View Full Version : Diplomatic Findings. (Closed RPG)
Sumor Rayial
Mar 9th, 2001, 09:28:17 PM
**Sumor looked over the data pad he held in his hand and talked to the technician beside him. He had ordered some modifications to the command shuttle and this trip was going to be the shake down trip. He looked at the tech and for the fifth time asked about the engine modifications. This was not an area he really wanted to fail while not having a support craft with them. The tech for the fifth time shook his head in the affirmative and Sums took his word on it finally before moving onto the new navigational and systems computers.
Everything seemed to be in order. Signing off on the pad Sums tossed some bags into the back of the shuttle. He hadn't brought much, just his usual clothes and weapons as they weren't expecting this fact finding/diplomatic mission to Chandarr to have any real problems associated with it.
Finishing his packing, Sums sat down on the boarding ramp with a data pad and waited for his travel companion to arrive so they could depart.**
Dara Shadowtide
Mar 9th, 2001, 10:00:01 PM
:: Dara walked around in her quarters at TSE HQ, readying the last of her things for her upcoming trip to Chandarr with Sumor Rayial. After the success of Hensara III, Dara had been asked by the Sith Lord and Military Commander to accompany him to assess the planet for its resources and holdings. She smiled remembering the "diplomatic" skill she displayed in killing the president of Hensara III personally, however this mission would not provide the same perk of bloodshed.
Since she was accompanying Sums she didn't feel the need to inform her apprentices, and knew she would be returning in no time at all. Putting the last two things in her satchel - her holopad personal log and her communicator to her droids - Dara grabbed her cloak and slipped it around her, picked up her weaponry and then made her way to the main hangar bay where she saw Sums seated and waiting on her ::
"Hello Sums. Is everything in order?"
Sumor Rayial
Mar 9th, 2001, 10:44:36 PM
**Sums looked up from the data pad in his hands and nodded.**
So it seems. Ready to go?
**She nodded and he led her up the ramp, stowing her bags as they moved towards the cockpit. Like himself she had brought a smaller bag up to the cockpit, one he assumed was like his full of data pads with work to do on their long trip. Personally he wasn't particularly looking forward to the trip, but it could be a profitable one in the future for TSE. Flicking some of the switches he started the pre-flight checklist. Flicking the last of the switches he listened as the modified engines wound up. It was a different pitch than normally produced but not one that worried him in anyway due to the modifications. Looking over he saw a perplexed look on Dara's face as she looked at the cockpit controls. She had obviously noticed the change in the layout and added switches. He chuckled slightly as they were towed towards the elevator that would take them to the surface.**
I guess I forgot to mention. This shuttles had a few modifications made to it. I hope you don't mind me using this trip as her test flight.
Dara Shadowtide
Mar 9th, 2001, 11:49:06 PM
:: Dara gave Sums a concerned look ::
Dara: "So, everything is working ok, right?"
Sums: "Yes. I had the techs check this out from top to bottom. We're just taking it out for a spin to see what she's got."
:: Sums's grin made Dara smile and shake her head. The shuttle entered the elevator and came to rest on the oval platform. Slowly the elevator ascended to the surface of Munto Codru as Sums made final systems checks. Daylight then spread all throughout the cockpit as the surface doors rotated open and the shuttle came to rest in preparation for takeoff.
Receiving the final destination coordinates, Sums brought the repulsor lifts level up as the engines hummed, the pitch rising as the energy level increased. Satisfied with the ship's performance during the pre-flight check, Sums engaged the engines and the shuttle rose into the air and began making it's way to the orbit of the planet.
Dara noted the differences in the control panel as Sums found his way easily to each of the switches he needed. As the darkness of space enveloped the ship, Dara saw the stars become streaks of light as the shuttle went to hyperspeed ::
Sumor Rayial
Mar 10th, 2001, 12:05:09 AM
**They'd been travelling for an hour. Dara had moved to the back cabin to do some work and Sums was reading over yet another set of numbers on yet another data pad. Yawning he checked the read outs again. Everything was running smoothly. Leaning back he watched the stars streak by his eyes slowly closing. Just as he drifted off, the shuttle jerked violently, sending Sums flying into the control panel hard. As he slowly sat back into the chair he rubbed his right shoulder, where he had taken most of the impact. Looking out the front windows he could see that they had basically stopped dead in space, drifting just ever so slightly. Shaking the rest of the blow off, he stood up and went to the back cabin, where he found Dara picking herself and data pads off the floor.**
Are you alright?
Dara Shadowtide
Mar 10th, 2001, 01:11:54 AM
:: Dara holds the side of her head as she slowly rises and then notices her crimson stained hand as she slowly retracts it. Sums enters the room in a hurry ::
Dara: "Oh, my head hurts. What happened?"
:: She looks over at Sums ::
Sums: "Apparently we have a slight malfunction with the new system."
Dara: "You think so?"
:: Shaking her head she reaches down and continues to pick up the rest of her datapads and belongings scattered about the cabin. Sums comes over and tries to help her but when he hands her a datapad she snatches it from him, obviously not pleased with what occurred ::
Dara: "I can get them, thanks. Why don't you see what's wrong with the ship?"
Sumor Rayial
Mar 10th, 2001, 01:36:48 AM
**Sums' eyes widened a bit in surprise at her outburst. Turning on the hard rubber sole of his boot he spun around and headed back to the cockpit. Sitting down with a heavy sigh. He started to turn off all the systems that might overheat and add to their problem if left on without use. Then looking at the readouts he started to trace the problem back to different possibilities. Not finding any in the cockpit he headed into the back cabin to try some of the manual systems. Dara had finished picking up her data pads and looked up as he entered the cabin.**
"Find the problem?"
No, I didn't find the problem.
**He walked right up to her.**
Excuse me, I need to get to the panel behind you.
Dara Shadowtide
Mar 10th, 2001, 01:59:10 AM
:: With an armful of the last datapads Dara moved to the side quickly to get out of his way but then bumped into Sums, spilling them all over the floor again. She sighed and bent down to pick them up again ::
Sums: "I would help you but you made it pretty clear you would rather do it yourself."
:: He stepped over the mess and walked to the panel ::
Dara: "I didn't say I would rather do it myself, I just wanted to know what was wrong with the ship that supposedly had all these great modifications... 'all systems go.. checked 5 times by the techs'... and here we are now. Not moving, stuck in the middle of space. Can't you make any kind of ship work? Spaceship...relationship."
:: Sums spins around and looks at her ::
Sums: "Ok, now what's that supposed to mean exactly?"
Dara: "Well, you said you weren't with Rain any more, right? And well, the ship's not exactly moving right now either."
Sumor Rayial
Mar 10th, 2001, 02:11:21 AM
That's pretty low, even for a Sith.
**She just cocked an eyebrow slightly and turned away. Turning his back to her he popped the cover off one of the panels and laid down on his back sliding into the opening to look at the read out. As he did so he ran her comment through his mind. He wasn't in the mood for that.**
At least I've had relationships.
**She snapped her head around and glared down at him.**
I said at least I've had relationships.
"I heard you the first time, what's your point?"
Exactly what I said. That I've had relationships. Some before I joined TSE, Shadow and Rain since then. Never heard about or seen you in one. Your heart to black even for that?
Dara Shadowtide
Mar 10th, 2001, 02:23:19 AM
:: Dara feels the anger well up inside her. Reflexively, an almost imperceptible current of dark lighting flows down her arm and shortcircuits the datapads in her hands ::
Dara: "Blast!"
:: She throws them in the garbage chute haphazardly. She sure didn't need that pointed out to her at all. It was like an open wound that never healed and he just poured a sandcrawler's worth of salt into that wound with his biting comment to her. Perhaps she did start it, but she didn't need him to go there ::
Dara: "And how would you know anything about my heart?"
Sums: "Hey, I just call it like I see it. Maybe the truth hurts."
:: She walks over to him and looks at him on the floor repairing the panel, almost oblivious to how he had just upset her ::
Dara: "And what truth would that be? You don't know anything about my feelings, now do you?"
Sumor Rayial
Mar 10th, 2001, 02:35:01 AM
Hey like I said. Just call 'em like I see 'em. I see you alone, and I see you cold. Nothing, but hey for all I know that's the way you want to be. Don't matter to me.
**Sums continued to pull curcuits out of their slots looking for a possible problem.**
You know I always thought the icy breeze following you around was just something surrounding you, or does it actually eminate from within?
**He pulled another curcuit and a shower of sparks flew out over his hands and face. Out of reflex he sat up quickly and slammed his head into the top of the opening. Swearing under his breath he slid out of the opening and looked back to make sure nothing was on fire. Then checking his arms and face for damage he laid back down and slid back into the opening slowly pulling the sparking curcuit out of its slot.**
Dara Shadowtide
Mar 10th, 2001, 02:50:45 AM
Dara: "You see me alone and you see me cold? Then you see nothing of me or my feelings. You don't even see what is standing here in front of you. You are truly blind after all."
:: She storms out of the cabin to get away from him and goes to sit in the cockpit looking out into space, as her foot taps nervously and her fingernails click on the console. All sorts of thoughts swirl around in her mind as her anger boils within.
Dara then tends to the gash on her head, taking a cloth out and dabbing at the blood which had already started to coagulate, the sting from that wound paling in comparison to what she felt inside ::
Sumor Rayial
Mar 10th, 2001, 03:00:17 AM
**Sums remained in the back cabin working on the circuit panel. Finally getting all dead circuits out he started replacing them with some spares that were always kept on board the shuttles.
Sliding the last one into place he sat up and replaced the access cover and headed back to the cockpit.
Stepping in he sent a wayward glance towards Dara before sitting down and turning on the read outs. As he read he cast a side wards glance out of the corner of his eye and saw her still holding the cloth over her head.**
Hows the head?
**He asked his tone almost flat but with the hint of anger from their confrontation still lingering.**
Dara Shadowtide
Mar 10th, 2001, 03:26:45 AM
:: She shifted her eyes toward him, his words in the cabin to her still searing into her like a saber strike ::
Dara: "My head? It's as hard as ever.. just like my black heart, right? Look, I have you telling me all about me when you don't know how I feel.. you are saying I am cold, and have no feelings.. well what if I do have feelings? Feelings for someone.."
:: Just then, a warning light goes off in the cockpit and Dara sees that it located in the same panel section Sums just worked on in the cabin. She sees the pressure sensor is not functioning, either that or they were losing pressure and fast ::
Dara: "Sums, we're losing cabin pressure."
Sums: "Damn, I thought I had that locked down."
:: He gets up and runs into the cabin and Dara follows him ::
Sumor Rayial
Mar 10th, 2001, 03:37:07 AM
**As they entered the cabin they found the pressure at a normal level.**
Must be the cicuit.
**Popping the panel out of position, Sums again got down and slid into the access port. Dara could hear him swearing at himself for being an idiot as he switched the positioning of two of the circuits.**
Check the warning sensor again.
**Dara headed to the cockpit and he heard her call out the fact that the sensor had stopped flashing. Sighing a bit of a sigh in relief, Sums started to make sure he hadn't made any more screw ups. He heard her footsteps re-enter the cabin.**
Now what were you saying?
Dara Shadowtide
Mar 10th, 2001, 04:08:06 AM
:: She leaned up against the wall and crossed her arms as she watched him check all the circuits again ::
Dara: "I believe I said my head was fine because I was hardheaded and had a black heart like you said, right?"
Sums: "No not that part, the other part."
Dara: "What other part? Oh, you mean the part about you not even knowing about me or my feelings?"
Sums: "Would you quit dodging it.. you know what I am talking about."
:: Dara leaned her head back against the wall and closed her eyes, taking a deep breath ::
Dara: "Alright. You heard me the first time. I said I had feelings for someone.."
:: Sums crawls out from under the panel and snaps the cover back on. He walks over directly in front of her and then places his left hand on the wall, leaning in toward her ::
Sums: "And who would that someone be?"
Dara: "And who would you think it would be?"
:: Sums laughs and pops open the panel on the wall, placing it on the floor next to her ::
Sums: "Look, I have been around this galaxy long enough to know that I could never begin to figure out what women think, and I'm not about to start now. So just say it."
:: He places his right hand on the panel on the other side of her and leans in toward her again. She meets his gaze ::
Dara: "It's.. you."
Sumor Rayial
Mar 10th, 2001, 04:26:49 AM
**Sums stared into her eyes for a moment before blinking a couple times.**
Excuse me? Me?
**He turned around and rubbed his eyes with his thumb and forefinger.**
I'm sorry, I... Well... Hell I don't know. Why haven't you said anything?
"Isn't that kinda obvious? I mean you were in a relationship with one of my apprentices."
**He just shook his head trying to straighten his thoughts out a little. He and almost everyone else he had ever talked to about her on a personal level thought of her as a cold, unfeeling warrior of the dark. So much for that grand assesment, and deep down inside he couldn't deny that there was something about her, something mysterious that facinated him. Even more now that he knew she wasn't how she appeared.**
How long?
Dara Shadowtide
Mar 10th, 2001, 04:53:19 AM
:: She looked at him, trying to gauge how he took what she just told him. She met with no avail and met his gaze once again ::
Dara: "A while now."
Sums: "I can't believe I didn't see it."
:: She smiles slightly ::
Dara: "Well I don't usually let this side out in public that often. It ruins my cold, hard, evil rep you know."
Sums: "No offense, but your rep is in tact."
:: Her smile fades ::
Dara: "I see. Oh well, nothing ventured, nothing gained I suppose. It's ok that you don't share the same feelings as I. If you'll excuse me for a moment."
:: She turns and walks out of the cabin ::
Sumor Rayial
Mar 10th, 2001, 05:10:59 AM
**Sumor stood there and rubbed his forehead with his fingers. So much for the boring trip he had anticipated. First the new systems, and then this. He couldn't say that, now after she had said something that feelings that had obviously been there at some point started to surface. Turning he headed back to the cockpit. Stepping in he stood just in the entrance, Dara's back to him.**
I'm sorry if you thought that I didn't feel anything for you, because I find myself feeling quite the opposite right now. You caught me completely off gaurd back there. I didn't know what to say when I probably should have said something. You took that to mean there was nothing, that wasn't the impression I want you to have, cause it's a false one.
**He reached forward and put his hand on her shoulder gently.**
Dara Shadowtide
Mar 10th, 2001, 05:55:59 AM
:: Dara feels Sums's hand on her shoulder and places her hand on top of his without turning around. She laces her fingers through his and gives a squeeze while speaking quietly ::
Dara: "I didn't mean to just spring it on you like that. But then to find out you thought I had no feelings at all.. that's kind of hard to take as well."
:: She closes her eyes. He walks to the seat across from her and sits on the edge looking over at her, taking her hands in his. She opens her eyes and looks into his as he gently pulls her toward him, their lips meeting lightly in a soft kiss.
Just then, the ship is rocked as the engines sputter and ignite once again, spilling the two of them over into the captain's chair. He helps her back up with a smile and then laughs ::
Sums: "I believe that the slight malfunction may be corrected now."
Dara: "You think so?"
:: Dara laughs and sits back down in the co-pilots chair to begin the systems check with Sums ::
Sumor Rayial
Mar 10th, 2001, 06:09:43 AM
Yeah I do actually.
"Wise guy."
**Flashing her a quick grin, they quicky finish restarting the systems and head for their destination.
After a brief but informative stop over on the planets surface the pair of Sith returned to the shuttle both hoping for a less eventful trip home.
During the return trip they spent the hours talking and exploring their feelings for each other. When they returned to Munto Codru what had been anticipated by both as a long boring information gathering mission turned out a lot differently than either had expected. It had indeed been informative but not boring in the least.**
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