View Full Version : The Ignotus (closed)

Teka Kenobi
May 10th, 2001, 02:33:07 PM
OOC: Setting: GJO LQ, Avolo (X-Wing), Kail (Corporate Sector).


Astra Kenobi
May 11th, 2001, 02:17:53 PM
**Astra Kenobi leapt out of the nearby window smashing it and fell to the floor. Could she really beat this? She ran as fast as she could up the small hill narrowly escaping a blaster shot from the Sith. Her green sabre still ignighted she turned and deflected a shot she would have sure been killed from. The blonde haired man was advancing and she carried on running.**

**She got to her son’s mansion and entered her code. She got in the courtyard area and typed in some codes to overwrite all existing passwords. She was the owner of the ranges and she knew every trick in the book...In fact she was the author of the book of tricks herself. Fortunately for here, her son knew just about everything too, so when he got here he would be a great help. However she was not a great expert on the Sith and failed to recognise that a wall and defensive systems would not help her as much as she wanted. She ran into the building and down the corridor. Before she knew it she was lost in her son’s own home.**

Vega Van Derveld
May 11th, 2001, 02:31:31 PM
The thick wooden doors into Teka Kenobi's shook, bending inwards for a second before a black boot plunged through the panelling, quickly followed by an elbow. The Sith barged against the doors, knocking them clean off of their hinges as he burst in, tossing them to the side like tooth picks as he looked around manically. In his left hand, Seraphim, ignited and eager to attack. In his right, a blaster. An unusual weapon for Vega to carry but at this point, he wanted to be unusual.

The house was all silent and not a single sound could be heard by Vega but the beating of his own heart in his ears. It was thudding thoudly, pumping blood around his body to combat against the amount of adrenaline.

*click click ... chunk chunk*

His senses snapped to life as he heard the sound. It was somewhat like someone trying to open a door. An old door. And they weren't doing it very successfully.

OH DEAR! roared Vega at the top of his voice, each word layden with sarcasm, LOCKED OUT?!

The noise stopped and Astra Kenobi froze still as the Sith Knights voice raptured the silence. It was as if the storm had cleared, only to make way for armageddon. Then the thunder began. The sound of Vega running towards her, boots pounding against the weak flooring. Not long after the thunder came the cold wind. She could feel it, a horrible, morbid, ice cold feeling sweeping over her. Finally, the lightening.

Turning sharply around the corner Vega came into Astras range of vision, brandishing saber and blaster wildly, a demented look in his eyes.

Teka Kenobi
May 14th, 2001, 03:41:37 PM
**Outside at the shipyards Avolo's engines started up. Next to his X-Wing was Æther his modified A-Wing. Avolo slowly rose off the ground and up into the air. He nodded to Nichos in the control room and in a matter of seconds it was out of sight, and way into the rest of the galaxy.

Teka Kenobi
May 17th, 2001, 04:49:55 PM
OOC: This is as Astra but i couldn't get the p/w grrrrrr, so anyways this is Astra :)


**She saw him and looked him straight in the eye. A sudden strange feeling came over her and she shook her head. She walked backwards a few paces and looked at the below gallery. In a second she had flipped to the right and landed on the icy cold floor below. She looked up for a second to see Vega about to jump down too. She sprinted for the large door and jumped into the air to kick it down. It did as she expected and fell flat to the ground. She ran round the corner as fast as she could and jumped over a balcony type area to one of the below floors.**

Vega Van Derveld
May 18th, 2001, 12:32:24 PM
Vega followed the womans life signature like a blood hound, leaping almost majestically into the air to land 7 foot behind her. With a growing fear in her eyes she froze as she looked at him. And from that moment... she knew it was all over.

Be still and..

She wanted to move, but could not, and as the Sith drew ever closer, this urge to vacate the area grew in leaps and bounds. Her feet seemed to be stuck to the ground, why couldn't she move?

... Send me a letter from the after-life when you get there.

Vega darted forward, Seraphim out at the side, pointing towards Astra, aiming for the center of her chest.

Teka Kenobi
May 18th, 2001, 02:44:51 PM
**The few seconds of life she had left seemed to last for years. She was frozen solid about to be killed by the evil, blonde haired man, the one with the collar high up on his neck and glare of death. She felt the blade enter her upper body, but at the same time felt nothing. The yellow beam glared into her eyes as looked down to face reality yet again. Her teal sabre dropped to the floor still alight and she fell backwards into a heap on the floor.

Beginning his descent - following the river he was to find his way to his mother. After about a kilometre he changed his direction and veered left up a small hill. He sensed something. It was strange..

Sensing her force signature near as well as another near by. They were still at the Palace. He carried on running up to the palace to see a couple of them rolly droids ya get in ep I where they have to run away come charging at him at a great speed. He ignighted both ends of Lux and prarried a couple of there shot's before jumping into the air and lading next to one, that was now already in two pieces on the floor. The other carried on firing so Teka swung his sabre round and deflected one shot that went right back to it and watched as it fell to the side. A small flame was showing and a waft of smoke came up from the droid. He carried on up to the palace gates and typed in his code.**

"Acess denied"

::What?? She wouldn't have changed the codes. Would she? Or...what if. I need to get in..::

Two white beams of light shot out of the fairly long hilt and it spun round with almost un-noticable speed. The conrol box fell to the floor and the gate was unlocked. He ran to avoid blasters all over the walls shoting at him. The defense system he helped install was now seemingly prooving itself to him. He got into a fairly safe position, still outside the palace doors and brought a hard knee up to the middle of the double bladed sabre. It split with ease and he jumped into the air spinning round swing the two causing 3 of the blasters on the wall to be destroyed. He rolled forward and ran to the door as fast as he could. He jumped, sensing the next attack and indeed all of the ground flew upwards in pieces where he had been standing. Before entering he turned crossing the two sabres in front of him sending to blater bolts back to their original position and destroying the two blasters. Again he turned and opened the large doors which led to his main hall and ran inside. As he entered he felt a pain inside. He knew what had just happened..


The words silently escaped his mouth and his head sank down to view the now cold floor. A tear dropped from his cheek, and he screwed his eyelids up focusing on the force. Now this seemed his only family...**

Sieken Kasstra
May 18th, 2001, 06:42:20 PM
* somehow Siek had picked up this communication from his Defender and had landed the ship 2 hours before...*

Siek pulled out the recording and played it again

*he felt the woman was in deep fear and he could only TRY to find out what was going on*

Siek pressed on through the now hard rain

Vega Van Derveld
May 19th, 2001, 03:25:03 AM
OOC: This thread is CLOSED. No other RPers except Teka and I.


Vega looked up with a demonic experession at Teka. The look of the tear rolling down his face sent a wave of sadistic pleasure through the Knights body.

Oh.. she was a member of YOUR family?

Seraphim pierced into the womans leg slowly, sending the smell of burning flesh into the air.

I would have never guessed.

Tracing the tip of the blade slowly up her body, Vega grinned as he look to Teka, nearing her face bit by bit.

Hope you don't mind if I take a ...

The blade stopped at her neck.

...present to remember her by.

Teka Kenobi
May 20th, 2001, 04:57:24 AM
OOC: I am indeed :)


**The padawan gritted his teeth and jumped forward at the speed of light. Landing infront of Vega he gave a fast hard kick to his chect possibly fracturing something and sedning him back several metres. He made his way over to Vega's now sanding position and two roof high doors closed at a speed undiscribable to their proportion. (OOC: does that make sense?) He carried on walking towards Vega. An almost evil look on his face.

Was he still a Jedi? Had the Darkside taken over him?

Vega Van Derveld
May 20th, 2001, 05:32:38 AM
Vegas face was alive with the expression of a malevolent encarnation. He could see and sense the anger swelling with Teka.

I see you are coming closer to the true path Teka...

He brought his saber up in a defensive position, looking his gaze with the rage enduced glare of Kenobi.

Teka Kenobi
May 20th, 2001, 12:49:00 PM
**Teka walkeding, was now about two metres away from Vega. Without even jumping he flew into thhe air towards vega and landed a boot to his face. As he landed he swung his sabre round at Vega's legs, and as the Sith jumped he force pushed him into a nearby wall.


He walked over to him swinging his sabre down towards his head.

..I am the true path.**

Vega Van Derveld
May 21st, 2001, 12:45:59 PM
With the accuracy of an eagle in prey, Vega brought his saber up to parry Tekas shot.

Your idealistic views are nothing but mere fantasies, Jedi. Can you not see the true way?

A light flick of his hand and Vega brought a small Sith dagger into his free palm before thrusting it forward. The tip of the blade pierced Tekas shoulder due to the Jedis shocked reflexes.

Draw upon the pain... attack me with all your rage, Teka..

Teka Kenobi
May 21st, 2001, 02:48:08 PM
Oh I see it..I see the true path with not just my heart but my soul. I am the light sith. And you. You are the dark. The Evil. You chose the easy path, Sith. You are weak. The strong rest in the light. And my dark friend, if the truth is an idealistic fantasy, I'd love to know what you are...

**Teka span round for a round house kick connecting with the side of the Sith's face, making him stumble to the side.**

But I do, Sith. I do know what you are. You are the Virus of the Galaxy. You spread infecting numerous other, killing, damaging. But I. I am the light. The cure. I protect others from you. You and your Empire, you Order. Today I was not quick enough. I payed. I am not angry. I don't need anger. I do not use anger, or pain, or suffering to power my will. I use the most powerful thing in the galaxy. The Force...

**The Teka speaking was a different Teka. He spoke like he had nnever done before. With feeling, and straight from the heart. He was in, for most people, the worst moment of his life, a mother just died. But he was stronger. He was in control...**

Vega Van Derveld
May 21st, 2001, 03:28:47 PM
Vega regained posture, sneering.

How wise you become in the presence of the darkness. Your soul.. it begs you to use your anger. You have it within you. We all do. It is just that you are too stubborn to allow it to surface.

Teka Kenobi
May 22nd, 2001, 03:37:14 PM
**He raised an eyebrow slightly.

That is..one theory. But the truth..

He stopped and turned his head for a second. He thought of his mother, the message, the way he had been too late to do anything. He was at his most vulnorable (sp?) if he was to turn sith the time was now. But it was not. The time was not now. There was not a time at all...for him. He was Teka Kenobi, a Jedi from a long line of Kenobi's. And hell he would not be a Sith. Not ever...

..that you will never know.

Using the force he launched a forwards attack upon the Sith and when it was blockkefd he spun round ducking low in to a squating position spinning with a leg out to take the Sith's legs out.**

Vega Van Derveld
May 24th, 2001, 12:55:24 PM
Do not flatter yourself with such self-imposed wisdom and automatic patronising of my person, Kenobi. sneered Vega after easily cleared the leg swipe by jumping into the air.

Upon landing Vega twisted his body rather un-neccasarily to boot Teka in the head with the sole of his left foot. Following this kick for more power, Vega seemed to drop easily onto his hands, his right foot knocking the Jedis neck sharply before Vega rolled away from him, cat springing back into the air. In mid-jump he managed to turn, as if propelled by a trampoline, hovering for a few seconds in an omnious fashion, Hyperion brandished high.

Teka Kenobi
May 26th, 2001, 05:22:27 PM
:: He stumbled backwards and after rgaining balance he spoke. His face was in a curious fasion right now, he seemed to be squinting at Vega slightly in a daze. ::


:: He jumped forward and brought himself to the ground. He rolled over and jumped up before Vega just managing to get over him and swinging a leg back to kick him in the nack of the head. ::

Vega Van Derveld
May 27th, 2001, 04:26:10 AM
I do not need to provide you with reasoning, Jedi. You are not worth it. said Vega, his head cracking back into place.

He edged back a few steps before lunging to where the corpse of Tekas mother was.

Do you believe in life after death?

Hyperion crashed down against her neck, servering her head from body with a bright flash of Crimson.

Perhaps I should give you the pleasure of joining your mother in ... well, where ever she has gone. :evil:

Teka Kenobi
May 28th, 2001, 05:13:04 AM
Nooooooooo he screamed out.

:: He ran forwards towards the sithh and punched him hard in the nose. He swung his sabre round and it slashed into one of his legs. He jumped up and kicked him in the nose. He jumped back and started to think. ::

He wasn't thinking of the force. He wanted revenge...didn't he? Shouldn't he? His mother had been brutally mudered...wasn't he suppposed to feel some sort of anger or hatred even though he was a Jedi? But he did feel anger. He did want to kil Vega. What was happening. This can't be right. Can it? He didn't want to turn to the darkside did he? It's all happened so fast. I have to make a desicion. Turning to the dark would not change anything. It would make me a killer. A killer like...

:: He looked up at Vega. The anger had gone. This sith was a murderer. He would pay. Maybe not today, but he would. Teka jumped forward infront of his mother. Vega would not strike her again.. ::

Vega Van Derveld
May 29th, 2001, 01:57:27 PM
Nudging the tip of his boot against the servered head, he kicked it forward towards Teka. The bloody limb rolled to the Jedis feet, its hollow and empty eyes staring up at him.

Look into your mothers eyes and tell me what you see, Jedi.

Teka Kenobi
May 29th, 2001, 04:55:54 PM
:: The Jedi screwed up his eyes. He slowly and hesatantly looked down onto the face of his mother. For a few seconds he looked at her wondering Why? But then turned his face he could not bear it. ::

I see truth. Goodness. And innocence sith. Then I look at you. And I see the opposite off these. I see evil. Evil that must be stopped. Destroyed.

Vega Van Derveld
May 30th, 2001, 04:07:57 AM
Calling the body part to his free hand with the force, Vega held it up infront of his face and grinned at it.

Well Teka, I don't see that... I just see hollowness, a deathly pale look... I'm suprised you didn't see that too, after all... she is dead.

Teka Kenobi
May 30th, 2001, 07:19:08 AM
:: He frowned and looked a sideways look at the floor. He gritted his teeth which did not make it easy for the words to come out. ::

Like you..

:: Jumped up and slashed at Vega slicing down part of his arm, and without hesitation turned and caught him in the head with a roundhouse kick. ::

Vega Van Derveld
May 30th, 2001, 07:54:09 AM
The head fell to the floor as Vega was knocked to the side, catching his balance by pivoting quickly on his foot.

Anger! Rage! You ARE showing these emotions JEDI!

With a sudden flash of his unharmed arm, Vega brought his saber blade down towards Teka.

Teka Kenobi
May 30th, 2001, 10:15:46 AM
:: Teka tried to ignore the words. He swung his sabre up and it bounced slightly as it clashed with Vega's. Teka spun round on his foot and took out Vega. Thoghts began to rush into his head as he watched the Sith fall. ::

I'm not showing anger. Rage. I can't be. Can I? No I'm a Jedi! But...what's happening?

Vega Van Derveld
May 30th, 2001, 11:08:44 AM
Looking up at Teka was an almost gleeful look in his eyes, Vega burst into a fit of laughter and began spluttering his words.

Oh how the mighty have fallen, eh?! The darkside, it calls you, Teka! And you wish to YIELD TO IT!

Teka Kenobi
May 30th, 2001, 11:29:43 AM
:: He began shaking his head. A depressed look covering his face. He started to speak..quietly yet legible...in a speaking kind of way. ::

No. No I can't. I'm a Jedi. Vega. No.

:: He moved back. At some points he seemed on top of everything then at different points he had nothing..he wasn't sure what to do say... ::

Vega Van Derveld
May 30th, 2001, 12:03:51 PM
Using the momentum of kicking his legs into the air to get up, Vega nodded rapidly to Teka.

You... are... getting... closer... to.... the... darkness. :evil:

Teka Kenobi
May 30th, 2001, 01:48:37 PM
:: Teka circled so that he was facing Vega still but there was a large arc window behind him. He walked back towards it. Unexpectadly he backflipped into it cause it to shatter into a milion peices. The sun bounced off everyone flashing everywhere. The overall effect was that of a rainbow, that moved several hundered times a second. When all the peices were gone, Teka was. ::

:: As he fell to the ground he created a force plank with broke his fall and bounced him to the floor. he looked up at Vega, now standing in the window looking down. ::

Vega Van Derveld
May 30th, 2001, 01:52:50 PM
The dramatic spectacle produced by Vega standing behind the broken window would have been amazing. The wind blew violently against his trench coat as he stared downwards, his hair russling in the breeze.

You cannot escape it, Teka...

Teka Kenobi
May 30th, 2001, 03:25:37 PM
No Vega. It is you that cannot escape...

:: He stared up at the sith looking at his options. He couldn't fun. It was his house. What could he do? ::

Vega Van Derveld
May 31st, 2001, 08:02:52 AM
You have no choice now.

His voice was carried on the wind with a harsh tone which pierced Tekas ears, causing him to wince.

Come to the Darkside, Teka... or die.

Teka Kenobi
May 31st, 2001, 05:00:30 PM
Vega..I would gladly die before joining the Darkside. But I wont die. I wont join you.

:: He sent the message through the force and squinted to see the Sith. ::

Vega Van Derveld
Jun 1st, 2001, 04:10:21 AM
If you will not join, you WILL die. Simple as that, Kenobi responded Vega through the force, preparing to force jump down to the Jedis location.

Teka Kenobi
Jun 1st, 2001, 07:23:06 AM
Strike me down, Vega. And I will become more powerful than you can ever imagine

::Without realizing it he had just spoken almost identical words to that of Obi-Wan Kenobi ten years earlier. He looked up watching the sith ready to jump down. He got into an offensive stance ready for him. Ready.

Vega Van Derveld
Jun 1st, 2001, 08:05:59 AM
Leaning back a moment to create from leverage, Vega launched himself out of the shattered window. Careering down through the air rapidly, he swung his saber up above his head ready to strike Teka.


The Knight descended straight down onto the Jedi's body, knocking him backwards to the ground. The Sith then pushed his knee into Tekas throat, causing his breathing to be partially restricted as Vega grinned manically down at him.

We shall see if this is true now, then! he yelled, swinging his saber down towards Tekas face.

Teka Kenobi
Jun 1st, 2001, 09:09:10 AM
::As Vega leaned over him Teka raised his leg and kicked him in the back of the head. He sabre missed Teka head by milimetres as Vega was pushed foward. In one second dead, Teka was on his feet and force pushed Vega forward, head first into a rock. Before he had time to get up Teka was already in mid air about to kicke him in the head again.::

Vega Van Derveld
Jun 1st, 2001, 10:32:02 AM
Twisting his body sharply Vega brought his right hand around sharply to catch Tekas foot. He grasped it firmly by the ankle and twisted it round swiftly, destroying all moment the Jedi had by slamming him down the ground once again.

Teka Kenobi
Jun 2nd, 2001, 05:27:50 AM
::As Teka hit the ground he turned over, twisting the Sith hands around so he had to let go...that or break both wrists. As he let go Teka booted him in the chest, giving him time to get to his fett. As he got up he force pulled Lux to his hand, which was now on the ground and swung at Vega.::

Vega Van Derveld
Jun 2nd, 2001, 10:48:52 AM
Bringing Hyperion to class with Lux, Vega quickly with his free hand ignited Seraphim and brought the yellow blade up to counter Lux's other tip. The strain on his face showed as he heaved Teka away, knocking him to his feet.

Scum he murmured as he stood up, taking a few steps back.

Teka Kenobi
Jun 2nd, 2001, 05:35:34 PM
::As the Jedi was pushed back with brute force he turned making a selection of different hand movements, causing Lux to spin up, down right and left at seemingly random times. He stopped now holding the hilt in his right hand with one end at a parralel to 45 degrees from his shoulder, his knees bent slightly and his free hand outstreched. He frowned and began.::

You really shouldn't be so harsh on yourself Vega.

::He jumped forward releasing an attack sequence faster than he had ever done before, making sparks literally fly.::