View Full Version : A Penny For Your Thoughts(simi open RPG)
Sage Hazzard
Feb 13th, 2001, 12:14:43 AM
OOC:If you know me from before, feel free to jump in. but please make intelligent posts regarding the story. If you joined after my absence, then please take a backseat and watch instead of jumping in. Thank you. This is just a fun RP I thought of writing. BTW, I hope Dagobah is still the presumed spot for Jedi. Oh, and Jedi only.
IC:Sage Hazzard jogged briskly through the tangled woods of Dagobah. His heart pumped friercely struggling to keep up with his legs. The cool breeze offered a pleasent opposite to his burning body. He had been running for longer then he could remember. It was a odd trait he never dropped. The trait of running to work out mental stress. It had been so long since he last saw the peaceful yet primative presence that was Dagobah, it was nice for a change. The good thing about running was it gave you little time to relax, to think. Sage had a hard time with over thinking so he found himself running often::
OOC:Just jump in if you feel like it. A villian will emerge soon, he'll be of my own creation, the title hints at his skills. :evil: :
Damel Girte
Feb 13th, 2001, 10:00:50 AM
OOC: Sorry, Sage- the GJO isn't on Dagobah any more... *goes off to take a back seat*
Satine Capashen
Feb 13th, 2001, 10:30:27 AM
Satine Capashen, formerly known as Alpha, jumps and runs through the underbrush, dodging a training droid, with its blaster and sabre set to full power. Satine dodges one blast, and parries a thrust from the droid, quickly chopping the droid in half, as if tiring of the game. CLose by he senses Sage, and decides to drop in...
Fire Hazzard
Feb 13th, 2001, 09:47:08 PM
OOC: I don't know HIM!! *points at Sagey-san* ;)
IC: *lying in the underbrush a fair distance away, Fire meditates while lying on her back. This she did often: her own little type of "Attention to the Moment Gives Knowledge" excercise. By meditating on current events, she solved her problems-usually-and then sought visions of the future. Visions of what was to happen..
Her eyes not seeing, but her mind doing the work for her, Fire senses a presence some one hundred feet away and gaining. Tall and lean, yet muscular..cute, brown haired, a braid. A Knight. Her brother.
Smiling inwardly, the Jedi lets herself fall out of the Jedi trance and sit up, only to get caught in the arm by brambles* Agh! *lying back down again, Fire rolls over and cautiously crawls out the tunnel through the brush that she had made to get in.
This particular area, she visited it alot. It was one of the few solid areas of land that didn't get muddy and was located around the Jedi HQ. This was her special place to meditate, to think, to cry when things were most awful.
Standing to her feet, Fire looks down at her sleeve-less arm and at the several small cuts on it. Touching it with her other hand, she smiles as a small prod with the Force makes them vanish, nearly. Wonder what Sage is doing around. Finally come back to see me, perhaps.., she thought as she made her way towards where she assumed him to be..
Sage Hazzard
Feb 13th, 2001, 11:50:24 PM
::Sage continued on his tiring jog. It was a funny thing being a Jedi and being tired. Your body wanted to give up yet somehow you pushed on, ignoring all external pain other then the ones you wished to recieved. Sage was known to allow himself to experiance the feeling of exaustion. it kept his grounded. As Sage rounded the sharp corner a sharp feeling peirced through his mind. Fire!. He pushed himself to the limits to make better time. He had perposly landed the Peace Maker II several miles away from the HQ so he could enjoy a nice leasurly jog, but now it was time for that to end.... Then he saw her. Her smiling face seemed to peer into his soul, it always made him smile::
Fire! Long time, no see!
OOC:Okay, my bad. Sence the HQ's planet is tight lipped we'll just say we're there and not mention the planet. Okay?
Fire Hazzard
Feb 13th, 2001, 11:56:39 PM
OOC: No, no, even better..this can be based about four weeks ago:) If we were on _____, I'd still be a GJO Jedi, and there would be no underbrush inless we were in the woods. Blegh.
IC: *her eyes twinkling brightly, Fire runs to Sage and hugs him* Yes, a very long time indeed! Out saving the galaxy again, I suppose?
Satine Capashen
Feb 14th, 2001, 12:47:27 AM
Satine jumps from a log, a couple dozen meters away from the reunited siblings, and ducks under another lightsabre slash of a new repair droid. Satine senses Fire's happiness, and thinks bitterly about his own unknown family, still hidden, even to his best work trying to find out who they were.
The Jedi jumps up, and double kicks the droid, and smiles as the thing crashes into a huge tree trunk. Satine comes in for the kill, slicing the droid's head from its body, and then making scrap mtal out of the remains.
Sage Hazzard
Feb 14th, 2001, 02:23:57 AM
::Sage smiles slightly::
Ye--Yes. You know me too we--well.
::Sage's answer seemed uneasy and hesitant. Was he hiding something? Sage had always been terrible at lying, but that wasn't all that bad::
So, Fire, shall we have a celebretory dinner? I hope Yog has made enough Root Stew, my stomach aches terribly for some homecooking.
Fire Hazzard
Feb 15th, 2001, 12:56:10 AM
*Fire could sense his hiding something from her, be it small or large, even if she couldn't tell it from her words. Her hand instinctively resting on her lightsaber, she furrows her eyebrows*
Something to do with home? Don't lie to me, Sage, I do know you too well. I've put up with you for seventeen years, and I know you better than I want to.
Sage Hazzard
Feb 15th, 2001, 02:46:05 AM
::D oes she know? No, she couldn't know::
No, it's not that. It's just nice to be home. I've been gone too long.
"Tell them where you've really been Sage::
::"What was that?" he said to himself, not aloud. Was he hearing things?::
"Fine, I'll tell her myself"
::Sage could she the shocked expression on Fire, he had said it out loud::
Uh, we shouldn't stay here.... My feet are tired. Let us eat.
::Sage gestured towards a large hut building, where the Jedi ate::
After you.
::"You're hearing voices again Sage" he said to himself. "Don't go nuts on your first day back."::
Satine Capashen
Feb 15th, 2001, 10:36:11 AM
Satine is sitting down, eating a bowl of root stew as Sage and Fire walk in. Satine waves at them both, and then just sits back, as he finishes his meal, watching the rest of the room.
Fire Hazzard
Feb 15th, 2001, 06:09:25 PM
*Fire gets a bowl of root stew for each of them and waves at Satine before sitting down. Pushing the one bowl of the stew to Sage and keeping one for herself, Fire glares at him* What is WRONG with you? I see you for the first time in several monthes, and you're more nuts than a lonely Kessel miner. You can tell me what's know I won't judge you. I'm your sister, your twin sister. We have a closer bond than anyone could have. The only difference between us, is, other than physical differences: I'm older. :p So..what IS wrong?
Sage Hazzard
Feb 16th, 2001, 03:37:14 AM
Four minutes don't constitute for you being older, it's irrelevent.
::Sage smiles::
Seriously though, I'm fine.
"No you're not"
Yes I am.
"No you're not"
Who's doing this?!
::Sage jumps out of his chair, knocking it over. He turns the table over also::
Show yourself you coward! Who are you?
::Sage falls to the ground. Tears of frustration cover his face::
Who are you........?
"You're too stupid to waste my time on.... You break too easily...."
::Sage stands up and rushes out of the hut, into the woods...::
Satine Capashen
Feb 16th, 2001, 09:59:21 PM
Satine sees this from his spot in the rafters, and jumps down, lookign at Fire.
"What happened?"
Fire Hazzard
Feb 18th, 2001, 03:13:13 AM
He's finally gone nuts, Satine.
*Fire jogs out after Sage, and after fifteen minutes or so, catches up with him, pinning him to the ground* Don't run away like that again. Tell me what's wrong, NOW.
Satine Capashen
Feb 18th, 2001, 04:18:38 PM
Satine watches Fire go, trying to debate whether go after fire or not. He decides to stay in the hut, but moniters Fire's mood and reactions through the Force, a technique he seems to have the talent for...Maybe because she was his former Apprentice, and maybe because, Satine has a thing for Fire.
If Fire gets in any trouble, Satine would get there quick, so the Jedi walks over to the bar, and grabs a shot of whiskey.
Sage Hazzard
Feb 18th, 2001, 04:27:10 PM
::Sage looked into the twilight sky. So peaceful, so differant then the happenings on the ground. He heard a voice from the woods::
"Two Hazzards. How perfect."
::Sage saw a shadowy figure come from behind a tree about 100 paces ahead::
Please Fire, I beg of you. Run.
::He knew she wouldn't. Instead she grabed his hair to remind him of that. Suddenly the figure outstretched his hand, sending Fire off of Sage and flying into a tree::
::Sage got to his feet and just as quickly unsheethed his sabre. He ignited it::
"You will die Sage Hazzard. You will die."
::Sage got sent carreening towards a tree. He slammed into it hard::
"But not before I tell everyone your dirty little secret"
::Sage's eyes filled with tears. Not for what was to be told but for his sister. He knew that if he was killed she would be next. But why did he have the feeling he could be killed by such a presence? Many Sith have tried and failed, whta made this one differant? It was because he had been in Sage's mind, he knew his secrets, his knacks, his traits, he knew what he could do and what he couldn't. He knew to much and that's what made him a threat::
Satine Capashen
Feb 18th, 2001, 04:31:58 PM
Satine drops his glass and searches the Force for Fire's presence. He finds her, the presence having pain in it.
Satine runs out of the hut, and his armor flows around him, his wings forming. Satine takes flight and uses the force to home in on Fire's presence, praying she isn't hurt. Satine reaches the point, and lands, his wings turning into a cloak. The Jedi takes out a sabre hilt, yet leaves it unlit.
Fire Hazzard
Feb 18th, 2001, 05:21:32 PM
*Fire rolls away from the tree to which she was slammed into, a moan of pain escaping her lips*
Where is he..
Get up, Fire, get up.
*shakily standing to her feet, Fire blinks twice and looks for her brother, but sees a figure that looks like Satine, but she couldn't be sure, not now..the slam against the tree had blurred her vision.*
Satine...? Alpha, is that you?
Alpha) Yes. Are you alright?
Define alright!! *Fire storms away from Satine, lost in a cloud of confusion and anger. Finally finding her brother about thirty yards from where Satine was, Fire again kneels at his side* Sage..what did he mean, your dirty little secret? You know you can tell me anything..and I thought you would. Please..who is this person? What's going on? *Fire brushes his hair out of his face, getting blood on her hand* hit your head.. *reaching out with the Force, Fire searches the area, finding that Satine was closer than she thought, having followed her, but having kept his distance to avoid her obvious rage.*
Alpha..come over here..please..
Sage Hazzard
Feb 18th, 2001, 07:21:16 PM
::Sage lifts his head slightly::
Yeah. I hit it hard. You'd think I would have knocked something lose, because I'm not thinking any clearer. My mind is a haze. I can't think straight. Left is right, up is down, it doesn't make sense.
"Dumb Jedi".
::Now the voice echoed through the forest, being heard by all inhabiting it. The point of origin being unknown. Simingly it is coming from all directions::
::The voice echoed now through only Alpha's mind::
::The voice echoed again and again as the creature neared Alpha, disorienting him as he was running to Fire's side. Suddenly Alpha is picked up and thrown aside, a sharpened branch in his side. Sharp enough to lodge inbetween his third and second rib. He hits the ground bleeding from the side::
OOC:I was too lazy to make a new user name, so I just wrote it here. By the way this guy won't stay around for long, as I planned. I have something much more sinister in mind.....
Fire Hazzard
Feb 18th, 2001, 11:27:42 PM
*Fire winces as the pain from Alpha strikes her thoroughly through the Force, she having a strong bond with him. Her feelings for him had never been romantic, but she cared about him alot.
Gathering the Force around her, Fire lifts both Alpha and her brother off of the ground. Firing at the shadowed figure, if not to kill it but to distract it, Fire runs back to the Jedi Temple, keeping the two on each side of her. She reaches the Med bay outside the Temple, and immedatly gets Satine and Sage into care.
Walking back outside, Fire looks around to see if that..thing..that she had seen earlier was still around..................*
Satine Capashen
Feb 19th, 2001, 11:25:33 AM
Satine coughs, and is worried to see blood escape with the cough. He looks into hsi side, where he feels a burning pain, and slowly pulls out the stick that was lodged into his ribs. A medical droid rolls over, but Alpha waves it off, saying, "I'm fine."
When the droid doesn't back off, Satine powers up his weapons gaunlet, and fires a blast of his plasma gun, knocking the droids head off. Satine looks around the room, seeing Sage on another medical bed, but no Fire. He doesn't know what in the nine hells he had met out there, but he knows Fire doesn't have much of a chance if she meets up with this unknown entity.
Satine gets up from the bed, and, as his armor forms over his wound, goes outside. Satine activates his golden lightsabre, being cautious this time. To his suprise, the blade turns a sickly yellow-black color, the blade using its darkness detector, and changing colors. The blade will turn puire black, if an evil of all evils is sensed. the blade continues turning backer, and blacker.
The Jedi walks through the forest, seeing what he can find.
Fire Hazzard
Feb 20th, 2001, 12:08:42 AM
*Fire sighes and walks back in to the med bay after seeing Alpha venture into the forests. Walking to her brother, she whispers as not to startle him* Sage..
Satine Capashen
Feb 20th, 2001, 12:13:20 AM
Satine wonders how stubborn he can get, but keeps lookign around.
Sage Hazzard
Feb 20th, 2001, 02:34:38 AM
::Sage begins to come around from his brief lapse into unconsiousness::
::The shadowy creature emerges into the hut::
"Fire Hazzard.... Come out and plaaaaaaay....."
::The figure goes back to the forest. Hoping to have Fire in tow::
Satine Capashen
Feb 20th, 2001, 10:56:21 AM
Satine decides to talk to Fire through the Force, says, Fire, do you have any idea what we encountered out here? IT doesn't seem like anything a Sith would send our way...
Fire Hazzard
Feb 21st, 2001, 06:14:54 PM
Reminds me of back in the days of Corran Horn when that other Padawan...who was it, Gantoris? They thought Elan Mak was back from the dead...
OOC: Sorry if I'm little off here, I've just bought the book and I'm only half finished. I, Jedi is a pretty good book so far.
Satine Capashen
Feb 22nd, 2001, 11:26:05 AM
{OOC:It is a good book...I've read it before...Currently I'm re-reading the Champions of the Force Book...}
Satine thinks for a second, before replying, It might be...Though this one seems to be able to use soem pretty heavy powers...Painful when the thing shoves a branch through your ribs...
Fire Hazzard
Feb 22nd, 2001, 07:17:33 PM least he can't get to my hair. DS cut alot of it off..
Satine Capashen
Feb 22nd, 2001, 07:39:47 PM
Yeah...Lucky thing I started keeping my hair in spikes nowadays...Remember how I used to have it in a ponytail. Oh well. I'm coming back to the Temple, might as well get a bacta patch for my scratch.
Satine heads back to the Temple, keeping his thoughts open, and keeping open to the Force, hoping to sense something around here...
When he finally makes it to the Temple, he takes a bacta patch from the first aid kit under the table, and gives his armor a mental command.
The armor slides down to his waist, leaving him in only a loose sleeveless tunic, stained in blood. Satine works on affixing the bacta patch to his wound.
Sage Hazzard
Feb 23rd, 2001, 10:41:42 AM
::While Alpha repairs himself he observes his work in a mirror. Suddenly the mirror cracks and laughter is heard throughout the room::
OOC:Anybody else getting bored?
Satine Capashen
Feb 23rd, 2001, 11:04:02 AM
{OOC:Let's put this thing in high gear!}
Satine looks startled, and he immediately has a lightsabre ignited, saying, "What in the nine Hells is this?!"
Fire Hazzard
Feb 23rd, 2001, 11:38:26 PM
*Fire emerges from a smaller room off the side of the one Alpha is in* I don't know, Alpha, I don't know. *Fire ignites her green blades, the double bladed weapon sending calm over her*
Jedi Alpha
Feb 24th, 2001, 12:50:31 PM
Satine palms a small shuriken in his free hand, looking around the room, and walking over to Fire.
"I just wish something I could fight would show up...I'm tired of this 'Phantom Act'"
Fire Hazzard
Feb 25th, 2001, 01:29:54 AM
Me too.
Sage Hazzard
Feb 26th, 2001, 03:56:46 AM
OOC: I am honestly bored with this. If you guys want to continue, by all means feel free. The bad guy is a parasite, residing in my brain. He's like the spirit of a dead Sith, but he's inside me. Go ahead and write my lines, etc. Also, my absent was caused by me being in jail on Corusant. I was helping a old smuggling friend ship what I thought were legal weapons, but he had spice hidden on the ship. He had a Yslarmi on the ship around these hidden spots to keep my senses from detecting it. He tricked me, and we got caught. I was thrown in jail but let out when my story proved true. Okay? Continue for me if you wish. I'm too busy with other things on the net, and making graphics for fun. :) Sorry. :(
Jedi Alpha
Feb 26th, 2001, 10:17:03 PM
{OOC:It's ok...You wanna keep going Fire?}
Fire Hazzard
Feb 28th, 2001, 12:19:17 AM
OOC: I could use something to do, so if you want to, ok.
Jedi Alpha
Feb 28th, 2001, 10:01:30 PM
{OOC:LEt's do it...}
Satine spins around as a dark force laughs, and is thrown into the broken mirror, the shards cutting up his face. The Jedi jumps up, and slashes at the source of the attack.
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