May 24th, 2001, 03:46:50 PM
My jaw dropped down atleast a foot. 'How could he?' I thought that my master was crazy. He was trying to get me killed. Not only would I be killed by a Jedi Master, let alone a Knight, I would fail to destroy the Jedi. And I feared failure more than anything in the galaxy.
I regained my self control and closed my jaw. I nodded to my Master, masking my facial emotions. I left the training grounds and made my way to the Hangar Bays of The Sith Empire. I found my line of Starfighters in the hangar bay. I looked them over, deciding which starfighter I would use. I decided to take a modified TIE Interceptor from the Blowfire Wing.
I powered up the systems and quickly departed Munto Cudro. I entered hyperspace, knowing where I would find the Jedi Knight I would fight.
Two Days later, I landed my custom Interceptor in a barren patch of land on the desolate planet Caamas. The pain from millions of voices ceased spoke out to me. The Jedi Knight I sought was on the planet researching what happened during Caamas' destruction.
Stiff from being in a cockpit for two straight days, I got out and stretched my tight muscles. I ate an energy bar from my rations kit and waited for the Jedi Knight to sense my dark presence.
I regained my self control and closed my jaw. I nodded to my Master, masking my facial emotions. I left the training grounds and made my way to the Hangar Bays of The Sith Empire. I found my line of Starfighters in the hangar bay. I looked them over, deciding which starfighter I would use. I decided to take a modified TIE Interceptor from the Blowfire Wing.
I powered up the systems and quickly departed Munto Cudro. I entered hyperspace, knowing where I would find the Jedi Knight I would fight.
Two Days later, I landed my custom Interceptor in a barren patch of land on the desolate planet Caamas. The pain from millions of voices ceased spoke out to me. The Jedi Knight I sought was on the planet researching what happened during Caamas' destruction.
Stiff from being in a cockpit for two straight days, I got out and stretched my tight muscles. I ate an energy bar from my rations kit and waited for the Jedi Knight to sense my dark presence.