View Full Version : Plaguing screams in the silence...[Closed]

Gitane Blesse
May 8th, 2001, 10:09:28 AM
--Gitane made her way through the dark forest restlessly, her pale green saber providing the only light other than the occasional lightning splitting the clouded distance of the sky. Her foot hooked onto a moss-covered root and she flew forward. A low, rather trembling growl escaped her throat as she collided with the ground.

Her saber clattered against the ground as the blade was swallowed into the dark hilt, leaving Gitane in complete darkness. Though the girl normally preferred darkness and solitude to company, she let out a soft whimper. Reaching over to grasp the hilt, Gitane sat up against her knees. Her mind screamed with thoughts; memories of a past she'd thought she killed so long ago...

Drops of cool, clear liquid began splashing against her skin as she sat alone in the midst of the forest. She tilted her head back, finding slight comfort at the touch of the rain before memories again seeped into her mind. Silently, she pleaded for her eldest brother. He might at least understand...--

Dalton Blesse
May 8th, 2001, 09:30:25 PM
Walking from the underbrush and nothingness of the black chilled air, his eyes gleam as his relaxed palms lay rest at his sides, an air of concern with his eyes as he lays rest a palm to his younger sister's shoulder.

Lightly hugging her, his eyes wander about as his pleading eyes meet hers with a soft mean, earnest and caring.

Gitane Blesse
May 9th, 2001, 05:03:40 AM
--She broke away from the gaze slowly, bowing her head toward the ground. Her fingers touched lightly upon the heavy, X-shaped scar that ran across her face.

"Dalton...What happened after I left our family...What's happened these last, long seven years?"

She slowly looked at him, again her voice fading to silence.--

Dalton Blesse
May 9th, 2001, 06:00:44 PM
He kneels to her level, silently grasping her shoulders with a grim sadness, his eyes suddenly softened further by her words, a nameless sorrow coming before his already trembling hands.

"I don't know Gitane... I can't remember..." He speaks, swiftly following up, "Soon we'll find the answers though... I promise, you and I... We'll find a way back home and see..."

Jeseth Cloak
May 10th, 2001, 12:28:42 AM
(ooc) I'd hate to drop an OOC comment into this, but this looks like it's developing really nicely, and I was wondering if you might have room for another character in this? :/

Gitane Blesse
May 10th, 2001, 05:30:10 AM
OOC: Who knows? I frankly have no idea where this is going. So, we'll see. :p

IC: --She slowly nodded her head and fumbled to attached the metallic hilt onto the chains around her waist. An unsettling thought swirled in the back of her mind as she staggered to push herself up in the darkness. Why did she long so much to know of the family she'd always loathed? She looked at her brother as he stood.--

"...Where do we go now?"