View Full Version : The Destruction of Light [Closed]
Jedah Lynch
May 12th, 2001, 03:48:50 PM
Deep within the reaches of the The Sith Empires metal and stoned halls in the Sith Masters own lab a man screams. A scream of pain and fear mixed into one, he is a man denied to make fate his own, a prisoner of circumstance with a number inked onto the side of his face. The mans name isn't really important.
Small metal rods slowly whirled out of surgical devices among his bed entering into his skin along his legs, arms and face. The man could not shut his eyes, small metal prongs kept them open to look into the hot glare of a light over him. A drip of water echoed in the room, even when the machines went silent and only the sound of his voice could break the stillness that sound of water dripping continued. Never stopping, always echoing from one part to the other. No matter how much he tried he couldn't block it out, it had for the past day now played severely upon his mind. He wished it would stop, all of this madness.
"Lukke....LUKKE.....bring me the vial" That voice....the voice of the bad one, the mans tormentor, his captor. A misshaped man walked into view with a limp, the "man" could barely be older than a teenager with blond hair wearing a white tunic. The servants face was full of stitches and cuts, one side of his lip hung grotesquely downward. His eyes held intelligence yet of no free will. In another time and place he might have been someone important to the fate of millions. Yet this misbegotten creature the product of Sith Sorcery and the genetic growth of DNA had another fate, one hardly as important and devoid of any ambition to even attempt anything more than what its Master commanded.
Limping to the call the one called Lukke raced with the vial it held in his hands. Nearing its Master it tripped upon a power cable that ran across the floor, the vial crashed against the ground shattering the glass, the contents of the vial spilled upon the floor. Lukke looked at the pieces of the ruined vial, his eyes were wide with terror now, his Master would be angry, vengeful, Lukke shaken by the thought as he attempted to stand heard the foot steps behind him. Knew that in a moment he would pay for his failure, knew he would know the meaning of pain which had always been inflected upon him since his first thoughts of life.
Shaking he turned his head to look behind him up at his Master. Wearing a dark black cloaked robed man stood the dark Sith Master with his eyes digging down towards his wretched slave. Staring upwards at that pale face of the Sith Lukke began to shake more. A gloved hand struck Lukke across the face knocking him to the side. Blood ran down from his lip as tears lined Lukkes eyes. He had failed. Had failed his beloved Master. The one who gave him life, gave him purpose. Turning to beg an apology Lukke felt a tightening around his throat, his breathing came harder as he struggled against the invisible force choking him. Tears rolled down his cheek as he closed his eyes as he sought the words to ask his Master for forgiveness, pity, whatever it took to ease his Masters rage at Lukkes failure.
The pain stopped as soon as it began leaving Lukke to crumple to the floor attempting to take in ever breath he could get, his mind ablaze he crawled upon the floor as he still sought to breath, crawling to the feet of his master Lukke kissed the Siths black boots uttering apologies and begging for forgiveness, that it would not happen again. The boot moved back from his lips and then smashed into his face knocking him back.
Blood now ran from Lukkes nose, his vision blurred he saw his Master walk towards a console to study the reports and knew his punishment for now was done. For this he wept, cried tears of joy. His Master had given out only a small punishment this time and was now satisfied to get on with important matters. Lukke cried for his Master was now content once more.
Dark green eyes stood reading the findings and life signs of his latest patent, the man upon the table was a force user, inexperienced and not wise in the ways of the force. Upon the mans native home planet the man had been blamed for droughts, plagues and witchcraft due to his ability to do things many of the planets race could not. Few had any true concept of the force and those that did feared it, or hated the man out of envy. Beaten, his home burned, the man had been turned over to a group that was promising to treat those with force abilities. A group called ForceHold had recently appeared, its purpose to many was to treat force users, to rid them of their ability or lock up those who had gone mad from the forces connection. No one knew ForceHold held a sinister background.
Lukke watched his Master walk over to the man called only 343. The Sith Master removed one black glove from his hand before placing his pale hand upon the mans face, Lynchs long finger nails dug into the mans skin. The pain soon rung out in the mans mind as he felt another mind going through his memories, through his mind, the tormentor had been doing this for three days now.
Passed out from the pain of mental imagery that flooded his mind, an assault that threatened to destroy the prisoners mental capabilities the Sith soon ceased. It was almost time to deal with another. For now the machines would continue to sedate the man and infuse various drugs into the mans blood stream as recordings of the findings were made.
The lights dimmed in the room as the Sith made his way out followed by Lukke, outside the door four heavily armored Massassi stood in attentive defense. A product of Sith sorcery they had been reborn from the past after studying the past teachings of Lord Naga Sadow, now they were the latest addition to the TSE's elite fighting force with unwavering loyalty.
The hallways down here dark and very dimly lit, the darkness seemed to seep all around making the very air tingle. Cells lined the walls, each was made to enclose a force user. Each made sure the victim within could not use any force abilities nor contact those outside through telepathy or send out a brief signal to others showing where they were.
Five more Massassi stood at one cell door waiting for the Sith to arrive. The entrance, to the cell was shut tight, inside all was dark. A panel upon the door slid open letting light shine in for the first time in days. The ray of light shined upon the form of a man held in chains wearing only ragged clothing. He had been brought here by Dara ShadowTide to await a fate potentially worse then death. Now it was time for that fate to be realized. Flanked by the Massassi the Sith entered as one of the Massassi grabbed the man and held him up.
"Wake up!"
Shaking the Jedi he at last came to awaken as his eyes opened. The Sith looked upon the Jedi before speaking. "Jace Darklighter, are you prepared to meet your destiny?"
Jace Darklighter
May 12th, 2001, 04:52:51 PM
The light was a welcoming consolation; a symbol that brought a familiarity to what he has known throughout this life. His eyes adjusted to the rays while the Jedi carefully vacillated his eyelids to narrow slits. Food, water, and comfortable settings had all been deprived. In turn, the Jedi Knight was forced to go through numerous Jedi trances, but it didn't aid him in anyway. The Force seemed to be nonexistance here. Jace's body ached both inside and out. No medical attention was giving after his battle with the Sith Lordess, Dara Shadowtide. After a grueling confrontation, he was awarded to TSE as a captive.
Where am I?
Slowly, he drew his head at an angle to try and get a bearing of his surroundings. Everything was intertwined with the Dark Side. The walls, floors and ceiling permeated with the essence of darkness. He didn't need the Force to realize this. The shiver that ran down his spine was all that he needed to know for sure. Shackled in chains, he licked his lips and tasted of his dried blood, now wet from his mouth's moisture. A few days growth brought a hint of a beard to his jaw, neck, and lip. His hair, usually kept trimmed and tidy, now hung into his eyes.
I feel cold.
The Jedi could barely hold his sanity. Death was everywhere, causing a constant ringing of pain and sadness to pierce his ears. Men, women, and children cried out for his help. The disciple of light, cringed with the torment of the deceased, while their cries for mercy burrowed into his soul. The Jedi couldn't tell if they were hallucinations, or if it was reality. There was nothing to focus on. Life simply didn't exist around him. Jace Darklighter, Jedi Knight, was in the demon's lair.
He stumbled over his words. One of the Massassi drew back a limb and plunged it into Jace's face. Scarlet ribbons of blood streamed from the corner of his mouth and dripped down his chin. His head lolled forward with a limp motion. His head rested upon his deteriorated shirt, which was little more than a broken mass of shabby cloth. The Jedi's breathing was deep, yet slow. Jace could tell that he had a few broken ribs from the devastating pain that seared up and down his chest as his lungs collapsed and refilled with air. During his 'trance', he was nonsuccessful to heal any of his past injuries with his encounter with the Sith Lordess. Merely fighting unconsciousness was enough to deplete what little energy he had left. It was a struggle to lift his head inch by inch until it focused on the Sith before him.
He gulped again for breath. "Please..end the..suffering of the..innocent...there is too much...pain here."
He stopped for a moment to consider what pain he was feeling. Was it the souls who were lost or was it his own? Nothing made sense.
"I ..can't...feel anything. if..I am on the brink...of....madness."
Jedah Lynch
May 13th, 2001, 12:23:52 AM
Reeling back his fist one of the Massassi guards slammed his fist into the Jedis stomach causing Jace to double over gasping for air. Such was the punishment for talking when he had not been given permission to speak.
The Sith continued to glare down at the captive, emotionally and physically the Jedi had gone through much, deprived of needed medical attention and any sort of food or relaxation he was left to rot for these past several days. Now surrounded by the Sith forces deep within the very heart of the enemies lair what hope was there?
Eyes devoid of any emotion looked down upon the forsaken Jedi in his current state of peril. "Often it is only when one is in turmoil, on the edge of madness, threaten to be swallowed by the Abyss that they dare find any meaning or the truth of their reality, to what reality is yours Jace Darklighter?"
On cue the Massassi that had twice struck the Jedi knight now picked him up around the throat holding him in the air as far as the chains would go without the possibility of ripping off his shoulders if yanked any harder. The shackles bit deep into the Jedis wrist scrapping skin, trickles of blood raced to his palms. "Do you think you know suffering?"
"Do you think the innocent know suffering? Their pain....what is it to you?" Sensing great conflict in the Jedi Knight, the Sith Master was not sure in his current state the Jedi would be able to formulate an answer. Along with no treatment various gases had been leaking into the room during scheduled intervals of the day causing the Jedi to pass out, they helped to keep his mind off blance, made him sick and ultimately unable to use the jedi techniques trained to him. One of the Massassi holding a large metallic stick bashed the jedi across the back with it, as it connected a wave of electricity coursed throughout Jaces body. "Speak when you are spoken too, or do you wish for the innocent to suffer even more?"
Adding to the Jedis already confused state the Sith added one last sentece. "Quick...your answer....their fate is in your hands, they are dying while you wait"
Jace Darklighter
May 13th, 2001, 03:49:48 PM
Clenching his teeth together, his jaw locked with defiance as electricity twisted and contorted into a web of energy. Grunts of agony pulsed from his vocal cords to his twitching mouth. Despite the inner turmoil to comprehend his surroundings, one main revelation was a clear beacon amidst the darkness. The torturing had begun. The objective was to break the Jedi, both mentally and physically until he couldn't resist anything.
Confusion settled into his head at a greater extent as the Sith barked out commands and questions. The Jedi took a full five seconds to even process the demands to an understanding. But that took to long, for the time that he would begin to answer, the process would start all over again. The suffering was only the beginning. Mentally, he felt as if medal rods were being poked into his brain. He was losing himself to the unknown. The blood of the innocent was being stained into his hands. The Jedi made a reply in desperation to save the virtuous.
"Their pain is my pain! I cannot ....exist without the influence ....of life. I am a Jedi and as such ....I endorse the very element .....that gives the Force its ....existence! Li--"
Jace gurgled on his own blood. Abruptly, he tilted over and coughed up more bodily fluids. The Massassi came forward with the stick and impaled the Jedi in his already damaged ribs. Bursts of electricity poured out causing his blood to sizzle. Charred skin crinkled together to form a black hole leading into his body. The wound wasn't too deep, but the burnt flesh more than made up for it. Violet colored blood seeped from his injury. Jace looked down and watched as his life-force began to deplete to the cold, slimy floors below. That was his answer. He had no power here, nor any kind of influence. Without life, he was nothing. And as such, he was powerless to save the innocent. More deaths were weighed down upon his head. He is a Jedi - one who had given his life to protect the innocent and to fight for justice. Now, he had failed in his responsibilities. There was nothing to cling to now, not his memories and certainly not the Force. He was alone.
The Jedi tried to help himself up, but his hands felt slippery with his own blood. The cuts upon his wrists felt deep. Lost in his own doubt and remorse, the Massassi pressed the metallic stick against him once again. There was no holding back this time. The Jedi Knight screamed as the jolts of electricity danced across his body.
Jedah Lynch
May 14th, 2001, 02:28:37 PM
Lukke watched on from one corner of the cell, his eyes never left the scene as the large and powerful Massassi smashed his hand into the Jedi Knights ribs where the shock stick had been rammed into the Jedi. In his hands Lukke held a tray with various equipment, several needles among them. Lukke wondered as he looked down at the tray he held, would the Master punish the Jedi as he had done with Lukke? Staring at his hand he wondered, would the Master rip off two of the Jedis fingers as had done with him?
Angry with a expression upon its face, the Massassi hauled on Jace once more seeing how far the chains connected to the Jedi could stretch. The shackles bite back down into the Jedis skin as his shoulder muscles strained, aching to pop. The Massassi grunted with a sneer crossing its face then dropped the Jedi to his knees, with one last look the Massassi spat and drew back its leg before kicking Jace in the stomach.
Taking its formation with the others, Lynch crouched low so he could inspect the Jedi as he lay upon the ground. The Jedi Knight was near the end of his limit, any more beatings or interrogation right now would have only result. That was not the Siths objective. Not right now at least...
Rising one hand up with one finger in the air signaling Lukke the disfigured assistant happily ran to the side of his master, taking from the tray a needle Lynch squeezed some of the substance out of the tip then injected it into the Jedi Knights arm. The sedative would ensure for now the Jedi would sleep for several hours.
Placing back the instrument upon the tray the Sith motioned to one of the Massassi, immediately the huge red colored guard unchained the Jedi and slung him over his shoulder. The Sith Master with the four Massassi and Lukke trailing behind them left the room. To the Jedi Knight only a moment might passed when he awoke, to the real world it had been several hours since he had passed out, the room he was in now was different.
He had been healed to a degree although was still weak, his hands were shackled together, the large Massassi stood holding the end of the chain ready to beat upon the Jedi once more, its instincts told it too, yet the need to obey the Sith over all other instincts was the dominant factor. The other three Massassi too were there as was Lukke, all of them were in a room that looked rather ordinary. Far too ordinary except for one detail. In the middle of the room was a fire pit that bellowed dark smoke from its burning embers.
The Sith Master noticed the Jedi Knight had awaken. "Now would you like to see the the reality of our universe?"
Jace Darklighter
May 14th, 2001, 10:15:58 PM
A large fist snatched up a wade of hair and heaved Jace's head up with a sharp yank. The pain associated with it convinced the Jedi that the nightmare wasn't over. Nothing could have prepared him for the sight he now witnessed. The setting was completely different from what he remembered. Of course, his eyesight wasn't at its peak performance back then. The Jedi Knight felt some control, at least, at the moment.
But perhaps the most substantial discovery was that for the first time, his adversary was clearly visible. It was the Sith Master, Jedah Lynch. The Jedi's mouth curved at the edges, forming a tight frown. Subconsciously, his fists tightened and his line of gaze seemed unflinching. All those memories of feeling helpless flooded back to engulf his mind. As a Padawan, he wasn't strong enough to fight the great Sith Master along with the many others who were apart of the Sith fraction, the Rogue Sith Order.
Here he was again, helpless, and unable to stop him. A small movement was made out of the corner of his eye. Jace turned and had to strain from allowing a look of disgust to appear. A humanoid creature slouched with gnarling features. It was indeed, a hideous sight to see. The Massassi threatened Jace with another stab as he inched the weapon closer. Suddenly, the Jedi didn't care. He risked a retort to Lynch's question by asking one of his own. "Where am I?"
Immediately, the Massassi plummeted the end of the stick against Jace's jawbone, followed by an electrical shock by the other end, pressed up against his sternum. The Jedi howled grunts of discomfort and anguish until the electrical current ceased. As small chains of smoke drifted off from his body, he answered in the correct etiquette. "What is your reality….?"
Jedah Lynch
May 15th, 2001, 05:45:17 PM
Hearing the Jedi's question in response to his own the Sith grinned, a hand raise in front of the fire pit as the Sith chanted. The low burning fire ember crackled and twisted among itself, the fire rose higher with red and yellow flames turning black and blue in their place. Patches of dark smoke flowed from the dark fire around the room to each and every corner, whiffs of the dark smoke entered into the Jedis nasal passages and mouth, the very atmosphere around them seemed to change and alter. "My is to make all things possible."
Uttering those words between words spoken in another language that the Jedi had never heard of, could not begin to understand the very shape and appearance of the room changed. The Massassi, the Sith Master, and Lukke all seemed to vanish. The Jedi Knight found himself free of the chains, not a prisoner any longer but now in a dark hallway with dim lighting. Somehow it had a surreal feeling. A scream erupted down from one hallway, pleas of help, pleas for anyone to help.
What had happened confused the Jedi Knight, what was happening now..his mind still attempting to combat its mental struggles over the last several days did not understand. Yet how could he ignore the calls for help? Even if he could he felt himself almost drawn to the cries of agony, compelled to seek out the source.
Off he ran down the corridor. The shrieks of torture were getting louder, the cries of pain echoed more and more louder with intensity. Nearing the end of the corridor the Jedi saw a body on the ground. Dressed in a white coat the man seemed to be some sort of a doctor, a clip board lay only several inches from his hand.
A hand that was twisted, the fingers were bent one way and the other, each finger hanging from contorted bone and flesh ripped apart by some force. The mans expression was what caught Jaces attention, the eyes it held unspeakable terror, knowing that what was about to happen to him had chilled the man to his very soul, he had died afraid as much as any one man could.
A cry rang out in the air. There in front of Jace was a door with one window in its body, more cries came from the inside. More begging for help. For someone to help them...immediately the Jedi Knight was up on his feet trying to get in. The door wouldn't budge. Hearing another cry the Jedi looked in the window as a mans face smashed against the glass from the other side making Jace step back, his senses not sure what to believe. Gurgled blood ran from the mans mouth smearing upon the window as he sunk from the Jedis sight. The door creaked and slowly open....
A flash of light raced over Jace. When he looked he was in the center of the room. In the middle of a slaughter. Twisted and mangled bodies of men in white coats similar to the one outside were littered about in the room. None had died from being physically touched. What had killed them was worse, far worse than that. He felt cold suddenly, like someone had walked upon his tombstone, turning around he saw in the distance a girl no older than six with blond hair. In her arms she held a teddy bear held tight to her.
For some reason, his breathing became ragged, the impression he got from this girl told him to run, told him to flee, that whatever he had to do he had to get away. Slowly the girl looked up at him causing Jaces heart to almost freeze. RUN Jace looked for the source.KILL YOU! There was no one else in the room except for him and the girl, everyone else was dead. Another whisper came to the jedi in his mind from beside him.KILLED US...NOW YOU The words he was sure came from beside him, the only thing beside him at the moment was one of the dead bodies.
Jace locked eyes with the girl and sensed something for the first time, the girl was gifted. She had the force within her. Uncontrolled, powerful, and very much of the dark side. The air went deathly cold, pain flowed through his body, it felt like his body would rip apart, the skin would be torn from his bones. Jace Darklighters body almost tore itself apart, his last view was of the girl with a small smile upon her face.
Falling to his knees, his body was covered in sweat, again the shackles were around his hands held by the Massassi who tugged on them yanking him back. The Sith Master was there in front of the fire pit his eyes glowing red. "Innocence gained during creation, innocence lost during life. The girl....she was suppose to be a special guest of ForceHold, a very special guest. At the time we had no idea how much. She was brought to us after the destruction of an entire town on the outskirts of Targon Four. She was the sole survivor, everyone else including her family had been killed. The rescuers who raced to find out why the town had broken off contact found only dead....and her. She was realized to be of the force, yet she did not speak, it seemed she had undergone some trauma of unspeakable nature."
Lukke moved uneasy from his spot, he didnt care for the story, he remembered the girl, how she had chilled him to his very core on the one day he had seen her. His attention was snapped up again by his master.
"They did not know what to do with her, until we arrived on the scene and took her. From her we hoped to learn of what happened, what had destroyed her town so we could use it ourselves. It was only ironic that we found out, almost too late she herself had been the cause. Her power of the force is quite extensive for one so young, uncontrolled and very much dangerous. You've heard how until Lord Vader arrived Yoda had been the most strong in the force due to the cells in his body? This girls total count eclipses them both combined."
Those words could they be lies? The Sith Master could not be serious, such a thing was impossible. Hardly any force user could match Yoda or Lord Vader, they were too well linked to the force. To have another and so young was too hard to believe. Unless the Sith was lying. "What you experienced was an force echo of what she did to several of my scientist attempting to test her, she ripped them apart like straw. The guards were not even a match for her. In the end for reasons not yet understood she went back to her own cell."
One of the Massassi gave another a nervous look, they had heard the tales from their fellow Massassi who had been sent to take down the girl after the failure of the regular guards. Those sent in had been torn limb from limb and died far worse than the rest. The Siths voice began to ring out again. "She should be innocent, yet she is dark. Where there should be joy, there is only madness, where there should be carefree days there is only solitude for her."
Casting a hand over the dark flames the Sith chanted until stopping to stare at the Jedi once more. "You talked about victims, the blood of the innocent, she was an extreme to show you some more, do prepare yourself light wielded." A sneer crossing his face the Sith lowered his hand so it touched the top of a flame causing it to stir once more.
Jace Darklighter
May 16th, 2001, 11:18:33 PM
A child who lost her innocence? The very idea construed the Jedi's beliefs to a misconception of undeviating confusion. For those whose mind should be upon frolic and lighthearted play, was now bent on the slaughtering of human life unbound by any moral sense. Who could believe such a thing? There was no shadow between black and white. There is always a distinct line between the two. Jace Darklighter believed that fully, or at least, until he saw those expressions of horror, staring back at him. That child with the appearance of innocence was in actuality, a demon waiting to unleash its power.
Jedah Lynch stared at the dark fire with burning remnants of black ash. Were these simply delusions? No. It seemed too real to simply be a dream or an illusion. Jace shook his head to Jedah's last statement. "No more, I've seen enough."
The Sith Master seemed to ignore that and continued on.
Jedah Lynch
May 19th, 2001, 09:16:48 PM
Hissing with a dark burning the fire pit bellowed out smoke that seemed to be very much alive, this time Jace could see the change happening, feel the shift in the environment. Darkness fell and a moment later he was standing amid green grass near a tree, the sun shined down brightly upon the Jedi Knight. A city near by bustled with the every day life of millions going about their own business. Over head men flew about on wings throughout the sky gracefully between various buildings going to and fro their homes and places of work.
The sound of an alarm rung out as the citizens froze looking about in a confused state before panicking. Jace heard it before he even saw the blast. A huge flaming red beam of power coursed down from the sky disrupting a cloud in its path and slammed into the street and several buildings. Men, women and children let out a short scream as they were vaporized by the blast and the explosions caused by its effects.
Dark objects appeared in front of the sun blocking it out sending the land into darkness, more fiery blast came, each sent down exploding into buildings, Jace watched as one bright red beam of death cut through three buildings into another construct that exploded in a blinding explosion that sent pieces of metal in the air. In the sky those that flew were torn apart or completely vaporized by the incoming blast. Soon after the military force of the planet counter attacked and the sky lit up with hundreds of explosions.
Still death did rain upon the city from above, now joined by metal debris and wrecked cruisers that crashed landed or in fragments hurled earthward. Upon one craft that was going to crash a man was about to jump and glide upon his wings until an explosion sent a fireball into him. Plummeting from the ship the mans wings spread out their full length as they burned, feathers some scorched fell near Jace. like snow.
This was a people being slaughtered, killed and ripped apart. It was a planet wide holocaust Try as they might to defend themselves the planets people were being wiped out millions at a time. The sky above Jace stopped flashing, sounds of battle ceased, one could only wonder why until the realization there were no more defenders left to die crossed the mind. In one horrifying moment the Jedi remembered what had often came next in such planet wide bombardments.
The sky flashed one collective color, the clouds were ripped apart into nothingness, Jace covered his eyes, the light was too bright. Thousands of combined ships firepower had been targeted at the planet, the ground, the tree to which the Jedi stood next too and the city itself where vaporized turned to nothing more than smoking ash.
Uncovering his eyes the Jedi looked around unharmed, he knew for now he was safe in this illusion. The world that he saw however was another matter, where there was a busy city now stood rubble in flames, the ground itself was torn and uprooted, craters and trenches scarred the land. Smoke bellowed upwards from all parts covering the sky in a darken cloud that choked the air around the Jedi Knight.
A shimming ripple occurred around Jace sending him elsewhere. The ruin of a court yard. "KILL THE JEDI PIG!" The words caught Jace by surprise as he turned towards a mad mob of the winged people rushing towards him with blades in hand, passing through Jace like living phantoms they raced forward towards their true target, a man in a robe. The man tried his best to get away from them, not wishing to harm them he held his lightsaber unignited. There were too many of them. A guard on a terrace above the Jedi dived down at him crashing into the Jedis spine, the mob took full advantage. Fist and knives rose into the air only to fall down smashing into human flesh, blood upon daggers shined as they were pulled out. Jace could not begin to understand what was being said, it seemed the planet had turned against the Jedi, yet why?
The crowd around the Jedi hauled the battered and dying Jedi towards a shattered wall tying his wrist to the construct. Blood seeped from numerous wounds, the mans face too was blistered and blooded. A man soon appeared in the dressing of a well off man, this one seemed to be very important, the others obeyed him, bowed to him. Some sort of king? Few words were spoken by the man to the Jedi who then said something himself which Jace could not hear, nodding the man turned and left. Jace felt the air around him change again, the last memory he had was one of the Jedis face, blood running down the lip, his head mounted on a pike.
It was the Jedis fault Hearing the words in his mind the Jedi Knight turned seeing nothing, indeed his very surroundings were nothing at all except pure darkness. The Jedi lead them there
The voice was of the Sith. My people died because of HIM The words where said in hate. In the end he paid for his crime, then I made sure so did his home world, made sure they died like their beloved Jedi. Eye...for an eye.....a world for a world......all because of the accursed Jedi
Jace Darklighter
May 21st, 2001, 01:41:43 AM
"And what was his crime?!"
The Jedi outstretched his hands in annoyance to find an answer. So many visions passed by his eyes, many he did not comprehend. "The Jedi have never brought pain to anyone! We have only bestowed peace to our allies, friends, and enemies. What kind of madness is this?! How could your own people be so irrevocably ignorant as to destroy a Jedi!"
Jace's voice of placidity crept to a yell of anger, rising with each breath he took. There was nothing to look at except the abundant darkness that enclosed him. The Jedi kept turning in circles, shouting and cursing the Sith. He didn't care about the consequences, which would follow. The horrifying image of the Jedi's head, mounted on a pike, kept flashing in his head. "We offer aid and that is how you repay us?! And now, you gloat in the obliteration of a world - the Jedi's world. HOW DARE YOU! YOU, WHO KNOWS NOTHING OF LIFE AND ITS IMPORTANCE!"
The Jedi's chest heaved up and down, his jaw tightening and his teeth grinding together. He waited for an answer, but none came. After a few moments, his breathing slowed and he gained control. Regret immediately set in. Jace lowered his head in humiliation.
"Forgive me." The statement wasn't directed purely towards the Sith, but more so to anything in ears reach. "That behavior wasn't in accordance to what I've been taught."
A long lasting sigh ejected from his mouth. "Tell me what his crime was. What have we done to you? How are we the accursed ones?"
Jedah Lynch
May 22nd, 2001, 06:37:00 PM
The Siths laughter echoes out around the Jedi filling the void in which Jace now occupied. An image of Jedah Lynch flashed in the distance "Do you think the Jedi perfect? Infallible? Hardly the case. Time and time again their mission for peace has caused only destruction, pain for those whom you may call innocent. Are they to suffer needlessly where the Jedi lay waste to so much time and time again? It is true they do not attack or mean to cause suffering among those they are sworn to protect....yet it happens doesn't it? The innocent suffer due to the Jedi"
The image of the Sith shimmered as another image of Lynch appeared not so far as the first that still floated behind. "You asked what was his crime didn't you? His crime was simple...he came into my races sector of space, on my world where he preached co-existence for nearly five years while sending out signals to the Republic so that ties could be open up between the two groups. The messages were however intercepted, Imperials came to our space to eradicate the Jedi presence and in such as his presence brought death to much of my race. It was only with the death of the Jedi his head given to the commander as a gift did they spare some of the remaining population, however their idea of sparing meant slavery." Anger showed in the Siths eyes. "I know nothing of life and its importance.....that is what you said was it not?"
A third image of Lynch flashed before Jace as the Sith Master reached out with the palm of his hand grabbing ahold of the Jedi Knight on the face. "Behold what I know" Intrusion. The Jedi felt the Sith mental assault and the pain that came with it, the force of memories being transmitted directly into ones own mind and this was what Jace did see.
Smoke choked the sky all along the cracked street where the rubble of buildings and fire that burned upon them made breathing difficult. Along the road ran two people, a female and her young child, they ran from the shock troopers that now searched the ruins of buildings for survivors, the weak or dying were killed on spot. As the mother and child ran endlessly from the invaders bodies burnt and rotting could be seen in wreckage everywhere, the smell of the rotting corpses mixed with the smoke making the two to stop and throw up every so often. They could not run from the troopers forever and one night the two were taken and placed in a prison camp with others who had been captured. Jace could see it all, the sight of the hopelessness and despair in the eyes of many, the conditions in the camp were extremely poor, the stink of the dying and waste that lay upon the ground filled the Jedis nose. "Mama?"
Jedah Lynch
May 22nd, 2001, 06:37:25 PM
The voice caught the Jedis attention. It was the same child that had been with the mother fleeing from the troopers, Jace watched as the young green eyed and black haired child ran to his mother and tugged upon her dress. "Mama, I went to get Verka as you asked but he was sleeping. I tried to wake him but he wouldn't wake up. I think he was playing a game with me cuz turned him over and he stared at me but wouldn't respond. Mama is Verka angry at me?" The mother looked down at her child, her eyes holding pain, she smiled and placed her hand in his hair. "No, don't worry Verka is not mad at you." Immediately the childs face lighted up happily at the reassurance given by his mother. Talking with three others she then reached down and grabbed her sons hand beginning to lead him away.
The two did not get far before a trooper on his inspection of the prisoners appeared, the small child had not watched where he was going and bumped into the troopers leg falling down. Grabbing the young child holding him up by his shirt the trooper reached for his gun, the mother ran at the trooper elbowing him in the throat. Attempting to catch his breath the trooper dropped the child who fell to the muddy ground, looking up at the trooper the young child scrambled to get away to the safety of his mother. Holding her sons hand the woman stood defiant to the trooper as he screamed at her and the child, it seemed for a second the trooper suddenly was backing off as those around him began to get close angry that once more one of their own was being picked on. The child seeing this got some measure of confidence and stood to his mother side. Someone shouted, the mob around the trooper ran as more troopers were on their way to help their comrade, they knew the price of standing up to them.
The trooper smiled under his helmet looking back to the women who glared at him, she whispered to her son. "Jedah run" The child at that moment was not looking at the trooper nor heard her plea his stare was fixated on the people running but he did hear the high pierced discharge of a blaster going off and the tug of his mothers hand upon his before her hands grip upon his loosened and gave way completely. He heard her body hit the ground before he could even look down at her, his eyes saw the red blood flowing out of one wound upon her and the blood that seeped out from under her body mixing with the muddy water beside her. The sounds of foot steps caught the boys attention, he turned just in time to catch the trooper rising his rifle blaster before crashing its butt upon the childs skull, the child staggered and fell down in the mud beside his mothers body.
Jace watched, unable to shut off the images as more memories entered into his mind. How the people were taken, some becoming slaves on off worlds, the children were taken from their parents and sent to worlds to be properly trained, to be turned into soliders much like those that had taken over their world. The rest of the planet became mined for resources to be used in the name of the Imperials and those that commanded it.
The grip of the Siths hand faded, the memories stopped, the images of the Sith was no where to be seen. Jace could only breath deeply trying to make sure his mind adjusted to this new info in so short a time, Lynch appeared beside him. "And so you know. Once upon a time I was not who I'am now. But in the years to follow I better learned my place in the galaxy, was taught the ways of others. And then later became one strong in the force. The ability had always been there but hidden. There is much more to the story of course....wouldn't you be surprised especially why I first came to The Sith Empire." A dark light shined in his eye. "You might be also surprised to find that my name....Jedah is actually in reality the name of the Jedi that caused the destruction of my world."
A laughed escaped the Siths lips. "Good ol'Jedi Jedah as they would was so ironic to be named after a Jedi and the one that brought genocide to my people....dont you think? And those images of the dead and dying, the smell of burning smoke, the screams of those in anguish....all of it I experience constantly like a loop in my mind, it never ends. One might say it haunts me yet it is through the destruction of my people and our world that I always have a never ending supply of hatred that burns within my blood. One that screams payback to the Jedi for the destruction of my world through their ignorance and lack of thought for the safety of others."
The Jedi blinked, now he was back surrounded by the Massassi once more, unable to move. There stood the Sith in front of the odd fire pit with the one known as Lukke to the side. "Kingdom come, my will shall be done" spoke the Sith in a low tone. "Through the teachings of the Sith that has given me purpose I have learned all other races, cultures and beliefs are in error. They do not understand the ways the universe should follow, they shall learn with the Sith commanding all, all those not Sith or will not serve under us are to be eradicated, the ignorant Jedi are one such example. Imagine little light wielder...if not for that one Jedi my path in life may have been different, how many would have been spared if so? But because of the Jedi how many more will die yet!"
Jace Darklighter
May 23rd, 2001, 02:37:46 AM
The shackles ensnared him and abrogated any thought of escape. After the abominable images and thoughts of despair, somehow the thought of freedom didn't seem too important. Those execrating screams of women and children filled his heart with sorrow. During his telepathic link with the Sith Master, a knowledge of the truth he shared implanted into his mind. There was no deception at work here. The truth had been shown and told in its entirety. The visions had brought a perspiring sweat along his forehead. Long strains of dampened, brown hair hung in the Jedi's eyes. His field of vision seemed blank and distant, as if he was trying to comprehend something unfeasible. It was the Jedi's fault that those people, an entire society, fell to destruction. How could such carelessness be so overlooked?
Soon, the despair slowly relinquished from Jace's heart and anger penetrated his soul. It was a slow evolving anger, brought upon by those who had to suffer. Time and time again, the Jedi offered their services to anyone would be willing to accept. In his experience, something always went wrong. Another unseen element would seem destined to destroy the Jedi's hard work with its own selfish desire. And now Jace witnessed it once more as he beheld the vision again. It replayed over again in his mind as he struggled to find some conclusion through it all; some purpose. There was only one. He could do nothing to save the galaxy. No one wanted to change or talk. It gained nothing. Was violence the only way? The shedding of blood was the only way to bring attention with results. Proper results.
The Jedi Knight said nothing. Silence ensued between the beings. Those piercing words, spoken by the Sith Master himself, echoed in an endless cycle. But because of the Jedi how many more will die yet! Yes, how many more would die…
Jedah Lynch
May 27th, 2001, 10:50:32 PM
Slowly the Massassi holding Jaces chain stepped back, latching the chain upon a hook, the sound of metal moving under Jace revealed small holes opening on the floor, green vapors flowed out around the Jedi. The toxins seeped into the Jedi knights body, his world began to become distorted, everywhere he looked he saw double or triple the images of the Sith and the inhabitants of the room. Falling to the floor as he coughed from the vapors the last image he saw was the ruined face of Lukke staring down at him.
Why are you here? The image of the little girl who he had seen earlier appeared in the distance. A smile came to her face as she chuckled clutching her toy. Do you want to play? Lets fly! In the air she began to float then noticed the Jedi was not joining, angry she threw her toy at the Jedi Knight. Fly! Fly! A pain coursed in the Jedis body knocking him down.
Pain raged in his body, something was happening to him, his whole back ached, felt as if skin was tearing on itself, ripping. Red blotches on Jaces clothing appeared around the shoulder blades coating his Jedi clothing in red. Blood flowed down his arms and hands to his palms that he pressed against an unseen floor.
The clothing on his back ripped as a pair of white wings coated in blood spread out from his back. Blood droplets fell to the ground until the wings gently fell to the Jedis sides. Above him the girl giggled and laughed. Fly..
The sting of a slap across the face woke the Jedi from his nightmare. Strapped upon a table the Jedi was not dressed in his fine Jedi garments as he had been in the dream, now back in reality they were the same tore and dirted clothing he had worn since being taken captive.
Scanning the room with his eyes he saw next to the table on which the Jedi was strapped down was another man, dead from his appearence and the amount of blood on one side of his body. Medical experiments was the cause of his death judged the Jedi, from the mans expression it seemed he had been quite alive when they had begun. Next to the jedis table lay the same tools that had been used on the dead patient.
The table whirled as it shifted and lowered slightly, now the Jedi looked directly up into the Siths face. Lynchs eyes burned with anger, enough that he could strike down the Jedi now. In his mind still reeling he heard only the Sith ask once more. "Who are you? The truth this time....who are you"
Jace Darklighter
May 28th, 2001, 06:17:34 PM
His dilated pupils languished back in his eye sockets, followed by jarring twitches of his arms and legs. The chains kept him constrained and unable to liberate the bonds of confinement. The nightmare had been disturbing, leaving his skin gray and clammy physically while psychologically he struggled with irrepressible thoughts. The Sith Master's question had come at an unanticipated surprise and realization.
I am Jace Darklighter, Jedi Knight of the Greater Jedi Order, he thought. A sharp pain jabbed at his brain, causing him to flinch and cringe back. Jace's teeth bit down as he looked through the slits of his eyelids. Jedah Lynch was angry, the proof of that was the immense amount of dark energy that spiraled from his eyes and leapt out into the air. The Jedi took a moderated swallow, trying to hold off the suffering. The Sith Master had asked for the truth.
The truth would be spoken and acknowledged. He had nothing to lose anymore. The poor man's fate beside him seemed destined as his own. Now there was no reason to withhold the truth. After this terrifying experience, death seemed a welcome reconciliation. Or was this even real? Either way, it didn't matter. Jace had been beaten and broken.
The Jedi Knight lowered his head in resignation and answered in a whisper. "I don't know…"
Jedah Lynch
May 29th, 2001, 02:46:15 PM
Staring at the Jedi for a moment longer Jedah moved swiftly from the captive Jedi to a console, a large screen overhead flashed in a green hue as it activated. His fingers moving quickly over the keys various programs flashed upon the screen only to stop upon one. "When the Lady Dara brought you to the Sith Empire it seemed you were nothing more than a common Jedi brought before us to be purged, the truth is another story."
Pressing one more key a genetic sequence flashes upon the screen, various amounts of data run up the screen. A second genetic sequence runs up the screen, the results stop beside it each, the words match reply over and over again beside each. "It was a basic scan of you that first hinted to something more.....that is why you were allowed to live. On your shoulder blades are evidence of scar tissue, that alone was not overly important..yet the fact you had two similar scar tissues upon the shoulder blades the exact same width suggested you had some sort of surgery, from the estimates it seems you were very young when it was done."
Flashing once more the screen shows the outline of a human. "That is you, on a deeper scan and study of your DNA it brought up two..revelations." A second outline of a man with wings flashed upon the screen then crossed over and matched the Jedis own outline. "It is a perfect match....your own genetic profile matches that of my very race, you are of my race."
Lukke slowly almost trembling moved to the table on which the shackled Jedi still lay, entering a five digit code the shackles opened up freeing Jace from the bonds that held him. Jedah stared at him once more. "Your past..tell me of it"
Jace Darklighter
May 29th, 2001, 06:44:39 PM
A winding double helix produced a gentle radiance on the data terminal. The Jedi rubbed each of his wrists as he was finally released from captivity, now oblivious to the blood bands around his wrists. His eyebrows constricted to slant inward, subconsciously wiping his arm across his mouth, driving away more strips of blood. Jace moved closer to the monitor, staring at the flashing words that scrolled across.
"I am not a Darklighter. The truth is that I have no idea who I really am." The Jedi Knight turned to face Jedah, his own appearance exhibiting a harsh look of hatred. "I've searched all my life to find my true identity. Being raised by the Darklighter family, I was told I came from a long line of heroes who fight faithfully against the long forgotten Empire of Palpatine. I had a heritage to be proud of...but it wasn't enough for me. My mother and father weren't of the Jedi lineage, there was no account of any Force users in their long line of historical heroes. My reason as to become a Jedi was to find answers to my questions - answers that no one else would provide for me."
Jace slowly drew his head at a slant, watching the screen again. "But this….appears to be the truth I've long searched for. I've known about my scars, but I was never able to make a connection. I have only a few memories before my time with the Darklighters....I can remember feeling frightened...and isolated...."
* * * * *
An infuriated fire crackled all around him. A toddler stood alone, amidst the armies of killers. People ran screaming, running for any kind of refuge. An old man scampered out a hidden shelter and shouted at the boy. "Run child!"
A demon, to the toddler's eyes, walked out of the thicket of fire and merely pointed at the weak man. A brilliant flash raced from his hands to the old man, delivering an instant death. The body crumpled to the ground in a heap. The demon turned to look at the young toddler and pointed a mechanical contraption towards him. The boy froze in terror, unable to move. His eyes grew wide with fear. The demon fired the weapon but abruptly a woman jumped to the boy and covered him, placing her own body as a shield. She screamed and the toddler began to cry. The woman was his mother and she was dying. She shoved him aside, pleading with him to flee. The little boy didn't budge, but stood by his mother's side, uncertain as to he could do to help.
More demons advanced to the drama that was unfolding. They took pleasure in what they were doing. The bleeding was severe, but the mother refused to give up as long as her child was in danger. She looked into her son's eyes, finding tears swelling in her own. Suddenly, a blast of blood burst from her body and covered the toddler. The demons laughed as they finished her off, shooting multiple laser bolts around her proximity.
Anger, fear, aggression, such traits were the dark side. On this day, it was those feelings that embedded into the boy's heart. Later in life, he would realize just what deadly power he unleashed upon those monsters. Yelling at the top of his lungs, his eyes darted to each demon, seizing a power from within to completely abolish them from his presence.
"GET AWAY FROM MY MOMMYYYYYYYYY!!" The boys hands pointed outward, flinging his arms wildly. A Force, unknown to the toddler, unleashed and pushed the demons away. The next instant, they were gone.
The fires continued. He knelt down by his mother's body, still crying and shaking her to see if she might awake. Blood was everywhere. Her eyes turned to look at her son and she whispered to him with a quivering voice. "Go...leave me...Kendrick."
Nodding and wishing to obey his mother, he ran. The demons returned seeking to destroy the boy but they found no trace. The toddler escaped and ran like a coward, leaving his mother to die.
* * * * *
The vision closed and suddenly Jace was looking at Jedah again. "I found asylum with the New Republic forces where I was later adopted by the Darklighters. Once the realization of my having the ability of the Force was found, I was sent to the GJO to learn the Jedi way."
The Jedi turned to look at Lukke and then slowly looked back to Jedah. "But now the puzzle has been given a few more pieces. All my life I've been seeking to find who I really am. The Jedi suddenly grew silent.
Jedah Lynch
May 29th, 2001, 11:23:15 PM
Lukke looked at the Jedi then to his Master, he did not understand this. This thing was the same as his master? Impossible, it was an evil thing. One that should be beaten or killed so it wouldnt infect more people with lies and the ill thoughts of the Jedi ways. The man looked to his Master wondering what he meant to do, never had he set a specimen free unless the mind was wiped clean first.
Jedah had listened intently to the story. He did know who Jace was....but his name was not not Jace. Nor was he really a Darklighter. That was the second revleation the Sith had spoken about. Facing him the Sith stared at him for a moment before speaking the name.
It was a name he had not heard for a long time. One of a person he thought dead, killed. The same as his mother.."Nalia" he spoke the name outloud. Back then he had known her, Jedah had not been who he was now back then, he had looked much different in appearence. It was a far different time,his latest clone body was one of many in a long line, one life lived of many by the now Sith Master. The never ceased. Kendrick had become a Jedi while trying to find his path only to end up here.
"Your search has ended, you are indeed of my race but you are far much more than that. We have the same blood running through our veins....we are related. You are no Darklighter. You are of the Lynch clan."
Jace Darklighter
May 30th, 2001, 05:13:03 PM
At last the affiliation had been made. Questions he had spent a lifetime seeking answers to where now being answered, one right after another. His real mother's name was Nalia…the mother he left to die. Suddenly, his past feelings on the matter transformed to a better understanding. Now, he wasn't viewing this race of people as an outsider. The Jedi Knight was beholding the society as a member, and most importantly, as a kin. There was no denying of the fact that it was the Jedi's fault that they suffered the wrath of the Empire.
Kendrick Lynch. It was his true name; an unforeseen identity that added strength to his being. Jace looked to the Sith Master, weighing his new found answers against what he saw. Jedah was a dark man, one who embarked upon the darkness. And he was related to him.
"The Empire must have followed mother and I to finish us off. Or, perhaps we were unlucky enough to be caught in another devastating attack, only to be brought under dictatorship of the Imperial Empire. Either way, we were left on our own."
The Jedi recalled the events of Jedah's own past; that startling vision of his people…no, not his people but rather, their race. Jedah had stayed by his mother's side. But Jace…no, he left. Ran. Like a fool. So many worlds shared the same fate as the one he remembered. Back then, the Empire took what they needed without asking. Cities were demolished, towns were burned, and worlds were destroyed. During the purge, he had become weak. He followed a falsehood, a gathering of Jedi that destroyed his past. Jace fashioned a scowl to his face. And he had helped them.
Lukke gazed at him, still confused and fumbling with the tools used for suffering. The deformed man seemed ready for the commencement of the order to continue the torturing. Another thought came to his mind. "Who might you be, if we are related? An uncle perhaps?
He hesitated. "Did you know my father?"
Jedah Lynch
May 31st, 2001, 05:38:47 PM
A natural question asked by many children who had lost portions of if not whole families. The need to find ones past was overwhealming, to understand it was to know and understand ones self. Jedah himself had once not known the answer to where he had born, his past a mystery until later in his life. Now the one known as Jace Darklighter for most of his life had heard some of the answers that plagued him for much of his own life. And the Sith did know the answer to the question he was asked.
Jedah stared at him before him, they were of the same blood, they were indeed related yet the answer was deeper than that. Years of conditioning prevented the Sith from showing much emotion on the matter although he had been very much shocked as he had gained the knowledged that he learned. The one before him should have been dead, long dead with that of Nalia.
"Your father..." His voice trailed off in thought back to another time when he himself had been an Imperial agent. Part of an force sent to do the dirty work where full scale missions were not discrete enough, he had been injured only to be saved by a woman. Her name had been Nalia. She had nursed him back to health over several months.
He could still remember the gentle touch of her hand, the way she laughed and the way she had always tried to do the right thing, only to be tough and very independent when action was needed. Never did he quite understand why she acted as she did, back then it confused him however her strong spirit had made him trust her and more.
"She was not of our race, hers was of another, our race has been long since scattered to the cosmos and beyond. Only fragements remain if not the children of our race mixed with other races. Your father is alive, he did not abandon your mother but had thought her dead and you with her. He would go on to become a Sith, a leader in The Sith Empire, your father Kendrick stands before you."
Kendrick Lynch
May 31st, 2001, 10:22:18 PM
Through the perilous voyages of his undertaking, all had been granted an uncertainty. Jace took that risk when he found it in his heart to bring a variation in the ceaseless cycle of good vs. evil. Such a disruption could have proven dangerous to the laws and orders of the galaxy. Bound by fate, the Jedi Knight welcomed the formidable challenge. His life would be endangered, but he owed that much to the upright who adhered to the Jedi and their beliefs. To stand before the Sith Empire as a witness, prepared to be martyred for what he sustained to be true seemed a commendable sacrifice. To come back alive to the GJO was improbable, due to the aggressive nature of the blood thirsty Sith.
Jace's certitude appeared unbending then. Death was not something to be feared, he quoted that verity innumerable times, both before his masters and students. It came easy, for he fought for a greater cause. To live in such a temporary state with the knowledge and conviction that with the Force, life was everlasting. Hope, freedom, service, each mounted his heart and gave him strength. It was those who followed after darkness that were constrained with chains of slavery. He would stand as a beacon of light among the shadows. Such were the thoughts then.
Now, life wasn't that simple. What of those who were dealt the bad cards in sabacc? Those children who lost life near the dawning of their origin, they were the individuals who were neglected. No, fate wasn't too kind with them. Jace knew...and so did Jedah.
There is no emotion, there is peace. I never found peace. I found a life of terror and place to seek refuge against the storm of enemies, nothing more. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. I sought after knowledge all my life and never found it as a Jedi. There is no passion, there is serenity. My passions got in the way to find out who I really was. Perhaps this is what hindered me from being a real Jedi. There is no chaos, there is the harmony. My life began with chaos. What harmony could I find with unanswered questions and a lost life? There is no death, there is the Force...
And so it was. The code he endorsed since the beginning had no relevance anymore. It was time to depart his old way of living…and his old name. No longer was he a Jedi; he could never again return to a lifestyle he no longer believed in.
But now, he stood face to face with his true father. Jace pondered a time when he might meet his father; imagined what he might say. It was a union he hoped he might experience while yet still alive. Looking at his father, he finally felt a true purpose. It was a time of renewal. Jace Darklighter was dead and in turn, Kendrick Lynch arose to take the new task of living.
Walking forward, Kendrick slowly knelt down on one knee, bowing his head in a reverent manner of respect towards the Sith Master…his father. "...Forgive me for my ignorance. By finding you, I have found a new path; a new purpose. I ask that you train me…train me to become strong, as you are...father."
Jedah Lynch
Jun 2nd, 2001, 05:07:23 PM
His eyes locked on the man kneeling before him, seldom had fate dared to play favors with the Sith Master, instead it had dealt him a life of hardship and suffering only for him to keep fighting, to defy the fates and whatever controlled them. His was a path ran by few, survived by ever fewer and chosen by none. Now before him was the son he had thought the fates had killed along with his Nalia. Kendrick had survived and defied the fates as he had despite their paths taking different roads only to end up taking the same path in life once more. Flesh and blood was commonly called one of the strongest bonds in the universe, instead of enemies they were reunited. The force worked in mysterious ways, both of them now stood on the edge of a reunion of darkness. Each would have tales to tell and revelations yet unknown to each.
"Your training shall begin right away, there is much to do, but first we shall give you that was taken from you so long ago so you may tread the Heavens and soar among the skies. Once you have your wings your training shall help purge all notions that the foolish Jedi may have tried to instruct you with. Their ways are irrelevant and ultimately inconsequential, the dark side is the true order of all things."
How quickly the fates did change, those that you knew could be gone in a heart beat, gone of their own free will or taken by the actions of another. Views, opinions and attitudes could be reshaped with the revelations of truth and denial created by the cruel reality of the world. Despite everything in the universe the son and father had be reunited, through adversity and sorrow, defeat and triumph. It was the beginning of another chapter in a book long since began.
Jedah would make sure Kendrick was taught strong in the ways of the Sith, it would become the core of his life. The existence of his being. At last Kendrick would be shown his proper destiny in life.
Kendrick Lynch
Jun 3rd, 2001, 11:27:34 PM
Science exceeded beyond comprehension: it was a perpetual truth. That which was once lost, now filled the void of forfeited birthright. The translucent liquid perched his body in a floating mass of chemicals with a palpitating apparatus attached to his mouth. Kendrick's eyes were shut tightly, to open them would bring an instant incandescent burning sensation that could damage his eyesight permanently. The former Jedi's heartbeat was steady, the wires attached to various parts of his body revealed that statement to be authentic.
Lukke chuckled a rueful sound for his past actions. Kendrick was now an ally, one to be trusted. Lukke stumbled over to the system's controls, keying inputs for data statistics detailing Kendrick's genetic makeup and design. Not only were the chemicals slowly rejuvenating Kendrick's body due to the mixture of bacta liquid, but it also prepared his body for the transitional state.
Jedah Lynch observed the operation in the shadows. The Sith Master came forward and looked to the deformed man named Lukke, his servant nodded and obeyed his unspoken command. The regeneration process began.
It was an awakening of the mind. Born with instinctive traits, it brought a cognition to his overlooked past. The past vision shown to him before replayed in his brain, loading in his medial temporal lobe. Kendrick's body shivered every few moments and even lashed out viciously against the solid durable glass. He was reliving his nightmares again: his past. Kendrick's cerebral cortex was bustling with activity, as his sensory was active with past memories and experiences. At last, the operation triggered pain.
It was a massive amount to handle as Kendrick convulsed repeatedly. His limbs slapped against the glass and his forehead swung forward, clubbing against the solid barrier. Smudges of blood polluted the clear liquid, leaving clouds of scarlet red rotating freely. The bacta chemicals immediately took effect as living organisms clung onto the patient's wound and healed the injury. Kendrick's expressions contorted continuously, modeling scores of different appearances.
Two lumps grew on Kendrick's back. They squirmed and reallocated, looking for a spot to defeat the enclosure and to find liberty. More blood filled the liquids as a stem poked through Kendrick's skin. His form was quickly unseen through the haze of blood for those on the outside. Finally, the glass cracked. A drizzle of blood, assimilated with bacta and other chemicals, broke free. The cracks spread across the glass, allowing more of the cylinder's contents to find liberation. Abruptly, a wing smashed the glass to pieces, causing a body to tumble out on the floor.
Free of the breathing device, Kendrick coughed up bodily fluids. A single feathered wing spread to its full length. Both Jedah and Lukke backed away, allowing the process to complete. The other lump on kendrick's break sprouted. He yelled in agony as the last wing found its way through his skin and out to existence. Blood covered the equipment around him and his own body as Kendrick came to his knees.
Lukke came forward with a black cloak, covering Kendrick's form. The robe had two slits in the back, allowing his new wings to have space and freedom to move. Kendrick came forward and knelt before Jedah. "Now, my father, I am complete."
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