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View Full Version : Sweet Dreams: Part One

Liam Jinn
Jun 1st, 2001, 12:57:30 AM
It was a cold night on Dantooine, which was rare. The Imperial guards who stood near the entrance of the hanger were restless. Not much usually went on during the night hours, unless a strange native animal wandered too close to the gaurds, then they would shoot their blasters at it until it was dead or had ran too far out of their firing range.

Liam Jinn stood just out of the gaurds view on the side of the building. He was young, maybe 17, and armed. He had an imperial blaster in one hand and his lightsaber hanging from his belt. He was sick of the lies that had been told to him concerning his father. He knew the truth now. His own master, Thrawn, had sent him on a mission to the unknown regions.

Thrawn had never intended on his father comming back from that mission, in fact Thrawn himself had given the order to set explosives at the core of his fathers ship. 'Why?! Why did Thrawn suddenly feel my father had out-lived his usefulness for the Empire? He had went beyond duty in many occasions for the Empire and this is how Thrawn repays him?!' Liam had been thinking that ever since he had found out the truth. He had hacked into the Empire's central computer on Dantooine and read Thrawns logs. Ever since then he had been fighting back the tears, though they would come inevidably.

'But no more', Liam thought. He would leave this planet and get revenge on Thrawn. But the first step to getting off of this planet was getting past these gaurds. Liam stepped around the side of the building and started walking towards the gaurds.

Gaurd: "HEY! What the hell do you think you're doing out this late? Get the hell back in your quarters or I will report y..." He was cut off by a shot to his chest. Liam shot the other gaurds before they could raise their blasters. He threw down his blaster and took his lightsaber off of his belt, activating it. The red blade pierced the black of the night as if it was cutting through flesh.

He cut through the locks of the hanger door and opened it to find a number of Imperial craft. The alarm sounded but Liam didn't care, he was in pain. Memories of his father fueled his anger towards Thrawn and drove him deeper into the power of the darkside. The mechanics that had been working late were being cut down visciously by Liams' saber. One mechanic looked at Liam pleadingly but Liam's rage had made him a mad man. He kicked the mechanic in the face then sliced him in two.

By this time blaster fire had erupted from all exits. Liam deflected and dodged easily, killing a few more. He wasn't going to let anything stand in his way. He hopped into a Tie Interceptor he had been modifying and powered it up. The Soldiers that got into veiw were shot, the smart ones hid. Liam started the lift-off and shot out through the roof of the hanger. No craft tried to pursue. He blasted off of Dantooine before he looked at himself. He was covered in blood and shaking. Liam couldn't get the image of the mechanic pleading with him out of his head. It wouldn't matter soon, he was going to kill Thrawn even if it killed himself. Liam set in a course and blasted off through hyperspace.

* * *

Liam wakes up in the middle of the night with a cold sweat. Events that happened 10 years ago had been haunting his dreams recently. A mechanics pleading face had been disturbing his everyday activities also. 'Why the hell did I have to kill so much innocent people?! Why do I still remember? Why can't I just FORGET?!' Liam wondered as he started crying. He couldn't tell if the tears were for his father, his rage, or the innocent people that had died. One day I would have to right all of the wrongs he had made. One day, he will have sweet dreams once again...

OOC: Anyone who reads this, please post your opinions about this. There will be more parts to this if people like it.

Figrin D an
Jun 1st, 2001, 01:43:50 AM
OOC: Good start. :) I look forward to reading the next parts. My only recommendation is to make sure that you don't overuse words like 'hell', 'damn' and the like. When well placed, these words are effective... if used too often, they start to lose impact and can take away from the intensity of a phrase.

Other than that, good work. :)

Jeseth Cloak
Jun 1st, 2001, 01:51:28 AM
OOC: Very good. I like it... I can't really think of any suggestions for improvement beyond what Figrin said, though. So when is the next post? :)

Lady DeVille
Jun 1st, 2001, 01:55:00 AM
ooc: I like it, but write moooooooooore :) I'm waaaaaiting! :p

Liam Jinn
Jun 1st, 2001, 01:55:17 AM
Bah, I didn't re-read that part till just now, oh well, I'll pay more attention next time :)

JediMaster Skywalker
Jun 2nd, 2001, 01:35:53 AM
very nice my friend

Jun 2nd, 2001, 02:01:23 AM
sweet! very nice dude!

sithy, very nice. I congradulate the former self! *jk*