View Full Version : The Challenge of the Stones (Open)

Satine Capashen
Mar 21st, 2001, 11:04:11 PM
Deep in the Unknown Regions

A darkened control centre on an olden space station, lit slightly by glowing stones, bussling with activity.

Next to one glowing panel sits an alien. It has four hands, blackened scales for skin, and glowing white eyes. It is speaking in hissing, but understandable, form of Basic. It seems to have finished its task at the panel, for it moves away, speaking with other comrades in the room. It steps into the circle of white light caused by one of the glowing stones set into the walls, saying, "It issss done. The messsage issss sssent to them all, and the specialized copy has been sent to the being know asss Alpha..."

Meanwhile on the station called Alpha's Haven...

Satine Capashen, better known as Alpha, sits behind his desk, viewing a message that just came in, from another quadrant of the Unknown Regions. It was very strange, a challenge it seemed.

This is what it read: We know you as the Jedi Alpha, a powerful warrior in your own right, but you could be much more powerful.

The forces you know of as the Sith, are known to us, and have recieved a message similar to this also. We propose a challenge to you and anyone else. Meet us at the coordinates of Sector 558 by Sector 7925, and try and take your place among the greats...If you win, we will give you more power than you can imagine. For we have what you would call Force-Sensitive Gems. They react to the Force power in you. We, the Touel'Alfar have also crafted three blades, Icebreaker, Tempest, and Defender out of our metal, silverel, and different gems. They can grant you unbelieveable powers, if taught how to use them. If you lose, though, you will suffer for all time...Enter if you dare...

Alpha thinks for a second, leaning back in his chair, and then presses a button on his desk, a comm panel.

"Dry Dock, get the Tolaria ready for operation, outfit it for full battle ready mode. I'm going out."