View Full Version : Questions, but with Answers?? (closed)

Sith Summoner
Jan 16th, 2001, 12:32:54 AM
OOC: all I know is that this takes place after "Payback is a B****" and "A Past finally Revealed" so there may be some things in here that will come out in that thread. Other than that guess you'll find out where it goes as I do.

**The sun was setting over a clear blue ocean of an unknown planet. A lone figure sat on the edge of a cliff watching the red beacon of daylight slip into the sea. This cliff marked the western most edge of a large piece of property known only as Demon's Gate. A long shadow slowly grew behind the figure reaching back to meet the growing darkness that slowly moved towards the cliff and the figure sitting there. This was where he came to reflect on life, to think about the past, to think about the future.**

Is this truly where I belong? Am I happy here? Hell I don't know. I'm a Sith Lord and Fleet Commander of TSE, but is that what I want? Is that all I am? All day I sit in my office and run through paperwork, new ship specs, new ship orders. At night I work on classified mission preps and briefs, and if not that I'm running sims trying to find better tactics for battle. I'm the only one that does. I say I'm happy, but am I? And if I'm not what keeps me here? Why don't I just pick up and leave with no notice, no goodbyes. Is my future somewhere at TSE, or somewhere else altogether? Lately seems I haven't had anything but uncertainties in my life at the empire. No way to live that's for sure, not knowing where the rest of your life lies or if your lucky with who.

So Sumor Rayial, who are you and what do you want?

**Summoner, or as he had recently discovered Sumor Rayial, laid back. The darkness having finally arrived. Staring up at the sky and the millions of bright stars, Sumor thought about the questions in his mind. He didn't know the answers to most, but he knew that to truly be happy he would have to find the answers he was seeking.**

Sith Summoner
Jan 16th, 2001, 01:28:42 AM
**With dusk fallen the night air grew colder and a brisk wind started blowing in what looked to be dark clouds started to roll in. Reluctantly, Sumor stood and walked up to the large chateau that was the main building on the land he owned. There was a storm coming, he could feel it.

Walking inside he climbed the polished wood staircase to the second floor and headed for the library/den. As he stepped through the arched doorway he could feel the warmth of the fire, roaring and crackling in the large stone hearth. Smiling slightly at the relaxing atmosphere, Sumor walked over to the stereo and selected a data disk. Turning it on his smile broadened with the sound of one of his favorite pieces of music. Finally after grabbing a glass of a local red wine Sumor took a seat on the large leather couch in front of the fire. Again his mind started racing, trying to discover answers to the questions he had posed to himself. Staring into the fire he became entranced, and he hardly noticed when the rain started pelting the windows.**

Sith Summoner
Jan 16th, 2001, 04:33:11 AM
**The loud crash of thunder, brought Sumor back to the waking world. He had fallen asleep on the couch. For how long he didn't know but the fire had burnt down to just smoldering coals. Every now and then a flash of lightning would light up the room. Walking to one of the windows Sumor looked out into the storm. Finally looking over at the chronometer on the wall, he found that it was actually later than he had thought. Tomorrow would be a long day. Or at least it was looking that way. A quick trip to TSE to pick up some items and say goodbyes and he was off. For where he didn't know. Nor did he know whether he would come back from his journey. But that's what the journey was for. To find out if that was what he was supposed to be doing in life. If that was truly his place in the universe, and soon he would find his answer. One way or the other.

Picking up a couple data pads he quickly scanned over their messages. One was a message to the leaders tendering his resignation from TSE. The second, the second was a letter to his friends trying to explain why he had done what he had done. He would put both into the comm. computer for release after a month without him sending a cancellation message. Walking to his bedroom Sumor thought about the other letter. A third that he knew he had to write. Only he didn't know how, or if he could write it. He decided to sleep on it and write it on the jump back to the HQ in the morning. Shutting off the lights Sumor began what would become one of the most restless nights of his life.**

Sith Summoner
Jan 16th, 2001, 03:03:22 PM
**Dark Viper landed on the floor of TSE's underground hanger with a thud. Sumor stepped off and look around. It was early in the morning, or was that late at night. Not being able to sleep Sumor had left Demon's Gate really early in the morning. It was now about 4 in the morning here and there was little to no activity in the bay. A blurry eyed tech walked over to Sumor as he stepped off the ramp.**

"Your up late sir"

Couldn't sleep so I decided to get an early start. Boring night?

"Aye sir. I hate the midnight shift."

Well, its not much but would you and whoever else is on duty give the Viper a new paint job. Nothing spectacular. Just make her look....well civilian.

"Sir? Uh yes sir. No problem"

Good. I'll be back in a couple hours to depart again.

"We'll have her done sir"

**Sumor gave the tech a friendly smile as he headed for the TSE equipment "warehouse".

Entering the enormous cavern that housed everything from canned SPAM to ship parts, Sumor headed in to look for what he wanted. Half an hour later he walked out carrying a black bag filled with MRE's (Meals Ready to Eat), another bag filled with climbing equipment, and two large rope bundles.

Getting to his quarters deep below the surface Sumor tossed the bags and rope to the side of the door and headed for his room. Quickly he packed the vast majority of his clothing into two large duffel bags and tossed them with the climbing gear. Finally into a smaller bag he packed his weapons. The polished wood box holding his pistols went in the bottom followed by his two sabers and finally his Sith Knife. Placing and not tossing that bag with the others, Sumor collapsed into a soft leather chair.

On the coffee table in front of him laid four or five data pads and one small blue box. This was the part he had been looking forward to the least if at all. Now he had to write the letters that would be revealed if he didn't return. One was for the entire group, one for the masters, another for his apprentices and a few for select people. Picking up the first pad he started re-writing the message to the masters first.**

Sith Summoner
Jan 16th, 2001, 04:38:49 PM
**It was finished, the letter to the masters tendering his resignation from TSE should he not return. Slowly his eyes ran over the words wanting to make sure that he had said everything perfectly.**

M'Lords and Ladys of the Sith Empire. If you are reading this message it means that I have not returned from my journey. Whether it is by choice or by death, I hereby resign and leave the Sith Empire. I would just like to state that you have honored me deeply with the amount of respect shown towards me in giving me my positions and ranks. My last promise to you is that I will forever keep my knowledge of the Sith Empire and her secrets from others. May the empire flourish forever.

Good bye

Sumor "Summoner" Rayial

**Sumor sighed deeply knowing that if that message was ever read his life at TSE was over. Quickly he picked up a second data pad and started putting down the same basic message but for the rest of the empire to read if they cared.**

My friends, thirty days ago I left on a journey. A journey to try and discover myself and who I am. Since you are more than likely reading this now, I haven't returned. If this message is delivered I will never be returning again. I wish it to be known that I have no family other than you, the members of the Sith Empire. You are the ones that I call family and I will forever miss you all. May you all bring glory and honor to the empire.

Good bye,

Sumor "Summoner" Rayial

**Sumor tossed the pad onto the table with the other completed message. Now it was time for the hard ones, and the hardest of all still to come. Slowly the words came as he wrote a generic message to all of his close friends, his brothers and sisters.**

Sith Summoner
Jan 16th, 2001, 07:34:37 PM
**He didn't know what else to put.**

Well I assume that you have all seen my other message so I won't bore you with that now. I just wanted to say this to all of you. You are the close part of my family. My brothers and sisters. And no matter where we end up in life that you will stay. I hope that my leaving does not cause something to change that. I will always be by your side either in presence or in spirit. Feed off me and think of me in battle, for I will bring you the extra strength that you need. I don't know what else to say but that I love you all. May you become greater warriors than you are.

Good bye and good luck in your futures.


**What else was their to say really. Nothing he guessed. Placing the pad with the rest of the completed ones he looked at the table. There was only one pad left and the box. A pad that would contain a message that he didn't want to write. She had been hurt enough by others, and he had promised himself that he wouldn't do it to her as well. But here he was about to write that he was never coming back. To bring more pain. Sumor sighed and leaned back. This message would take a while to write.**

Sith Summoner
Jan 16th, 2001, 09:23:04 PM
**Sumor couldn't do it. How do you write something like this. He shook his head in frustration he didn't know where to go with it. So far there was nothing about his emotions or what he was feeling. Maybe it was better that way he thought. He knew he was only kidding himself. With a constant stream of writing and erasing a letter started to take shape. There was some stuff about her kicking his ass in the training grounds. A joke about their snowball fight, and some other stuff. He also put down that he was leaving Shadow Blade and R2-D9 behind, and that if she still wanted a personal ship that he wanted her to have them. Finally he told her to hold on to his necklace, and that some day he hoped to be back to get it.

Sumor closed his eyes and leaned back. Trying to control his emotions before they clouded his mind and changed his judgement.

After collecting his thoughts Sumor entered the messages minus the last one into the comm. system and designated who got which message. All of them were locked down to be transmitted 30 days from now if he didn't send a message canceling them. The last message he was going to leave with a friend to be delivered in time.

Putting the data pad in a medium sized box he picked the little box up off the table. Slowly he took off his necklace and placed it into the box. Closing the lid on the small one he placed it in the second box before sealing the lid on that one. Typing a quick message to Dara he asked her to deliver the box only after she received a message from him in the 30 days.

After moving all his gear to the elevator, Sumor ran back and placed the box at Dara's door with the data pad on top. Going back to the elevator he planned on packing Dark Viper before making one more stop. A stop he needed to make out of respect.**

Sith Summoner
Jan 16th, 2001, 11:34:05 PM
**The Dark Viper was packed up. The tech's had done a good job. It was a new paint job but it didn't look brand new and shouldn't have caused suspicion. Walking away from his ship, he began walking around its bigger sibling, Shadow Blade. She would probably be getting a new owner now, and he had no problems with that. R2-D9 came rolling down the extended entry ramp. Before he even let out a whistle Sumor smiled and chuckled.**

Sorry old friend, but your not coming with me. If I don't come back take care of her okay?

**D9 gave some beeps and whistles in affirmation knowing that Sumor wasn't talking about Shadow Blade. Now it was time. The last thing he had to do before he could leave. Walking back to the elevator he pushed the button and entered the pass-code for the Master's level, and the doors slid closed.

He didn't know how he was going to explain his actions, to his master, but he respected him enough not to just leave without anything. When the doors slid open, Sumor stepped out and headed for one of the large suites that the Masters lived in. Standing in front of the door he looked at his wrist Crono. Five thirty, damn Ogre was going to kill him for waking him at this hour, or even worse Dale. He hit the chime button and waited, hoping that his master would understand why he had waken him up so early.**

Ogre Mal Pannis
Jan 16th, 2001, 11:41:49 PM
A few minutes after Sums had pressed the door chime, it slid into an open position. Standing before Sums, inside the doorway was Sith Master Darth Ogre Mal Pannis. He looked a little annoyed and slightly tired, but upon seeing who was at his door, his expression became one of slight worry.

“Whats going on? Is there an emergency of some kind? I didn’t hear the HQ alarm sound.” He asked as he studied his apprentice’s face, curious as to why he had been roused from his rest. He was thankful that Dale had not been disturbed by the visit, at least for the time being. Because he knew she would not appreciate being bothered this early in the day unless the urgency was of extreme importance.

Sith Summoner
Jan 16th, 2001, 11:57:19 PM
No, no M'Lord there is no emergency. Nothing of urgency even, at least to the rest of the empire.

**Ogre looked down at him with a confused and more than annoyed look on his face.**

I'm taking another leave from the empire. This time I am even less certain of what will come of it. I, well I felt that I should tell you if anyone that I was going. I don't anticipate that I will be gone for more than a month, but if I am, there are messages in the system that will be released after 30 days. Of course with your security clearance you can see them now, but I request that you do not. This is something that will effect me greatly and hopefully for the betterment of me and those around me.

**Sumor looked down for a moment, realizing that this might be the last time he would see and talk to his master and mentor.**

Above all else I guess I wanted to thank you for everything that you have done for me.

**Sumor bowed to his master. Waiting to see what kind of reaction his words would receive.**

Ogre Mal Pannis
Jan 17th, 2001, 12:15:16 AM
Ogre’s annoyance faded and was replaced by concern, concern for his apprentice and what he must do. He did not know what it could be, but he could tell that it must be an important task by the way Sums spoke. Looking him in the eyes directly, conviction written in his own, Ogre responded.

“Thank you for letting me know beforehand Summoner. You have done nothing but make me, and all those in the Empire, proud to have you as one of us. May your journey for whatever it is you seek be fruitful and may you find what it is your looking for. I will respect your wishes and hold on to the messages until the time you deem they are to be released. I shall eagerly anticipate your return to our ranks Lord Summoner, we will not be complete without you.”

Sith Summoner
Jan 17th, 2001, 12:36:00 AM
Thank you M'lord.

**Sumor stepped back and bowed once again, before heading for the elevator again. Stepping in he headed to the hanger. Walking over to Dark Viper, he boarded her and started the pre-flight check. Once the engines had heated up, he slowly pitched the nose up and headed for the exit at the top of the hanger. Minutes later he was floating in the vastness of space. Pulling out a piece of paper he started punching in a bunch of coordinates that would be his destination. Someplace where he knew he could get away for a while. He was heading for Gall, in the Zahr system. As he pulled back on the hyperdrive lever he finally realized that this trip would determine the rest of his life.

Sith Summoner
Jan 17th, 2001, 01:50:52 AM
**How long the trip had actually took he didn't know, nor did he care. He had fallen asleep half way through the trip only to be awakened by the beeping of the hyperspace alarm. Pulling back on the lever the streaks of light slowly turned into stars again. Spotting Gall, Sumor pointed the nose of Dark Viper at it. Slowly he scanned the planets surface before finding what he wanted a landing spot close to the mountains. Putting down as close to the foot of the mountain as he could Sumor shut down all the engines and systems before moving to the back. Quickly he put on the climbing equipment that he had brought. Strapping his Sith knife to the small of his back, he put one of his desert eagle's and some extra clothing, into the bag with the MRE's. Slinging the bag onto his back he grabbed the two bundles of rope and headed off the ship. Keying the pass-code into his wrist crono the ship locked itself down, not that he was expecting many people up here.

It took him half an hour before he reached the foot of the mountain, and began the methodic climb towards the top of the first cliff.

The cliff had been jagged enough that Sumor had been able to free climb it, and two hours later he was pulling himself over the top. What came before his eyes was one of the most beautiful sites he had ever seen. He had climbed into a large mountain plateau. A deep forest covered the outer area with a small lake in the middle. It was perfect for what he had come for. For meditation and discovery. Sith were known for evil and destruction, but even they needed someplace peaceful to meditate, for the next few weeks this would be his.**

Sith Summoner
Jan 17th, 2001, 03:02:16 AM
**Dusk had fallen faster than he had anticipated. It must have had something to do with mountains blocking the last remaining sun. Sumor had set up what basically passed for a camp. He had started a fire from dead wood that littered the forest floor. His plain and bad tasting MRE's were offset by a sweet fruit resembling apples that he had found not to be poisonous.

Tonight he would prepare for the arduous task that he planned to undertake come first light. In the morning Sumor planned to start the seemingly dangerous climb to the top of the closest mountain. It would be an all day trek up and down again but he was sure that he could do it. No, he was going to do it. Even if it meant doing some of the final climbing in the semi darkness of dusk. This was his first test to himself, one of will power and strength. Once the main test of that was over he would spend the other days here with other tests of strength in the mind, body and spirit.

If he passed his own tests then he would move on to the discovery phase of his journey. Finally at the end of those phases he hoped to have his answer.

Laying back on the soft ground beneath him Sumor, looked up at the stars, knowing one of them marked the place he came from. Slowly he drifted off into a deep sleep.**

Sith Summoner
Jan 17th, 2001, 02:18:04 PM
**Sumor's eyes shot open and sat up straight. His hand clawing to his side searching for his weapons. It was still fairly dark around him as he searched for the presence or presences that he had felt around him. He scanned the area but couldn't see a thing.

It had felt so real it couldn't have been a dream. But was it? The presences that he had felt were familiar yet distant. Could someone from TSE have followed him here? He doubted it, but it was a possibility. One that he would only think about and deal with if he was forced to. But now wasn't the time to worry about it.

As the first shards of light began to shoot over the tops of the mountains, Sumor grabbed his backpack and ropes. He had eaten what had been called a breakfast MRE, but it tasted more like, well he didn't know what it tasted like but it was no breakfast. Grabbing a handful of the sweet fruit, he stuffed them into his pockets to eat later. He had already packed a couple MRE's and some more fruit in his backpack to eat on the trip up and down the mountain.

It took him twenty minutes to hike through the woods and lower rocky area around the base of the mountain. Coming to the first cliff he would have to climb, he looked up. He knew that this would be one of the hardest mental and physical challenges he had ever put on himself, but he was ready. Reaching up he started the slow climb to the top.**

Sith Summoner
Jan 17th, 2001, 04:44:17 PM
**It had taken almost 5 hours but he had reached the highest point on this particular mountain. There were bigger ones around but this one was good enough for the task he needed to complete. Flipping up the protective cover he checked the time. 1237, he had noted the time of dusk as it fell the night before at approximately 1930. Good he thought to himself, that gave him almost 2 hours to meditate up here.

He had hoped that the cool air and the thinner air, would help to induce a deeper trancelike state. Taking off the his pack, Sumor quickly ate one of the MRE's and some of the fruit. Removing his shirt and drawing his sith knife from its sheath, Sumor made a small cut across the tender flesh of his abdomen. Focusing on the pain he began to softly chant. Soon he was in a deep meditation, his focus on the pain helping to tune him to the dark side energy that flowed through him.

Images flowed through his mind. Images that horrified him. He was watching the image of his friends, no his family being killed. Who was killing them he couldn't see, all he saw was shadows holding some type of weapon. It wasn't a lightsaber, but an old sword, like the ones that hung in his chateau back at Demon's Gate.

When he finally came out of his trance questions filled his mind. Why hadn't they defended themselves? Surely their sabers were more powerful than those relics. But they hadn't even drawn their sabers. Was this something that was going to happen, or a metaphor for something else. Something deeper inside of him. These were the questions he needed to answer for himself, before he could go back.

Turning his mind back onto the task of getting back down the mountain Sumor slowly left the peak and retraced his path down the side.**

Sith Summoner
Jan 17th, 2001, 07:44:53 PM
**This night unlike the one before it was bitterly cold. Sumor was glad that he had packed warmer shirts than just his normal tank tops. Sitting cross-legged in front of the fire he pondered the questions that had arose earlier in the day. What did those images mean? He still didn't know, but he did know that when he figured it out he would have the answers he seeked. After finishing his meal, Sumor once again entered a deep meditation.

He opened his eyes, but he wasn't on the mountain plateau. He was back in the council room of TSE HQ. It was dark, minus five candles spread an equal distance from each other in the circle of chairs. He turned looking at each one of them. When he got back to the first he was surprised to see Ogre standing there. As he continued to turn, four other Sith who he considered close friends appeared, Rain, Phantom, Dara and Renegade each took a spot behind one of the candles.

"Strength" **Came the voice of Ogre**

"Loyalty" **It was Dara**

"Honor" **Renegade**

"Friendship" **Phantom**

"Commitment" **Finally Rain**

What? What about them?

**As he turned to look at each of them, the candles in front were extinguished. Closing his eyes and then opening them again he found himself back on the plateau staring into the fire. His eyes glazed over as he watched the flames dance, while thoughts of his visions raced through his head. He was even more confused now than before.**

Sith Summoner
Jan 17th, 2001, 11:31:00 PM
**The rest of the week went by quickly. It was a mixture of physical exercise and meditation. Nothing had changed. All of the visions he had seen during his meditation sessions had remained basically the same as the first two, and he was becoming frustrated. Nothing was getting solved in his mind.

As usual on the seventh night he sat in front of the fire, his eyes glazed over thinking about things. When he closed his eyes to begin he opened them and arrived back in the same scene as the first. Or so it seemed, it was different. He was seeing it through the eyes of one of the TSE members. As he looked around he saw the others either standing perfectly still or laying on the ground. Noone was moving almost as if time had stopped. Suddenly a movement caught his eyes. A sword was flying downward towards his head. He tried to move but he couldn't. Closing his eyes, Sumor expected to be back at the campsite when he opened them, but he wasn't. He was still in the vision. He looked around the shadow figures that in previous visions had killed them were laying on the ground seemingly dead. All of the TSE members seemed unhurt.

Closing his eyes again he brought himself out of the trance. His latest vision hadn't answered any of his questions. Instead it posed new ones. What had happened to the shadows. Was it something he missed when he closed his eyes?

As Sumor laid back by the fire his mind running at a mile a minute he didn't realize how close he had been to some of the answers he seeked.**

Sith Summoner
Jan 18th, 2001, 01:35:59 AM
**Sumor was in the middle of his morning exercises. Each morning he had done two laps of the lake, which he figured to be about a total of six miles, followed by some basic calisthenics. As he ran he couldn't get the image of the shadowed figures laying on the ground. Today he was set on finding answers and not questions. He had been gone from TSE for 11 days now and he was running out of time.

Finally finishing Sums sat on the soft ground eating his last meal before beginning his extensive search for answers inside himself.

When he entered his meditation, he found himself back in the council room. Only one candle was burning now. A shadowed figure stood behind it. Something caught Sumor's eye, something glinting in the light of the candle. It was his necklace, the bullet necklace that he had left for Rain. Was the person in the shadows Rain?**


"No Sumor Rayial, I am not Rain Feral Sarin."

You sound like her, you wear the necklace that I left for her. If you are not her than who are you?

"I am you, or a part of you. I am the part of you that knows the answers you seek. You wish to know where you belong? I can tell you what you really want to know. Do you want to know the answers? Are you ready for your answers"

Yes, yes I am ready.

"Are you sure? We are you, you are us. We know when you are ready, but do you?"

**Sumor looked around as she said "We are you, you are us.", and found that the room was now filled with the members of TSE and a couple who weren't members at all, but friends just the same.**

What are you talking about? Stop giving me questions and give me some answers.

"We don't have the answers. You do."

But you said......

"We are you, you are us."

**With those words the room went dark and Sumor came out of his trance. The sun was high above him now. He knew he had been in meditation for at least four hours, but still he learned nothing.**

Sith Summoner
Jan 18th, 2001, 03:09:51 AM
**Sumor had spent the rest of the day pondering the questions he had.**

"We have the answers", but they don't, I have them. They are me, I am them. What are they. They are my inner thoughts, my emotions. My love, my hate. My joy, and my pain. They are me, and I am them. But is that all they are. They are my friends, as I am theirs. My colleagues, my family. They are to me, what I am to them.

**Sumor had missed the most important point, and he could feel it. Something inside him, his intuition told him that there was something else. Something that would unlock his mystery and answer his questions.

Sumor spent the rest of the night and the entire next day trying to return to the council chambers in his visions, hoping to find answers. As much as he tried though he couldn't get there. Sometimes he returned to the vision of the shadowed figures slaying his friends, other times he found himself in and empty council room. Not once was he able to find "Rain" to try and get more answers.**

Sith Summoner
Jan 18th, 2001, 04:32:10 AM
**It was the thirteenth day of his internal journey, and the second since having that cryptic vision.**

"We are you, you are us". What did it mean. There must have been more to it than he realized. Something I'm not seeing, something that's right in front of my eyes. But what? If they are me, and I am them, then we are the same in some way. But how? I'm male, some are female. I'm tall and big, some are short and small. I'm good at mission planning and fleets, some are good at hand to hand combat. None of us share the same thing....except. Of course. We are all Sith. Every last one of us. I am Sith, they are Sith.

**Sums knew it, he could feel the pieces falling into place. His feelings of doubt all but gone. Now it was time to find out if he was right. Starting a fire and eating before beginning his meditation ritual, Sumor found himself at peace, the questions finally getting answers.**

Sith Summoner
Jan 18th, 2001, 03:36:41 PM
**This wasn't the vision he wanted. He was back in the one with the shadowed figures. He wasn't going to find his answers here. He watched through someone else's eyes as the shadowed figure began to strike. This time he did not look away, nor close his eyes, but watched. He watched as the figure raised his sword high into the air, and began to bring it down. Suddenly out of nowhere some type of weapon moved to stop the sword. Whoever was handling the weapon wielded it with mastery as he struck down the shadowed figure. Turning back Sumor saw that the new figure also had no facial features.**

Who...Who are you?

"We are you, and we are them. We are Sith. Together we are strong, apart we are weak. Forever we will be united as long as we keep our faith in each other."

**Sumor repeated the words in his mind knowing that was what he had lost in himself, he had lost faith in what he had. In the bonds of friendship, the importance of his role, and the jobs he did.

He closed his eyes ready to leave his meditation. He had something else to do before he could return home. Instead however he found himself back in the darkened council room.**

Rain, are you here?

"I am her Sumor Rayial, as are they. We have the answers and now so do you. You found your path and in doing so your future. We are you, you are us. Without you, we are nothing. Without us, you are nothing. Together we are one. So Sumor Rayial, have you answered your final question? Who are you, what do you want?"

**The room went dark again, and he awoke from his meditation, a smile on his face.**

I am Sith Lord Sumor Rayial, and I want to be who I am.

**Sumor looked at his crono. It was too late to start on last project. Putting more wood on the fire he laid back and stared at the stars, slowly drifting to sleep.**

Sith Summoner
Jan 18th, 2001, 06:59:46 PM
**Sumor awoke from a restful night sleep as the first rays of light break over the mountain tops. He knew he could have gone home today, but he wanted to stay for a while. He had about a week and a half left before he really needed to get back, so why not use the time to try some new powers. Firstly though, it was time for him to craft something. Grabbing his climbing gear Sumor spent the morning climbing down the cliff face and making a trip to Dark Viper. When he returned to the plateau, he had with him two medium sized pieces of metal that he had taken off one of the interior walls of the ship, along with some leather strapping that he had found in the cargo hold, and most importantly, his black saber.

Sitting next to the fire Sumor could picture the weapon he had seen in his vision in his mind. Carefully adjusting the aperture of his lightsaber he finally ignited it. The blade became short and thin, becoming a makeshift cutting blade. Slowly cutting out the basic shape Sumor looked at it. The shape was right, now the edges needed to be sharpened to a razors edge. Looking around his surroundings he finally found some rocks that would do the job of sharpening.

After hours of grinding at the metal the weapon started to look lethal. There was only two more things missing. Sumor tightly wrapped the leather strapping around the handle. Getting it perfect he added the final touch. Inscribed characters that would be unreadable to all but himself on both sides. You are us went on one side and We are you on the other.

As dusk fell Sumor held his new weapon (http://www.geocities.com/sith_summoner/newblade.gif) in his hands. A weapon that to him was not meant for killing, but as a reminder that he had found his true path in life. Tomorrow he would begin his practice with it, and his concentration on the dark arts.**

Sith Summoner
Jan 18th, 2001, 10:21:18 PM
**Over the next 4 days Sumor practiced with his new weapon. It was perfectly balanced in his hands and flowed through the air gracefully. Slowly he began to master its strengths and its probable weaknesses. This was a great weapon if he was to ever use it in battle, but he had no plans to do such. This weapon was symbolic and was hardly, if, ever going to see actual combat.

After he had mastered his weapon Sumor began to meditate not in himself, but in the darkness that consumed him. For he had learned to master a new physical weapon. Now he seeked to learn and master new weapons in the force.**

Sith Summoner
Jan 19th, 2001, 12:03:12 AM
**It was the middle of the hottest day since he had been here. Sumor stood in only his fatigue pants. His face and chest gleamed with sweat. His brow was knit in a look of extreme concentration. His eyes were squarely focused on his hands, which were about waist high and a couple centimetres apart. The air between them started to heat up, as he looked through the space between them the ground appeared to warp as the light was refracted in different directions from normal. Finally after two days of trying he had done it. Well at least reached the first step.

After taking a break and having something to eat Sumor stood once again. Placing his hands back to where they had been he recreated the phenomenon, still slowly, but quicker than before. Concentrating on it slowly the anomaly grew in size and what seemed power, although it was hard to say by just looking at it. When he could do no more, the anomaly disappeared, and he found his hands almost two feet apart.

Again and again through the day he practiced. Soon he was able to create the anomaly within seconds and for now have them grow to close to three feet in length and what looked to be about one and a half feet in diameter.

It was late and he knew when to stop. Tomorrow he would try and focus the anomaly away from him towards another object, thus creating what he hoped to become a shockwave of some type.**

Sith Summoner
Jan 19th, 2001, 01:31:16 AM
**He had been practicing all day. If he couldn't control it by the evening he would have to continue when he got back to TSE. He didn't want to stay any longer in case something came up on his way back and he couldn't get those messages in time.

Judging by the sun it had to be two or three o'clock in the afternoon. Sumor almost had it, he could feel it. So far he had only been able to half control the anomalous "ball" of power. Holding his hands about two feet apart he formed the anomaly. Suddenly flipping his hands 180 degrees so that the palms are facing away from him, Sumor sends the ball flying towards a tree that he had been using as a target. He watched as the "shock ball" impacted the trunk of the medium sized tree, causing it to splinter into two pieces as the top fell. He had done it, well at least was on his way to mastering it. It? He guessed the basic name for it would be a force shockwave.

Although he wanted to train some more it was time to head back to TSE. The trip would take more than a few hours and he didn't want to arrive to late to carry out one thing he had left in the letters.

Darkness had fallen over the half of the planet that house the underground headquarters of TSE. As soon as he dropped out of hyperspace Sumor looked at the chrono. It was 10:00pm at the base. Perfect he thought. He sent the cancel message and a message to Dara asking her to please put the package he had left with her in his room for him. Finally he called the control room.**

TSE control this is Dark Viper requesting permission to land.

"Permission granted Dark Viper. Good to have you home sir."

Thank you control. Its good to be home.

**Sumor smiled as he eased the ship down towards TSE HQ. Towards his home. Yes he thought. This is were I truly belong.**