View Full Version : A Son's Pride...(Prelude)

Satine Capashen
Mar 26th, 2001, 12:26:17 AM
Onboard the Alpha's Haaven Spacestation, Alpha is deep in training, the Rogue Jedi standing with a bo staff, blocking hits from a sparring droid. Alpha ducks one hit, slamming the end of his staff into the droid's head, and knocking it back, followed up with a Force attack that rips apart the droid. As soon as the dust settles, a beep sounds throughout the room, the source from a message terminal.

The Young One walks over top the terminal, and automatically hits the " TRACE" command, as he activates the screen.

Up pops the image of a man of about 35 years, brown hair, and startling orange eyes. "Ah, you must be Satine Capashen," the man says. "I am known as Calan, and I have a deal to make with you."

Alpha looks at Calan and replies, "What's the deal?"

Abruptly, the image switches to an older man, about 55 or a little younger. One that Alpha recognizes from pictures he has in his room, and the eyes just confim it. the eyes were silver-just like his-and he looked exactly like Alpha's father. "Wha...? What is this?" he asks, shocked.

"why this is my deal," the voice of Calan says. "I propose that you give us about 75,000,000 credits worth of gems, and other non-traceable items. If you do, we'll give you your father back."

"What about my mother?" asks Alpha, fighting back an urge to blast the screen apart with a plasma blast.

"We killed her. And your father too, if you don't hurry up."

"Ok, ok...I'll do it," a defeated Alpha says. "Where do I send the jewels?"

"In two weeks, no more, send them to coordinates 758898. IF you aren't there, we'll kill him." With that, the transmission ended, being replaced by the Alpha's Haven symbol-two glowing blades crossed behind a styilyzed "A".

The Young One grits his teeth in anger, and fires a plasma blast from his hand into one of the dormant droids mounted on a wall rack. Then he hits a button, and the tracing is displayed, showing exactly where the transmission came from.

It apparently came from the planet TSC was formerly based on, the planet Alpha first knew as a Sith.

The Rogue Jedi runs to his weapons locker, and takes out his weapons belt-with his swords, Tempest and Defender sheathed on it-and puts on a blastre, and his last lightsabre. On his back his puts the broadsword Icebreaker, a powerful sword, and then he puts on his battle gaunlets, complete with wrist sabres, and energy matrixes. After the weapons are accounted for, Alpha heads for the main hanger.

As he walks, the armor he was wearing changes into a black jumpsuit, with a black trenchcoat over it, covering most of the weapons, except Icebreaker. When the Young One enters the hanger, he heads straight to a small fighter that is made for stealth, the W-Wing. He hops into the cockpit, and closes the canopy, lifting off as soon as it is air-tight, and zooming out of the hanger.

Alpha sets course for the planet, and activates his hyperdrive, watching the starlines elongate...