View Full Version : Saphire Rain (SapphireDragoness)
Teka Kenobi
May 2nd, 2001, 04:59:46 PM
OOC: Setting Cularin, a rain forset planet in the mid rim. I havn't spoken to you or anything about this but your sig has Rinoa on so i want to fight you/get to know you. You on aim?
***The A-Wing swooped down and turned to land on a small patch of clear land in the middle of the forest. Quickly he got out and ran a few paces to the left to get a view wtween the trees of the sky above. He looked up, holding his hannd over his eyes to block out some of the sunshine that blasted it way to his eyes. He could sense he was being followed by a force user, for some time now. A Sith. An anti Jedi maybe. He was thinking of stopping on one of the moons but this place seemed bettter. Fighting (if that was what he would be doing) in between volcanoes might not be the best idea if you aim to live.
Come on. I'm here. What are you waiting for?
His black cloak flapped in a sudden gust of wind and he took a step back. The ship would come. He knew it...Watching up he smiled as he saw something. Something was entering the atmosphere...***
May 4th, 2001, 04:21:32 AM
OOC: Hiya, first off, whats your rank.
secondly, yes i do have aim. Sith Saphire.
::An A-Wing much like her own approaches the forest grounds and she looks at it in interest. Who would be here on such a planet? She was here for some peace and quiet, but she was getting bored....::
::Saphire walks out and eyes the man approachign otu of the ship. he looked like a jedi, smelt like a jedi and probably tasted like one too.
And she would be tasting him too, his blood as he is dying on the ground::
What a co-incidence. A jedi. And a jedi looking for a fight!
I havent crossed one of those in a long time.
::Her green eyes shine evilly as she gets out her saber, igniting the weapon, coming out a long line of a firelike appearance. Red glows onto her face as she looks at him, summing up his position and, size and guessing his weight for her attack::
A new jedi? I havent seen you around before.
::Saphire launches into the air, aiming a kick into his chest. He sprawls back and she takes advantage of his misfooting. Landing neatly on the ground she runs up to him in pure speed and grabbing his left arm as he lands onto the ground she uses the force plus her own strength to flip him again to the ground on the other side, kneeing him in the back in the process.
He hits the ground at full force and she looks at him as he gets up, sizing up the damage::
::She nodds in satisfaction and with the saber still in her left hand she slices at his shoulder, a deep wound now showing with great satisfaction::
::Standing in a defensive/attack position she grins wickedly as darkness fills her mind even more, making her stronger and more aware than ever::
Teka Kenobi
May 4th, 2001, 08:11:12 AM
**He watches the sith assume her attaking position still and grinning. The pain in his arm was gone, and he closed his eyes letting the force enter his mind. He raised his sabre so it was upright and slowly the white light raised to the normal length of blade and he ran at SD. He flipped over her, his sabre connecting with hers slightly as he turned in mid air. He kicked her in the back quickly and spun round with a stirke for her legs. She hgas already turned and jumped backwards avoiding contact with the white beam of light that came from Lux.
May 5th, 2001, 11:53:34 PM
OOC: Nice pic, which site did ya get it? Ive been trying to find a good place ood ff pics.
::Saphire looks at the blood gatheirng on her arm and lets her anger rise steadily, improving all her fighting elements and she looks at him, her green eyes dancing with fire::
::Her Saber now shines brighter and she brings her saber to its full length. She jumps high, grabbing a tree branch and swinging from it and lands a hard force kick right in the jedi's face, breaking his nose and making him lose his footing::
::She swings her saber, connecting with his and twist her saber around in a way that his is interlocked with hers. She kicks him in the gut again, causing one of hsi ribs to break and his saber slides off hers as the force of the kick drives him back::
Teka Kenobi
May 6th, 2001, 01:27:13 PM
OOC: well a good site is this one ( One more thing. I know you're a Sith but calm down on the moves! Please. In that tree thing you did i would have at least raised my sabre..
May 9th, 2001, 08:25:27 AM
OOC: heya, whats your aim sn? keeping cool is hard when fighting dude, but I'll try. I like long posts.
::Saphire gets up from the ground and her eyes look into his, her cheeks sting where his shoe had been, anger brews and makes her stronger. Her saber glows, reflecting the darkness rapidly growing, along with her skill and mind sensors. Her eyes take in the land around her as she keeps eye contact with the jedi. Timing was a matter of essense and he had taken advantage. She would keep her eye on this one. He was a worthy opponant it seemed, this would be an interesting fight and the outcome either way would be worthwhile. You live to learn, and she would live::
:: Saphire ran up to him, the moment she left the ground to start running not visible and she kicks him in the knee, making him bend and uses her other leg to knee him in the back hard. As he continues to go down she moves her other leg to kick him again in the face, aiming for the broken nose and he goes back.
She proceeds to use her saber on him but he blocks with his own as he balances with his other hand. Jumping up they strike each others sabers and as Saphire takes an unexpected low cut she take the opportunity to kick his saber hand, sending his weapon flying while she walks a few paces away from him, colllecting more darkness around her and readying herself for the next attack::
Teka Kenobi
May 9th, 2001, 02:47:20 PM
OOC: TekaKenobi - no space. And i can post long as well :) .
::Why am I here? There must be more to the Jedi than pain..Mustn't there? She is walking away. She is tough. But so am I. Concentrate.
**A million and one thought swept through his brain, like a person flicking through a paper-back book. He turned his head to get a view of the lady. He watches as his opponent strides away. He pushes on his left hand to help him stand up straight and closes his eyes. From Saphire's position Teka could be seen facing her...watching her...with his eyes closed. His arms rised slightly so that they would be at a 45 degree angle from his shoulders. He waited for 3 seconds....2...1...**
**His eyes snaped open and darted towards the Sith. He jumped verticly a few metres and spun backwards force pullling his sabre to hand and managging to land on the same spot, in the same position. He frowned, still looking at Saph and began to run.**
**His arms pumped as he ran and wind brushed through his hair. He jumped forward spinning several time through the air. His maind was one with the force and he was aware of the events taking place. He struk once aiming high and then again low. The sith raised her sabre to defend his first strike and jumped avoiding the second.**
**As shhe landed his foot rasied and caught her under the chin and she flew backwards colliding with a tree. Trying to take advantage Teka made a horizontal attack at the sith's mid section but failed in damaging her as she jupmed to the right. His sabre went right through the tree and a creaking sound could be heard. Quickly the tree started its desent downwards, and in a matter of miliseconds it was literally milimetres from Saph's head**
May 10th, 2001, 08:30:13 AM
::Saphire looks up at the tree millimetres from her head and with speed rolls away from the approaching tree, and it grabs a tiny peice of her top's sleeve. She rips the sleeve out, a bit of material still underneath the big brown wooden trunk and she looks at the jedi, her face full of controlled fury. Her mind expanded and she put an invisable mark on the jedi in her mind, targetting him to her senses so that she would feel every move he made and know where he was without looking. This one was going to be tough::
::She looks at her belt and grabs another saber, silent killer and brings it out, igniting the silver blade and the air seems brighter and hotter from the heat radiating into the atmosphere. She swings the two sabers in perfect timing together and flips to face the jedis face. Silent Killer meets his own saber and she uses her other saber to slice donw on his knees, cutting into the skin, red blood leaks out::
::She doesnt look at the blood twice and flips into the air once more as he strikes his saber into the other direction. She blocks that attack and as she flips away, kicks him in the side> She lands on the ground easily and gets into a attacking/defensive position, gathering more darkness inside her::
Teka Kenobi
May 10th, 2001, 02:11:14 PM
**The Jedi was in a limping position almost before standing straight. The cut was only a flesh wound. It would heal. He stood with his feet straight together and he held out All of Lux - the left end still ignighted.**
**Kicking the right side of the hilt, half of his flew off into the air and he charged at Saph. He flipped in the air as it came down and caught it ignighting it and bringing both sabres down towards Spah. She brought her sabres up to block the attack and he kicked her in the gut. She doubled over and Teka delivered a knee to the face. She was forced to stand up straight from the momentum of the knee and he saw blood coming down her face.**
**He backflipped touching the ground with his hands and caught Saph under the chin with his foot. It made her stumble backwards a few yards before being able to see her opponent standing in his ussual defensive stance.**
May 11th, 2001, 09:39:59 AM
::Saphire regains her balance and wipes her nose, her green sleeve stained with red from the blow to her face. She tasted blood in her mouth and licked her lip of the red substance. Her eyes meet his and with lightenign speed she grabs a throwign knife and aims it at his shoulder. it hits it's aim and slices into his shoulder. ::
::She aims a kick to his gut and as she expected he grabs her leg in defense. She uses her other foot to lift herself onto the ground and twirls in midair, her captive leg goign with it and twisting the jedi's wrists until he has to let go. She runs at him, trips him and as he goes down, her foot kicks the throwing knife, the knife inbedding deeper. The knife falls onto the ground with another tiny kick and the knife hits the ground with a loud thunk::
Vega Van Derveld
May 11th, 2001, 04:50:03 PM
The Praetor Fenix had landed as quiet as ever, positioned some distance away from the ongoing battle. It was just close enough for Vega to see what was going on from the cockpit. With elbows propping himself up he cupped his cheek in one hand, head tilted as he pondered.
Saphire and Teka fighting. He just silently watched, keeping his own presence cloaked, but not attempting to hide the Fenix.
Teka Kenobi
May 12th, 2001, 01:01:55 PM
OOC: Oooooohh the FF8 clan together...:p
**The Jedi moved back backwards - fast. He was holding his shoulder as he did so, and never looked away from the green of the Sith's eyes. He raised a hand doing nothing with it...yet..**
**Slowly the now red blade on the floor rised to the Jedi's head hight and hovered for a second or two. With lightneing speed it zoomed across the distance of seven metres changing course every time, but each course headed straight towards Saph. The dagger seemingly was now headed towards her head but in an instant changed its mind...or Teka's mind and headed for her thigh. It embeded itself there for a few seconds beofre Saph looked up to see Teka charging at her..**
May 13th, 2001, 05:13:13 AM
OOC: exactly what i was thinking. lmao.
She hears the knife drop and gets knocked down by the jedi with a scarr on his face. She pushes him off with all her force and gets up on her knees, aimign a high kick to his already injured leg and kicking him in the gut as she flips up, her back facing his::
::She feels his attack and grabs his armas she mvoes to face him, she twists the wrist and kicks him again in his injred leg, makign the injury worse::
::Moving away to safety to breath properly again and ready herself she doesnt break eye contact::
Teka Kenobi
May 14th, 2001, 03:18:11 PM
**He backs away leaning on his good leg. His other leg looks pretty bad by the way he is limping on it as he walks back. He raises his sabre in his left hand and stands in a cross position waiting for the next attack. In the sky he can hear thunder...a storm is brewing...**
OOC: sorry for short post :(
May 16th, 2001, 04:20:55 AM
OOC: thats cool, my post wont be very good either lol.
::Saphire looks at the jedi in interest, why had he moved back? Her eyes flickered and she ran up to him, her foot connecting with his jaw and her saber connectign with his back, slicing into the skin neatly::
Why arent you fighting jedi?
::She takes the saber and slices his throat very thily so only a light wound comes with a tiny amount of blood::
Teka Kenobi
May 16th, 2001, 03:01:17 PM
**He gritted his teeth and breathed in harshly. His eyes darted from Saph to the bushes and trees, to the sky, and then back to Saph. He rasied his backhand to his throat then up to his face. There was a little blood. He jumped back without warning and spoke.
Vega Van Derveld
May 16th, 2001, 03:51:42 PM
The side door of Praetor Fenix slid open and the trench-coated Sith appeared into view, walking slowly down the ramp onto the mossy floor of the forest.
Oh what intelligence you have, Teka...
He began to stride forward, he cupping the hilt of Serpahim on his waist.
It sometimes amazes me that it brings you so much courage as to challenge me. Perhaps you have the heart of a Lion eh?
He paused in mid step, looking to the Jedi and then to his fellow Sith, a cocky grin upon his face.
Teka Kenobi
May 16th, 2001, 04:20:24 PM
**He squinted at the remark and looked to the floor. He sniffed and looked back up in a slightly side-ways manner. He moved Lux to his right and watched the white blade fall down into the hilt, as he thumbed it off.
He reached to the back of his cloak, which he was still wearing and grabbed a small blaster type object with a trigger mechanism. It had a sliver chain on the end with a shape that looked like a lion...
The simple reply was said as if it had a thousand meanings, but as he spoke the soft words one meaning sprang to his mind that he didn't even want to think about...**
Vega Van Derveld
May 16th, 2001, 04:25:37 PM
Maybe you're a lion?
His hand shifted across his belt to a more sword like hilt. It was a dark grey, engraved with the image of a cross on the utmost butt of the hilt. With a few more steps forward, Vega pulled the handle from his belt and brought it up into his hand, pointing it forward like a blaster ready to fire.
Shall we find out?
He pulled the trigger and instead of the stereotypical blaster bolt appearing, a blood red saber blade lept into view.
Saphire, care to aid me?
Teka Kenobi
May 16th, 2001, 05:10:19 PM
**All the time the Sith was talking Teka was healing. His leg was almost fine but still it was injured. He kept his limping stance -- it may come in usefull later. He hobbled back slightly still with his blaster type object pointed towards Vega and pulled the trigger. A brilliant blue light exploded from the now dicovered hilt and shone like nothing before seen. He made his way back slighly.
So Vega - need help. You are getting old.
Sarcasm escaped his lips -- not usuall for him but the words were understood. He waited for a reply**
May 19th, 2001, 04:06:56 AM
::Saphire smiled as she had seen Teka been healing n]and she stood next to Vega::
Of course I care to help. Why not?
::She ignites both sabers again and looks down at then in pleasure of the images forming in her mind of what damage they would do to the jedi. Her handiwork had been healed. A shame she'd have to do it again...::
ooc:sorry for the abcense. call it the homework blues :(
Teka Kenobi
May 20th, 2001, 05:20:42 AM
**He stumbled backwards, still with the Lionhart in his right hand. His eyes darted from the man to the woman and then back again. His cloak blew bback in a sudden breeze and his hair was floating in it too. Cloads covered the sky and it started to rain. Everywhere he looked he could see rain. It fell off leaves of the forest and patted on the floor. Maybe this was how he would get through the next few minutes...**
OOC: I honestly can't think of what to post. I want some help :( hehe
May 21st, 2001, 07:35:34 AM
::Saphire watches the rain fall down, touching her cheeks and water seepign through her hair. She smiled and felt the glorious feeling of weather and nature raining down. Yes, the rain would be a challenge, more slips and less grounding for good landings::
::Her eyes revert back to the jedi and she waits for Vega's response as her hands touch her her saber. maybe she should get a connector to make her sabers one double sided sabre::
OOC: lol, thought id add another unnecessary post to keep it on the top page. ask a few friends teka. whats your aim, dont think i got it.
Sieken Kasstra
May 21st, 2001, 07:56:04 AM
OOC: Teka :D
: Sieken was hideing in a nearby tree up above them all as the rain hit his cheeks he quickly flipped up his hood and looked at the 3 down on the ground, Sieken had saved a Jedi life before and was used to the fights around here, he quickly remeberd Anakis and what happend:
"God why me?? At the wrong places, at the wrong time, even out in the middle of a god damn wood i find trouble" he mutterd to himself...
Siek flipped back catching hold of the same branch and let go hitting the cround in a crouch position un-noticed he stood up strait and gatherd his sences and drew his green saber and ignited it with a humm it flipped out and sieken was ready....
Teka Kenobi
May 21st, 2001, 02:25:30 PM
OOC: Fair enough :) Saph I will not have any IM apart from MSN for the next week or so. Hope that's ok, cause me wants to talk to you :p . Oh and one more thing Saph, could you please tell Warren (he lives near you right?) to get his ass over to the GJO training? :) OK I know you?
**Teka looked at Siek slightly confused. He nodded his head and understood. The two were now either side of Saph and Vega. This made the chances a little more even.
For a second..time stood still. Although it might not have been a second...if time was still. No-one moved but each looked at the next. Who would strike first? Who would be victorious?**
Sieken Kasstra
May 21st, 2001, 03:01:51 PM
OOC: yea ya knew me once apon a time :lol:
"Damn man your getting yourself into trouble these days now aint ya" siekan said queiely
:for some reason devald and SD were just starring ether in amazment or just in anger Teka and Siek couldnet tell that this was going to be a rough ride.:
:I think most of the people was surprised by the fact such a bounty hunter as it is would help teka in the first place but teka seemed not to complain about the situation and the fact it was getting late ment this fight had to be resoved quickly:
Siek nodded to vega" hey Vega so your now getting the aid of 19 your old girls to do your work huh?" siek turned to teka
"she is 19 right?" teka nodded
: both teka and vega seem to clash eyes then vega vega and teka vigerasly starred eathother down:
"ummm teka what did you do to this guy to get him this mad??"
: teka said nothing as they both stared eathother down:
Siek looked at SD starring at him* "umm you got a problem?" said Siek to the girl noticing she had a angelic face and looked very pretty, siek thought she was also a admirable fighter makeing her almost perfect...
Siek clicked outta that stage and looked at them both...
"now we can sit here looking like lemons or we can fight...pick one " said siek...
Edit: i Added a bit to the end
May 22nd, 2001, 01:49:00 AM
OOC: thankee teka, id like ta talk to you too.\
I do knwo you? Tell!! OR I kill you! I need to know.
::saphire looks at the bounty hunter, she didnt like bounty hunters::
So we are even then.
I may be 19 Sieken, but that does not mean I am doing Vegas work, we are working as a team.
Or are you goign to do teka's work for him bounty hunter?
::saphrie seyes shine with excitement of the coming battle::
OOC: where are you Vega!!??????? :(
Sieken Kasstra
May 22nd, 2001, 02:01:17 AM
::He looked at her and raised his brow with a smile,.::
"Damn i love girls with attitudes" he smiled...
He carried on " Actrally no when i see 2 siths ganging up on a guy that in reality has no chance whatso ever i help him/her out"sieken smiled
::he looked back to teka had vega and teka were still in a heavey stare out problem, sieken looked to SD::
"So there long time enemys right?" he smiled...
::she didnt say anything bust she seemed to smile and sieken was confused about that, he looked at her noticeing the beuty again then snapped outta it pretty quick...he turned back to full looking at the girl...::
"i dont want to hurt you,But if you force me to do this i will do it.. i dont perticuly like to hurt girls even if thay can fight." he raised his saber to be just above his face but to the left..
:: Sieken was a bounty hunter but he hated to hurt girls he might have a cold mind but he did have a warm heart::
OOC: Teka and SD my MSM
my AIM is Sieken Kasstra
•Contact me :) i wanna talk to hoth of you
Vega Van Derveld
May 22nd, 2001, 11:47:45 AM
Vega rasped towards Teka, shaking his head as he turned to this unknown man who had appeared.
You will not speak of her in a downward manor because she is a girl. I do not need anyone to help me battle. I am far more powerful than you could possibly imagine me to be, child. Now I suggest you leave this plain immeadiately before servere harm comes to your person.
A sudden ripple of power was felt in the area as Sieken was thrashed back against one of the nearby trees.
This is a closed battle. Go back to your petty thievery and stay out of this.
Sieken Kasstra
May 22nd, 2001, 11:57:02 AM
OOC: Qucik note...ive been added to this closed fight just like you have...
IC: :: Siek flew back hitting the tree hard and bouncing off into some long grass, he got up shaking his head wiping the blood from the back of his neck, Vega looked suprised::
" Dear dear vega, you say you have SO much power like you mortal i have unseen powers that you will not understand and never will..."
:: Siek shaked his head once more, and picked up his saber, Suddely out of nowere siek flicked out his Metel "Knife" boomarang and flicked it at vega, vega dived left but it hit vegas saber out of is hand and into some long grass, the boomer rang flicked round behinde some trees and siek cought it...Vega looked back and Siek was nowere to be seen but vega could feel hsi presence::
Vega Van Derveld
May 22nd, 2001, 12:00:05 PM
OOC: Where did you train to use a lightsaber, Sieken? How does this 'metal' object hit me with such an accuracy when I have force enhanced power? I am a Sith Knight. Please take this into consideration when trying to fight me..
Sieken Kasstra
May 22nd, 2001, 12:03:20 PM
OOC: Vega im no normal Bounty my will see in time to come...but i will edit
Teka Kenobi
May 22nd, 2001, 12:27:54 PM
ok, i'll post in a ec but who actuallly invited you seik??
Teka Kenobi
May 22nd, 2001, 12:30:37 PM
**Teka kept staring at Vega. Vaguely listening to what the bounty hunter was saying. He readied his sabre. It would begin again soon...**
OOC: ...OK, just tell me how I know you...Are you Rage_Master?
Sieken Kasstra
May 22nd, 2001, 12:31:24 PM
OOC: well i thout you needed help so i would join in to help good friend
Sieken Kasstra
May 22nd, 2001, 12:31:34 PM
OOC: well i thout you needed help so i would join in to help good friend...lets just
Teka Kenobi
May 22nd, 2001, 12:42:54 PM
how do I know you?
Vega Van Derveld
May 22nd, 2001, 12:44:25 PM
OOC: I refuse to take any further part in this battle if I am to be RPing with one who cames to be a saber wielding bounty hunter with no background of training, yet can semi-down a Sith Knight.
Vegas saber shot down into its hilt and the Knight began to walk away, heading towards the Fenix.
Send me a holomessage when you are really prepared to fight without the aid of some foolish bounty hunter, Teka..
Sieken Kasstra
May 22nd, 2001, 12:54:46 PM
::Sieken looked at the girl and teka and looked at vegas back::
" Ok SD and teka..the floors all yours..."
:: Sieken turned his back and walked off into the now forming mist..sieken turned to the angelic girl and smiled...then continued on his way::
OOC: im leaveing the RP as i agree that some of my moves were out of touch i do agree, but willing to turn the clock back Vega ignored me and so me and vega will leave you 2 to fight..
sinserly yours
Teka Kenobi
May 22nd, 2001, 03:25:48 PM
OOC: *sighs* Well that didn't really go to plan did it...Saph still up for a fight?
May 23rd, 2001, 04:56:04 AM
OOC: sure am
::she watched vega and the bounty hunter with a pretty face go and turned back to the jedi::
Lucky he didnt recognise me huh? Now im going to have to be careful.....
::She kept his face in her mind for future reference when out on a smuggling job and turned to the present situation::
Well, looks like we are here again....
::She smiels as she readies herself for her attack::
OOC: sorry, outa ideas right now, brain not functioning. ill write the attack next post.
Teka Kenobi
May 24th, 2001, 11:28:41 AM
OOC: OK well if you are attacking first I'll write some...-thing. And note I'm not using **'s anymore muahahah
:: Teka watched the two go. Vega seemed more angry than when he got here, and the bounty hunter...he was still as strange as when he arrived. He watched the Sith (mistress?) slowly walk to one side side and listened to what she had to say. ::
We are indeed he replied
:: His right arm was low clutching onto the gun type hilt. The stop catch was on so even if he did pull the trigger too hard it would not dis-ignight. The tip, if it was longer, would have strechged right out to touch Saph's neck. That was the direction it was pointing anyways. This was the defensive chudan stance, it was a martial art sword technique he had learned about a while back. The blue sabre was still and a slight blue glow could be seen on the upper part of Teka's hand. His left hand was almost at a 45 degree angle from his shoulder ands his fingers were not touching, just floating in the air. ::
:: His blue eyes, now fixed on Saphire could have been reflections of his sabre as he watched on in wait. She would make the first atttack. However he ws a Jedi skilled in defence. She was lucky in the first round. She would be so this time... ::
May 26th, 2001, 04:24:15 AM
::Saphires eyes glowed with fury, and she noticed his defensive stance. First to break the stance then inflict injury::
::saphire ran up to him, kicke dhim in the knee, he responded by moving slightly to stop a small injury and using hyis reflects to her advantage, she grabs his arm, forces it down and moving her hand to hsi wrist, she twists his sword hand, a fresh crack glistening in the air.
He moves back and she fly kicks him in the face sending him back::
:;saphire flips a few paces back and stands in her defensiv/offensive position::
Teka Kenobi
May 26th, 2001, 05:17:34 PM
:: He jumped back after being kicked in the face, to land on his feet. Looking at hid sabre in front of him on the floor he force pulls it up to him, him nursing his right arm slightly. Now it was his turn. ::
:: He ran foward jumping up in the air about a metre before Saphire. In mid-air he landed two kicks to her left shoulder and one to her right before twisting and kicking her in the side of the head sending her over to the ground. ::
(Above: If ya dont get it, it's a move Neo does in the bank scene on the matrix :) )
:: As she crouched to get up, her hand holding her head, she was greeted with an incoming swipe from Teka's sabre coming across to her neck. ::
May 26th, 2001, 08:54:34 PM
::Saphire moved her ehad away from the swipe, grabs his hand and pushes him down as she gets up. As Teka goes to get up she jumps into the air, lands a foot on his chest, knockign the wind out of him and kicks him on the left ear, drawing blood.
She twirls and meets with his saber, her own clashing and making the humms louder. Her other saber slices his back, the sweet sound of slicing coming into the air::
Teka Kenobi
May 27th, 2001, 03:22:04 PM
OOC: You have two sabres?
:: He jumps away from the fight for a second arching his back. He gritts his teeth annd walks forward. Jumping into the air Teka comes down with a strike to the the Sith's head. As she blocks it he kicks her heard in her right thigh, causing her to lean over that way. He brings his leg up his past his head height and slams it down to Saph's head. Her head was now a bloody mess as she lay one the floor. ::
:: As she went to get up and was greeted by a kick under the chin to help her. She stood on both feet seemingly blanced and was forced to react to the humming of an incoming sabre strike. Lionhart made a deep alshh in the Sith's leg causing her to put her weight on the other leg. As Lionheart swung teka re-dircted it and aimed a strike to the Sith's head. As she defended Teka used to lower part of his palm to strike her in the sternum, causing a crack which sent her back a fair way landing on the ground. ::
:: He flipped backwards as he normally does after an attack and awaited the no doubted onslaught that would be to follow. His eyes never left thhe lying image of Saph. He gazed on waiting to makke eye contect. This was not a battle he would forget easily. ::
May 27th, 2001, 11:10:59 PM
OOC: yeah, saphs ambidextorous (however its spelt) so she can use both hands. Nice move though, I'll take note of it. You should become a sith :P
IC: . Saphire used all her strength to pull herself up. Every part of her body hurt, blood in her mouth and she felt it in her hair. her eyes flashed almost red and the sight of her was a dangerous one. her bones ached in every move she made, only making her resolution stronger. She moved slowly, carefully. Her movement confused Teka, it was neither fast or biting, but her mind was in overload, she felt the force like she never had before. Her full power was for the first time in her hands::
::She let her mind wander into his own, she reached into the senses that held thought processing and she used her mind to attack it. She did, but did not see him physically fall back and onto the ground, his body writhing in extreme pain.
She put a block into the thought processing of co-ordinate moving and left an inscripted code for another jedi to break it down after the fight.
She also inscripted a code to her own mind, protecting her mind from any further manipulations she might encounter from this jedi, now was as better as anytime, and she did not feel the stab to her side as he did another attack, her mind was reeling too far, she was detached from pain, even for only a few moments.
This jedi interested her and she did not want to ruin the chance of another fight. Fury seeped into her every being, but she did not let it overtake her::
::Going out of his mind she nodded at the way he walked, trying his hardest to move smoothly. She walked over to him with all her mind will power behind her, using the force on a tree and lettign a large tree branch slam to the ground, and then another and another.
He somehow managed to avoid all, but she aimed both sabers, and threw them straight at him, aiming for both shoulder blades. If it was to go in he would not be able to move his arms proerly, not that he could properly now::
::She smiled as one deeply went into his chest, unfortunately on the wrong side, but it would do a lot of damage either way. It was offmark, it wasnt supposed to go there, but she did not mind too much.
She felt the pain scream in her wrist and knew that she had used the last of her wrist power::
:;The other kept spinning towards him, seconds away from him. her body screamed, ready at any moment to give up, but her mind kept it going, her will power and stubborness alone kept her going, kept her fighting::
[i]Once the body is gone, there is always the mind Jedi... You have no chance of winning, give up. You attacked by body, I attacked by mind[i]
Teka Kenobi
May 28th, 2001, 04:55:51 AM
OOC: Lol thanx. I'm not sure about becoming a sith though
:: As the smooth blade entered his chest he opened his mouth as if to shout outin agony, but no sound escaped his lips. He knew the other sabre was almost complete in its journey from saph to him, and attempted to turn. The other blade, however, didn't completely pass him. It slashed at his upper arm, but at that point he felt no pain. He reach forward to the hilt of the sabre that passed through him. Only the hilt had prevented it from going all the way through. He could feel the burning inside him. It was too much. He reached up and dis-ignighted it. His bloody hands dropped the bloody hilt and he stumbled back leaning on a nearby tree. ::
You attack by evil. I attack by the the force. Do not try to tempt me. I will not give up. Not now...
:: He closed his eyes for a few seconds and took Lux from his belt He out it in the air before him and it hovered. Slowly the red hilt of the sabre that had been in his chect started to rise and soon after the other sabre that had been thrown. At once all of the simeltaniously sprung into life and started to move forward. To Teka's dispair each flew in a random direction two hitting nearby trees and the other sailig straight to the ground. ::
:: His eyes snaped open and he walked in a diagonal direction to her. They were both wounded now beyond pain itself maybe, but for some reason carried on. The tree he had knocked down a while ago now stood between them both. Knowing his jumping skills would not be the greatest of help now that his had severly hurt his leg, and something had his senses confused. He stumbled backward never taking his eyes off the sith. He waved Lionheart in front of him hoping to somehoe escape the situation...::
May 30th, 2001, 01:27:20 AM
::Saphire never took her eyes off the jedi, knowing he was doing the same. She was injured, too injured to fight physically, but she could keep hitting mentally::
::She watches him move back, watching his every movement. her body aches in agony and her mind screams to be let go, to have a rest. Saphire hold onto her mental link, knowing anything could happen if she let go, dispite her bodies protests. A ship waits but her eyes never leave the jedi. Should she finish him off....??
Saphire shakes her head. There was no way she could finish him off in this condition, she was overestimating herself and underestimating him. Teka was a worthy opponent, maybe she would see fight him again.
She doesnt move, only stands, the moonlight now shining and the darkness hiding her face::
[i]I will see you again jedi, I promise that[i]
[b]::She waits for any more advances, any more attacks and holds the best defense she can muster as she watches him eye her carefully, as if summoning up the truth of her words::[b]
Teka Kenobi
May 30th, 2001, 07:13:25 AM
:: He was just able to put his leg out to keep him from falling to the ground. He heard the wrods spoken from the sith. It was possible for him to finish her now. But in his current state he dared not. He had a plan for this moment but for some reason held it back. ::
Damn right you will..
:: He rubbed his head and made his way towards the tree to lean on it. ::
But next time..
:: He turned his head to cough. Both hands now pressed again the timbre of the the tree suppoerting his weight. ::
I wont go so easy on you..
May 31st, 2001, 04:51:17 AM
::Saphire smiles, and uses all the energy she has left to make the way to her ship and press auto-pilot back to the TSE::
OOC: Good fight. :) Next time will even better if your nto going to go so easy.
Teka Kenobi
May 31st, 2001, 07:01:08 AM
OOC: I wont saph, I wont :)
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