View Full Version : The Other Side of the Coin

Kal El Joran
Jun 6th, 2001, 09:07:29 PM
This is Gav and I guess you can consider this the debut of my new character whose path I have not yet decided; whether he will in time become a Jedi, Sith, Bounty Hunter, Imperial Officer or even a Smuggler is still very much uncertain. I wanted to give a more real life texture to the roleplaying I wish to do with this guy. I will have this roleplay closed and invite different roleplayers into it as the story progresses. I've no idea how to end this brief OOC prologue so I'll just get on with the roleplay.</FONT>


<FONT COLOR="#B0E0E6">Dear Mr and Mrs Joran,

This is the prescheduled report to which I referred for quite some time now. I must regretfully inform you both that Kal-El's attendance levels are falling increasingly and the occasions on which he does come to school he is either late or leaves early. This an issue of great concern, concern which is not only felt by myself but the rest of the teaching staff. The reason being is that we are all more than aware of your sons remarkable intellect, he has surpassed not only our expectations but his exam results are always of the highest in the school. As a result we, as I am sure yourselves, do not wish to see those astonishingly high standards fall as a result of laziness on your sons behalf.

On a much more personal matter; an observation made by myself and a handful of his fellow students. Kal-El appears to have, on his arms, legs and face countless cuts, bruises and skin discolorations. We have ruled out the probability of bullying after extensive research and I hope with your help, that we can both discover the cause of such brutal scarring.

My prime concern is the well-being of your son. I hope to hear from you soon.

Yours sincerely,
Mr. Lockwood.</FONT>

Elaine's tight grip on Vaugn's warm, moist hand grew stronger as he read the message from the small data-pad. After a brief interval of silence, the tall man with greying her turned to his wife, the light dancing about on the droplets of sweat which had formed on his brow. In an almost synchronised manner, the two sat down, resting uncomfortably on the fine, exotic materials of which the couch was made.

"Vaugn," said Elaine in a shakey voice, "What is he doing?"

Her question was simple, that of a deeply worried mother. The rim of one of her lower eyelids glistened as a tear began to form although she brought her hand up to wipe it away quickly, bringing her husbands hand up also until she reluctantly released her grip. Vaugn gently rested his open hand on her cheek comfortingly.

"I believe he has strayed from the path he once walked. We cannot spy on him," he said, showing a brief smile, then slipped his fingertips under the soft, chestnut waves of her hair, "We would only betray his trust."

He felt her smooth, creamy skin touch his hand gently and she brought his hand back into hers, she was still unsatisfied.

"We can't just let him wander about Coruscant freely, it's a very dangerous planet for a seventeen year old boy. Especially Kal-El..." she paused as her voice began to shake accompanied by her now trembling hands.

"Elaine..." Vaugn whispered as he brought her closer and embraced her lovingly.

"Vaugn, I'm just so afraid that..." she sobbed, her voice quivering, "...someone will find out, about him!"

Holding her tight, her husband was in deep thought, ignoring his neck now damp from his wife's tears. Their son had been gone without a trace for almost a week now, this has happened before but never any longer than three days. Neither believed in forcing their son to tell them where he'd been and as a result, they never found out and this was a great concern to them because they loved him so much and wanted him back so bad. He knew that if they went to the authorities reporting him missing, they would be risking not only their own lives but the life of Kal-El.

There the two remained for a while longer, embracing each other for comfort and strength, waiting.


"Oi! Tony!"

The deep, raw voice bellowed throughout the garage, although it was muffled under the hissing of high-pressured steam valves and the powerful grinding of the mechanical monsters scattered about the large facility. From under the belly of a bulky, old landspeeder appeared a young man wearing heavy canvas overalls which were, similar to his face and hands, filthy with oil.

"Yeah?" he answered in a hoarse, primitve tone. He wiped his hands down the sides of his overalls, then took a look at them shaking his head.

"Do you have hearin' problems lad?" retorted the stout, bearded individual who pointed at the man, who now wiped his sleeve across his nose with a slurping sniff.

"Huh? Can you speak up a bit please?" he called back, a sly grin appeared on his face as he rolled back and forward on his bed as he liked to call it, although it's real purpose is to allow workers to slide underneath the body of a vehicle to perform maintainence on it's rusty innards.

"Real funny, smartass! Listen, you got an hour to finish workin' on that pile of wookiee @#%$! If it's not done, you're history. Got me?" a tint of crimson crept out from under his bearded cheeks; the colour was flattering, it matched his nose and ears.

The young man brought his hand to his forehead in a salute, gave his superior a wink then rolled back under only to hear the large man storm off muttering countless atrocities. His hands moved nimbly over the different components and occasionally into his toolbox to his side. He had learned to drown out the ambient hustle and bustle of the garage around him, even the dreadful Corellian rock they liked to play no longer irritated him. Now it was just the stifling heat, something to which he had never become accustomed; he spent hours under huge chunks of machinery, endlessly slaving away whilst the sweat patches under his arms and down his back grew darker.

With only three more components to attatch he was almost done, "Damn, I never thought I'd finish screwing with you, ya little bitch!" he said, talking to the engine with a smile. He turned on his side and took hold of a large wrench, then turning on his back he realised the speeder was moving above him, quickly. Then he realised, it wasn't the vehicle moving, it was him beeing pulled out from under it.

Suddenly, he cried out in pain as he felt something solid make overly powerful contact with his groin, he cried out in pain, instinctively sitting up only to hit his head on a large pipe under the vehicle still, there was a clang and that was the last thing he remembered.


It's always funny how whenever you fall unconciouss, it always hurts more when you come around. Colours blended incoherently, sounds were muffled then booming and everything spun on a permanently shifting axis. How much have I had to drink this time?

"I wish..." came the groaning words from the man's mouth once his sight was realligning and he saw the same grotesque, bearded face that perpetually haunted him.

Suprisingly, he was hoisted up onto his feet which staggered about in an attempt to stand but to no avail and so the two mamoth's had to continue holding him up. His body was somewhat limp, his neck frequently jerked back up so that he could see the smug looking face of his ex-employer.

"An hour's up and it still wasn't finished?" he shook his head patronisingly, answering his own rhetorical question, "Ah Tony, Tony, Tony...what am I going to do with you? I mean I find you with my daughter on one of my customers speeder bikes and instead of breaking your thumbs, I give you a job!"

Putting his hands behind his back he began pacing back and forth before his capture, "Ok, so it wasn't paid employment but you still had your life!"

[i]"And now?" came another groan at which Pozzo chuckled. There was a strong, chilly breeze and it was dark. The night skyline of Coruscant which was visable from up here was more than panoramic, it looked like reflection of space, the billions of glistening stars against a dark, empty backdrop.

"And now, I'm tired of seeing your face. It's been nice working with you Tony. Adeiu."

Immediatly, he felt the two men lift him over the edge of what he now recognised to be a rooftop and he grinned, "The feelings mutual!"

With that, the two men released him, however he grabbed hold of their wrists and within an instant was propelled up and over them when they suddenly felt a sharp kick each in their spines and losing balance they were the ones who went over the edge. The cries were brief during their descent.

"Now," said Tony, turning to the stout, exasperated face of Pozzo, "Let's talk business!"


Back in the garage, Tony took a seat alongside Pozzo in the speeder he'd been working on. He leaned back, stretched and made an exagerated yawn then turning to his ex-employer, he asked, "May I?" gesturing to a handkerchief in his jacket pocket.

Unfortunately, due to the piece of canvas wrapped around his mouth, Pozzo was unable to answer and so Tony took it anyway. He vigorously wiped away the filth from his face and hands whilst carefully checking his capture's restraints are nice and tight. Pozzo's wide eyes now told a different story, he was powerless and alone.

"For the third time, where is the briefcase?" he asked impatiently however the response was a series of muffled words and so with a tut, Tony loosened the canvas strip and allowed it to fall onto Pozzo's chin.

"Third draw down on my desk, the lock number is 05718 and the briefcase number is, 754510. Now let me go, please."

Tying the canvas back around Pozzo's mouth, Tony moves off into the office inside the garage. There was a strong stench inside, worse than him at the moment. He hated that speeder! Surely enough, the briefcase was in the draw as Pozzo had said, the desk was very ill-kept, if his father saw it he'd be appauled.

Soon after, he left the ofice and made his way back over to the speeder and the waiting businessman, his plump face trickled with streams of panic sweat. Tony leaned over the speeder and turned it's engine on, it made at first hummed soothingly then began to choke and even splutter, the hovering vehicle jerked slightly and Pozzo began a muffled chorus of protests.

"Hmmm...really I should turn this engine off, after all, I haven't been able to mend the fuel leak or the turbine stabalizer, that could be very dangerous when the engine is running, just as well it isn't on strong, eh Pozzo?" he said with a sarcastic smile to Pozzo who began screaming out.

Quickly, the canvas band was losened once more so that his words could be heard, now more nervously challenging, "Don't even think about it! You wont get away with it Tony! Not on Coruscant!"

Once again, he was gagged by the young man who said, "Sure thing but if you want to catch me after it, here's a word of advice. My names not Tony. Tell the authories to arrest a guy called Kal-El!"

he winked again, then as he leaned out of the vehicle he knocked a switch a the speeder began shaking and the engines grew louder. The young man walked away from the vehicle to climb onto a speeder bike, then after a moment he sped out of the garage which would moments later erupt into an explosive inferno. The explosion rocked the foundations of neighbouring buildings whilst the garage itself was nothing more than a smoking mountain of fire and rubble.


"Mother?" came a polite call, then followed by, "Father? I'm home! I brought you guys some..."

Kal-El paused as he entered the room to find his parents sitting in a solemn embrace, they looked over startled and their faces beamed when they saw their son standing in the doorway, dressed smartly in his school uniform and a sachell over his shoulder.

Their sons face became more serious, and he simply said, "I'm so sorry to have done this to you!"

To which his parents responded, only by leaping up out of their seats and running over to him to resume their immense embrace but now with a third party. They wished never to be parted again.