View Full Version : Exploration of a Lost Past (Closed)
Warren Azalin
Feb 7th, 2001, 01:34:23 AM
:: Warren packed his bags as he prepared for the expedition, he wondered how many would come with him to the "Lost City" but he wasn't sure. He had handed maps to those who said they wanted to come with him, not wasting any more time he grabbed his bags and equipment and headed out. After a long hike through the jungle he came upon the familiar Marble walls that he had seen just days ago, he would wait for the others until he went inside. As he began the wait he unclipped one of his sabers and began practicing his skills to pass the time ::
Feb 7th, 2001, 01:39:26 AM
Ami had followed Warren on his expedition. She stared at the map for a while, not really understanding but quite curious. She followed the trail marked until she came upon Warren practicing. She greeted him, still fairly confused. "Um... hi Warren... what is this place?"
Damel Girte
Feb 7th, 2001, 02:24:24 AM
Damel knew she was supposed to be following Ami now, but... the jungle smells and sights were a strange new kaleidoscope, and every colorful leaf and petal jumped out at the eyes with a stunning ferocity. A cacaphony of sounds she had never heard before sounded through the trees. Looking around at the jungle around her, Damel slowly slipped away from Ami into the jumble of leaves. They sure were nice to look at...
She was watching a neon-purple beetle make its way up a tree when she remembered that she was supposed to meet Warren and Ami... somewhere. The girl pulled out the map and looked around. The unfamiliar thick green treetops of the jungle were lost in a muddle on the paper ... and these squiggly things on the map... what the...
As she walked, a new sound cut through the cacaphony of squawks and rustles. People talking, muffled, through the trees. Familiar voices. Almost relieved, she stepped out from the trees in that direction and ran towards Ami and Warren.
"Told ya I could find it by myself..." She looked around eagerly, wondering who else was coming and what they would be doing here.
A new sound cut through the chorus of rustles and squawks.
Kaine Darklighter
Feb 7th, 2001, 02:43:01 AM
Warren had marked off on the maps where they all had to walk. Kaine had thought he found a faster way to get to where they were going, but he was obviously wrong. He had gone a different way to Damel, Ami and Warren, and to have seemed to get himself lost. Looking at the forest around him, listening to all the chirps and leaves rustling and so on, he wondered where he was.
Walking through the forest was very.. peaceful. With all that has been going through his mind lately, he loved it out here. His mind was completely clear, right now, with the thoughts and memories long gone.
Kaine now took out the map, and had to see where he was going. He looked around at his surroundings, then back down at the map. Finally finding where he had to go, he begun walking again. Stopping shortly after, he heard the humming of a saber, and chatter from two people. The first thought that came to his head was - Warren, Damel and Ami.
Coming out into a clearing, Damel had her back turned to him, Ami was infront of her, and Warren was practising with his saber. Ami was just about to say something, when she heard a voice in her head.
Shhh... Kaine spoke to her through the force, then begun to sneak up on Damel. Kaine's sneak up, turned into a full force run, and he jumped at Damel. Tackling her into the ground, he begun laughing, as he stood up.
"Score is.. Kaine 1, Damel 0."
Damel Girte
Feb 7th, 2001, 02:57:47 AM
Damel grinned back and Kaine and shot him a look.
"Better watch your back, popcorn-boy... score's gonna even out soon enough."
She turned back to Warren. "Hey, Warren- what are we doing here?"
Feb 8th, 2001, 08:24:37 PM
::Cerasi rolls her eyes at Kaine and Damel:: "You guys..." ::she turns to Warren:: "Yeah, what are we doing here?"
Dragon dlayer
Feb 9th, 2001, 01:12:37 AM
*dragon jumps out of a tree and lands infrond of damel kaine and Cerasi, he aims a custom camo. painted shotgun at them, They all jump in surprise* "heh relax its only me" *they glaire at him* *Dragon grins and turns to warren* "thanks for the map now what is it were here for agen?" *under his breath "dragon 3, others 0"*
Kaine Darklighter
Feb 9th, 2001, 02:30:27 AM
Kaine turns to Cerasi for a moment. "W-.." He decides not to say it, and get back onto what they were actually here for. Wait, He doesn't know WHY they're here..
Turning back to Warren, Kaine notices the marbled walls behind his master. Making his way over to the sparkling, Jade colored walls, he stares at them for a moment. Slowly moving his hand up, he rubs his fingers against the walls.
They're so smooth.. and ..
Kaine's speaking to himself was stopped, as Warren begun to explain why they were here.
"We are here because..."
Feb 11th, 2001, 10:04:38 PM
*Cerasi's green eyes get big as Dragon drops in front of her. She gasps, slits her eyes and glares at Dragon* "Don't ever do that again....I might have to hurt you..."
*She glances at Kaine* "What were you going to say...." *she grins* "What did Damel just call you? Popcorn boy?"
Feb 13th, 2001, 11:35:35 PM
*Walks in* "Master Warren, I wish to join you in your quest."
Feb 15th, 2001, 11:22:25 PM
"Gaven! So, you finally decied to come, eh?" Cerasi says with a smirk.
Nichos Marr
Feb 15th, 2001, 11:50:28 PM
Nichos appears on the scene. He runs a hand through his hair and smiles at everyone. With the flick of a finger, his shades fly off his face into his hand.
"Nice to see you all here."
He looks at each of them and nods respectively. His gaze falls upon Warren.
"Master Warren, I would like to join you if possible."
He sits down and admires the beautiful surroundings.
Feb 16th, 2001, 12:38:23 AM
Kyle turned and lifted his blaster. He than lowered it once he saw his master. He smiled and decided he would see what they where doing here. Kyle walked over to them.
"Well, well, well, what are you guys doing here. I haven't seen you for awhile. Hello Warren."
Feb 16th, 2001, 11:36:29 PM
*Cerasi smiles* "Hi Kyle."
Feb 17th, 2001, 12:14:21 AM
Kyle laughed and smiled.
"What are you guys doing here I never expected to find Jedi Knights and Padawans here at some run down planet dump."
Sage Hazzard
Feb 17th, 2001, 02:43:38 AM
::Sage worked his way through the dense jungle. The Force flowed through the forrest. This was good, he could feel various creatures existance, and he hated to be alone. A map he recieved had lead him on this journey. He didn't know what he expected to find, but he hoped atleast it would shed light on this mess. He had commited the map to memory, even though he had it in his backpack. With his Jedi training his memory was better then reality. Sage sensed the others ahead of him, he jogged to make good time, he hoped he wasn't late. He was right, there they were. He made a short hop over a fallen log and landed at the meeting place. Dust flew up from his boots::
So, Warren, I hope what you're looking for is more useful then your directions.
::Sage chuckled, he was only teasing::
Kaine Darklighter
Feb 17th, 2001, 12:40:57 PM
Kaine laughs softly at what Sage said.
“So, Warren, How many others are supposed to be showing up? And why are we here?”
Damel Girte
Feb 17th, 2001, 04:45:15 PM
Damel grinned and idly kicked the ground, tracing an arc in the dust with her foot. She stamped down twice, and then scuffed the dirt back over the smiley face she had made, looking back up. "C'mon, Warren," she pleaded, "tell us- pleeeease?" Yep, patience is a virtue I don't have.. She looked around at everyone else. "You guys know what we're doing here?"
Feb 17th, 2001, 11:17:58 PM
::Fett emerges through the jungle, relatively untouched. He walks up to Warren, and smiles.
"Noone told me about any Carnivores! Poor beggers"
Fett then takes a seat on a tree root, and gets out his water canteen.
"So, what now?"::
Anakis Moreven
Feb 17th, 2001, 11:33:22 PM
*Steps into the forest, following Fett.*
"What he said"
Dragon dlayer
Feb 18th, 2001, 01:09:30 AM
*looks at all the newcomers*
Feb 24th, 2001, 08:38:07 PM
"Guess we wait," Cerasi says as she sits on the ground.
Dragon dlayer
Feb 24th, 2001, 10:14:49 PM
*sigh* oh well
Warren Azalin
Feb 27th, 2001, 06:01:21 AM
:: Warren looked up from his training and stared at the gathering Jedi, he was glad they had come to help him explore the ruins. He looked at the eleven Jedi as a smile crossed his face, seeing that a few of his padawans had volunteered was a great joy. Putting away his sabers he walked towards the group ::
"Well first of all thank you for all coming to help out. Now I know a few of you are wondering why you are here and what are we going to do. Well a few weeks ago I discovered some ruins that were thought to be lost many years ago, now I know I could not excavate it alone. That's why you all are here, together we will search the ruins and find out about our past, the Jedi's past. Now before we go in I want us to split into 3 groups."
:: Warren turned and looked through the group as he pondered the groups. Carefully he picked those known for their abilities ::
"ReaperFett, Dragon, and Kyle. I want you three to guard the entrance as the rest of us go down there. Now if anyone else shows up I want one of you to guide them down as the other two stand guard, ok ?"
:: He watched as the 3 nodded in agreement and began unpacking, he motioned towards the others as he moved towards the tube he had come out of before. As everyone gathered around he spoke to them again ::
"When we go to explore I want us to go in two exploration teams, ok. Ami, Cerasi, Damel, Kaine, Nichos and myself will be the main exploration team ok. Sage I want you to take Gaven and Anakis and be team two ok. Now once we get there our mission will be to find anything that will help us find out about our past of anything that can be of use to us. Now lets go."
:: Warren and the rest of his group made their way to the tubelike structure, they all stepped inside as the tube slowly began to descend. Warren smiled slightly as he turned to the padawans ::
"I'd hold on tight if I were you."
:: As he said that the tube began going down faster and faster, screaming down what seemed a bottomless pit. They plunged through the underground region in total darkness, as the tube picked up even more speed. Warren knew he should have warned them all before getting on but the surprise was half the fun. They kept dropping at an incredible speed, soon all they could see where flickering lights from luminescent rocks. Minutes later Warren and the group finally arrived at the bottom. He watched as the other stared in awe at the massive underground city wondering what wonders it would hold. He waited for Sage and the others patiently as he began gathering small information. Finally they arrived a few minutes later, not wanting to waste anytime he gathered his group and met up with Sage's group. Smiling he looked at the three that had come down, they looked like they were going to be sick from the ride, he felt bad for not telling them earlier but what was he to do now ::
"Well, seems we are all here. Time to let the real work to begin. Good luck everyone and may the force be with you all."
:: Warren led his group away from Sages as the expedition finally began ::
Feb 27th, 2001, 06:18:21 PM
"Yeah, Looks like we Wait, eh Warren?"
Dragon dlayer
Feb 27th, 2001, 08:01:52 PM
hmm have fun...
*dragon walked the the entrance of the cave with he shotgun in one hand, he then leaned on one of the walls, sighed and waited for everyone to go in*
Feb 28th, 2001, 12:04:15 AM
*Cerasi looks around, her green eyes taking in everything. She unclipped her lightsaber from her belt in case Dragon decided to pop out at her again (;) )*
Damel Girte
Feb 28th, 2001, 01:50:47 PM
Damel was still laughing from the tube ride. "Whee! That was fun! That was so- didn'tcha think that was fun, Ami?" She recieved an incredulous glare and a deep sigh. Damel shrugged. "Oh well..." I thought it was fun..
She looked around the city in awe, hardly believing her own eyes. She had never even dreamed that such a thing could exist... Then something off to the side caught her eye. A strange globe, some figures... things she had never seen before. But she could guess what they were.
"All right- toys!"
Without a backwards glance at the group, she broke off and ran towards them.
Nichos Marr
Feb 28th, 2001, 09:52:45 PM
Out of the corner of his eye, Nichos sees Damel run off. He creeps up behind her and jumps in front of her scaring her somewhat.
"Damel, where are you supposed to be right now?"
Mar 1st, 2001, 12:20:20 AM
Kyle went to a spot and covered himself waiting for anyone that could be dangerous or not. He would remain on guard he knew that Warren wanted him to stay here and understood the reason he just hoped nobody was already in there that could possess a threat to them.
Sage Hazzard
Mar 1st, 2001, 01:28:31 AM
::Sage walked down the opposite path, two team members in tow. He eyed the walls with a quizical grin. They were littered with ancient writings. His Jedi abilities allowed him to deciper any writing, even if it was not in basic. They loosely translated "Hall of the Jedi". A ancient world billboard or sign he assumed.
"Looks like we're in the right spot, but this thing leads many ways."
Sage looked at the three way crossroad ahead of him. Left.... He guessed.
"Lets go left."
Sage started down that path, presuming his two members would follow.
Damel Girte
Mar 1st, 2001, 03:17:18 PM
Damel looked up at Nichos and stammered. "Um.. well... uh... there?" She hesitantly pointed at the toys.
Nichos Marr
Mar 2nd, 2001, 06:17:41 PM
Nichos smiles.
"Y'know Damel, those might be dangerous. You have to stay with the group."
Nichos calls for Warren and the others to come to where he and Damel were.
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