View Full Version : *Draco Cystines Transport* (Semi-Closed))
Jun 21st, 2001, 11:17:27 AM
Jun 21st, 2001, 11:41:18 AM
"Things seem to be in order, Lord Viscera. The encounters with that Admiral, Vladimere, have proceeded to the Dark Side's glorious design. I say we have the fleet in a week!"
The Super Star Destroyer hummed as it orbited Circapous 1 with the entire Colonies Sector Fleet. He turned his back to the holographic image of his old friend to gaze out the window.
A new fighter skimmed past the viewport- the pristine Stingray Bomber. Fresh from the old Sovereign Imperial Navy shipyards, it was top of the line.
Ten meters in length, it was rather large for it's class. But doubled over and on the underside laid the tail, twenty four meters, ready to jerk out and spray a deadly salvo of two dozen missiles. On either side of the main portion lay a quarter-circle of a fin, from which the luminescent blue light of the engines appeared.
"On another note, the new fighters seem to work well enough. If we won't get the fleet, than no one will."
Darth Viscera
Jun 21st, 2001, 11:50:09 AM
Darth Viscera looked on at the holograph of Piett. More than halfway across the galaxy, he thought. And yet, we are still capable of communicating in real-time, at full holo. The only government in the galaxy capable of such technological marvels, thanks to Project Keyhole.
"Lord Piett, I must reitirate that it is imperative that this fleet is captured and put to service in the Imperial Navy. I'd rather we didn't have to destroy it, but we must face that prospect if its acquisition is not practicable. See to it, Lord Piett. Vice Admiral Zaarin will be proud to assist you in this endeavor."
Jun 21st, 2001, 12:19:51 PM
"Of course, Diktat. We will strive for the annexation of the Caracan Fleet."
Piett shut down the communications console, and Viscera's holographic blue figure faded into darkness. After he was sure Viscera could hear him no more, he punched the thick metal wall. "Zaarin!?"
Conflicts bubbled up from memories. Memories of his days as an Imperial Guard. He still was, and bonded to the Emperor. But he remembered Palpatine's creed. To destroy Zaarin. And loyalty to the Emperor came first, always.
He would have to see what would happen.
Jun 21st, 2001, 12:48:05 PM
Jun 21st, 2001, 05:28:11 PM
"Lord Piett, sir, we've detected slight movement amongst the Caracan ships."
Piett turned slightly. Unnaturally calm, thought the Tactical Officer. "Is it an aggressive maneuver?"
"No, Lord Piett." The T.O. hooked some of her hair behind her ear. "It seems..." She turned to glance at a monitor. "That they're shoving the CSSD forward a bit."
"Towards us?"
"Well, not in a position to fire the fore turbolasers. I think we're fine. It's not as if they could take our fleet on anyways." She gave an uneasy chuckle.
"Than why would they position themselves so?"
"I don't know, sir." She dared to carry off subject a bit. "On a different note, Lord Piett, we've detected a shuttle enter the system. The Caracan ships haven't moved to destroy it."
Piett's brow furrowed. "They're on code red.." he said, almost to himself. The T.O. nodded. Piett landed his forehead into the palms of his hands. Suddenly he jumped out of his chair. "Is the shuttle bearing a course for the CSSD?!"
"Check it!" The T.O. yelped at a few technicians, hovered over their datapads.
One stood, and solemnly looked at Lord Piett. "Yes, my Lord. And it's Draco Cystine's shuttle."
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