View Full Version : ...Some other beginnings end. (Story)

Lance Casey
Apr 28th, 2001, 11:41:20 AM
Follow up to "Every new beginning comes from...".

Authors note:If you read the first part (which i doubt you did) it was revealed that the man the has been running around for the past nine months calling himslef Lance Casey was in fact a clone, with the real Lance Casey out in the universe somewhere. While he took over the real ones life, he destroyed is friendships, bonds and trusts, along with alienating the Casey name and getting the boot permenatly from GJO. The clone, which will be refered to as Lance Caasey in this story has sort of become obsessed with Sage Hazzard and bringing about his down fall. But the clone is also aware of another presence, the presence of a man who is trying to make the journey back from the edge to take back his life. The final part of the story will also be my 300th post here. Sort of an anniversary story.

Mos Eisley space port.
A Cantina. Inside sits the clone of the man called Lance Casey. Over the past few months, the clone has sensed his time running out, as if death himslef was stalking him. But before he faces that journey into the darkness, he wants one more chance at ruining the name of his "brother". The one last way to bury Lance Casey forever so there is no redemption. To kill Sage Hazzard.

Across the room sits that very man who Caasey wishes to destroy. He is with one of his padawans. What a perfect oppertunity. With Hazzard's padawan right there to witness the killing, there would be no room for guessing as to who killed Sage. But the clone is not stupid. He knows Sage is a master and could kill him. But as always, the clone has a plan that will distract Sage and allow himself to kill him with ease. And all it takes is one press of a button.

((More to come))

Lance Casey
Apr 30th, 2001, 04:25:21 PM
Caasey get's up from his table and begins to walk towards Sage Hazzard. A content smile is on his face as he greet's the jedi master.

"Good day Sage. You are looking relatively well. And your new padawan also. I always knew you liked them young."

"What do you want you genetic waste of space?"

"Always so forward and strait to the point. Someday that's going to get you killed."

Sage does not answer back. He just stares into the eye's of Caasey.

"An audience on the roof is all that I require."

"Why do I have a feeling that I should not go?"

"Perhaps you know that I will gut you and use you intestines as a bungee cord. Or maybe I'll go and find your sister and play with her for awhile.

This last threat strikes a cord in Sage Hazzard.

"I'll meet you on the roof in one hour Sage. Be there."

Lance Casey
May 4th, 2001, 07:09:18 PM
On the roof of the cantina stands Lance Caasey. These past nine months have been a wild ride, but now it was time to end the game and finish what he started. Sage has made his way to the roof. Caasey turns around to face his former master.

"Well Sage, I bet you didn't see this coming."

"I came out of the blue."

"I bet you never expected that I was really a clone, even after I left clues.

"What clues?"

"None of that matters now. What matters is that you die!"

Caasey lunges at Sage, who quickly raises his lightsaber in defence. A brief lightsaber fight ensues. Sage clearly has the advantage of an undertrained Caasey. After only ten minutes of fighting, Sage is able to cut Caasey with his saber. Caasey falls the the ground bleeding.

"Okay Caasey, I am going to give you one chance. Were is the real Casey."

"How the hell should I know? After I knocked him unconscious I left. I was suprised he hadn't shown up in all this time, so I assume he must be dead."

This hit's Sage somewhere deep inside. He barely knew the real Casey, but he was his padawan none the less and that ment he was a part of him. As Sage is deep in thought, A detonator pops out of Caasey's glove.

"Hey Sage, BOOM"

Caasey sticks a hard right into Sages crotch.Caasey rolls backwards and hit's the detonator. A small explosion goes off underneath Sage. Sage flies backwards and lands hard on his back unconscious.

"You didn't think I was going to give you a fair fight. I was hardly trained and expected to actually fight a master? I may be insaned but I am not stupid."

"I would have to disagree."

"Who the hel..Oh my god. It can't be. Not you! Not now!"

The clone looks up as Lance Casey, the real Lance Casey, ignites his lightsaber.

"It's me numnut's. And I am pissed."

Casey lunges at the clone and begins the final battle. The clone with his red Saber and Casey with his blue. They begin an intense fight were both seem equally matched. As the fight wages on, Sage has come too and notices the other Casey.

"Where did you come from?"

"I'll answer that in a moment. But first there is a little problem I have to atend to."

Casey kicks the cloen from the top of the roof to the sand below. Casey leaps down and the fight continues.

"So what are you doing back here Casey? Taking back your life. Even if you beat me, there is no life for you to go back to."

"maybe so, but I would rather see you punished for your crimes."

And with that sentences Casey delivers a kick to the clones face.

"You can't kill me, you can't kill anything. And that is why you are weak. Your damn code of honor wont allow it."

"Then it's a good thing you robbed me of it."


Casey leaps over the clones head and lands. As Caasey turns around, Casey gives a brief smile to him before cutting him strait down the center. The seperate pieces fall to the ground. As Casey looks down on the remains of the clone he can only say one thing.

"it's finally over."

As Casey signals for his vampire, Sage peers over the side of the building and looks at Casey. Casey has only one thing to say.

"Meet me at Corusant. Certain thins need to be explained and your the only one I trust."

Casey takes a small puch of kerosine and doses the clones remains with it. He takes a match and throws it down, igniting the remains. Casey clims into his Vampire and heads off for Coruscant. At long last he has his life back. At long last.

Every new beginning comes from some other beginnings end.