View Full Version : *Armageddon* (Closed RP)

Jan 13th, 2001, 02:52:47 AM
*Two TIEs come out of hyperspace over a flaming planet.*
"Well, this is it." Karsar says over the comm. "I guess we'll have to go down there," he grimaces. "or we have to face his eminence's displeasure," he grimaces again.
*The oddly shaped one, Karsar's TIE Ghost, the Lost Dream, flickers with blue energy and dissapears.*
Karsar's voice comes again, "We have to get down there, the ruby jewel is down there."
*Karsar uncloaks and flies down...*

Jan 13th, 2001, 05:26:09 PM
*Karsar does a fly-by of the planet.*
"Well, I don't see it, I guess we'll have to go in."
*Karsar flies his ship down, but on the way, he sees a huge coral-like ship loom out on the horizon.*
"What the?...."
*Karsar dives down as he sees hundreds of asteroids coming at him.*
"GET DOWN TO THE PLANET!" Karsar yells to Saph over the comm.
*They dive down to the planet...*