View Full Version : Lance Casey: To Be (closed)Part 1

Lance Casey
Mar 22nd, 2001, 01:43:05 AM
It's late at the Shadow Feane, but the leader of the the smuggling group is not weary. Darth Hera is many things. She is a warrior. She is a sith. And she is a target. A target for a man that has waited for revenge for over one hundred years. And now the revenge is close at hand. The events have been set in motion that will bring about the end of one of Hera's confidants. Lance Casey.

As Hera make's her way down the hall, she feels a sudden chill. A chill from something that can only be produced by a being of pure unbridled evil. As Hera turn's around, she see's a man in all black, carring a very large sword.

"May I ask what you intend to do with that?"

The figure just moves closer. Hera takes out her lightsaber and prepares to defend herself.

"If you don't leave this place now I will cut out your heart and eat it."

"My dear, you'll do nothing of the sort."

As fast as Hera is, this mystery man is faster. As soon as he appeared, he is behind Hera, sticking a srynge into her neck.

"Sleep easy my dear, as soon as you wake up, you'll be a much worse place."

--5 hours later--

Casey has been walking the grounds of the base for sometime now. Hera had been missing for a few hours now and no one had any idea where she was. Eve and Savin believed she had just gone off somewhere, but Casey knew better. He knew Hera wouldn't just leave her major operation without telling anyone.

--1 hour later--

Casey is on the roof of his suites, where his last conversation with Hera took place. Where he swore he wold never kill again. The place he left his sword. Only the sword wasn't in the same place it was before. It was lying down on the ground with a strip of paper attached to it.


Meet me at the 53rd docking station from your location.
Come Alone or Hera dies.
An old friend.

Casey looked down on the sheet of paper and then looked off into the horizon. Casey did not have any idea who might have sent this note, but they had Hera and that is all that mattered.

--2 hours later--

Casey has gone to the one person who he knows he can trust. Liam Jinn.

"So you are saying this person has Hera and they want you to come alone to the 53rd docking station from the fortress. You do relize this is a trap."


"And you do relize this person may be an immortal?"


"And you took an oath never to kill another immortal."

"Yes I know that. But Hera is in danger."

"Then what are you going to do?"

"I am going to go and give myself up if I have to."

"Are you crazy Casey? Give your head for some woman you love but doesn't have the same feelings for you? That makes a damn lot of sense."

"I don't care if she doesn't have the smae feelings for me as I do for her, I have to do something."

"What do you want me to do?"

"Nothing. I came by to say goodbye, just in case it turns out the way I think I will."

Casey turn's around and leaves.

"Stubborn jackass."

A docking station. Not unlike any other docking station, only this one has a much more diabolical use. Immortal terrorist Peter Crushing has done amny things in his 1000 years of existence. He has experienced love, hate and made a difference. But now only Crushing only exists for one reason. Revenge. Crushing had recently captured Hera Dren Kast at her base of operations in a attempt for revenge against Lance Casey, who had fond feelings toward Hera. As crushing walks into the room containing Hera, he see's the strain on her face, as if trying to bend the bars that were holding her captive.

"You'll find that trying to use the force will be quite impossible my dear. Those storage bins contain ysmalri. And as it is known through the galaxy, they block out the force."

"What do you want from me?"

"I want nothing of you. I could care less if you even exist. But for some reason a certain Lance Casey has a fondness towards you. So I will use you as bait to get him."


"Because he killed my wife. One hundred years ago to the day. Immortal lovers we were. Until that one fateful day one hundred years ago.


Lance Casey and my wife fought. The battle waged on for at least 15 minutes. But in the end there can be only one, and Casey was that one. He took the head of my wife and her power. After his quickening, I charged at him with my sword only to have him shove his katana in my heart. I fell backwards into a river.

--End Flashback--

"Now my time for revenge has come. And be assured I will have my revenge."

"Your crazy."

"That's what they tell me."

Crushing pulls a tranquelizer gun from his jacket and point's it at Hera.

"Now I sense Casey near and I need you to be on your best behavior. ::Crushing raises the gun:: Oh, and this will hurt."

--Cut to outside--

Lance Casey stands outside with Savin, one of the members of Hera's smuggling group.

"Wait for me to radio you to come in. I want you to get Hera out of there as quickly as possibly."

"What about you?"

"Don't worry about me. Just get Hera out."


Casey makes his way to the docking station when he is suddenly cut off from the force. Casey enters the docking station. Hover loaders are moving through the air, moving cargo into it's designated area. Casey spots Hera lying on the ground. Standing next to her is Crushing whose eye's could burn a hole through Casey.

"Let her go Crushing."

"So you do remember me. I thought you might have forgotten."

"I've known you for over three hundred years. I don't forget a face that easily."

Casey begins to walk towards Crushing. Crushing simply raises his hand and motions Casey to stop.

"Then you remember how you killed my wife."

"She challenged me Crushing. What was supposed to do?"

"You could have walked away. You didn't have to take her from me. Now it's time to pay the piper. In my hand I hold a vial containing a tranquilizer which I put into your young friend. In my other hand, another tranquilizer. Seperately they are harmless, but mixed together they are lethal. So I give you one chance. Give me your head or I inject it in her."

"I wont let you hurt her."

"Then I get your head?"

"Yes.::Lance turns on his comlink and radios to Savin:: Come in and get Hera."

Savin comes in, walks towards Hera and picks her up. He begins to carry her away.

"When she wakes up tell her I love her."

Casey walks towards Crushing and kneels to the ground and drops his katana.

"Just think how much better off the world would have been without you in it and this will be much easier."

Casey closes his eye's and begins to think "Maybe he's right. Maybe the world would be better off if I were gone."Crushing rasies his sword in the air.

"I have waited of this mooment for a hundred years Casey. You don't know how much I have dreaned of it."

Out of nowhere Liam Jinn comes and shoot's Crushing with his blaster.

"Run Casey!"

Casey picks up his katana and begins to run towards one of the hoverloaders. As Casey get's into it, he is shot in the back and falls forward. One of crushings cronies begins to run towards the loader, but it takes off before he can reach it. The loader flies strait towards Liam and he jumps onto it and the loader takes off. Crushing's men quickly surround Hera and Savin, not letting them escape.

"He'll be back. He's to human not too."

--The loader--

Jinn is trying to revive Casey to no avail. Liam knows Casey wont stay dead, but he needs to regain consciousness quickly.

--Another plane of existense.--

Casey is lying on the ground. A figure begins to walk towards him. The figure of a man he thought he would never see again. His son. James Casey.

"Hello dad."

"James, but your dead."

"yeah I am. And if you don't startwatching your back you will to."

"But what are you doing here?"

"When you were going to allow Crushing to take your head, you thought that maybe the world would have been better if you had never come along. Well, I'm here to show you that world."

James and Lance are transported to a place that Lance had never thought he would see again. The scene of his first fight after joinning the jedi. He came to help his then master Sage against a 4 on 1 sith advantage. Only they have reached that point of the fight, only there is no Lance. Sage is soon overwelmed by the 4 sith and they take him apart. Only after Sage is dead do the jedi show up. But by then it is too late.

"Without you helping him in that fight, Sage died dad. Fire becomes overwelmed with grief and anger that she joins the sith, only to be cut down by her jedi master Verse. Now how can you deni that you have made some difference."

"It's only two lives oppossed to the countless others I have destroyed."

"You wnat countless other's? I'll show you countless others."

James transports Lance to a place ravaged by war and destruction, but Lance reconizes it almost immediatly.

"Oh my god, this is.."

"That's right dad. It's Naboo!"

(to be continued)