View Full Version : One of the five (closed)
Vega Van Derveld
Apr 20th, 2001, 04:23:44 AM
:: It was a dank, rather dark evening, not much life around the TSE headquarters. Most people where either at the training grounds, the main dormitories, or elsewhere at personal homes across the cosmos. The hanger bay itself was particularly quiet and was manned by only a few guards. Vega paced through the enterance, giving a quiet yawn as he paused to look around.
Dressed in fighting attire he was clad in nothing but black. Black tanktop. Black combat trousers. Black army boots. And of course, black Sith robes. As for weaponary, he had kept it down to a minimum on that area taking with him only two back-up sabers of his named Artan and Oran (for a reason ( ?topicID=3530.topic) not obvious to many.) Along with these two sabers he had, as per usual, a small side arm for any such emergencies.
He looked to the Red Dwarf. It seemed to glimmer in the night light, looking cleaner than it had ever done before. With a brief nod to one of the guards the ships doors slide open and a ramp way unveiled itself.
When Darth Syren gets here direct her to this ship.. understood?
The man nodded to Vega as he carried on into the ship. He could hear the faint whistles and bleeps of R9D1 as he stalked along the corridor of the ship, past his own temporary quarters, heading for the ships cockpit itself.
Entering it, he removed his robes and sat down in the main seat, awaiting the arrival of his passenger on this journey ::
Darth Syren
Apr 20th, 2001, 02:46:57 PM
*Syren arrives a the hangers. A crewman notices her and approaches, smiling as he extends his hand*
"Greetings. You must be Darth Syren. Vega is here and aboard his ship waiting for you. Here..."
*The man reaches for her bag and picks it up*
"Allow me to carry this for you. If you'll follow me, I'll see you to the ship."
*The man began to walk away. Syren looked around then followed in his wake. After a few moments, the two had arrived at the ship*
"If you'll just go on up the boarding ramp, I'll get your bag settled into what will be your quarters aboard then get the two of you on your way."
*The man smiles and walks up after the Lady enters. He makes his way through the ship and sets her things down on her bed then exits.*
"Have a safe flight, you two. Syren, a pleasure to have met you."
*The man bows slightly from his waist with a smile then disembarks the ship, hitting the button to close the ramp.*
*Syren looks to her left down the long corridor then to her right. She heads to her right and steps into the cockpit area and smiles, seeing Vega*
"Hello there my dear Vega. Great ship you have."
Vega Van Derveld
Apr 20th, 2001, 02:53:33 PM
:: Vega smiled to himself, reaching up to adjust a few controls. He glanced over his shoulder for a second.
Thanks.. Red Dwarf's done me good for a while.. best long distance traveller I have until I get a few VSDs knocked up..
Spinning around in his chair he gets comfortable as possible at the controls, laying his hands on the panel infront of him.
Stay in here during the journey if you want, if not you can take a look around. C-666 is on board and should be in the bar area if you want a drink or something to eat.
Holding down one button he spoke loudly.
"Sith Knight Van-Derveld 1, requesting take off permission."
Roger that, permission granted.
The comm. link cut off as the engines of the corvette gunship kicked into action.
Like I said.. make yourself at home..
With a large amount of whirring and mechnical chunterings the ship lifted upwards and shot out of the hanger bay into the surrounding space ::
Darth Syren
Apr 20th, 2001, 02:57:26 PM
*Syren looked around the cockpit area then took a seat.*
"Mind if I keep you company for a while?"
Vega Van Derveld
Apr 20th, 2001, 03:00:03 PM
:: The ships engines sent dark orange flumes of ion energy back into the stars as the gunship began to pick up more speed, heading away from The Sith Empire. They were heading for a suitable place to enter hyperspace to come out at the Coreilla system.
Vega looked over his shoulder, now quite sure that the ship would be alright if un-maned for a period of time. ::
Sure. We should be able to hit hyperspace in no time at all.. which of the 5 planets in the system are we going to be landing on, just so I know..
Darth Syren
Apr 20th, 2001, 03:10:11 PM
"We'll land on Corellia itself. Coronet spaceport, the capital of Corellia."
*Syren runs her hands through her long, dark hair then sits back in her chair, crossing her right leg over her left knee, watching the stars pass through the viewport ahead of her.*
Vega Van Derveld
Apr 20th, 2001, 03:16:14 PM
:: Vega nodded, turning back to the controls.
Corellia itself, it is then..
Placing one hand on the arm rest, Vega streched up and toggled a few variables within the targetting and navigation system.
The speed of the passing stars picked up slowly in proportion to the speed of Red Dwarf itself. The Deflector shields now at maximum power, Vega slid forward a small lever on the dash. As the lever moved upwards the stars seemed to slow before suddenly conglomorating into a white mish-mash as the jump to hyperspace engaged. ::
Darth Syren
Apr 20th, 2001, 03:20:38 PM
*Syren watches the stars slow, then begin to streak into the mottling of starlines as they made the jump to hyperspace. After a few moments, she looks over to Vega*
"Vega, tell me about your ship?"
Vega Van Derveld
Apr 20th, 2001, 03:26:34 PM
:: Vega turned around in his chair, nodding.
You're on board the Corvette Gunship Red Dwarf, formerly named the Yggdrassil. The Dwarf is a fighter class ship with 2 missile launchers and 2 laser cannons.
He laughed at his own knowledge of the ship before carrying on.
It's not fast, only hyper speed of 5.. on a good day. I had this thing made up at TSE for me, no modifications to it, just a plain ole gunship.
He turns back to the view screen, awaiting there exit into the Corellian system. ::
I would have used the Praetor Fenix to get us here.. but its too small a ship..
Darth Syren
Apr 20th, 2001, 03:40:51 PM
"All in all not a bad ship at all."
*Syren looks out the viewport, a bit of apprehension coarses through her veins as she watches the countdown on the inidcator nearing the point of warning about the reversion back into real space.*
Vega Van Derveld
Apr 20th, 2001, 04:45:39 PM
I guess you could say so. I've only piloted it in one battle, don't use it that much really...
:: The main view screen of the ship seemed to gain speckles of black across it. With a sudden jerk the ship dropped from its position out into the Coreilla system of the East Quadrant. Vega drummed various keys on the dash again, checking everything had gone ok with the ship. Glancing around, everything seemed to be alright.
Ok then..all clear... now.. Corellia..
Leaning forward over the command panel Vega looked out into the space around him towards what seemed to be Corellia. He rose a hand and pointed the planet out to Syren. ::
That one?
Darth Syren
Apr 20th, 2001, 05:12:24 PM
*Syren looks out the viewport where Vega is indicating, smiling a bit as she remembers her home system.*
"Mm. No, if you look over to the right of that planet, about 5 parsecs, you'll see it's sister planet. Those two are Talus and Tralus. They both orbit Center Point Station, and beneath both of their surfacs are planetary repulsors, which was used in ancient times to move the planet into its current orbit from an unknown location.
When a flare-up in Centerpoint Station 14 yrs after the Battle of Endor caused many deaths, the survivors were relocated to Talus and Tralus. When
word spread of the incident, two rebellions against Fed-Dub occurred on Tralus. A group of starfighters, possibly representing one of the Tralus rebellions, subsequently flew to Centerpoint and claimed the station for
themselves, until chased off by a Bakuran task force."
*Syren points ahead of them and slightly to the left.*
"There is Corellia. Just be sure you have all your ships papers in order and the transponder codes match. You don't want CorSec coming to meet you."
Vega Van Derveld
Apr 20th, 2001, 05:18:51 PM
:: Vega nodded, taking in the information Syren ran off. Red Dwarf reared to the right a little, aligning itself with Corellia.
Say Syren, can you pilot a ship...? You must be a little familiar with this area.. I'm not too confident taking the ship down onto Corellia.
The Knight gestured towards the control panel, glancing to Syren ::
Darth Syren
Apr 21st, 2001, 12:15:45 AM
*Syren's already fiery eyes light up more as Vega allows her to take control of the ship*
"I love to fly!"
*Syren sits closer to the control panel and runs a quick scan of the instrument panel with her eyes. Her fingers begin to move fluidly as she sets in the coordinates and allows the ship to ease itself down into a holding pattern as they appear in the planets atmosphere.*
"Red Dwarf, this is Corellia Space Port Command. You're transponder codes registered and you are clear to land in docking area 126, northern sector."
*Syren replies as she flicks on the comm unit*
"Corellia Space Port Command, docking area 126, northern sector."
*Syren flicks off the com and begins to throttle the controls, making minor adjustments to the stabilizers, thrusters and other various components. The ship begins its descent and lands smoothly in their assigned space. Syren begins the shutdown sequence*
Vega Van Derveld
Apr 21st, 2001, 09:30:48 AM
:: Vega looked out of the window, his eyes suprisingly full of excitement. He felt like a little child, weirdly. Rising from his seat he started to straighten out his clothes a bit, checking he had all his equipment with him. ::
Sabers, comm. link, holo-emitter, blaster... how long before we can park up the Dwarf and get out onto the surface?
Darth Syren
Apr 21st, 2001, 09:53:39 AM
*Syren sets the rest of the controls to finish the shut down in a systematic sequence. Looking to Vega, she smiles as she sees the excitement in his eyes.*
"We can go now. First we'll need to show our ID's to the Space Port Authorities, then I we should probably head to the hotel to check in atleast. After that, I'll show you around."
Vega Van Derveld
Apr 21st, 2001, 09:56:46 AM
:: Flicking his hood over his head, he was now completely covered with black material from head to toe.
ID's? We have those?.. do they have any objections to hostile Sith entering their towns?
He sneered a little beneath his hood. A few ideas of chaos came into his head for a second before he remembered his true purpose of being here. ::
Alright then, Syren. Lead the way..
Darth Syren
Apr 21st, 2001, 10:22:38 AM
*Syren draws the deep hood of her dark blue cloak over her head, concealing her exotic features. She gives Vega a playful smirk as she hands him an ID card.*
"Yes, we do have those and remember darling...we came for pleasure. But, still keep your guard up and your wonderful wickedness ever present. I haven't been here in atleast 5 years and haven't kept up with the news on the holovids. After the hotel, what do you want to do?"
*Syren makes sure she has her daggers in her boots, her saber at her hip and a small device tucked into the back of her pants at her lower back, then walks with Vega to the ramp as it slowly begins to lower*
Vega Van Derveld
Apr 21st, 2001, 12:43:16 PM
:: Vega nodded as he took the ID Card, browsing over the information on it for a second. He glanced up to look at Syren before slipping the card into his robes.
Not sure really. Is there anywhere we could go for a little entertainment.. possibly.. some Jedi?
A slightly evil grin to his face as he stepped out of Red Dwarf, slowly making his way down the ramp. Stopping at the bottom he stepped aside to allow Syren to pass. With a coy smile he spoke ::
Well then miss tour guide, lead on.
Darth Syren
Apr 21st, 2001, 03:27:58 PM
*Syren flashes Vega a wink as her hand brushes against his cheek while she steps down from the boarding ramp.*
"All in due time my dear Vega. I am more than positive you shall run into a jedi or two along our travels."
*Syren takes Vega by the hand and walks towards the Authority figure that is approaching them.*
"Identification please." The man demands.
*Syren shows the man her ID and he runs it through a small hand held scanning device. Next, he takes Vega's and repeats the procedure.*
"Ahh. I see here congratulations are in order Mr. and Mrs. DarSha`an. Enjoy your honeymoon here on Corellia." The man smiles and hands them their ID's back. Syren and Vega both nod with something resembling a smile then wait until Authority of Corellia Space Port ambles off to see to the others arriving at regular intervals.*
*Syren looks to Vega.*
"I did a bit of checking before we departed. We needed to assume fake identities or they wouldn't have allowed me, or anyone with me to pass. Seems they think I was in on that pirate raid all those years ago."
*Syren sighs, then turns, leading Vega off towards the personal transports for rent.*
"We'll rent a landspeeder and I shall show you around."
Vega Van Derveld
Apr 21st, 2001, 03:35:02 PM
:: Vega laughed quietly as he was proclaimed as being Mr. DarSha`an, the honeymoon goer. ::
Alright. So I'm guessing you know the whereabouts of some where to hire a speeder? Or shall we be wandering aimlessly, causing havok until we happen upon a speeder we can steal?
Darth Syren
Apr 22nd, 2001, 01:50:18 PM
*Syren turns and looks to Vega aka Mr. DarSha`an and laughs softly.*
"You really want to cause some trouble, don't you?"
*Her eyes sparkle with a wicked mischief as she feels the giddyness Vega's feeling as well.*
"Ok my dear 'husband'." She says to him playfully, that gleam in her eye becoming a bit brighter.
"You decide. Do we rent one like a good visitor would, or do we wander aimlessly and steal one after a good brawl?"
Vega Van Derveld
Apr 22nd, 2001, 01:53:48 PM
:: Vega raised a cocky eyebrow beneath the hood of his robe, a look upon his face that showed everything he thought.
Isn't it obvious, dear wife? We should wreak some havok here... let's steel a speeder, and in the process.. get rid of some innocent people?
He shrugged lightly, his hand itching towards his saber ::
Darth Syren
Apr 22nd, 2001, 02:13:39 PM
*Syren laughs and winks*
"Alright. We shall do it your way my dear husband."
*Syren steps to his side and slips her arm in his and begins to walk off the spaceport property.*
"Darling, don't let them see you reaching for your blade just yet."
*Syren kisses his cheek and conceals her hand that is lowering him away from his blade's hilt. To other onlookers, it appears the blushing bride is simply snuggling her love as they make their way towards the main thoroughfare.*
Vega Van Derveld
Apr 22nd, 2001, 02:18:45 PM
:: Vega let out a small sigh as he linked his arm with Syrens.
As you wish. No violent massacres until we get a little further away.
The two walked on for a little while with Syren leading the way, he leant his head a little to the side and whispered. ::
I have a feeling this will be very entertaining..
Darth Syren
Apr 22nd, 2001, 03:14:51 PM
*Putting on a newlywed smile and a gentle, harmonious laugh as a few agents from CorSec pass, Syren whispers back once they have passed a safe distance from the agents.*
"Where to? The Gold Beaches, the mid-size town of Bela Vistal, and the capital city of Coronet, located on the coast?"
*Syren decides to fill Vega in on a little knowledge of Corellia.*
"Unlike many cities, Coronet has many wide open spaces-- small buildings and trading stalls separated by parks and plazas. Beneath the surface of Corellia lies a vast network of tunnels built over thousands of years and home to many Selonians. Archeological excavation has recently begun on a series of underground chambers dating from pre-Republic days. The main Imperial battle fleets garrisoned key worlds, including Corellia and Kuat, due to their valuable shipyards."
*She looks to him.*
"So my dear, where to first?"
Vega Van Derveld
Apr 22nd, 2001, 03:22:00 PM
:: Vega smiled a rather cheezing smile to a few passers by as he could see they were regarding him with a rather suspicious look. ::
Hmm. Quite a hard choice, although I have to say the beaches would not be high ranking in my mind. Possibly the smaller town.. Bela Vista? Not too many guards, I should think.
Darth Syren
Apr 22nd, 2001, 03:31:17 PM
*Syren leads Vega across the street and up the block a little ways, then enters a small bar and grill.*
"Let's get something to eat first, then we will go to Bela Vista."
*Syren takes a seat on a barstool and picks up the menu, using it to hide her face from the door as a few agents enter.*
"Psst. Darling, I do believe we are being followed."
Vega Van Derveld
Apr 22nd, 2001, 03:40:55 PM
:: Vega glanced briefly over his shoulder to see 3 'agents' entering, taking a seat near the door of the Bar and Grill.
Hmmm. nothing we can't handle..
His hand rested lightly upon the hilt of Seraphim, his thumb poised ready to ignite the blade. ::
Darth Syren
Apr 22nd, 2001, 03:54:11 PM
*Syren brings her foot up slightly, pretending to be scratching an itch at her ankle in her boot. Using a subtle slight of hand trick she learned long ago, she eases a dagger up into her shirt sleeve without anyone noticing.*
*Setting the menu down, she smiles to the bartender and orders two warmed, corellian brandy's for she and Vega, behaving as though nothing strange is going on.*
*She lifts the brandy snifter and swirls the liquid around a few times, sniffing the brew, as she looks to the mirror up on the wall behind the bar. Syren notes 3 more CorSec agents, a few bounty hunters in cognito that she worked with in her past, and a few pirates.*
*Syren turns and leans in, giggling as though she thought of something funny and wanted to share it with her new husband.*
"My dear, perhaps it would be best if we were leaving now."
*Syrens subtle eye signal to the mirror is noticed by Vega, he also picks on her cue to leave. Still behaving as a newly wed, she winks and whipsers.*
"Our room should be ready at the hotel."
Vega Van Derveld
Apr 23rd, 2001, 12:40:20 PM
:: Vega rose up from his seat at the bar and grill. It seemed that he and Syren were the topic of conversation for everyone around them. The darkly clad, suspicious couple... I don't suppose you could blame them for feeling a slightly morbid feeling when near this double act.
Come then, dear..
Vega headed towards the door, pausing in the doorway as he waited for Syren. He rose his hand into the air, as if gesturing for her to come.
~You don't need to check that couple out. They aren't the ones you're looking for.~
He spoke almost silently then lowered his hand. One of the agents leant in to his comrade and spoke in a light whisper.
"We don't need to check that couple out. They aren't the ones we're looking for."
A small smile spread over Vegas face as he glanced to see if Syren was coming. ::
Darth Syren
Apr 23rd, 2001, 03:03:20 PM
*Syren rose from the barstool, pulling the deep hood of her midnight blue cloak over her head, once again concealing her exotic features*
*Keeping her head down a bit, she walks to the door and smiles graciously to Vega as she steps outside. Once outside, she takes his hand and hurries off down the sidealley.*
"Come on, let's get settled into the hotel. We can access a few databanks for a bit of information. There's something more amiss here than what appears to be. There's never this many agents around, and those pirates, or hired thugs....whatever they were, are definitely not an everyday sight to see around here."
Vega Van Derveld
Apr 23rd, 2001, 03:14:19 PM
:: Within the side alley the two were enclosed in darkness as they walked with cloaked footsteps through the dank sideway.
Lots of agents, and thugs, and think that they'd be after us.. I mean how would they know that we are Sith.. and...
Vega paused momentarily. ::
..what reason would they have to attack us?
Darth Syren
Apr 23rd, 2001, 03:29:48 PM
*Syren steps closer, keeping her voice low as she leads him around a corner. A lonely street bum slurs his words as he reaches out, seemingly begging for some Corellian Brandy. Syren ignores the bum and steps over his outstretched legs, hurrying along.*
"I recognize one of the pirates back there. His face hasn't changed in the past 5-6 years. He was the ring-leader behind the raid on my home all those years ago. I think I told you about that."
*Syren peers around the corner, searching the nearly deserted street. Motioning Vega to come with her, she crosses the street and enters the hotel. Motioning to a set of chairs set off from the main lobby, they go and sit down a moment.*
"From what I remember, his face had been severely burned on the right from an 'accident'. I remember hearing someone say something about it while they were raiding my house. Then the lights went out for me. We need to look up a few ... um, shall I say, sources I have here. They may be able to tell us more."
Vega Van Derveld
Apr 23rd, 2001, 03:44:00 PM
Seems this friendly trip to your home has turned into some what of an adventure..
:: Vega looked around the room, streching his arms out above his head with a light yawn ::
So these sources of yours, what are they going to be able to tell us?
Darth Syren
Apr 23rd, 2001, 03:56:06 PM
*Syren puts a finger to her lips and whispers a "ssh". Standing, she takes Vega to the lobby and checks them into a room.*
*Putting on her best 'newlywed' smile and gleam in her eye, she cuddles close to Vega as he tells the clerk.*
"Mr. and Mrs. DarSha`an, honeymoon suite."
*A few moments later, they are escorted to the suite. Vega shoos the bagboy away then closes the door, securing it.*
*Syren performs a sweep of the room, then removes her cloak once she knows its secure.*
"We need to slip into the database in the former library. It now houses the most elite equipment for hacking and splicing. It use to belong to the Imperials, but from what I remember, that was long ago."
Vega Van Derveld
Apr 23rd, 2001, 04:07:21 PM
:: Vega sat down on the bed in the room, taking in everything that Syren was saying, but very slowly.
We're breaking into some sort of hacking centre to find out why we're being chased by a group of what seems to be thugs and pirates after us?
His face was full of confusement and unsureness as he looked to Syren. ::
OOC- Probably last post for tonight.
Darth Syren
Apr 26th, 2001, 01:02:34 PM
*Syren smiles to Vega as he sits on the bed*
"Trust me on this. This database will give me more than that. There's other information I am willing to bet a jawa's life on that will be a bit more helpful for a few other things as well."
*Syren proceeds to set her bag on the floor near the bed then makes her way to the window, easing the curtains aside slightly as she looks out.*
Vega Van Derveld
Apr 26th, 2001, 01:13:57 PM
:: Vega chuckled slightly inbelievingly.
Watch out, snipers might have their sights on you...
Syren turned quickly to look at him.
With a sheepish smile he shook his head. ::
Darth Syren
Apr 26th, 2001, 06:52:12 PM
*Syren smirks as she walks past the bed and gently pushes Vega over onto his back. She walks to the door and looks at him.*
"Well, are you coming with me 'Mr. DarSha`an'? Or do you think this is some kind of a vacation and youre going to lay there all day relaxing?"
*Syren laughs softly, looking to him with a gleam in her eye.*
Vega Van Derveld
Apr 27th, 2001, 01:08:18 PM
:: Vega hopped up from the bed, canting his head to the side as he once again straightened his robes.
Of course I'm coming, Mrs. DarSha`an.
Following her out, the two departed for their next destination. ::
Darth Syren
Apr 27th, 2001, 01:55:27 PM
*Making their way from the hotel, the bright sunlight shines down from high above.*
"It's a little after noon here. We have plenty of time to make our way to the databases. Come on, I know where we can,, um, I mean...borrow, some landspeeders."
*Syren smiles to Vega as they walk down the slideways. Once they are about 12 blocks north of the hotel, they hop off the slideway and make their way by foot northwest; heading towards the seedier side of town.*
*Vega pauses as his senses alert him to the fact they are once again being followed. He takes Syren gently, yet firmly, by her upper left arm and guides her into a small crevice, motioning with his finger to her lips to be quiet.*
*Syren nods as she looks to Vega. She slows her breathing and reaches out with the force, touching Vega's mind and showing him what it is she sees and feels. Two groups of men, five in each group. Scattering around and taking strategic cover as they follow Vega and Syren. Easing her mind from his, she motions with a finger, down below them. Vega glances down and sees a manhole cover.*
*Syren moves along the wall further into the crevice, allowing Vega room to lift the cover so they can slip in there unnoticed; seeing as to how they are now surrounded above ground.*
Vega Van Derveld
Apr 27th, 2001, 04:25:14 PM
:: A sewer. They had dropped into a stench filled, dank and completely pitch black sewer. Vega could hear his and Syrens breathing echoing back and forth across the pipeline. It wasn't the only noise.
Ever get the feeling you're not alone?
This is one of those times when a sixth sense pays off..
The two slowly began to walk through the clamy tube, unsure of where they were going or what they were stepping in. Vega traced his palm along the slimey wall to his right, making sure that he wouldn't fall down any sudden drops, or that if there was some sort of ladder, he would find it. ::
Darth Syren
Apr 29th, 2001, 02:49:11 AM
* Syren follows along the wall with Vega. Unable to see their hands in front of their faces, Syren uses the force to help guide them through the underground sewer system. Picking up on Vega's thoughts, she shudders at the thought of what they are actually stepping in.*
*Hitting her ankle on something as she steps forward, she stops her advance and calls out to Vega.*
"I think I've bumped into a ladder or something."
*She reaches out and grabs his arm, leading him to her*
Vega Van Derveld
Apr 29th, 2001, 03:32:04 AM
:: Vega jumped up onto the ladder, climbing it quickly until *thud*, his head hit something. He traced his fingers across the roof to see what was there, and found, after some time, the outline of a circle. Slowly he began to push away the cover until shots of light streamed into the sewer.
Manhole. We getting out or isn't this our stop?
Vega lifted himself out of the hole a bit, enough to see around. It was pretty quiet really. Not much around in the way of ... anything. He ducked back down, looking quizically at Syren. ::
Darth Syren
Apr 29th, 2001, 01:47:03 PM
*Syren pushes aside the dull pain in her ankle and started up after Vega.*
"What? Whats up there?"
Vega Van Derveld
Apr 30th, 2001, 12:14:29 PM
:: Hefting himself fully out of the manhole Vega took a scanning look of the area. It didn't look all too dangerous. Only a few locals around. Mostly modern buildings, tall ones.
It's another back alley, leading out into what seems to be an industrial area..
Glancing back down he awaited her answer. ::
Darth Syren
Apr 30th, 2001, 01:24:33 PM
*Syren climbs the rest of the way out, dusting off her hands and pants as she looks around.*
"Hmm. We must near the main city. Let's see about getting in with a crowd. I need to get my bearings again before we move on off towards the databases."
Vega Van Derveld
May 1st, 2001, 12:23:14 PM
:: Vega removed his daggers from his robes, slipping them down onto holsters at his boots. With a small jump he was out of the manhole. He folded his robes and slipped them under his arm, now wearing a black tank top and loose fitting black cotton trousers, with of course his combat boots.
Don't want to look too suspcious.
Nodding to Syren he walked out of the alley casually, stepping into the thick crowd. ::
Darth Syren
May 1st, 2001, 12:36:55 PM
*Syren kept her cloak on, but raised her gloved hands and lowered the hood. It wasn't uncommon for the ladies to be seen in cloaks around the main city. Syren glanced around a few moments, her memories of her home planet coming back to her piece by piece.*
"Alright, the townhall is to our left, a few blocks over. We want to go that way," *she motions with her hand to their left.* "The old library is over there, about a mile or so away. That's where the old databanks are."
*Syren slips her arm into Vega's and they head off towards the old library, casually blending into the crowd, posing as a newlywed couple.*
*Had either of them looked a bit more closely at those in the crowd around them, they would have noticed a few wary eyes watching them closely.*
Vega Van Derveld
May 6th, 2001, 10:24:40 AM
:: The two walked through the busy crowd. They weren't being avoided, it was just that the 'brown in motion' was causing everyone in their path to... step out of the way. Or at least that would be the logical theory. However the sight of such beings as a muscular Sith Knight towering above all and a beautiful yet fear striking Sith Warrior pacing towards you probably would cause you to move to the side. ::
A mile. Not too far. Tell me again, what data do we need?
Darth Syren
May 6th, 2001, 10:43:34 AM
<font color="cd7f32">[i]
Syren gives Vega a flirty smile, as she points to a speeder bike parked outside of headquarters of Corsec.
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