View Full Version : OT- Fan Fic help needed- Quick!
Dec 20th, 2000, 06:35:33 PM
Ok, I'm @ work & don't have any of my source material with me. I need to know if anyone knows of any planets and/or systems held and controlled by the Imperials anytime during & after the Jedi Academy series but before the Hand of Thawn duology. I'm drawing a blank.
Dec 20th, 2000, 06:48:54 PM
The fighting factions of the Empire had a few planets, but were not united in there goals. Because of that, many of the planets were very small
(IE, not a clue on names, but know that. Make one up if I was you :) )
Dec 20th, 2000, 10:15:26 PM
Thanks, Reaper. For some reason, I couldn't remember any systems from any books where the Empire still had a strong presence. One of the stories I'm working on starts out in Imperial territory- a place where the New Republic is still referred to as the Rebellion and the major players of the Rebellion are wanted as criminals. I just need to think of a good name now. Thanks again, dude. :)
Dec 20th, 2000, 10:18:05 PM
OH YEAH! Caridia! BIG Imperial planet, until Kyp blows it in Champions of the Force, a truly great moment
Dec 20th, 2000, 10:49:39 PM
How could I've forgotten about Carida? I may use that. I haven't decided when the story will be set, but an Imperial planet is central to the beginning of it. Thanks, Fett. You rock!
Kat Kariena
Dec 21st, 2000, 02:02:39 PM
It started with a B . . . Han and Lando traveled there dureing the Hand of Thrawn I believe . . . It was the capital of what was left of the Empire . . . Where's Zannah when you need her? I'm sorry that's the best I can do without going and searching through all my books . . . something I really don't want to do right now. :p
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Dec 21st, 2000, 02:34:02 PM
Bastion perhaps? :p
Lady DeVille
Dec 21st, 2000, 03:33:35 PM
Bakura...very much under Imp control as far as I can remember.
Bastion was the name of the kid in the Neverending Story! :)
Dalethria Mal Pannis
Dec 21st, 2000, 03:37:21 PM
True but Bastion is the name of a new imp planet from the Thrawn books, Spector of the Past and Visions of the future :)
It is the head of Imperial Control for what little systems they had left
Dec 21st, 2000, 03:50:34 PM
A bastion is just a well-fortified structure. :p
Maximus Tyranus
Dec 21st, 2000, 04:49:45 PM
Nupraptor Bastion is a planet in the Star Wars Universe
this planet, the capital world of the Bastion System and Braxant Sector, was the political heart of the Empire in the dark times following the death of Grand Admiral Thrawn. Its true name is a secret kept well-hidden by the Empire. It was controlled by Moff Disra, who retained control during the rise in power of the New Republic. It was one Bastion that the surviving Moffs met with Admiral Pellaeon to discuss a possible peace treaty with the Republic.
Dec 21st, 2000, 05:26:59 PM
I am well aware of that. But I was poking fun at the statement that Bastion was the child from a Neverending Story. I am talking about the word's origins. :p
Jekaan Oludh
Dec 23rd, 2000, 10:06:59 PM
Ciutric in the Tion Hegemony (I think), and most of the systems in the Farlax sector (<-- Children of the Jedi); Corvis Minor, Toprawa (under very strict Imperial opression)...
Kat Kariena
Dec 29th, 2000, 01:32:49 AM
THAT'S THE ONE!! Bastion! Thank you! *has to many books to dig through*
Nup I liked that movie for some reason . . . o.o;
Drin Kizael
Dec 29th, 2000, 02:29:43 AM
Technically, though ... Bastion was the -codename- for the Imperial capital planet. Kind of like they changed the name of Coruscant to Imperial Center back in the day. No one knew exactly where "Bastion" was and it didn't appear that way on any star charts.
Dec 29th, 2000, 03:58:04 AM
Yeah and I remember specially when Moff Disra said on Spectre of the Past that BAstion could be changed, it had been done before and could be done again. So it was just a code.
How about Yaga MInor?
Kat Kariena
Dec 29th, 2000, 10:46:54 PM
whatever . . . it was still a planet . . . liek I said I have to many books and to much info flowing through my head . . . I can't even remember if I read or saw the origonal SW movies half the time!
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