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Sir Lando Calrissian
Apr 16th, 2001, 10:29:15 PM
"Tika montoda! Kally-ba Sita Manzy, Calrissian!" (Fifty thousand. And no less Calrissian.)
"Twenty-Five thousand."
"Tika montoda!"
"Forty. Don't push your luck Youkka."
"Tika montoda ec sydoc pellque." (Fifty thousand or I walk.)
Lando peered into the alien's eye. "It better be worth it."
"Ur tasi."
Lando, threw up his hands and gave a broad smile as he relaxed in his chair. "I like your spunk. Fine. Fifty thousand. So what's so important?"
The reptilian alien scanned the small Wayland restaurant before he started. "Sydoc hovwe teghologicly panda tooxue namillion clona Bom-bom condolubeka. Impkieral condolubeka." (I came across some acient devices that looks like it has some Clone War information. Imperial information.)
Lando gave a sigh. "But all that has already been pieced together and released to the New Republic by Imperial warlords trying to broker deals. It's useless. We have everything."
"Nopa uiw, Calrissian. Nopa uiw." (Not this, Calrissian. Not this.)

* * *

As the alien pulled the level, a secret door across the office room parted, exposing a small hallway.
"Tojlda toota." (Follow me.)
"What am I doing here? Smuggler's Run is trash these days. All of the talented privateers and information dealers have already made their money during the war. All that's left are these rejects." Lando thought to himself. "What did I expect to find with this runt Bobak anyway?"
" Lead the way." Lando sighed as he followed the reptilian into the narrow passageway."
After a few strides, the two were engulfed in the darkness. Suddenly, Lando was able to see, the Youkka flipping a lightswitch.
Lando stood shocked as he realized that he was right in the middle of a dingy old storehouse. Well, the Bobak was right. It WAS an old storage shed from the pre-Empire era. But it quickly became obvious that it was ordinary, nothing special from the other ones that were discovered across the galaxy. It even included a few skeleton's of the Imperials that were either locked or hidden in their during the war until they died.
"Great find," Calrissian remarked sarcastically. "Now we have a room filled with junk and a couple of old skeletons." He turned towards the alien. "Look, I don't know what kinda scam you're trying to pull, but--"
The Bobak raised a hand to signal Calrissian to stop. Once Lando was silent, he pulled out a folder and placed it in Lando's hands.

The cover read:

For Grand Moff Evarkian. Confidential.

Maybe there was something here interesting afterall. He opened the folder up.
Inside read:

'Grand Moff,
I expect that my special clones are ready? I have waited a long time for these, and as your reward for your duty, you will receive 20 million credits in your Coruscant account. I want them on the next transport out, sent to me directly in my castle.

Grand Chancellor Palpatine

Lando froze as he read the signature. Perhaps fifty thousand credits was a steal.
He was about to close the folder until he realized that there was another letter stuck on the back of the old one. It wasn't the original of the letter, merely a carbon copy that was kept behind.
"Hmmmmmmm, his response. Maybe this'll tell me what what ol'Palpy was talking about."

It read:

'Your Excellency,
I regret to report that the majority of the clones did not make it through their maturation process. Only one was able to survive, but once we interviewed him, we realized that the memory transfer had failed. He doesn't know who he is or what's going on. Luckily, he does seem to have some of the fierce fighting skills and character that the Sith he was cloned from, Darth Maul, had, but there are major glitches to his brain.'

Lando stopped. Darth Maul? Who in the Republic was that? The only Sith he'd heard of in the past millenia was Darth Vader and the Emporer. Who was this "Maul"?
Lando continued:

'Because of this, we decided him unworthy and encased him in carbonite. I hope you will forgive us for our failure.'

Lando looked at the skeleton beside him. Obviously he didn't get the forgiveness he was hoping for.

'The following is the clone's readout:
Maul Project Clone #4 of 6
Physical transfer: complete
Mental transfer: failed
Memory transfer: failed
Maturation: completed
Course: completed

Clone codename: Hart.

Clone removed from service by carbonation.'

"Oh boy."...........................

Hart Kenobi
Apr 20th, 2001, 12:18:49 AM
* * *
*the Naboo*

::Hart Kenobi, Jedi, sat in meditation in the forest that lay on the outskirts of Theed. Something was happening to him, but he didn't know what. It was as if a disease was slowly eating away at his brain and him memory. For the last few weeks, every moment and action filled with wonder and paranoia. Things didn't feel right. Memories didn't feel right.

It was a dangerous time for him. He was starting to have tendencies to become more violent as his brain seemingly deteriorated. Barbaric, he knew. He knew that the darkside would call to him and he must resist.

But for now, isolation and meditation would have to suffice as the treatment. He could not risk reentering society with his heightened anger response. But it wasn't to protect himself from civilization, it was to protect the civilization from him....

He closed his eyes and used the Force to try to determine the problem. It was as if something hidden deeply within him was trying to surge forward. Something long ago...., before he was encased in carbonite by Darth Vader, he thought.

He knew he could stop it with his powers. But he didn't. He will let the secrets come forward.