said the guard who hadn’t spoken. “We’ve got an emergency here.”
“Right,” his partner replied. “Nice job, on the recovery, man. Head on down to the meds and get yourself patched up.”
Pierce nodded agreement and continued on. Five minutes later, he was back in his normal wear and out of the building, speeding away in Fire Blade’s provided speeder.
He grinned down at the carrier. Time to deliver his hard merchandise.
Lord Fire Blade
Dec 11th, 2000, 07:38:57 AM
So far, it was a magnificent fight, but even I knew that I could be out matched and I was. The troops were some of the best I had ever coem against, which meant this could only be the New Republic Special Forces.
This was not to my liking.
Nor was the fact I had seen the damable and self styled Captain Tohmahawk, a troublemaker if there ever was one. He had spoiled a schme of mine once before - but this time he was not going to stop me. A beep on my wrist comm told me that the speeder I had left for Sniper Tondry had started up - it meant it was time to leave.
Gazing around, I had to admit that was going to be rather difficult.... Tohmahawk's goons had done an effective pincer - mainly due to size of numbers and there were few options left for escape.
Yes, it had been a great fight, but now the figh's purpose was over. The diversion was done and Sniper probably was clear. Now I needed to do the same. Blocking a blaster shot with my sabre, I gave a low verbal instruction into the command pad, then stepped back and turned off my sabre, reslung my Force Pike and slowly put my hands up.
Ahhh, that confused them. They never expected surrender. But unfortuantly for them, surrender was the furtest thought on my mind. For up my sleeve...
Two balls popped put my robes and into my hands. With a flick, the detonators were armed and I fung them at the suddenly frozen troops. The speeder that had stopped above me, I leapt for as the bombs bounced to their targets, the occupants of the speeder were quickly dealt with as twin explosions rocked the area and as the flames rushed outward, the speeder was powered up and driven away.
I didnt need it for long, only jsut to get to a hidden dorrway. The speeder was set for a cruise as I leapt out, using the Force to land. Looking around, I opened the hidden door, stepped inside and closed it to disappear.
Not many citizens knew o fthe maze of tunnels and holes under Coruscant. Much useful for one like me who wanted to stay hidden. For two hours I treaded my way unti I came to a manhole, a special one I had marked a while ago - my entrance to the safe warehouse my benefactors had.
I reached up and climbed through, into the large room above. Sniper Tondry was already there, alone... with the carryall.
"Damn, you guys owe me big" he grunted.
"If the good are undamaged, that will be arranged" I reply.
"Yeah... pity I'm not"
"Oh? And what happened?"
"Damn droid got me a good one"
"Medical facilities are at your use, down the hall. Firstly, let me see...."
I moved over to the carryall and looked at what was inside. Picked it up.
So, it was true. Hard to believe, but here was the proof, in my hands. Now, for the next part of the scheme... one I personally did not agree with, but Venom was seekign to use this against the Jedi. I would have preferred not to in this case.
The datapad was sent to be couriered to a place the Jedi would get it. On the data pad....
There was a picture of a young child, about two years old. Red hair. And a challgenge to the Jedi.
My mind went back to the datapad I had seen Turbogeek drop in the swamp, written by the now dead Lady Mara Jade...
I know you will find this hard to believe.... but I will charge you with a duty. I have a child I told no-one about, a little daughter. If word of this got out, I fear for her safety. DT, dont let her become Sith. Protect and look after her. Please.
Treat her like she's your own. Bring my little Jina up well.
Jina Jade. Daughter of Lady Mara Jade.
Maybe Turbogeek would look at the little girls picture and see what I just did. Look at her eyes and see a face uncomfortably familiar. Somehow, I doubted the Jedi woud sit still on this.
Somehow I knew he was going to be coming after Jina. And it would take all of the best Sith skill to stop him.
Jina Jade began to sniffle in her carryall. I looked over at her. Was this child really going to be worth all this trouble?
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