View Full Version : The Truth of Origin (closed)

Darth Roul
Jun 14th, 2001, 06:01:09 PM
::Roul sat in his ship Vulcan and looked out the cockpit. He wasn't sure what he was going to find on Churba but he had a feeling he had to go there. He came out of hyperspace and saw Churba::
There it is
::Roul decieded not to land at his mansion in the hills and landed about 400 miles away just outside of the woods. He got out of his ship and took a look abound. Roul wasn't sure why but he began walking west. When he got to a clif he decided not to go around it but he pulled the weeds to the side and there was an entrance::
::Roul walked inside and lit a tourch. He walked down the long entrance and saw three tunnles. He took the middle one. Roul then took a right at a fork. He found an alter at the end of the tunnel. He looked at the three candles and the emblem on it. He recognized the emblem, but he didn't know from where. Roul then looked at his left arm and noticed it was one of his tatoos, one he didn't remember getting. He just figured he was drunk up his a$$ when he got it. He also noticed two hand prints in the alter. He placed his hands in them::
::just then a door swung open on the back wall. Inside was gold. Tons and tons of gold::
The lost gold from the old bank of Churba
::Roul also noticed a large symbol on the back wall. It was his family symbol (OOC:p ic. IC:) . He had no idea why it was there. He also noticed an envolope. He wasn't sure what was in it::

Darth Roul
Jun 14th, 2001, 08:15:04 PM
::Roul opend the envelope and looked at it's content. A letter:
Dear Roul,
I don't know if you remember me or not, but I am your father. I left you when you were very young. Your mother and I saw it as the best thing for you. We didn't want you to die an early death. As you may know your mother was sith, but I was a human who wasn't able to use the force. When we had you we knew that you could use the one thing that I couldn't
The reason you are here is because it is time you knew of your true reason for life. I was the leader of a group of criminals called The Mob. As my only son, you are to take this position over.
If you are reading this, then I am dead. I wrote this when you were only 16. A year after you joined the galactic military. So it is your time to take my business over.
This money here was stolen, you were one of the soilders who had investigated the robbery. It is now yours.
-Cass Grammel
::Roul then knew that he was not a Nothos but a Grammel. He left the money and decided to pick it up later with a group of friegtors. He knew that it was at least 3 billion credits and he couldn't carry that back to his home::
::Roul took out a map and marked the spot. He then got in his ship and flew back to Corillia::